#josephine is one of my all time favorite dragon age characters if u couldnt tell <3
luobingmeis · 3 years
1, 7 14 18 and 24 for the inky ask game
1) what is your inquisitor’s name & race?
camris lavellan!! he’s a dalish mage!!! 7) who is your inquisitor’s best friend?
josephine!!!! she was the first person camris felt genuinely safe around at haven and he really appreciated how kind and accommodating she was (and he also had a soft spot for her after she was the only one to greet him in elven). their friendship in haven is very “friendly co-workers bordering on being actual friends” and tbh i think, after “in your heart shall burn,” both when josephine thought camris was dead and camris thought he was going to die, they were both honestly pretty heartbroken bc like, they were becoming friends and it seemed like it was gonna be thrown away so quickly. so, once they get to skyhold and start hanging out more and josephine’s personal quest happens, they’re basically conjoined at the hip!!!! i hc that camris spends some of the most time in josephine’s office just chatting with her. i also hc that he becomes really close with her entire family!!!!!! and then trespasser is really sad for multiple reasons, one of them being that i hc they get into a really bad fight bc josephine’s stress about the council/state of the inquisition does Not mesh well with camris’ stress about everything so they have one big nasty blowout before the reality hits that this may be one of the last times they ever talk and then. oh boy tears everywhere!!! but it’s okay camris lives and (after going through an arc kinda like korra in s4 of lok) he visits antiva and spends some time at the montilyet estate <3 14) which demon is most frightening to them?
ooooh i’ve actually thought abt this a lot!!! i think despair demons would get to him a lot. or rage tbh. is this self projection? kinda! but if i am wearing my heart on my sleeve abt how much of camris is a self-projection, i do think he Goes Through It quite a bit and def has some heightened emotions, so i think both despair and rage demons could end up bringing a lot of unwanted emotions out of him  18) upon first meeting cole, were they afraid of him?
i think, at first, when haven is collapsing, he is so goddamn stressed that he can’t even Worry about who cole is other than “alright, this kid is bringing us some pretty bad news” and then, once he’s at skyhold, at first he doesn’t think much of cole? like, not in a bad way. just in a “he seems like a nice guy and......... also a spirit?” like he thinks cole is endearing in how he wants to help people so he ultimately doesn’t think much of him at first. and then cole starts poking around in his own head and that’s when camris starts to get pretty apprehensive for a while bc he makes a point to keep a lot of his mental shit locked up (but in the end, he sees cole as a good friend/younger brother of sorts) (i say younger bc i think cole is like assumed to be 20? and camris is 25) 24) what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance?
i think camris, at the start of inquisition, doesn’t have particularly strong opinions on blood magic? he personally wouldn’t practice it but he wouldn’t deny being interested in learning more about it (well okay he absolutely would deny it to people like cassandra or cullen, but with solas he talks more freely about it). i probably have a more complicated answer when i factor in his relationship w/ dorian but, overall, camris wouldn’t practice blood magic but he at least likes hearing solas talk abt it!
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