#jokes dub watchers won't get
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nesbiter · 1 year
I think we can all agree that Ritsu's favourite car is a Nissan.
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dededaio · 1 year
So you've watched Dragon Ball, right? Would you say it's worth getting into? I'm not much of an anime watcher but I've been thinking of giving it a try sometime
i love dragon ball a lot but i can recommend it only if you keep in mind a few things:
a lot of humor from early on the series aged poorly. there are genuinely hilarious comedic moments at the start and lots of them after, but a lot of comedy in the very beginning can come across as uncomfortable (mainly jokes about an old man gawking at 16 year old Bulma. said old man in question is always punished for said gawking but i won't blame anyone for hating these jokes/this being a huge turn-off). soon enough these jokes get toned down.
be wary of the english dub, if you plan watching shows dubbed. it has lots of script changes, both small and big, that often make no sense and merely add confusion regarding continuity. original dragon ball (1986-89) was dubbed after z, so it's dub doesn't suffer AS badly, but it's still an issue there.
once you get out of the original dragon ball era, there are some caveats with z. after the first arc (the sayian/vegeta arc) pacing will start to suffer badly. at that point i suggest switching to the dragon ball z kai (an official re-edit of the series that rids of majority of the filler and padding). it has way better english dub too, if you care about dubs.
sorry if this is a lot lol, i hope my post can be helpful to you ^^''
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tasberry · 2 years
I used to be a very much "subs over dubs" media watcher...until I got into doing voice over and since I'm an English speaker...yeah. I realized how silly that take was.
Sometimes a dub has to rework lines in translation because of the lip flaps.
Other times, things are changed because a pun or joke won't work in whatever language it's being dubbed over in.
It's totally understandable to dislike that? I get it. I dislike needless script alterations that change the meaning of a scene as well.
Whatever the case may be, I think a lot of the time people forget that the voice actors aren't necessarily in charge of the English translations of the original media?
They don't automatically get to lead the voice direction either? It takes a team of people and multiple takes to produce the end product.
Liking one, the other, or both is a subjective thing, and that's fine!
Whatever version let's you enjoy the show to the fullest is great...but constantly putting down XYZ cast member because of things they were directed to do, with a character they auditioned for, and then got chosen for, seems a bit...misplaced to me?
Granted, I'm aware of some situations which can unfairly tweak auditions for roles. Like any job, part of it is who you know. Still though.
....Also, I think a part of it might just be due to a cringe response? Something that sounds cringey in subtitles feels a bit more seperate from you.
If you can hear and understand the words right away, then looking away won't save you. You gotta sit in that second hand embarrassment immediately.
It's uncomfortable. There is a layer of extra annoyance if the scene was tweaked. Now the scene is grating and cringey, when before it might've been endearing in its awkwardness.
I think that's something fair to critique and analyze...buuuuuuut, it has nothing to do with whoever is voicing your boloro.
If you have an issue with the casting in a dub, it's fine to point out things that might've helped it shine a bit more. I'm not saying don't ever be critical ever or you're not a fan if you dislike something.
All I'm trying to say is, having people constantly whine about how someones voice makes people's ears bleed isn't really a constructive take?
I have a high pitched voice at 29.
It was even higher when I was starting out at 11.
I got quite a lot of similar comments, but I was stumped on what to do about it.
There's no critique in that take. How do you make your voice less..."awful"? How is it "awful"?
What about their performance can be improved upon? Give the person a suggestion if you're gonna say it's for critique, you know?
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