#jokes on her because we finished his RM and had over 15 HIC runs
abirddogmoment · 11 months
Also, what was a moment with Mav that made you absolutely glow? Maybe something you have been working on for a long time that finally paid off, or something that someone (or you) believed you couldn’t do together that you did? A real “my dog is just the best” moment
Every moment we stepped into the rally or obedience ring made me glow with my dog. It was so satisfying to perform with my self-taught dog knowing the obedience club members and their training methods and their little comments about me not being a serious competitor.
Even the runs we DQ'ed or NQ'ed, it made me glow to see my dog happy and animated in the ring. It was all a game to him (as it should be) and that made me so much happier than the meticulous performances or the ribbons.
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