#joy bday party 2023
shorthairjoy · 1 year
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sailorfailures · 2 years
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Miyuu Sawai, Rika Izumi, Keiko Kitagawa, Mew Azama, and Ayaka Komatsu all met up a few times and the photos they all shared to Instagram/Facebook make my heart swell ;_; They're still such good friends after such a long time!
Rika said on her Instagram:
久しぶりの大好きなみんなとの時間 出会って20年🌙 いつもありがとう💚💙💗❤️🧡 #sailormoon It's been a while since I got some time with the whole group I love so much. It's been twenty years since we met 🌙 Thank you always 💚💙💗❤️🧡 #sailormoon
Miyuu said on her Instagram:
12月26日は美優ちゃんのお誕生日🎂💚✨✨ 昨日の配信でも話してたけど美優ちゃんはお酒強い❣️ あとね一番乙女だなって感じるのは美優ちゃん🥰 やっぱりまこちゃんだなって思っちゃうのです💚 写真は里香のお誕生日のときのものだけど🥹3枚目は前の美優ちゃんのお誕生日会🎂✨ これからもずっと大好き😘💚 #安座間美優 #💚#泉里香 #💙#北川景子 #❤️#小松彩夏 #🧡#沢井美優 #💖#戦士会#お誕生日会#お誕生日おめでとう #🎂#いつもありがとう #✨#出逢えて幸せ #💕#美少女戦士セーラームーン #🌙#pgsm December 26th was Mew's birthday! 🎂💚✨✨ I mentioned it in yesterday's stream, but that girl can drink❣️ And afterwards it felt like she turned into the ultimate maiden 🥰 I caught myself thinking, "that's Mako-chan for you" 💚 Two of the photos are from Rika's birthday 🥹 but the third is from Mew's party 🎂✨ I'll keep loving you forever 😘💚 #mewazama #💚 #rikaizumi #💙 #keikokitagawa #❤️ #ayakakomatsu #🧡 #guardianparty #birthdayparty #happybirthday #🎂 #thankyouforeverything #✨ #gladimetyou #💕 #prettyguardiansailormoon #🌙 #pgsm
Mew said on her Instagram:
2023年戦士始め🌙 今年でみんなと出逢って20年💖💙❤️💚🧡 感慨深い! #セーラームーン#戦士#20周年 The guardians start off 2023 🌙 This year marks 20 years since I met you all 💖💙❤️💚🧡 I'm deeply touched! #SailorMoon #Senshi #20thAnniversary
And Ayaka said on her Instagram:
遅くなってしまったけど、里香と沢井と安座間の 誕生日と、沢井さんの結婚祝いと 新年会を兼ねた戦士会💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 ⁡5人ではしばらく集まれていなかったので なんだかんだ久しぶり❣️ ⁡(ブレブレ写真は相変わらず📸笑) ⁡やっぱりこのメンバーは最高です🤣🤣🤣 ⁡出会って今年で20年‼️(←信じられない😂笑) ⁡みんな環境が変わっても、こうして変わらず集って笑って過ごせるのは本当に幸せなことですね☺️🌸 ⁡次いつ会えるかなぁ…ともう考えている😜❤️ ⁡みんな色々おめでとう❣️←雑🤣🤣🤣 ⁡2023年もよろしくね😙💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 ⁡#お誕生日 #誕生日 #結婚 #おめでとう #戦士 #戦友 #仲間 #安座間美優 #泉里香 #北川景子 #沢井美優 #小松彩夏 #幸せ #絆 I'm late, but we threw a Guardian Party that doubled as a birthday party for Rika, Sawai, and Azama, a wedding celebration for Mrs. Sawai, and a New Year's Party all in one 💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 I realised, hey, it's been a long time since the five of us got together❣️ (Though our pictures are as blurry as ever 📸 lol) Of course this particular member is the best one 🤣🤣🤣 It's been 20 years since we met‼️ (← can't believe it 😂 lol) Even if everyone's circumstances change, it brings me joy that we can still meet up and laugh as if nothing has changed ☺️🌸 When can we meet next... I'm already thinking 😜❤️ Congratulations everyone❣️← Broad strokes 🤣🤣🤣 Here's to 2023 😙💚❤️💙💗🧡🌙 #birthday #bday #wedding #congratulations #guardians #comradeinarms #nakama #mewazama #rikaizumi #keikokitagawa #miyuusawai #ayakakomatsu #joy #bonds
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charliesons · 1 year
Leviathan Bday Collab 2023! Pajama Party prompt.
genre: fluff pairing: leviathan and gender-neutral mc ----------------- MC spent a month preparing for something very important to them, talking with their closest friends and making their plans were as detailed as possible. Buying gifts and decorations, making sure that everyone had time in their schedules and that they kept the date free, ensuring that they all had the outfits that MC had specifically chosen for this day. After all, it was their first year, and possibly the only one, in the Devildom, so they were going to make sure they experienced it in full, even if they meant planning everyone's birthdays on their own, something that they were perfectly happy to do.Once night fell on Leviathan's birthday, the fun had officially begun. The House of Lamentation was bustling with noise and excitement, there was a celebration in order and everyone was looking forward to it. No one was entirely sure what the night had in store for them, but they knew they would be spending as much of it as possible with the Avatar of Envy, per MC's planning.MC had thought about everything. The food, the decorations, the gifts, the games, the matching onesies that everyone would be wearing. They had saved Grimm and ordered limited edition Ruri-Chan items that they knew Leviathan would enjoy. It was his special day, and they would be making sure it was extra special, full of love and gifts that they knew he would cherish and enjoy. To the others it might look like something big that took too much effort, but to MC it was something that they would do for any of their friends, no matter the cost or the day.  The transfer student appeared to be a ball of energy all day, visibly excited, possibly more excited than the birthday boy himself. When the time finally came for the celebration, they were the first one in Leviathan's room. They were there so quickly, infact, that it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that they had been sitting outside of his door the entire time.But, now that everyone had arrived, it seemed a bit crowded, lightly shoving each other around to find somewhere to sit on the pallet they'd made on the floor, MC was determined to stay sat next to Leviathan, practically glued to his hip. It was his special day, afterall, and they were determined to make sure it was amazing. Everything had been planned in advance, nothing could possibly go wrong when it was all so well thought out. And so, they spent the night playing Super Smash Devils. A few, very minor, fights broke out, as was to be expected when there are 7 brothers and their friends playing a competitive game, but, overall, they had a lot of fun and plenty of laughs. Everything was going well, and exactly as MC had planned. Leviathan looked like he was having a lot of fun, Beelzebub was definitely enjoying the food that MC had ordered, some of which they had specifically prepared and themed after his interests. a 7-tier TSL cake, Ruri-Chan themed cookies, and cupcakes with icing designs that looked suspiciously like Henry 2.0. The expression on Leviathan's face when he saw everything was one of amazement and joy, it was obvious that he was happy and enjoying himself. He had fun throughout the entire night. He hadn't lost a single game in the time that they were together, he was overjoyed.  As the night began to end, MC returned with a cake that they had made themself, decorated with a sugar image of Leviathan's face. It gained a few laughs from the party, but the grin on Leviathan's face was something that MC would pride themself in receiving.  "The cake isn't very well-made, but I wanted to make something especially for you," MC grinned as they spoke, placing the tray with the cake in front of Leviathan, "it might not taste very good, but it sure is pretty." The grin never left Leviathan's face as he cut himself a slice, he hadn't figured he'd be eating his own eye on the night of his birthday, but it was interesting. If it were possible, his face lit up even more after he took a bite, it was easy to tell that he was enjoying it, there was no need for words when it was written all over his face, "Well, it's good I guess," was the only response he gave, rolling his eyes. But he was happy, and that was all the response that was needed.  When everyone had a slice of cake, Leviathan stood up, a smile plastered to his face. "I'm really glad you all came here to celebrate with me, I really did have a good birthday, and its all thanks to you guys." It was obvious that he meant it, the party was coming to a close and everyone would be going to bed soon, there was only one thing left for them to do. "Yeah, yeah, save the sentimental talk for later, I think it's about time that we sing happy birthday to you, birthday boy."
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shorthairjoy · 1 year
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shorthairjoy · 1 year
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shorthairjoy · 1 year
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shorthairjoy · 1 year
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shorthairjoy · 1 year
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