jttw-dadkong · 27 days
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This is prince btw
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jttw-dadkong · 4 months
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I made this Sketch awhile back, and them as master and padanaw would be like ahsoke and anakin.
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jttw-dadkong · 27 days
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Here is my shitty artwork of Prince looking upon sun wukong with In awe
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jttw-dadkong · 4 months
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I can never draw him the same way lol
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jttw-dadkong · 4 months
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@rae-blu thanks for making this art of my OCs.
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jttw-dadkong · 3 months
Here, a little bit of chapter two. Please review it so I can make it better
Nezha and Wukong searched diligently in the Immortal peaches Grove, hoping to find any hints about the culprit. As Wukong effortlessly scaled the trees, he noticed traces of monkey fur on certain branches.
he held the little hair at his fingertips, he jumped down from one of the Immortal peaches trees, he spoke to Nezha “i found some monkey fur “ he showed it to nezha with a frown,nezha lead forward to look at the price of fur in bet
he showed it to nezha with a frown,nezha lead forward to look at the price of fur in between Wukong fingertips.
Nezha’s suspicion grew as he plucked the fur from Wukong’s fingertips, his raised eyebrow displaying his distrust. With a hint of suspicion, Nezha held the fur from Wukong’s fingertips and asked, “Are you certain this isn’t your own fur?”
Wukong forcefully retrieved the fur, retorting, “ found this piece of monkey fur, it's not mine, and the color doesn't match either."
Nezha replies, “are you so certain it isn't yours?"
Wukong "I assure you it's not my own! Why would I want to deceive you when I'm conducting the investigation myself?!"
Nezha, with an expression that revealed his skepticism, confrontationally warned Wukong, “I am well aware of your deceptive tactics, Wukong. You won’t easily fool me.”
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jttw-dadkong · 2 months
Since it will take me awhile to write chapter 3 of dadkong
I don't know how much some of you want this, though.
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jttw-dadkong · 2 months
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I will be writing and working out this week. It will be their first meeting, and you guys get to see prince personality
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jttw-dadkong · 2 months
Dadkong chapter 2, who sneaked into heaven and stole all those peaches?
Nezha and Wukong searched diligently in the Immortal peaches Grove, hoping to find any hints about the culprit. As Wukong effortlessly scaled the trees, he noticed traces of monkey fur on certain branches.
he held the little hair at his fingertips, he jumped down from one of the Immortal peaches trees, he spoke to Nezha “i found some monkey fur “ he showed it to nezha with a frown,nezha lead forward to look at the price of fur in bet
he showed it to nezha with a frown,nezha lead forward to look at the price of fur in between Wukong fingertips.
Nezha’s suspicion grew as he plucked the fur from Wukong’s fingertips, his raised eyebrow displaying his distrust. With a hint of suspicion, Nezha held the fur from Wukong’s fingertips and asked, “Are you certain this isn’t your own fur?”
Wukong forcefully retrieved the fur, retorting, “ found this piece of monkey fur, it's not mine, and the color doesn't match either."
Nezha replies, “are you so certain it isn't yours?"
Wukong "I assure you it's not my own! Why would I want to deceive you when I'm conducting the investigation myself?!"
Nezha, with an expression that revealed his skepticism, confrontationally warned Wukong, “I am well aware of your deceptive tactics, Wukong. You won’t easily fool me.”
Wukong retorted with an irritated huff.
"Hmph, you're are a fool. This isn't my fur, let me show you, that it not mine" he then ripped out a piece of fur from his head hair, His fur was the (color of old gold, precious but worn.)
The other, on his other fingertips,(is the color of light antique gold), close to Wukong's fur color.
he held both furs in between his fingers, put them both in his mouth, chewed on them, blew the fur out of his mouth, he spoke "Change!"
Only one fur changed into a clone of Sun Wukong and the other fell to the ground,wukong caught the little strands of fur, but before it hit the ground, his clone popped back into fur, and he caught it.
Nezha replied, "It seems like you're correct." With impressive and shocked expression,he crossed his arms.
Wukong speaks with confidence, with a snigger. "damn right I am,old monkey is always right. I proved it wasn't me, so was it then? "
Nezha rubbed his chin, his eyes wandering the Peach Garden. He soon noticed on the marble floor muddy footprints, the size of a little monkey's footsteps
"I do not know, but I have found a trail. "
Nezha took the lead, his eyes scanning the ground for any signs. As they approached the prints, he walked to their side and knelt down for a closer inspection. Wukong commented, “Those little monkey feet, about 12 years old. I can easily recognize the size of my young ones’ feet.”
Nezha replied to Wukong in a firm and curious way. He bent over to look closely at the muddy footprints, "It seemed so, monkey, how did the flower maidens not notice this?"
Wukong replies "The little monkey must have been Sneaky,come into the peach garden, when the flowers maidens were asleep,in the died of night" he stands up again, his tail swishing.
Nezha and Wukong go back to the Jade Emperor, and they report the clues they found in their investigation. The jade emperor says, "A little monkey you say, how do you suggest the little brat came into heaven? "
Wukong replies, "The little monkey must have come into the delivery horse cart and sneaked in that way. "
With Wukong explaining how the little monkey came into heaven and stole the Immortal peaches, the Jade Emperor reply "no good,we need to find that kid"
Golden star of Venus speaks up, "My emperor,may I suggest Erlang shen,he could find the little monkey with his trusted dog"
(OOC: Sorry if it isn't greatly written, but here it is)
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jttw-dadkong · 1 month
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jttw-dadkong · 2 months
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Wukong and Prince be like
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jttw-dadkong · 5 months
I have new character for my au and Chapter 2 is still in the works,i almost get half of Chapter 2 done.
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jttw-dadkong · 4 months
Sorry that Chapter Two of dadkong is taking a while to write and get done,I struggle with writing, and I am not the best writer,I will get it done at some point,I am struggling with inspiration and motivation.
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jttw-dadkong · 5 months
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A new drawing I am working on
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jttw-dadkong · 1 month
Bai hou and prince first meeting
Prince stays away from the other monkeys at the meeting,he leads onto the tree,his shoulders crossed,his tail swaying gently low on the ground,one foot on the tree trunk.
Qiu Wang glazed at the other monkeys,sitting around on the small grass grounds,wukong at the front speaking nonsense that prince found boring and uninteresting but someone catch his eye,a monkey that has white fur that simmer like flesh snow,their eyes dark brown alike to oak tree bark stand out against the snowy fur,their skin grey pink made the other look more unique to qiu Wang,curious about the freak monkey.
He led away from tree,he got on all fours to sneak up on the other,he crawling over like a cat ready to Ponce.
Bái hóu to busy listening to wukong speaking that he didn't notice the rashly in the grass behind him until he felt two hands on his shoulders,he screech in surprise as he turn his head to....prince...wukong Disciple,the know trouble maker and aggressive and hostile towards others monkeys in the troop,he looks upon prince face,his golden sclera and red Pupils look at him with curiosity and a hint of bewilderment "why do you look like such a freak?,I never seen monkey like you before"
bái hóu offended replied sharp as a knife on someone throat
"I am not a freak! Do you have any kindness towards others that look different? I could call you a freak too with how you look"
Prince hiss "I was just asking!,I never seen a white fur monkey before,you stand out among all the monkeys here,gosh you're sensitive" qiu Wang let go of the other shoulders and took steps at front of bái hóu,his eyes narrow,his tail lashing out.
prince huffed he crossed his arms as he sat down with his feet crossed,sitting like a human,bái hóu object "I am not sensitive! you're just mean!" Bái hóu lead forward,his ears pulled back,his eyebrows pulled back.
Pince rolled his eyes,he lead forward becoming hostile,he retorted "I only said one mean thing!"
Bái hóu replied "it not nice calling someone a freak,I want you to apologize" prince throw his hands up "what!, I will not apologize for something so trivial!" Qiu Wang glazed harder stubbornly,he lead back from bái hóu face with his chin up
Bái hóu reply "you're so stubborn, just say you're sorry and I will drop it" Some of adults in the troop noticed the begin of the argument between bái hóu and qiu Wang,prince to headstrong to apologize,bái hóu Determined to make prince admitted his faults,bái hóu jump onto qiu Wang started to wrestling him,they’re rolled around as they fought bái hóu got the upper hand and pulled one of prince arms behind his back,pushing him onto the ground,bend the arm against prince,qiu Wang huffed with a grunt as his face hit the grounds,bái hóu speaks with satisfy at prince defeat "apology!"
qiu wang growled in frustration "never!" He tries to wiggle out of the white monkey hold, but bái hóu put his foot on qiu Wang lower back,prince growls with rage as irrelevant takes over like the furnace that burn him.
The end
I couldn't think of way to continue it
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You're first look at bái hóu and qiu Wang in color
I guess this counts as spoliers for the story
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jttw-dadkong · 1 month
You can answer in comments too
Even if it 2 Chapter a long time right now
I am sorry I didn't do the underworld in chapter two,I didn't know how to write it
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