#journcy watches
emmetrain · 1 year
POV: Marea (or any legendary being) explaining his true origin vs. Emmet who refuses to believe in legendaries.
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reiketsui · 10 months
[ GAZE ] : sender watches receiver from across a crowded room. ( From Sidney @journcys — remember when we talked about them going to clubs— )
the socialite demeanor honed to perfection made sure the executive blended into any crowd with ease. now, a small group of old and new acquaintances were keeping him busy, a pleasant smile given towards whoever was talking. perhaps it had been rude to first invite sidney to come with him and then ask the man to excuse him for a moment. a ' moment ' that had lasted nearly half an hour by now. the customer base is undoubtedly shady, giving a subtle hint towards archer's motives to choose this place. he had to pick public places carefully, after all – and those owned or simply controlled by rocket were the safest option. those were also the ones where its more likely to run into talkative colleagues.
despite of his well-hidden distaste in dealing with groups of people in a non-work environment, every addition to the conversation is suave and confident enough for anyone to believe he is as extroverted as can be.
the first time his concentration slips from the people around him, he notices the gaze – followed by a moment of shared eye contact. it's a good time to excuse himself from the conversation. and so he does, sliding a cigarette in between his lips before heading towards the back door, another glance given towards the man before stepping outside. / @journcys / tension.
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crashingearth · 11 months
@journcys asked:
He yells it, running up to him and already starting to climb upon Groudon’s gigantic form, a hum leaving the boy a she gets to the back of the beast and sits down.
“I made it rain this morning! Did you see it? Pretty cool, huh???” ( BABIE KYOGRE TIME….)
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It's the little wave again. The vast land before them still joyful with the new life bestowed upon them by the gentle rain, the clouds covering Rayquaza's sky... To think that its brother would be capable of such feat amazed Groudon. More so than the time the younger took the appearance of a human after seeing the other children playing.
Groudon grunted in greeting, and when the little one is climbing upon its back, a huff escaped it.
"I saw it." It shakes Kyogre off his back gently, and catches him onto the back of his hand. "I have never seen anything like it. The earth is happy. It feels like you have created a new kind of joy for them. A new life."
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Groudon watches the earth that is made whole with Kyogre's blessing, and perhaps, realizes for the first time that he was made whole too.
"You have our thanks..."
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rockheadcd · 1 year
@journcys​​ said: “Steven.”
There’s colour the flushes Wallace’s face, nose gently wrinkled in thought as hands rest behind his back, gaze flickering downwards. It was silly for him to seem so flustered about this—they have been together for a long while. They were a couple—and Wallace had given many gifts before; but this was…different, he supposed.
“I know this isn’t in your usual…type category; but I had taken a trip to Galar with my sister recently—and they have a little story about giving these to someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. So…” Hands move from behind his back and in his hands—An Applin!
“Here, darling. I know you’ll take good care of her.” / her name is strudel and she will be spoiled with the best sweet apples in hoenn.
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Steven's brows raise in quiet surprise—Wallace flushed like this is rare for the man so in tune and in control of his ( inner ) thoughts and emotions. Yet, he gives him his full attention, setting aside what must have been research papers and primers with how condensed the text was laid out on the few pages in view. Being cooped up indoors must have been getting to him, and he took his work outside to enjoy the sea breeze of the Sootopolis crater. Mostly cloudy, peeks of sunlight not as harsh as it could be—his ideal weather.
"Ah, yes—your trip to Galar," he smiles some, excited to have heard about the intricacies of the region itself. Attending to the Masters' tournament left him only a handful of days of any real freedom, so, much to his disappointment, Steven felt he'd merely brushed over the mysteries and the unique traditions about Galar in it's entirety. 
And then the Applin appears from behind his lovely spouse's back, carefully cupped in delicately trimmed hands. Sure, they were apt to give each other gifts often, but never have they traded 'mons, and the genuine surprise is rather clear on the co-champion's expression, celestine looking between the lovely red Applin and Wallace. Those who offer one will stay together forever, huh.. "I think this is proof of what we have, don't you think?" Steven beams, carefully taking Applin by the apple rind and thoroughly examining her with careful turns to learn.
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"A mobile home that produces all things shelter and nutrition.. I ought to be careful not mistaking her for an unoccupied one," he chuckles to himself, smiling softly at their new companion. Wallace is correct—this certainly is no steel type, nor psychic, nor rock, but he's always been up for a challenge. If they can take care of each other, then he'd have no problems taking care of Applin here, and perhaps even watching her grow into something truly unique. "This particular line grows based on the flavor of apples they eat, right?" He's done a little cursory research on species exclusive to the isle, at the very least, unable to help himself. "I'm sure she'll be a lovely addition here.. living proof of us, too." 
He finally unfolds his legs and rises from the quaint and comfortable chair he'd taken root in, settling Applin on the table by short stacks of paper. Of course, Steven can't not show his appreciation beyond just affirming words and charming smiles—not with him. And it takes no moment of hesitation, dense arms around a lithe waist and pulling his lovely wife to him, rising on his toes and bestowing a kiss of genuine appreciation, thrilled to learn something new, touched by additional meaning. "Thank you, honey—I'll do everything I can." He smiles in earnest. "And of course, I love you, too, aha. Let's spend eternity together."
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journcy · 7 years
Just finished watching Kimi no Na wa. with @phidica
I am so grateful I finally have this film in 1080p
Also time to go blog some more soon about it I think
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phidica · 7 years
*lifts dumpster lid* Your bag is awesome but it makes me want to ask you questions like "what is your everyday carry?" I'm not one to deny my impulses though, so what is your everyday carry? And is it going to include that Mio figurine that you've thrown everything away for?
Thanks! That’s the new backpack I got to replace my old zipper-encrusted one. It’s a Fjällräven No. 21 and is very good. I take it to uni every day and for that purpose the main contents are my drink bottle, lunch, snacks, iPad, wallet, and keys. But I also carry some other stuff in there for convenience, like additional accessories or clothes (sunglasses/beanie/gloves/scarf depending on forecast), an umbrella, light reading material, headphones, pens, phone charger, and pocket knife. The only thing I used to but no longer keep in there is a notebook, since I don’t have lectures any more
The Mio figure will be living quite comfortably in my bedroom, now that I reside in the garbage and do not need such space any more
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contendr-blog · 7 years
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥!!!
@miraclematildawormwood​  is  LITERALLY  one of my favorite rp blogs on tumblr and if you’re following me and not them i  REALLY  don’t know what you’re doing tbh???   like literally each reply they throw my way is so full of life and style and pureness and i always find myself smiling at their matilda??? i TOTALLY look forward to seeing them on the dash and  i  HEARTILY  recommend!!! 
@saviorstar​  no spongesquad bias but UHHHHHHHH   i would literally  DIE  for  the patrick to my spongebob??? literally SUCH a kind and funny and warm person to talk to ooc and such a talented writer and graphics maker!! she REALLY understands her muse and she just ... MAKES ME SO EXCITED AND HAPPY TO INTERACT WITH ....   IM IN LOVE 
@journcys​  no spongesquad bias pt. 2  (IT TECHNICALLY DOESN’T COUNT BC THEY’RE A MULTIMUSE)  okay okay  their blog is ALWAYS impressing me because they write   S O  many muses but they do ‘em all with such  individuality and style and its just???  ITS SO IMPRESSIVE TO SEE??? im as in love with their blog, characterizations, and style  as spongebob is in love with their sandy!!!!!!
@spongenextdoor​  MY SPONGE TWIN !!!  okay gosh you guys i literally  DIE  over this sponge blog because they’ve got him down to a tee and i  STRONGLY  recommend following them !!!  their writing is always so cute and enjoyable and fun to read!!!   gosh their blog makes me so HAPPY  i’m so glad that there’s another person out there who loves that sponge boy as much as i do !!!!
@losernot​   NO SPONGESQUAD BIAS PT. 3  but uHHhHhhH  can we please talk about how spooky was literally in this fandom w me from the very beginnING LIKE???  i’m so happy that she’s there to be the squidward to my spongebob okay !!!   she writes squid with  SUCH SKILL  and like,  her love for him is evident in every single word !!!  i adore her passion and i adore listening to her headcanons and just !!! EVERYTHING! UGH! PERFECT 
@waswithholding​ / @funtocry​    OKAY LISTEN ....   i am literally ALWAYS  in awe  of their passion and love for trina and falsettos??  i feel as though as a musical theatre fan,  i have a lot i can learn from them?? gosh their blogs are just  SO PERFECT  and wonderful and lovely !!    also,  it was really fun that one time we watched spongebob toGETHER IT JUST .... IT MADE ME REALLY HAPPY AND I’M REALLY INSPIRED BY THEM 10/10 SHOULD GO FOLLOW!!! 
@insanelycooljk​   the jared kleinman?  seriously like ... One of the first people to follow my blog and i have DEFINITELY !!!  fallen in love with their portrayal and dedication to that  Trash Boy? this is another rp blog i have a ton of admiration for just because like !!!  WOW !!!  their love for their muse is really really evident and it jsut .... it makes me really happy to be following them okay !!! They also seem really nice ooc!!! 
@guttersniper​  10/10  WOULD DIE FOR THIS PRECIOUS MUSE AND REALLY AWESOME AND GREAT WRITING???   i love their friendliness and kindness toward me and i’m just really blessed to be able to interact with them???   sponge and mutt’s friendship means the whole world to me and i think everyone should be following their blog okay !!! 
@fadetcwhite​ this is another oc i find to be quite enjoyable !!! although our interactions haven’t gone very deep yet i’m very endeared to them???   seriously !! i really recommend them just bcause their muse is so cute and charming and just ...   wow 10/10 !!!!
@soulreached​  ANOTHER MULTIMUSE I WOULD DIE FOR ??? AAA my threads wiTH THEM MAKE ME ... SO HAPPY  and  i love the whole range of muses that they play (and with such skill and style too!!!)  just all around such a fun and wonderful blog to be following!! i love seeing their presence on the dash and reading theIR THREADS AND JUST !! EVERYTHING !!!! YES 
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bcingfamous-blog · 7 years
journcys replied to your post: come be spoopy with william u cowards
heads up if you watch the Nightmare Before Christmas w/ Nick he WILL sing along
will’s trying to watch for the Content but hes distracted by nick’s singing
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stcrkllr · 7 years
A laugh bubbles from Whizzer’s lips as he watches Jason’s face as he scrutinizes the game pieces between them, he’d insisted on checkers for a change. Something to change up the dynamic, he could only play chess so many times per a week, and between Jason and his father, well that number had expired sometime ago. Hand moves, tapping the small black circle upon the wood, clacks with each movement as it dances across to the other side. “King me.” He says, grin growing as he looks at Jason, (for once) he’s doing well in a game like this, the kid was brilliant, the spitting image of his father at times. Whizzer isn’t certain if that’s what makes him fond, perhaps it’s the better parts of Marvin he sees there. The childish grins, and goofy smile, he doesn’t carry the same stresses in his shoulders like Marvin does, the same insecurities. Whizzer hopes he never does.  “Watch out kiddo, or I’m going to win this one.” 
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journcy · 7 years
I just watched the Haruhi Suzumiya movie and I feel strange now. I started watching the first season of the show in probably…2012? 2013? 2014, maybe? It was one of the first anime I ever watched.
I dropped the show for a long time before coming back to it a year or so ago now. My rewatch of the stuff I’d seen/proper watch of the stuff I hadn’t made it up to partway through the Endless Eight (which I foolishly attempted to marathon) before exhaustion set in and I gave up.
I came back to it a second time much more recently and picked up at the end of Endless Eight, watching up through the second to last episode of the show (leaving only Someday In The Rain, by the order I watched in. The person who wrote the order I used recommended watching that episode right before the movie).
Then, because I’m me, I put off finishing the show for several months.
Tonight I finally sat down and watched the last episode and the movie.
And I feel strange.
What I’ve read is that when this show was airing it was extremely popular, especially the first season. And I’m…not sure I get why? Like it’s not a bad show. But it wasn’t much of anything to my estimation either. It’s sort of hard to place, even among KyoAni’s catalog. Or should I say especially?
On MAL, I gave both seasons a 7/10. But I gave the movie a 9/10. Much like nobody in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya quite knows what they want, I too am unsure of exactly what I’m looking for here
It feels impossible that the characters won’t stick with me. But most of the show is really just average. I don’t know.
I feel strange about it, is all I can really say
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journcy · 7 years
hibike! euphonium is gay
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journcy · 7 years
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princess verbina of chrystallis is the best role tara strong has ever played and i will hear no testimony to the contrary
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journcy · 7 years
alright i think that’s enough posts for now.
i’ve been going through @winnifredburkle‘s fmab tag but that shit is 142 pages long and i have to sleep eventually
i’m guessing i’ll be back though i mean like this show has been my life for weeks now
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journcy · 7 years
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the mlp premiere has brought my dying blog back to life like water breaking through a dam and saturating the desert landscape beyond it
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journcy · 7 years
finally caught up on the first four seasons of Samurai Jack with @cyrilthedragon We also watched the first episode of season five I'm so worried
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journcy · 7 years
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cowboy bebop is a good show
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