#jugheads story story was the basis for the finale of s4
inutaffy · 1 year
finished s4 of riverdale godbless
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jugheadvarchoni · 26 days
Ranking every Riverdale Season (from worst to best)
Reminder: this is just MY opinion. Feel free to share your own!
7. Season 5
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With the exception of the first 3 episodes (which I just consider to be part of 4), this season was just a huge nothingburger disappointment. The idea of a time jump was cool, and it even started out okay. Then it quickly went off the rails and not only fell back into repeat territory but the jump itself was just executed so poorly… I was beyond done with Hiram villain stuff atp. The Mothmen were fine, just nowhere near as good as the Gargoyle King or Black Hood for me. Too many characters are written TOO awfully (especially the queer characters) and sometimes it feels like they tried to cram way too much into it. It just leaves the season feeling bloated and incoherent. Best parts by far were Toni getting a big role and the introduction of Tabitha.
Still, those weren’t enough to save the season imo. Overall S5 felt the least like Riverdale to me & it was lowkey boring a lot, so it gets last place. Boo. 🍅
6. Season 4
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I’m actually so serious when I say I really love this season. S5 is probably the only one I dislike, the rest of these can change at the drop of a hat lol.
The main reason I’m putting S4 here is that it was very hit or miss with my enjoyment of the storylines. Jughead’s stuff at Stonewall was okay. Cheryl got another unhinged story when she should’ve been getting therapy, Archie’s story was mind-numbing, The Auteur was creepy and great until it was revealed to be Jellybean (wah-wah-wah). Maybe it has to do with COVID throwing things off, but the whole season was just a little lackluster and disjointed. Also, TICKLE-PORN?????
The tribute to Luke Perry was beautiful tho. Miss him. 💔
5. Season 1
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ALRIGHT. Before you pull out those pitchforks, just hear me out. It’s an incredible season, it’s the most well-written, the tone was amazing, and it set everything up perfectly.
But I do think that because it’s only the first season, and because it’s so short, a lot of the dynamics I personally love just don’t exist. Toni isn’t on the show yet. And I feel like part of what made Riverdale stand out, WAS the craziness and the willingness to do literally anything remotely cuckoo, which S1 just didn’t have. I’m just personally very attracted to wackiness of the other seasons. It’s a little overrated.
But again, this still season is INCREDIBLE and I’m still obsessed with its’ vibes.
4. Season 7
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Don’t hurt me. 😭
But buckle up, because I have a lot to say here.
I REALLY had such a good time with this season… I mean, the Choni of it all is really want gets me obsessively thinking about this season on a daily basis. The way they were treated in the first half is everything I wished for them back in the earlier seasons. If this were a ranking based on Choni throughout the seasons, S7 would be #1. Kevin also got a ton of great stuff. S7 was so kind to the queer characters… Other than them, I just love how they got to have FUN. They took us back in time and basically just put the characters into an old-timey Archie Comic. Ridiculous but entertaining side plots that actually kept me interested and put the characters in a totally new environment. And despite the fact that people seem to want to ignore this, they ARE still the characters we’ve known and loved since S1, they just didn’t remember. But the memories are still there, and still inform all of their decisions and relationships.
Unfortunately, my biggest gripe with S7 is the way it feels disconnected to the rest of the show overall. They really let the comet story flop hard. Even if we decided to stay in the 50s in the end, we should’ve had way more time with our characters with their memories. They should’ve had conversations that were long overdue, that circle back and bring things to a close, the way final seasons should. I would’ve preferred they go back to the present, but in an altered timeline due to all the changes made to their lives. Tabitha was WASTED and thrown away and it makes me so mad tbh. They chickened out with the Varchie vs Barchie thing and instead we got that dumbass polycule and everyone dating everyone only for literally no one to end up with anyone (except Choni & Clevin uwu). The later half is especially a letdown, because that’s when we should’ve been ramping up to the end with their memories and certain people coming back together. Instead, we just got a lot of randomness. Which, while fun, doesn’t make for a good final season imo.
I think this season would’ve been ranked in my top 3 had it NOT been the final one…
It’s such a polarizing season for me and that’s why it’s smack dab in the middle!
3. Season 2
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What a lot of people consider the glory days lol.
Everything that was well-established in S1 was built on and just made even better. The dynamics between the core four and each one of their storylines was spot on and interesting. Black Hood is probably the most interesting mystery villain we ever had on the show and delving deeper into the Cooper family was great. The slasher horror movie vibes with Black Hood’s story & his victims were just elite.
The season was darker and full of lots of twists and turns, which I always appreciate to keep my on my toes. We got introduced to Toni and Choni was born!
It did have some meh stuff tho, the Archie vs Hiram wasn’t all that interesting to me in this season, even though I DO like Hiram a lot. He’s always been an intriguing character to me, I just think he was severely overused. I also don’t like Bughead lol. The Chic stuff is hit or miss. It was bordering on crazy, but not quite at that sweet spot yet.
Overall this season was more exciting and deeper than even the likes of S1. And this is, of course, where we started getting into the Southside Serpents and the gang wars, which I think is such an iconic aspect of the show. Just a fun, deeper, more interesting season for me!
2. Season 6
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I’m a sucker for witches and magic and time travel shenanigans, so this season was RIGHT up my alley. Rivervale, Sabrina, the spookiness, Cheryl’s witch arc, Percival was great, Tabitha getting to shine, I loved SO much of this season. Having one villain, that they all focus on I think did wonders for the cohesiveness of the season. Almost everyone got involved in it, there weren’t as many tangential storylines, and the buildup to the comet was so much fun. It was the perfect blend of camp and wackadoodleness and serious life/death stuff.
The worst part for me, is the ships. Tangs being a plague on society and them making Toni’s whole storyline about being a mother (a bad, awful one ugh). Fangs was never a standout to me, but they just made him insufferable this season. The custody battle was insanely stupid and a waste of time. “Baby Anthony” sucked (Dale FTW). Barchie has always bored me. Cheryl/Heather just felt like besties lol. The ships suffered hard in this season lol.
Still, we got Choni confirmed soulmates and Thabigail + Jughead/Tabitha were cute. So that aspect wasn’t ALL bad.
Tonally, it’s soooo different from the other seasons but I think they strike a better balance between mystery villainous plot and campiness than the other seasons. I ate up the supernatural and horror stuff, the plot is one of the most consistent in the whole show, there’s good character development and I just loved the craziness. They easily redeemed themselves after that abysmal S5. 🙏
1. Season 3
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Ahhh PEAK insanity. Wild, compelling, dark but also silly af sometimes. The show went off the rails in the best way and I have a blast every time I watch it. A true fever dream. They embraced the crazy and I think that’s what sets it apart from all the other seasons. Imo, there isn’t a single “bad” episode here. They were still in high school, giving us that teenage drama/those dynamics that made Riverdale what it is. My fav ships were together (not without their drama), there was an intriguing mystery with the Gargoyle King. The flashback episode with the parents was amazinggggg and I loved everything about the Gryphon’s and Gargoyle’s storyline and how it trickled down to affect so many people. The atmosphere of the season, the main cast that got focus and actually got to have screentime together, Heathers heing probably their strongest musical. I love it SO MUCH.
There are some weaker points tho. There is a lot that happens this season, like A LOT. But I enjoyed it so much that I lowkey give it a pass for being so convoluted. Dilton was wasted and killed off after not getting much in general. Bughead & Veggie suck. I wish the G&G and Cult stuff had been intertwined better.
An organ harvesting cult led by Chad Michael Murray? Archie fighting a bear? Mass seizures? Babies thrown into a fire and then levitating? Veronica opening a speakeasy as a teenager? Choni cat burglars? Archie in juvie? Bunker sex? Speakeasy sex? Fizzle rocks? Killer DnD? THE EPIC HIGHS AND LOWS OF HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL?
I-C-O-N-I-C. Riverdale is at its best for me when it doesn’t care about being a normal gritty teen show. Maybe this season was a little messier, but I think the sheer fun and craziness more than makes up for that. Everytime I rewatch this season, I enjoy the crap out of it and am reminded why I love these characters and this silly little show so much. ♥️
So to recap:
S3 > S6 > S2 > S7 > S1 > S4 > S5
P.S: if there’s a major typo or I put something in the wrong season, lemme know. I just regurgitated this all from memory when I woke up so my thoughts were hella jumbled…
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Has there always been such a discrepancy between the show and its promo? Is it something that has always been there, and I’m just discovering it now, because I’m finally an active member of the fandom? Or is it particular to s5?
The whiplash though!
-Promo: It’s the end of an era! It’s the end of high school!
-Show: Here’s the core four! They’re back in high school! Excitiiiiing!
-Promo: There will be a 7-year time-jump! Everything will be brand new and they will all be dealing with trauma!
-Show: Here are 2 episodes of exposition, with the characters reverting to their s1 selves. Sorry for not mentioning or actually dealing with any trauma at all (other than briefly alluding that Betty has it). Maybe some other time. Do you think we can drag that for as long as we dragged the Jughead’s dead/alive plot in s4?
-Promo (audition tape & Apa’s interview): Jughead’s an alcoholic! He drinks all the time!
-Show: Not yet! Not yet! Maybe after episode 10!
-Promo: Barchie have definitely feelings that they have to deal with! Wink! Wink! Shower emoji!
-Show: Sex scenes resulting to the audience’s disengagement.
-Promo: Look how hot Jughead is! Bet you wanted him as your teacher back in high school! Wink! Wink!
-Show: No hot storylines for Jughead (to no one’s surprise).
-Also promo: Bughead is a thing. This isn’t the end of their story.
?!?!?!? (make up your mind?!)
-Promo: Betty is a BadassTM!
-Me: Newsflash, you morons. Betty has always been a badass!
-Show: Betty is raiding a house without a warrant and accuses the trucker who accepted a rdv with whom he thought was Polly to be the one who had kidnapped Polly – a devious plan that was suggested to the FBI trainee by the high school’s drama teacher (who even wrote those scenes?)
(Not badass, mate)
-Promo TwitterTed: We are very socially conscious. Black Lives Matter. Defund the Police. You will see how woke we are in s5.
-Show: Here’s a Privatization Is The Best story. Also, an Illegal House Raid.
-Promo: We heard Vanessa. We will be treating our actors of colour better.
-Show: All hail Toni, who now has more screen time to help Archie and cheerbattle Cheryl! (where is her own storyline dammit?) Hey, Kevin, kiss your boyfriend, so that he can have some screen time too! (Note: I would honestly love for Tabitha to have her own storyline, but, at this point, should we be holding our breaths?)
-Promo: Archie is going to try and save the town!
-Show: Archie: “Bulldogs, assemble!”
Do the writers even have a concrete plan for s5 or is it just a general direction, a collage of discarded s1 and s2 ideas, a lot of filler episodes, and the illusion that they can keep the viewers’ interest through promo/reviews/interviews rather than on the basis of what they actually put on the screen every week?
No one would be happier to be proven wrong but me.
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