justasoftstan · 2 years
tagged by: @wondernus
game: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
gosh, I haven't write for so long that my wips are from a year ago 👽
Remember Me(?) - it's still a working title but it's a fic that I've been meaning to do about hoshi x female reader amnesia au
Baby Daddy - a mingyu unplanned pregnancy au hahahha still in drafts
*** - a enemies to lovers mingyu oneshot fic ( I don't remember the title bc it's been untouched for so long 😭 I'm sorry)
Seungkwan who nags at everything but it's okay bc you really forgot to take care of yourself fluff
Dino boyfriend being afraid of bugs
I got 20+ in drafts that I'm afraid to open, so I'll let them sit there for a while 😌
tagging: @wonwoonlight @moonwonuu idk anyone here that much but I'm just tagging hehehe
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Getting Closer
Characters: Mingyu x Reader, A little Wonwoo x Reader
Genre/warnings: Angst? Enemies to Lovers! Producer!Mingyu, Mutual Pining, tba.
a/n: Your common enemies to lovers troupe. Honestly, I have this story sitting in my drafts for a couple of months now and I haven't really have the energy to really write this until now. And is still just a crappy preview 💀 also this is unedited.
Word Count: none yet but this is just going to be a oneshot probably 10k at most.
Full Fic: to be announced.
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Mingyu sighed for the nth time since you stepped inside his shared apartment with Wonwoo. You tried to keep your eyes from wandering, scared that it might tick off Mingyu’s patience. It’s not your first time in their apartment but still can’t act comfortably especially within Mingyu’s presence.
“So, what’s your agenda for today?” he asks dryly, not even looking at you as he continues fiddling with his phone.
“I- uhh. “you said startled, most times Mingyu doesn’t even acknowledge your presence. “Wonwoo said he needed some help with something.”
He snickered. “Are you sure he needed help with something that requires you to go here in our apartment?” he continued.
“Maybe?” you said nervously, “Well, that’s what he said in the text. He said that­- “
“Are you sure it’s not part of your plan?” he asks nonchalantly freezing your actions as you about to get your phone to show Wonwoo’s text.
You looked at him offended as you compose yourself and sat straighter before asking, “What are you mean by that?”
Mingyu shrugged. “However you may understand it.” Leaning back into the couch.
“Are you implying that I am helping Wonwoo to get something in return?”
“Well, you’re not only sticking with my best friend but you also casually leeching to my other friends. There’s something must be in it for you then?” he said it casually like it was the obvious thing in the world.
You scoffed. “You are seriously out of your mind. First, they are the ones who keeps asking me for something, not the other way around. Second, I am not leeching off your friends because I never asked to be treated so nicely and I’m always thankful for them about it. And, it is rich coming from you to say those words when you do nothing but treat me like trash.” You said furiously.
“Is this the time you will say you’re not like those other girls? Like trying to say your genuine or something” he laughs. “Because I’ve seen plenty of girls like you who is just after a thing or two.”
It’s your turn to laugh. “You must think highly of yourselves if you think I’m just after one thing on you guys.” Trying to stop the tears that’s building around your eyes. “You really know how to push buttons, Mingyu. But I think it’s unfair that you keep on putting words in my mouth when all I’ve done is to be friends with Wonwoo and your other friends. I don’t know where you’re coming from, or you feel brushed off when I am here but all you can do is be civil with me.” You said grabbing your bag and head to the door. “And you can’t even do that.”
You turn your head at him.” You can tell Wonwoo whatever you want, I don’t care anymore.” You said looking into him before slamming the door.
You felt pathetic. Walking out for some petty argument with Mingyu. You take a deep breathe once you stepped outside the building.
It felt good. Refreshing. Unlike the suffocating air inside the apartment. And you blame Mingyu for that.
Gosh, just what the hell is his problem. You thought while walking into the bust stop, mentally reminding yourself to text Wonwoo that you can’t make it today.
But just before you can cross the road to reach the bus stop, a familiar car is slowing down in front of you. You closed your eyes and prayed that it was not Mingyu who is inside that car.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
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gif by @xuseokgyu
Hello! Can I request a Wonwoo imagine with the line 50) from the prompt list 1, "I think you're beautiful"? A fluffy imagine where Wonwoo cups his S/O's cheeks and does the same as with the camera in that "Not Alone" behind? Lmaoo I suck at explaining but I thought it was so cute how he went and like took the camera and started shaking it and I imagined how would he would make the same with his S/O hehe. Thank you so much!
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Characters: Wonwoo  x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff, fluff , fluff, okay I'm soft with this Wonwoo. Food fight attempt.
Word count: 1080 words
Wonwoo taps your arms with his finger as his body lazily slumped on the couch beside yours. You pay no attention to him as his taps became faster until he taps you with his whole hand, desperately wanting your attention. You scoot farther from him, and he scooted nearer. You scooted farther again and again until you reach the end of the couch, in which Wonwoo followed you. But he didn't stop until you were touching skin to skin. He again, pokes your arm with his fingers as you keep yourself busy with your phone.
You heaved a sigh and moved into the love seat and lay down, occupying the whole seat. Wonwoo waits for a second before following you and sat on the floor. He leaned in facing you, resting his face on his one hand and continue again to poke your arm. Still, you paid him no mind.
"Why are you ignoring me?" He said cutely, slightly pouting. "Are you really mad? Or are you just irritated?"
You didn't even spare a glance at him and continue to play a game in your phone. The sound of your game breaks the silence that the two of you made.
"Why are you mad? Can't you please pay attention to me?" He asked. Now pulling your arm as he lay his head on the seat, facing you. "Why don't you look at me?" His voice slightly muffled by how his cheeks is squished in the seat.
"Is it because I shake your head like what you did to me?" He asked now holding your playing with your hand tugging it back and forth. You paused your game and looked at him. "Oho, now you looked at me. Is it really because of that?" He said a little too excited receiving some of your attention.
It's just a petty fight. Or it's just you, being an immature but he's the reason why your cupcakes are ruined. Now you are sulking because you put your all effort to bake cupcakes for the first time. But Wonwoo distracted you by sneaking into the kitchen and just squish your cheeks and your whole face. Let just say the measurement of the ingredients is not accurate. You tried to somehow save it by salvaging it. He even tried to start a food fight with you when he grabbed some flour to put in your face while you are putting the batter in the cupcake tray. Now your cupcakes are ruined.
You just sighed and turn to your phone once again. "Come on. I said sorry. I'll never do it again. And you're the one who started the whole squish attack thingy. Why are you the one getting mad?" He reasoned out.
Your irritation to him came back again and now mixed with shame. But you're still sulking. It's true you started the face squishing. How can you not when you see your boyfriend sitting there with those cheeks and you just can't resist to squish it and his face. It became a silent war for you two. You sneak up on each other to squish each other’s faces even when the other is doing something. While him playing computer games, or you are doing some house chores. It got to the point where the both of you wait each other to get home and just do some squish attack before going to bed. Even in the bedroom, you playfully squish and shake each other faces when you had the chance. You somehow drew a line when you once sneak on him when his doing something in his computer and shake his head and squish his cheeks. He tried to fight you off, but you just hugged his head trapping it in your arms. You're both laughing until Wonwoo's arms hit the keyboard and closed the window he's working on. You both freeze and you started apologizing, nervously looking at him as he retrieves his file. Luckily, it had some back up, so he didn't lose anything.
But then your cupcakes are a different topic. You cannot undo the damage in the cupcake. Especially him who even cooked some of the eggs you bought the night before you make your cupcakes. Now you look like the sore loser of this unofficial squish fight.
You stand up from the seat, pulling your arm out of his grasp. But before you can walk into the bedroom, he pulled you in his arms. "Sorry. I really mean it. I'll just buy you your favorite cupcakes. Please just talk to me." He said leaning his head into yours, smiling to himself of your cuteness.
Of course, he knows why you're mad. He was there with you trying to eat the ruined cupcakes. It's not really ruined, just out of taste? Well, it is for him. It still looks like a cupcake for him. And you made it, so he will still going to eat it. He saw how much effort you put into it even you wanted to throw it out. You even pouted at him, while you vent out your irritation of him squishing your face making you forget the measurement you put in the mix. You kick him out if the kitchen as he giggles at your outburst wishing the best of luck to your cupcakes. Now, he slightly regrets what he did. Slightly. Because he got to see this side of yours. Since it is usually him who ends up a irritated by your antics.
You turned around to face him. Pouting. "Really? You’re gonna buy? You'll not take it back?" You asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
Wonwoo laughed at how your eyes lit up fighting off a smile as he says yes. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you.
"With some macaroons?" You said cutely, putting your chin at his chest looking up at him.
He chuckled, kissing your forehead. "Yes, with your favorite macaroons" he reassures you as you smiled brightly at him.
"Okay, I'll forgive you for ruining my cupcakes." you said sneaking your arms around his waist.
He stared at you adoringly as he sways the both of you back and forth. " But first, let me do this." He said before squishing your face hard with his hands, shaking your head while making cute sounds.
"Yah!" You scream, as you try to pry off his hands.
And just like that, you spent chasing each other again. Trying to wrestle each other.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Kiss Your Pout Away
Characters: Junhui x Reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff?, Jealous Junhui, Composer!Reader, Making-out in the practice room
Word count: 872 words
a/n: this is unedited. Please excuse for any errors. xx
Jun is nothing but a supportive boyfriend, and you being a composer is something he completely supports. Even more so when you are an in-house composer in HYBE because you can see each other inside the company. Meeting between schedules is already the both of you, it gets extremely hard when they are preparing for a comeback, or you have a different project for other artists.
It is the first time that you are completely working an album with them alongside with Jihoon and Bumzu. Jun is excited upon hearing the news because it means that you have more time seeing each other. Planning to visit you in the studio during practice breaks or staying with you until the morning as you work on a song is something he look forward to, just something that make all the hard work and tiring days bearable.
All his plans flew out of the window when the schedule of their comeback is presented. You must work closely with Jihoon and Bumzu to meet the deadlines. Making you both work in one studio instead of your own.
Jun cannot even have an alone time with you since the studio is always cramped with people. Although, he does not really mind as long he sees you and still eat with you. Then the days come when the first thing you do when you go to their practice room is to look for Jihoon or when you forgot to bid goodbye because you are too busy to talk to Jihoon. It takes out the jealous monster out of him. It does not help when you and Jihoon are the first people to leave the practice room to go to the studio.
Jun hates it. He felt like you do not need him anymore. He barely meets you outside since you practically live in the studio. And when you are both in the studio, you are always beside the other members always talking, giggling to absurd ideas. He does not want to think you are discarding him; he just does not like the idea his mind was suggesting. So, he distanced himself.
You do not really noticed Jun was being jealous. Since he always prefers to practice alone whenever the comeback season is nearing. He wanted to be satisfied by his performance. And when he is being sulky, he clings to you until he feels better.
Not until it was just you, Jihoon, Seungkwan and Hansol inside the studio finishing a song. Seungkwan asked if something was wrong between you and Jun because apparently, Jun avoids every question about you that the members throw at him.
The next thing you did is go to the practice room seeing him putting all his frustrations into perfecting the choreography. You stood there watching him as you wait for the song to finish. Jun did not even pay attention to you as he finish the choreography.
“Done paying all your attention to Jihoon?’ He asked not even looking at you as he picked up a towel to wipe his sweat.
“Maybe” You shrugged as you walked towards him, finding the urge to tease him a little bit. He instantly glared at you. “We need to finish your album. Do you expect me to ignore him?” you asked teasingly at him as you grab the towel and start wiping his sweat instead.
He immediately leaned into your touch, putting his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him. “I thought I’ll have more time with you now that you’re working with us.” He confessed. “But no, it has you be with Jihoon more than me.” He pouted.
“Are you still jealous?” You asked snaking your arms around his shoulders.
“If you kiss me, I will not be anymore.” He said, pushing his lips into you.
Finding it adorable, you kissed him. Jun not really wanting to give you the upper hand, he deepened the kiss and maneuver you until your back reached the mirror of the practice room. You tried to pull away from the kiss not really wanting the other members to see you like this, but Jun just hold you tighter, one of his hands crawling underneath your jacket and your shirt making you gasp. An opportunity for Jun to slip his tongue into you. Your hands find its way into his hair as you pull him closer. After a while, you feel his hand travelling higher in your shirt, a time in where you pull him away.
“I think you’re done being jealous.” You said, smoothing his hair.
“No, I’m not done with you yet.” He pouted circling his arms around your waist. He slowly leaned in again to reach for your lips until a voice is heard “If you’re done eating each other’s faces, please clean the practice room. And y/n, Bumzu Is waiting for you at the studio for the last song demo.” Jihoon said as he walked away, together with a laughing Hoshi behind him.
Junhui groaned but you promised that he is freely to join you while you work on the song. Promising him that he always has a space beside you even when the studio is cramped so that he does not pout anymore.
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Pouty Jun is so cute. I'll try to update as much as I can since my midterms is coming up, I'm just dropping by here and there. I hope you all have a great week! Still feel free to request or anything.
- summer
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justasoftstan · 3 years
One More Chapter
a/n: I am finally free from exams! So send that requests in :)) and here's some Wonwoo drabbles since we all need it. - Summer
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Characters: Wonwoo x Reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship!, Boyfriend!Wonwoo
Word count: 321 words
"What are you doing?" Wonwoo asked sleepily. Squinting his eyes to see you better in the dark living room. "Why are you still up?" He asks making his way to you.
You smiled sheepishly at him. "It just that, this book is too good to put it down." You said shyly. Placing your bookmark as you face him.
"You can continue reading it in the morning. Not in this dark room and having only this lamp as your light." He hummed. His thumb softly caressing your cheek as he stands before you, your face in his hands.
"But I'm on the best part of the book." You pouted hugging the book. "One more chapter? Please?" You look up to him, hoping to get him with your puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." He sighed. "Just one more chapter and then go to sleep." He said leaning in to kiss your forehead.
You mutter a thanks before turning back in reading your book.
"Reading it with a fresh mind is better, so please sleep." He said as he walks back to your shared bedroom. You giggled at him and nodding your head, muttering a simple good night before the dark swallowed him.
Still, he found you the next morning sleeping on the couch, the book on the floor. Earning a mouthful from Wonwoo about how bad it is for your back to sleep on that small couch. You shut him up by promising to sleep despite reading a good book. A promise that both of you know you would not keep.
It seems like it's not only you who have to promise. When you wake up at 6 am few days later seeing Wonwoo in the exact position. Apparently, He pulled an all-nighter to read the same book since "it's too good to put down." You look at him accusingly, as he smiled at you with dark bags under his eyes. "One more chapter?"
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Morning Like These
Characters: Jihoon x Reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff, just some fluff to lighten all our moods
Word count: 806 words
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You feel two arms wrapping around your waist, startling you as you put the plate down the table. Body tensing but soon relaxes when you smelt the familiar scent of your boyfriend.
“Good Morning.” You said turning your head to look at him.
“Morning’” He said kissing you on the cheeks.
Oh, how you long for mornings like this to come. Quiet mornings, not thinking of schedules he has for the day and just do whatever you both wanted.
“You’re up early.” Jihoon said as he took a seat on the table grabbing some food.
“Yeah, I’m starving so I got up.” You said taking a seat in front of him as you hold your cup of coffee.
You look at him as he fill up his plate with sausages and eggs. His hair tousled up and messy. You can see dark circles under his eyes, from the week he chose to stay in the studio and schedules that forced him to stay at the dorm instead of your shared apartment. As he chases his dreams while keeping you within his reach. Those cheeks with sleep marks, where you lay your hand before he said goodbye and fly across countries in months. You could stare at him all day and still adore him like the first time you realized you love him.
"What are you looking at?” He asked. He looks at you with his tired eyes, but you can see happiness written in them.
“Nothing" you said smiling.
"Well, aren’t you gonna eat?”
"I think I’m not hungry anymore” He stopped eating.
“Okay, did you put anything in here?” Jihoon asked eyeing you and the food suspiciously.
“I didn't.” you laughed as he raises his brows. “I swear, I did not!”
He picked up some sausages and places in front of your mouth. "Then eat some." You shyly ate the sausage he fed you.
Mornings like these are the perfect ones. You and Jihoon laying on the couch, watching some movies, and just cuddling. You feel like you can have him for all you can and for all you want, wishing it will not end. He will not have to pack up, take a step in the airport and head in different directions.
"Hey, I have something for you” He said in the middle of the movie you were watching. “Yeah?” you hummed, focusing on the movie.
“Yeah. Come” he said tugging you to move out of the couch.
“Just come” he said standing up from the couch.
“I can’t stand up” you pouted as you drag yourself from the couch to the floor. You put your hands up reaching to him. “Help me up?”
He laughed. “you’re such a baby” but he took your arms anyways.
You sat in the bedroom floor as he gave you his headphones. Soon you can hear a beat starting. You look at him as he looks at you, smiling. The beat was good like a mellow beat of the guitar and the drums, but the words is what really caught your attention. His smile slowly widening as you look at him eyes wide. You knew the words. You knew them by heart. Back when you wrote it in your bed, pouring your emotions out as you yearn for him. You close your eyes for a moment. Feel every beat of the song and how it makes your heart flutter. It makes you happy, just thinking of him spending his time making this instead of resting, it makes your heart full, bringing tears in your eyes. You open your eyes and look at him smiling. His gaze did not even leave you as he watches you with adoration.
“I can’t believe it” you breathed.
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“I love it.” You muttered.
He sighed not realizing he’s holding a breath.
“Well, I was looking at it while we’re in tour, heard a tune in my head and then I just kind of did it.” He said shrugging as if he didn’t spend so many nights trying to perfect out the melody.
You reach out to him and wrap your arms around his neck, straddling his lap as you buried your head in his neck. “I sent it to you because I miss you so much. Now you even make it into a song." You murmur at his neck. “Just how are you so incredible.” You look at him as you cup his face, kissing him in the lips.
He smiled on the kiss as he runs his hands on your sides. “because of you. You give me strength, the motivation, to keep me going still.”
You lean into his forehead, “You really are a romanticist.” You chuckled.
“Anything for you darling, anything for you” He said as he hold you close in his arms.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Hi, can I ask for friends to lovers!Seokmin with prompt-1 #7 + prompt-2 #92 + prompt-4 #18 ? Thank you 🥺💙
Promtp 1 -7) “I dreamt about you last night.”
prompt 2 - 92.I love you in every possible way.”
prompt-4 #18 - “did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
a/n: I'm not really sure about the prompt 4, so I'm sorry if I got it wrong T_T For the first time I really don't have a title for this one.
Characters: Dokyeom x Reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff? Friends to lovers, Confused Dokyeom to his newly found feelings
Word count: 1340 words
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There you are sitting in the bench together beside Seungkwan, throwing your head laughing at what Hoshi had said. You three looked like hyenas laughing with a bashful Mingyu on the side.
Dokyeom can't take his eyes off you, as he and Jun approached your table. If it weren’t for Jun putting his arms around his shoulder, Dokyeom would actually trip on his own.
"So, what you dumbasses laughing at?" Jun asked taking a seat, in which Dokyeom did the same.
"It's Mingyu who's the dumbass, not us" Hoshi said laughing again as Mingyu whines telling to shut up.
Hoshi began to tell again of how Mingyu messed up his morning resulting him to humiliate himself in front of his professor, but Dokyeom didn't care any of that. His focus is all on you. On how you scrunch your nose when you laugh or the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. How can sat there and look so beautiful?
You might be snorting as you laugh together with Jun and Seungkwan, but for Dokyeom, your laugh sounded like music to his ears. He would freaking do anything to hear it every day.
Your hand looks so cute high-five-ing with Vernon who casually join your growing group on the university field tables. Is your hand really that small? Or will it fit exactly just right if Dokyeom hold it with his own hands?
Dokyeom only snapped out of his thoughts when Jun pointed out the dumb look on his face, asking why he is looking at your face like that.
Dokyeom just muttered some dumb excuse saying you all look like a chimpanzee for laughing so hard. Thankfully, it did some commotion pulling away the attention from him. He took it as an opportunity to drink from his water bottle.
Why is he thinking this way? When did he took notice of this little details of yours? Is it after you hanged out in Seungcheol's dorm three days ago? You did not even do anything out of normal. Is it because of how you made dinner together? Or is it because you and him spent hanging out in the backseat as you, Dokyeom, Seungcheol and Jeonghan had a late-night drive to the outskirts of the town, enjoying the night breeze and the music as you dance under the stars.
Dokyeom thought of one thing. It all comes down to that dream of him last night. Ugh, why did he even dream of you? Why did you even have to appear in his dreams? More importantly, why is he dreaming like that with you?
He remembers the fragments of it, so vividly. How your figure shine brightly under the moonlight, as he twirls you around dancing to the beat. How you and him, are holding each other as the stars above you lights the dark sky. It goes from driving in the freeway while singing your favorite songs at the top of your lungs, to trying different ice cream flavors of a new ice cream parlor. He can’t forget the look on your face as you look at him with adoration. Eyes so bright that he can almost see his reflection. Perhaps it is a door to your heart, that he is willing to open. And when he tries to lean in, lips almost touching if he could just move a little closer. But he woke up with a grumpy Mingyu hitting his head with a pillow.
The day after that dream didn’t seem so easy for Dokyeom. The first time he sees you, his mind goes blank and flash the fragments of his dream. Boy, it did scare him, confuse more likely. He questions every single move you make at him; he doesn’t know what to react to your kind gestures towards him. Heck he doesn’t even know how to respond when you tease him. He notices the littlest details about you; how you tilt your head slightly when you don’t understand something, how take care of others before yourself, putting your head in a bun when you have so many things to do. He’s seeing you in a different light and he does not know how to act on it.
It doesn’t really help now you both have to walk to His and Mingyu’s dorm, grocery bags on hands. Hoshi found a way to escape the grocery task for your monthly hangout, and you presented to go to the market with him.
The trip to the grocery makes him remember his dream. But he did not remember this awkwardness in the air, plastic bags hitting each other, as you both find words to start a conversation. Dokyeom beat you to it.
"I will make sure Hoshi will clean up the dorm." Dokyeom scoffed. "Had a book left in the library. Ha! He didn't even step foot in there today. Did he even have classes today?"
You giggled. "It's okay, I think he has more important things to do today."
"He better has, or else he will really pay for it." Dokyeom huffed. Hoshi really should pay for it for putting him in this awkward situation. Well, at least for him.
"Well, I guess I should pay for it too." You muttered shyly.
Dokyeom looks at you. "What? Why? Did he bribe you to go with me?"
"I may or may not the one who bribed him?" You look away from him. "So that I can go to the grocery with you?" You said shyly.
He stopped in his tracks. Looking more confused. He doesn't know what's really happening. "What does that mean? What are you saying?"
You also stopped turning at him. "I, uhh, kind of want to spend time alone with you." You said looking at him, biting the inside of your cheek.
And it made his heart flutter, heartbeat silencing his surrounding focusing only on you. What is this his feeling? Why is he even feeling this way?
"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" You asked, taking a step forward at him. "How they shine whenever you smile? How I like it when you look at me so gently, that it makes me feel secure."
Are you confessing right now? Dokyeom feels so hot, he didn't know what to do. And you try not to smile at how his face slowly turn into red.
"Uhh, a little verbal reaction might help?" You asked. Fondling your fingers.
Still, Dokyeom didn't know what to say. He's at loss of words, still processing what is happening. If this is you confessing, he better try to sort out his feelings, "I dreamt about you last night." was all he could mutter.
It perked up your ears. "Oh yeah? What happened?"
And Dokyeom did tell you, the words that come out of his mouth makes your heart burst. Oh, how you wish it was real.
".... I think I love you in every possible way on that dream." He sighed.
"But it's only a dream." You muttered quietly.
"Do you want it to be more than just a dream?" Dokyeom asks, not knowing where his newly found confidence came from. If he wanted to understand what he’s feeling, he better sort it out with you.
You lifted your head up to him, "Do you also want to try if you will really love me in every possible way?" You asked biting your lip.
Dokyeom nodded stepping a little closer to you. Reaching out for your free hand, tugging you closer to him. "Perhaps, do you also want to continue the end of my dream?" He teases
"Maybe" you shrugged, leaning closer to him, as he did the same until your lips hovering each other. "If, you can beat me at Mario kart tonight." You whisper sneaking up quickly to kiss his cheek and walk away speedily.
You can hear him loudly shouting your name as he catches up to you. Holding your hand whining how it isn’t fair. Now he definitely has to beat you at Mario Kart.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Just You
a/n: Unedited, word vomit. I’m sorry I just wanted to post this. Happy Fluff imagines coming sooooooon! - summer
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Characters: Wonwoo x Reader
Genre/warnings:Fluff? Crying? Wonwoo comforting reader
Word count: 497 words
Imagine you came home from work, shoulders slumped, eyes heavy and body ready to hit the bed. Even lazily open the door to your apartment, leaning your body to the door to drag you inwards. But you see a trail of flower petals leading up to Wonwoo holding your favorite bouquet of flowers. You did not even move yourself from leaning at the door and just stayed there as tears fill up your eyes. Wonwoo hurriedly go to you worried at your tears, “Happy Birthday.” he whispers as he tugged you in his arms, flowers still in his arms.
“Why are you crying?” he cooed, maneuvered the both of you to the couch as he holds you close wiping your tears. “You expect me to forget your birthday, didn’t you?” in which you nodded, he just chuckled at how you looked so cute pouting as tears silently flow out of your eyes.
Wonwoo is so patient with you. He comforted you until you stopped crying, and when you hesitated to tell the why you’re crying, he just distracted you with his funny stories of the boys and how they helped him try to “surprise” you on your birthday. How Soonyoung is the one who suggest having a romantic dinner date at your apartment with your favorite food from your restaurant.
After the dinner, you cried it out again on him. How nothing works these past few days, how you’re so drained from work and socializing with your shitty co-workers. And now that you can’t properly spend your birthday because your boss picked this very day to make everyone work overtime. The fact that you haven’t seen him enough since you’re both busy. It is just all too much for you to handle and just wanted to deflate yourself until everything gets better.
“I just didn’t expect you to surprise me today”, you explained. Your head now in his shoulders as you cuddled together on the couch.
“that’s why it’s called surprise, isn’t it?” he hummed, mindlessly running his hands through your hair.
“it’s because you said – “ quoting your fingers in the air, “ – I made reservations the day after your birthday” mimicking his deep voice.
“still the point of the “surprise”, now it is his turn to quote. You playfully roll your eyes at him even if he doesn’t see it, trying to suppress the smile forming at your lips.
He loves seeing you smile, more than he ever admit, and he wanted you to see you smile as much as he can until you both become busy again. And as you try to open a proper conversation, Wonwoo just throw playful banters leaving you both a giggling mess. And he doesn’t want it any other way but that moment right there.
Until you both just stayed there, comforting silence enveloped the both of you. That’s what you both needed, a comforting arms to stay amidst this chaotic mess of a world that we live in.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Be By Your Side
Characters: Mingyu x Reader
Genre/warnings: Boyfriend!Mingyu, Angst? Reader is going through some emotional breakdown. Boyfriend Mingyu to give comfort.
Word Count: 888 Words
a/n: not gonna lie, I'm not really proud of this one. But here's mingyu giving comfort.
Nothing is working fine with you. Everything does not go according to your plan. The overflowing schoolworks, the pressure from everyone, you are physically tired, and honestly, you do not know if your brain is keeping it together.
You sighed, as you sat there in front of your study table your phone lit up. Quickly picking it up as you saw the caller ID.
“hey babe.” Your boyfriend chirped.
“Hey” you answered. Leaning your back into the chair.
“I’m getting a drink with the boys. Do you want to come?” Mingyu asked you.
“Uhm, - “your eyes shifted to your laptop to the papers scattered around it. “I can’t today. Sorry.” You pouted although he cannot see it.
“It’s okay.” He spoke. “Is everything okay? Are you okay?” he asked concerningly.
It is like the magic word. As soon as he asked the question, tears are ready to spill out your eyes and you have to blink a few times to not make them fall.
You breathed. “yeah, uh, I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” You said with a strained voice.
“Are you sure?” he presses. Concern growing quickly.
“Yeah, you don’t have to worry about anything Mingyu.” You breathed, closing your eyes trying to stop the tears that is pooling in your eyes. Praying to yourself not to breakdown while being in a call with your boyfriend.
I cannot be a burden to him. No, I cannot keep him from having fun. Oh, please do not cry. You thought to yourself over and over again. Hoping Mingyu do not notice your heavy breathing.
“Okay, if you say so.” Mingyu said silently. “Try not to tire yourself out, okay? Take some rest if you need to.”
“yeah, you too.”
“I love you”
“I love you too.” You sighed, lowering you phone into your lap and just let go. The tears flow freely out of your eyes as you sniffle, not caring if you look so ugly right now.
“Stupid tears. Stupid me. Why do you have to cry at this time?” You huffed to yourself. Annoyingly wiping the tears out of your face as new tears rolled down your cheeks. You run your hands from your face to your hair, holding your head as you lean towards the table.
Trying to get ahold of yourself, Mingyu’s words rang through your head. Are you okay? Are you sure?
You shake your head, more tears coming out of your eyes.
No. You sobbed. I am not okay. Nothing is fine. I do not know why I feel this way. But it hurts. You cry out, attempting to arrange the papers trying to distract yourself but still did not help stopping your tears.
I just wish you are here. I just cannot take it anymore. I do not know if I can take it by myself. Why do you have to be so weak? Just a handful of schoolworks and tight schedule, you are already breaking down. How can you face the world being Mingyu’s girlfriend if you are weak?
“Just stop.” You whisper. “I wish you were here. Please be here.”
Just then, you feel warm hands stroking your hair. “I’m here now.” Mingyu whispered to your ears.
You quickly raised your head to look at him kneeling beside you. Eyes strained with tears as he looked at you worriedly. He cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears with his thumb. You leaned into his touch as he put a kiss in your forehead. You put your arms around him and let him hold your head in his shoulder, the other hand is soothing your back. You do not know how he got in your apartment so fast nor how did you not hear him opened the door, but it just feels nice to have him now at your side.
“Why would you say you’re okay when you’re actually not?” His gentle voice makes your lips quiver, trying not to cry anymore but failing. “Why would you hide your pain when you can share them with me?” his voice is laced with pain although he tried to hide. You just hugged him tighter in return, sniffling. “Why would you hide your pain when you can share them with me?”
“I’m sorry”. You whisper between cries.
“You know you could always talk to me, right? You can always tell me about your day whether it is good or bad. You do not have to hide it from me. I also want to give you comfort and support, the same way you give them to me.” Oh, how could you deserve such a person? You snuggled your head into his neck as you get out of the chair joining him on the floor and leaning your body onto him.
“It’s okay to cry it all out.” He continued cradling you in his arms. “It’s okay to take some rest if you’re tired. You do not always have to had it all together. Please give yourself some rest. There is still tomorrow, and I will still be here supporting you.”
And just like that, he continued to whisper comforting words in your ears lulling you to sleep. As you open your puffy eyes the next morning, you’re faced with sleeping Mingyu by your side, you are just so thankful to have such a boyfriend like him.
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My Midterms week are 1/4 done~. My week's getting busier as we get nearer in our midterms but I wanted to update this one saying I'm still alive. You can always send me an ask or requests!
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Yeah, First Date
Characters: Vernon  x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff, Lame banters between each other
Word count: 678
a/n: Shy Vernon can’t get out of my head. So I hope you enjoy this attempt of shy Vernon on a first date. 
Vernon wants your first date to be perfect that is why he planned out everything beforehand gathering all the advice from Hoshi and Dino.
Flowers? Check.
Being on time? Check
Complimenting your outfit? Check.
Nothing could go wrong, right?
"Vernon, really? You took me to the beach?" You looked at him at disbelief as you got out of the car. He looked at your face not really understanding your reaction.
"I just thought taking a walk before going to dinner is romantic. Plus, it's the perfect way to enjoy the sunset" He shrugged. "Did you not like it?" He asked, slightly worried that this is the start where this date goes downhill.
"I would like it anytime Vernon," you said reaching for his hand. " but giving me a heads up is much appreciated"
"I thought you like surprises" He said lacing your hands in his.
"Well, they aren't if I'm not dressed accordingly" you mused as you point towards your dress and 2-inch heels. " You only said that we're having a dinner at a restaurant!"
Welp. So much for the "a surprise destination before dinner excites any girl" as advised by Hoshi.
He smiled to you apologetically, "I can carry you though. I'm a strong man you know." He said offering his back towards you.
You laughed shaking your head. "It's okay, I can just walk barefoot. I'm a big girl you know." You winked at him before taking off your heels putting it inside his car quickly.
You both enjoyed the beach playing with the waves crashing through the shore. It is indeed the best way to watch the sunset. You lean into him as you tugged his jacket closer to you
“Cold?” he asked putting his arms around your waist instinctively.
“A little bit.” You mumbled.
“We can drive now to the restaurant if you want” Vernon said while rubbing your arms with his hands, trying to give you some warmth.
“But I still want to watch the sun set.” You poutingly said. “Can we stay a little bit after the sun has set?” You look at him adoringly. How can he say no to that face of yours?
“Okay, whatever makes you happy.” He said as he kisses the crown of your head.
“Ohhh, so you can kiss me now without getting shy.” You tease him as you give him a knowing smile.
“Okay, we can now start walking back to the car.” He huffed as he stretched his arms getting ready to walk off. You held onto his waist keeping him in place. “No, I’m just joking! I won’t tease you anymore.” You whine in his arms in which he just chuckled in return.
 You spent the drive to the restaurant singing on his playlist. Enjoyed the dinner at the restaurant laughing and talking about everything and anything. The drive back to your apartment makes you feel sad and excited looking forward to the second date that Vernon promised you before you leave the restaurant. He pulled up to your driveway and reached for the flowers in the backseat.
“I’m hoping you’ll get the right flowers next time?” you giggled at him.
“After today, I’ll be noting everything and put it in my mind” He said smiling shyly.
“I enjoyed today. More than I expected to.” You said holding into his arms as you kiss his cheek.
Vernon looked at you with wide eyes, mouth gaping. “Ye-yeah. Uhm, me too.” He sputtered. “I- uh- also enjoyed today.” He looked at you trying to control his widening smile. “I’ll make sure the next one is better.” You laughed at how his face is turning red.
“Okay, I’ll see you, Vernon.” You said getting off the car. “Try not to dream of me tonight.” Teasing for the last time tonight.
“Yeah, and try not to miss me too much.” He smilingly fires back. “Good night.” He said as he watches you go inside before driving away.
He definitely needs to plan the next date. And this time, without the help of Hoshi and dino.
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 I really hoped you liked it. I made many version of this shy Vernon but I scratched them all out because they are all so lame. But imagine a shy Vernon on a date, he’ll be so freaking cute and giggly and a blushing mess, Okay, anyways. Feel free to request anything! Just ask and everything or check out my  requests <3 
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Characters: Jihoon/Woozi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff
Word count: 259
a/n: another attempt. I hope this one is better
You wake up in frantic voices coming from your boyfriend. As you open your eyes, you see two figures almost hovering you as they look at you in worry.
You look at them questioningly. “Jihoon, is everything alright?” you asked.
“I should be the one asking you that.” He said pushing his jacket further to cover you.
“Jihoon were about to wake you up from sleep but when He touched you, he kind of panic because of your temperature.” Vernon explained before you could ask what is happening.
Jihoon reached out for your hand. “I kind of panic when I touched your hand. It’s too cold then I went to touch your feet and then your face they’re the same.”
You looked down and hold his hand tighter. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you”
“Are you sure you’re, okay? Why didn’t you say anything that the aircon’s too cold? I can turn it low for you.” He sighed squeezing your hand tighter hoping to warm your hands. “I thought I freeze you to death”
You giggled at his exaggeration “It’s not that cold. I swear, I just tend to have cold hands and cold feet whenever it’s cold.”
“which means?” Jihoon asked handing you a cup of coffee.
“My hand always gets cold even when I’m not cold” You said taking the cup, “and thank you” taking a sip from the coffee.
Jihoon looks at you worriedly in which you smiled. “I’m really okay Jihoon. Do not worry. I’m really sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s alright. I am sorry for not knowing about your cold hands. And do tell me if you are cold, I’ll make sure to keep your hands warm.” Tugging your hands closer to his. “All the time” He smiled.
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My ending sucks and I’m trying to come up with better endings. But I hope you like it!  My requests are open! Feel free to send me an ask or anything!
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justasoftstan · 3 years
No more
Characters: Seungcheol x Reader, Jeonghan x Reader
Genre/warnings: Angst. Boyfriend! Jeonghan, Not really cheating but there is some flirting with Seungcheol and reader. Unrequired love?
Word Count: 809 words
a/n: I don't condone any kind of cheating. This is just for the story and this does not reflect the members I used. I turned Facade into a 3 part mini-series. Soooo, the next part will be the last.
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“Jeonghan, I’m Sorry.” You said, before tears caught in your eyes.
That is the last thing you said before running off back towards the house leaving everybody off guard and confused. Hearing them asking Jeonghan what happened and if you were alright.
As Jeonghan stand there watching you, he felt a hand on his shoulder, “Is Y/N alright?” Dokyeom asks.
“I don’t know.” Jeonghan purses his lips looking down. “But I think I might have an idea” He said before looking up catching Seungcheol's eyes. “I’ll check on her."
Dokyeom nods before muttering okay going back to whatever his doing. “Just make sure she’s okay.”
Jeonghan just smiled.
You were sitting on the bench in the side of the resthouse, face on your hands trying to think what you should do.
You contemplate things whether is it a good decision or you should have just waited until it was only the two of you before saying it all to Jeonghan. Now you are wondering what everyone is thinking.
You felt someone sat beside you. You run your hands through your face, taking a deep breathe before looking at Jeonghan fiddling with his hands not really knowing what to say.
“Hanni- “You started. But he cuts you off.
“No, I-” he sighed. Running his hands through his hair. “I should’ve known. I should’ve prepared myself for this time to come.” he said silently still not looking at your face.
“What are you saying?” Your voice croaked. Heart beating like a drum.
“I mean, I know that you have feelings for Seungcheol.” he stared at your eyes.
It broke your heart. The guilt in your heart is stronger when you see tears spilling out his eyes. But you cannot deny the feeling that some weight was lifted off from you.
“H-how?” you cannot find the words to say.
“It’s really not hard to see how my best friend and my girlfriend eye fucking each other right in front of me whenever we gather together.” He chuckled but there is a hint of anger and hurt in his word.
And this makes your heart broke even more. You did not want to hurt Jeonghan. It wasn’t even your plan from the start. Heck, you didn’t even think of falling in one of his best friends, Seungcheol was just one of your close friends. Closerthan the others, but here are you are now. When did the things go spiraling down?
“I’m sorry Jeonghan.” You breathed. “I know, I must be so stupid for letting this happen. You don’t deserve any of this.” You cried. Slowly reaching to hold his hand, fearing he might pull back. “You should know that I’m really sorry. I’ve been so selfish.”
He shook his head. “No, I am. I’ve been noticing it for weeks now and I’ve been too in denial that it’s just nothing. I’m too prideful to admit something is wrong. Even then, when I realized you are the one that he liked, the one he’s been talking about me for months even before we became a thing. I knew it when I introduced you to the guys." He confessed. "I think I became competitive. I don't want him to have you. I wanted him to see that you’re mine and he will not get you.” He laughed bitterly. “Now I think I’m the one who will not get you.” he said as you feel a tear drop in your hand. You tighten your grip on his hand.
And if your heart wasn’t broken enough, now it is.
“Guess we’re both selfish for not letting each other go, huh?” you huffed. In which he chuckled.
Then silenced engulfed the two of you, taking the comfort of the wind waiting for each other to say something.
“What happens now?” He bravely asked. You opened your mouth to say something but not finding the words to say.
"I – I don’t know.” You said quietly, scared of his answer. "Is this it?"
"Whatever you wanted. I'll respect your decision. It's not like, I can make a person stay when her heart is on another person." He muttered staring into nothing.
Once again, you have nothing to say that could ever comfort him or ease what he has been feeling.
He shuffled in his seat as he wiped the tears in his eyes pulling away from your hold. “I'm going inside.” he croaked. “I need, uhm, time to think, I guess?” he scratched the back of his neck.
"I- I think I'm going to stay here."
"You do that." He said standing up as he started to walk inside the house, trying all his best not to look back at you.
And you stay there, looking at him until he disappears inside. The cold wind is nothing compared to the cold you’re feeling the moment Jeonghan left.
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Characters: Seungcheol x Reader, Jeonghan x Reader
Genre/warnings: Angst. Boyfriend! Jeonghan, Not really cheating but there is some flirting with Seungcheol and reader. Unrequired love?
Word count: 485 words.
a/n: I can’t keep my hands from posting this. And I suck at putting genre and warnings, I’ m sorry :( So yeah, here’s my very first angst. Enjoy! x 
He grabbed your hands and intertwined it with his. You looked at him and smiled letting him drag you towards the beach that is waiting for you.
Before you can go near the beach, you tug at his hand before calling out his name, "Cheol”
"Mhm?" He looks back at you as he stands there before the sunset. The sun illuminating the side of his face.
"Please let's stay like this for a while" you said stopping halfway through the beach where the rest of the guys were.
You can hear the crashing of the waves as it hits the shore and the laughter of the guys as they play in the water. But the sound of your heart pounding is louder than anything else.
"They're waiting for us. Especially Jeonghan." He said, keeping a distance where your hands fall in between. "You might not want to keep them waiting."
As if on cue, you hear them call the two of you. Maybe wondering what is taking you so long. But neither of you made a move. You stand there staring at each other as the sun sets slowly and the cold breeze of the wind made you feel like you were frozen in the scene.
"You are so beautiful." He said looking into your eyes. Tugging a piece of your hair away from your face using his other hand.
You melt into his touch. You stare at him as he eyes flickers to your lips moving his hand to your chin. "I think I want to kiss you." He said and your knees almost gave out. You just wanted to fall into his arms and hold onto him.
"Then why don't you?" You asked. Fighting all the urge to touch him when he's just basically in front of you.
"Because I don't think I should." he said. Dropping his hand from your chin and started walking, dragging you along with him. "Not when Jeonghan is around. Not when I don't have the rights." He said letting go of your hand once you approached the guys. Wearing the fakest smile he could ever wear, hoping it could ease the ache in his heart.
But you could see it. He is hurting but cannot do anything. Especially when you are the reason for it. And you stood there, in the arms of other man whose smiling at you adoringly. His hands around you as he pulls you closer to him. You gently reach out and put your hands into his face. Guilt creeping up to you from all the lies you fed him. Tired for making yourself think that you could force him into your heart. You know you cannot keep your little facade anymore. You hold his face as you look at him. Confusion is evident in his eyes as he sees you frowning.
"Jeonghan, I'm Sorry." You mutter. Before tears caught in your eyes.
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And there it goes. What do you think? Should I make another part? I can’t believe I’m writing sappy imagines. I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to request!
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justasoftstan · 3 years
Midnight Shenanigans
Characters: Junhui x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff
Word count: 359
a/n: I am rusty in writing. 
“Bring it back we’re not going to need it” You hissed at Jun as he pouts lightly.
“But I like it. Please.” He said clutching the pet collar tighter on his hand. You sighed. “We don’t even have a pet at home.” 
“So, we get one.” He smiled sweetly at you.
“No. And there’s no shop that’s open at this time of the day.” You said. Grabbing some chocolate bars. 
“Fine.” He huffed. “Then let me buy some ice cream” In which he pushed past you in a pout.
You grab some more things that you need and some chips to eat later. Who thought that you will be out at 2 am to buy ingredients for pancake? And who’s idea? Jun. Who would not let you sleep until you both make pancakes. 
"What is-” 
“It’s for Wooju.” He said putting the canned dog food into the basket. You just sighed shaking your head, there is really no stopping him.
You made your way out of the store as he carries the plastic in his hands. You both walk home side by side as you both quietly eat your ice creams. 
You look at him momentarily who was busy eating his ice cream. You playfully shove his hand upward, spilling some of his ice cream in his cheek. You laughed at his surprised face walking away from him. He glared at you and walked faster catching up on you.
You put your hands up to prevent him from closer as he smirks at you devilishly. He put his ice cream up aiming for your head, but you were quicker as you smear yours in his face and onto his shirt. 
He gasped reaching out for you as you run away from him laughing. Soon, you were he caught you turning you around, rubbing his face all over yours. You wiggle out of his grasp as you start to feel sticky.
“Okay, okay stop.” You spoke. Holding his face.” I feel sticky. Your face is sticky” 
“Yeah? Thanks to you.” He said squinting his eyes. You smiled at him innocently as you both go into the elevator into your apartment. 
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It’s my first time after a year to write something like this :<. So please bear with me. It’s also my first time writing for Seventeen. My requests are open! Feel free to ask me or anything! 
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justasoftstan · 3 years
all writings/content produced is from my own mind and imagination. inspiration is taken from external sources in form of concept and ideas, but never content.
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Seventeen Masterlist
check out the fic recs, imagines or your requests in the respective hashtags :) Also the prompt lists that you can use if you want a request. But any kind of request is open in my inbox. I am answering asks during Monday to Thursdays since I have classes during weekends. Enjoy! 
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