abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Juliette came into the bookstore expecting to see Kiki, but seemed she had calculated the shifts wrong and ran into Sonia. To be completely honest with herself, she had been avoiding seeing Sonia since she got involved with Stevie. The second she realized that downtownsasquatch was Stevie to be exact. She had a long term crush on Sonia, she was just so free spirited and the complete opposite of Juliette. Most of the time when they interacted, Juliette thought she was bothering the other girl. Juliette took a deep breath and smiled, “Hey Sonia” she said, “Browsing for something new today”. Juliette stayed as casual as possible and put her coat on the coat rack at the front of the store and started scanning the shelves for something new, “I’m trying to branch out from the classics or feminist lit and I’m going to attempt to read something contemporary and light” she said with a sweet yet awkward smile as she peeked over to Sonia through the books. @hotandsweetsonia​ 
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