#joky phrasing but. i do genuinely revolve this in my head wrt the whole nabooru-ganondorf friends 2 enemies arc (also in my head)
gloriousmonsters · 9 months
this has no basis in anything but i can't shake the idea of ganondorf just being an incredibly reticent teenager (going along with my now-stuck headcanon of him being very isolated as a kid) who spent a ton of time just sort of observing people and absorbing information, who then around the age of stepping up to more active/public kingship was like 'okay I've done that stage, time to sink all those skill points i accumulated into charisma, manipulation and theatrics' which he views as a perfectly normal progression but seemed kind of sudden and bizarre from the outside. what I'm saying is that the original form of Nabooru's 'i don't know you any more, you are not the man I knew' was 'dude what the fuck weren't you an introvert'
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