#jrwi is my roman empire <3
froggyycore · 11 months
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keysinthecouch · 7 months
I love you a billion, Gillion. - A short story.
@lesbianchipbastard @arandompigeon5
“This is your mother.”
“Are you there?”
“Are you coming home?”
The shell rang. Gillion sat up, assuming it was Caspian, Maybe Lizzie or John. He crawled out of the barrel. He picked up the shell, holding it to his ear.
“Hello? Gillion Tidestrider speaking?” He yawned.
“Oh Gill..” The soft sound hit his ears in such an awful way. The familiar voice of a woman Gillion knew.
“... Mom?” He managed to sputter out.
“Oh Gillion… Our little Minnow…”
“Mom! Oh my - Mom your actually- How are you-” His mind raced at a million miles a minute. How did she contact him? Why did she contact him? But that didn’t matter. He was talking to his mom again.
“Your sister sent us a letter.” He could hear the smile in her voice. Meanwhile, the Champions smile faltered.
“She’s still not… home?”
“No… But she sends letters home quite often…”
“But she hasn’t been home?”
“No, Minnow.” She sighed. Gillion did aswell. She spoke again.
“Are you safe? Your father and I are worried.. I know what your doing is right, Minnow, dont get me wrong but.. I worry for your safety.” Gillion paused.
“..The elders taught me well, Mom.” Lies. They taught him pain and hurt, and nothing but that.
But a little lie to his mother couldn’t hurt right?
“I’m glad you put it all to use..” she drifted off. The call sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. There were so many things they could say. So many questions they had to answer. So many questions they had to ASK. But neither could bring themselves to speak. It hurt. It hurt to think of it all again.
“... My little minnow, Are you coming home?” His mother broke the silence, her voice breaking with it.
“Mom.. you know I.. I can’t..” He sighed.
“I know.. I just.. I want to see you home again, Gillion. It’s been to long…”
“I know, Mom.”
“We miss you.”
“I know, Mom.”
“Come home.”
“I can’t, Mom.”
The call fell silent again.
Had it been 3 minutes?
It felt like 5 hours.
“I love you, Gillion.”
“I love you to, Mom.” He sighs.
“I love you, Gillion”
“I know, Mom… I’ll call again soon.”
“I love you, Gillion.”
“Tell Dad I miss him ok?”
“I love you, Gillion.”
“Mom?..” He felt his surroundings shift. He felt the shell become waxy. And still, his moms voice rang through the line, no longer a comfort. It became a threat. No longer filled with the same soft tone it usually held.
“You.. You aren’t my mom.” Gillions voice cracked.
“I love you, Gillion.”
“Let me wake up, Please..” he begged, tears softly falling from his face.
“I love you a billion, Gillion.”
Silence from the champion of the undersea. It felt like the words were laced with poison as his chest tightened .
“Stay safe.” Those last words hit like a bullet to the back. The phone melted to hot wax. Gillion woke up in his tub. Tears fell from his eyes, filling the water with little splashes. Jay couldnt help but wake up.
“Hey, Gill?.. You alright?..” She stood up, groggily walking over to the tub, kneeling down next to him.
“... Jay, I miss my home.” The words fell from his mouth before he could stop them. He didnt want to miss his home. He knew the pain it caused, the anguish that it left him with. And yet, his heart yearned to feel the hug of the ocean, the hug of his mother. Jay could only sigh.
“I miss my home to, Gill. We can’t go back though, Gillion.. That’s what makes us so alike.” She hummed, her hands pushing his hair back, wiping his face, gently kissing tears from his eyes.
“I try my hardest to make me and chip home for you instead.” She hummed.
“... It’s working.” Gillion smiled weakly.
“We’re home.”
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