#josie you broke him xDD
worldly-diversity · 3 months
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@questionablemuses ○ 𝕞𝕒𝕞𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 ○
          ⤷  『  "Hey, jus' a lil suggestion, or an offer. Take it as ya see it. But, if yer bitch ain't treatin' ya right, there's always a place open in my ring for ya. Just givin' ya somethin' t' think about~"  』
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Angel had figured out that Valentino had some sort of deal running with the ring of Greed for a while now, something mutually beneficial that had partially resulted into more creative ways to get fucked over, courtesy of their expanded audience now also including hellborns from all across the Greed ring. Angel had heard about those Fizzarolli sex bots and quite frankly he doesn't want to ask if they'd ended up doing something similar for him. He really doesn't want to know.
But what he hadn't expected was to see an actual sin coming down the hallway, taking up most of it to boot and then throwing out a comment like that just before they crossed one another. He'd been looking, of course he had been. After all, it's not every day you see an actual Sin in Pentagram City…
"Wait, what—?" It slips out before he can even think about minding his tongue around someone like that. Besides, the guy was huge and intimidating, but the Aussie accent kinda killed the whole big and powerful sin vibe. Like if he was just another guy— One that could flatten you, granted.
Once he processes what the other is saying he's genuinely almost speechless, a hand extending subconsciously as if to ask him not to leave quite yet and explain that statement to him because, what the fuck?!
Okay, okay, can you blame him for short-circuiting when you've been suffering for decades on end and nobody cared to lift a finger, but your boss' business partner who shouldn't give a shit takes one look at you and just… Knows. Somehow feeling so seen is both a shock to the system and somewhat uncomfortable to him, being so unaccustomed to it. Why would Mammon even care?
"But, I— I'm a sinner. I couldn't even go ta yer ring even if I wanted to…" He mutters, looking up at the other and questioning because what else is he supposed to do when such a tantalising offer is laid down in front of him? Granted it could also get worse under Mammon instead and ain't anyone dumb enough to pick a fight with an actual Sin so there's quite a bit of risk there too but…
Mammon had simply known exactly what to say to catch his attention and keep it, just a few words and he was drawn in, curious and hoping against hope that this might be something, an escape, a way out— Surely he wouldn't be strung along just to be kicked back down a second time?
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missbrunettebarbie · 4 years
Legacies for the in depth questions?
Thank you ^-^
Top 5 favourite characters: Lizzie, Kaleb, Alyssa, Josie and the last is hard to pick but I would say Hope
Other characters you like: oretty much everyone, tbh
Least favourite characters:Except Alaric. Alaric can chocke
Otps: I don’t really have an OTP, but I like all the ships. Canon and non-canon. Rn I am mostly into the Kaleb/Alyssa/Jed triangle
Notps: none. I can’t ship Alaric with anybody tho
Favourite friendships: friendship-friendship? Hmm, I like Kaleb and MG and Lizzie and Josie (although I enjoy it more when they are at odds).
Favourite family: the Saltzman-Parker-Forbes family
Favourite episodes: The first prison world episode, Miss Mystic Falls, 1×10, the second and third ep of this season were also gr8
Favourite season/book/movie: overall, I think I enjoyed season 1 a bit more
Favourite quotes: all of Lizzie’s qoutes. And all the qoutes about Caroline :DD
Best musical moment: the vampire boy band
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Kai coming back, every mention of Klaus, Caroline and Klaroline
When it really disappointed you: this season didn’t have very good storylines for the mains, imo
Saddest moment: It’s very lighthearted show, so I don’t know. When the girls had to basically kill Jo. That broke my heart.
Most well done character death: Alyssa, because she came back ^-^
Favourite guest star: KAI PARKER
Favourite cast member: I don’t know them, lol
Character you wish was still alive: KLAUS. I want him to interact with the twins, damn it!
One thing you hope really happens: Caroline cameo, duh
Most shocking twist: I honestly didn’t believe they will keep the merge, let alone that they’ll make such a big deal out of it
When did you start watching/reading?: from the very first episode
Best animal/creature: Vampires, still vampires. Siphoners are pretty great, too
Favourite location: Salvatore School, the twins’s bedroom specificaly
Trope you wish they would stop using: hmm, idk. The whole „Raf is devoted to Landon” spiel has becone old
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: It is both lighthearted and so gripping at the same time
Funniest moments: Lizzie is comedy gold
Couple you would like to see: I am cheating, but I want more Klaroline.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ..... you can guess
Favourite outfit: I loved their birthday outfits in season 1
Favourite item: The Magic Hourglass, maybe? The Blue Dress given to Hope by Lizzie can go here as well
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Siphoner, if I really need to live in this world
Most boring plotline: this season? Landon’s and Rafael’s
Most laughably bad moment: hmm, I can forgive a lot apparently
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the flashback to all three pairs of twins xDD
Most layered character: Hope. Lizzie and Josie come second.
Most one dimensional character: umm, Chad?
Scariest moment: The Spider. Just... the Spider *shudder*
Grossest moment: see above
Best looking male: I am mostly attracted to Kaleb and Rafael, tbh
Best looking female: Josie. Penelope too (can she come back?!)
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Penelope
Favourite cast moment: none
Favourite transportation: Alaric’s car
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the Salvatore School in the pilot episode
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: they are so inconsistent with Hope and the twins’s ages
Best promo: I forget them as soon as I watch. The promo for 1×16, maybe?
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: from the very begining. Lizzie and Josie bewitched me from the pilot
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