#juliet landeau
✉ ♦☒
A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
Mel: Uhhhh tbh i ship mel with almost everyone she has ever rped. She had insane chemistry with so many ppl. No notps
Ber: Hades lol. be a disaster. um Tinker???? they r brotp ahah
Kiara: Kella, though also I ship Kella like the problematic bitch i am
Hades: Sephades?
Milo: uhhhhhh um. Belle bc it would be so boring they’d never do anything but read
Kiki: uh no notps
Anita: at this point louita i guess lmao
Prince: no notps
Paul: uh nope
Andrina: nope
Merida: nope
Mowgli: nope
♦: Relationship with your Muse.
i dont rly get this question either i reject the voices in your head theory so im gonna do what mk did:
mel came to me because i was really into the idea of rping a dragon and using it as a metaphor for female empowerment. i suppose if we have a relationship she is the ego buried somewhere deep inside me lmao
ber came to me because hsi skeleton had this amazing disconnect of “loves being alone in a crowd of people” basically and his anxiety is pretty personal so i saw a way to explore that with him. also i loooove music so yeah. also that hew as a middle kid i mean-- really he was so immediate, just a real person, right away, my honey.
kiara came to me because i wanted to invert the romeo/juliet structure and make it Gay AF and she was always one of my fave disney characters.
hades came to me because i created thsi thing called the ‘ambassador’ and i also wanted to play an anti-hero hades and play with the whole ‘destiny’ trope. i intended to make him more unlikable than he is now tho maybe some would disagree and say he’s p unlikeable lmao
milo came to me bc i really love toying with the media of RP like we have these blogs right and those blogs can function as ic-blogs and so mostly i wanted milo to be a source for worldbuilding. In a way i wanted him to function almost like the audience reaching in and interacting with the world. the best way to describe it is the voice of cecil baldwin reporting on the events of nightvale tho he isnt the center player (originally at least idk im not far into nightvale.) i planned all these like interviews and blog posts and diary entries etc. i didnt do a lot of these things lol and he’s much more of a character-character now but i still like those aspects of him
nala came 2 me bc once AGAIN i really wanted to play a diff dynamic in terms of simala and i wanted someone involved with the whole InterPride scandal tbh. i drew from my experience working with nonprofits to inform a lot of her character
kiki came 2 me bc i was like wow what does a witch apprentice look like and what does a familiar look like. thsoe were the two questions that i wanted to explore with her and she’s like the exact opposite of mel
anita came 2 me bc i could not give up the opportunity to play opposite AUNT CRUELLA and i like dthe idea of doing a rags 2 riches kind of deal and also she was so diff from the females i had-- soft where everyone else was sort of hard, girly while everyone else was more....masculine? so she filled that void for me
Prince came 2 me with a question bc they always do: what would the guardian of the forest look like? what’s his story. how does that work. what mythology can i dive into. he was SO different than aNYone i had ever done and that kind of challenge excites me like-- noTHING else
Paul: once again it was the fact that i had never rped anyone like paul that made me want to rp paul lmao. i wrote his skeleton originally as a teenage dad (he started off as a rugby star in my head) and was liek WANT and then it took me like nine months to get him or something. and i love him bc parenthood, and masculinity, and poverty and all these other things, he’s just once again filling in holes i had that i hadnt previously explored (that wasn’t a real sentence. i apologize).
Andrina: oNCE again i was like i need a mermaid because what does atlantis lake look like? how can i sculpt it what can i build out of that? and i liked the idea andrina was experimenting with magic and maybe going places she shouldn’t go. and then when the adhd thread came in i was like this si ALSO something ive never done and will open up new opportunities for me. sold.
Merida: UGH the story was too good to pass up. once again-- notice a pattern-- i was like: i can expand on this order of the prince thing i created and do it while twisting it on its head. i was halfway inspired by the disreputable history of frankie landeau-banks whicih is basically about like a ya feminist awakening. plus all the DRAMA she could cause. who else would turn merida into a villain??? me. i am the answer.
Mowgli: UGH again lol i just was super intrigued about mowgli’s history and how his identity has been shaped by magic-- magic he doesnt have and magic that he does have after all. also i just knew his voice was going to be beautiful and i loved writing raj for his culture and i love writing mowgli for his.
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serixblog-blog · 7 years
Oscar-winning actor Martin Landau has died at age 89 after a brief illness. The versatile Hollywood star, who won an Academy Award in 1994 for the Tim Burton-directed Ed Wood, came to fame playing a villain in Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest and later in the original Mission: Impossible TV show on CBS. Landau died at UCLA Medical Center on Saturday afternoon following “unexpected complications during a short hospitalization,” according to a statement from his reps late Sunday. “We are overcome with sadness to report the death of iconic actor Martin Landau,” statement said. “He had just celebrated his 89th birthday.” He is survived by daughters Susie Landau Finch and Juliet Landau and granddaughter Aria Isabel Landau Finch, 8. He is also survived by Barbara Bain, whom he divorced in 1993 after more than three decades of marriage. Bain was his co-star in Mission: Impossible. They married in 1957. The statement from his family says he is also survived by girlfriend Gretchen Becker. #news#obituary#obit#obituaries#martin-landeau
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ultra-aethuse-nc · 6 years
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carrasgirl23-blog · 12 years
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