#july 1st being the china reunification
odyssej · 2 years
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Looks like these are the only Leos I have. 😂 “Betch” being the pianist who quit.
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freethoughtforall · 4 years
Geopolitical Move of the CCP
Prelude and Disclaimers:
               I am not a Scientist or Political Analyst, nor do I claim to be an expert in any field related to any of the following areas noted. I do not support nor intend to promote Xenophobia, racism, or acts of violence or hatred toward any group of people. This is merely a postulation, a pondering of thoughts. There are facts, theory, conjecture, and opinion intertwined here. Some of the sites and documents used to create some of the theory are mysteriously no longer available, my links go to unavailable sites, pages, and documents. What was available several weeks ago when I started taking notes is no longer available. So do your own research and make your own opinions.
               I merely suggest that this is perhaps, not entirely random. While worldwide pandemics are known, this particular one came at a convenient time in the geopolitical environment. Know also that no government is absolute, all great governments and empires in the past have fallen or shrunk to a less formidable position. Examples: The Great Roman Empire ruled for 2026 years, The British Empire in its hey day lasted 394 years and reduced to its current size, and many others either empires or large nation states. They fall for many reasons, internal revolt and dissension, external attack from a rising power, or geopolitical changes. One thing is certain, world power changes. There is no guarantee.
               Presently the United States has been the major world power for a good many years. Our currency, military, and world reach have been the major influencers in the global theater for a long time. Starting in 1898 with the Spanish American War the United States entered the world stage and began the start of our world presence as a superpower.
               One thing is certain, if someone has power, someone else wants that power.
               So, call me a conspiracy theorist, nut job, member of the tin foil club, or just an all-around loon, I really do not mind. This is just a thought expressed out loud. Perhaps it is a purposeful attempt at world economy disruption by a government bent on domination (not the first time it has been tried), maybe it was accidentally released due to careless procedures at a lab, or just a naturally occurring pandemic. Ultimately it is your call to make. What do you believe? Many things are not as innocent as they appear. But this is the situation China was waiting for, so intentional or convenient accident? You make the Call. But I do believe this is a possibility which has been floated in our government and perhaps (most likely) we are not being told the whole truth, and our government is attempting to prevent world conflict.
 1960 – 1980:
China reforms its overall government and starts to support and lift its people at great cost financially and humanitarian missteps. KEYPOINT: 1976 - Mao dies. "Gang of Four", including Mao's widow, jockey for power but are arrested and convicted of crimes against the state. From 1977 Deng Xiaoping emerges as the dominant figure among pragmatists in the leadership. Under him, China undertakes far-reaching economic reforms. KEYPOINT: 1979 - Diplomatic relations established with the US. Government imposes one-child policy in effort to curb population growth.
 1980 – 1990:
               Continued growth and elevation of the people, beginning to be a world market player. KEYPOINTS: 1986-90 - China's "Open-door policy" opens the country to foreign investment and encourages development of a market economy and private sector. 1989 - Troops open fire on demonstrators who have camped for weeks in Tiananmen Square initially to demand the posthumous rehabilitation of former CCP General Secretary Hu Yaobang, who was forced to resign in 1987. The official death toll is 200. International outrage leads to sanctions. 1989 - Jiang Zemin takes over as Chinese Communist Party general secretary from Zhao Ziyang, who refused to support martial law during the Tiananmen demonstrations. Stock markets open in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
1990 – 2000:
               Securely entrenched in the world market, business relocate to China, China becomes major player in technology production and advancement.
KEYPOINTS: 1992 - Russia and China sign declaration restoring friendly ties. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) ranks China's economy as third largest in the world after the US and Japan. 1994 - China abolishes the official renminbi (RMB) currency exchange rate and fixes its first floating rate since 1949. 1995 - China tests missiles and holds military exercises in the Taiwan Strait, apparently to intimidate Taiwan during its presidential elections. 1996 - China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - dubbed the Shanghai Five - meet in Shanghai and agree to cooperate to combat ethnic and religious tensions in each other’s countries. 1997 - Deng Xiaoping dies, aged 92. Rioting erupts in Yining, Xinjiang and on day of Deng's funeral Xinjiang separatists’ plant three bombs on buses in Urumqi, Xinjiang, killing nine and injuring 74. Hong Kong reverts to Chinese control. 1998 - Zhu Rongji succeeds Li Peng as premier, announces reforms in the wake of the Asian financial crisis and continued deceleration of the economy. Thousands of state-owned enterprises are to be restructured through amalgamations, share flotations and bankruptcies. About four million civil service jobs to be axed. Large-scale flooding of the Yangtse, Songhua and Nenjiang rivers. 1999 - Nato bombs the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, souring Sino-US relations.  Falun Gong, a quasi-religious sect, outlawed as a threat to stability.  Fiftieth anniversary of People's Republic of China on 1st October.  Macao reverts to Chinese rule.
2000 – 2010:
               Chinese technology and production now supply a large world market. China builds ghost cities to support its infrastructure industry. Intellectual theft, trademark violations, and increased production of “copy” knockoff items. Major technological companies move production to China.
               KEYPOINTS: 2000 - Crackdown on official corruption intensifies, with the execution for bribe taking of a former deputy chairman of the National People's Congress. Bomb explosion kills up to 60 in Urumqi, Xinjiang.  2001 April - Diplomatic stand-off over the detention of an American spy plane and crew after a mid-air collision with a Chinese fighter jet. 2001 June - Leaders of China, Russia and four Central Asian states launch the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and sign an agreement to fight ethnic and religious militancy while promoting trade and investment. The group emerges when the Shanghai Five - China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - are joined by Uzbekistan. 2001 June - China carries out military exercises simulating an invasion of Taiwan, at the same time as the island's armed forces test their capability to defend Taiwan against a missile attack from China. 2001 November - China joins the World Trade Organization. 2002 July - The US says China is modernizing its military to make possible a forcible reunification with Taiwan. Beijing says its policy remains defensive. 2002 November - Vice-President Hu Jintao is named head of the ruling Communist Party, replacing Jiang Zemin, the outgoing president. Jiang is re-elected head of the influential Central Military Commission, which oversees the armed forces. 2003 March - National People's Congress elects Hu Jintao as president. He replaces Jiang Zemin, who steps down after 10 years in the post.  2003 March-April - China and Hong Kong are hit by the pneumonia-like Sars virus, thought to have originated in Guangdong province in November 2002. Strict quarantine measures are enforced to stop the disease spreading.
2003 June - Hong Kong is declared free of Sars. Days later the World Health Organization lifts its Sars-related travel warning for Beijing.
2003 June - China, India reach de facto agreement over status of Tibet and Sikkim in landmark cross-border trade agreement.
2003 July-August - Some 500,000 people march in Hong Kong against Article 23, a controversial anti-subversion bill. Two key Hong Kong government officials resign. The government shelves the bill.
2004 September - Former president Jiang Zemin stands down as army chief, three years ahead of schedule.
2005 January - Former reformist leader Zhao Ziyang dies. He opposed violent measures to end 1989's student protests and spent his last years under virtual house arrest.
Aircraft chartered for the Lunar New Year holiday make the first direct flights between China and Taiwan since 1949.
2005 March - Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa resigns. He is succeeded in June by Donald Tsang. New law on Taiwan calls for use of force should Taipei declare independence from mainland China.
2005 April - Relations with Japan deteriorate amid sometimes-violent anti-Japanese protests in Chinese cities, sparked by a Japanese textbook which China says glosses over Japan's World War II record.
Taiwan's National Party leader Lien Chan visits China for the first meeting between Nationalist and Communist Party leaders since 1949.
2005 August - China and Russia hold their first joint military exercises.
2006 November - African heads of state gather for a China-Africa summit in Beijing. Business deals worth nearly $2 billion are signed and China promises billions of dollars in loans and credits.
Government says pollution has degraded China's environment to a critical level, threatening health and social stability.
2007 January - Reports say China has carried out a missile test in space, shooting down an old weather satellite. The US, Japan and others express concern at China's military build-up.
2007 July - China's food and drug agency chief is executed for taking bribes. Food and drug scandals have sparked international fears about the safety of Chinese exports.
2008 March - Anti-China protests escalate into the worst violence Tibet has seen in 20 years, five months before Beijing hosts the Olympic Games.
Pro-Tibet activists in several countries focus world attention on the region by disrupting progress of the Olympic torch relay.
2008 July - China and Russia sign a treaty ending 40-year-old border dispute which led to armed clashes during the Cold War.
2008 September - Astronaut Zhai Zhigang completes China's first spacewalk during the country's third manned space mission, Shenzhou VII.
Nearly 53,000 Chinese children fall ill after drinking tainted milk, leading Premier Wen Jiabao to apologize for the scandal.
2008 November - The government announces a $586bn (£370bn) stimulus package to avoid the economy slowing. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says the effect of the global financial crisis on China is worse than expected.
2009 February - Russia and China sign $25bn deal to supply China with oil for next 20 years in exchange for loans. Hillary Clinton calls for deeper US-China partnership on first overseas tour as secretary of state.
2009 July - Scores of people are killed and hundreds injured in the worst ethnic violence in decades as a protest in the restive Xinjiang region turns violent.
First sign of relaxation of strictly enforced one-child policy, as officials in Shanghai urge parents to have a second child in effort to counter effects of ageing population.
2010 – 2015:
               China is a world power, on level with the United States, Russia, and Japan. In the world market the Chinese Renminbi however is not on the same playing field with the Dollar and the Yen in the world market.
               The U.S. Dollar is the world standard. Many monies are used in trade but the Dollar is entrenched.
               China needs and wants world recognition as a world power and wants to be the world financial leader, but the United States stands in the way.
KEYPOINTS:  2010 January - China posts a 17.7% rise in exports in December, suggesting it has overtaken Germany as the world's biggest exporter.  The US calls on Beijing to investigate the cyber-attacks, saying China has tightened censorship. China condemns US criticism of its internet controls.
2010 March - The web giant Google ends its compliance with Chinese internet censorship and starts re-directing web searches to Hong Kong, in response to cyber-attacks on e-mail accounts of human rights activists.
2010 October - Jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo is awarded Nobel Peace Prize, prompting official protests from Beijing.
Vice-President Xi Jinping named vice-chairman of powerful Central Military Commission, in a move widely seen as a step towards succeeding President Hu Jintao.
2011 February - China formally overtakes Japan to become the world's second-largest economy after Tokyo published figures showing a Japanese GDP rise of only four per cent in 2010.
2011 December - Southern fishing village of Wukan comes to international attention after violent protests by locals against land seizures by officials. Authorities respond by sacking two local officials and agreeing to villagers' key demands.
China issues new rules requiring users of microblogs to register personal details.
2012 January - Official figures suggest city dwellers outnumber China's rural population for the first time. Both imports and exports dip, raising concern that the global economic slowdown could be acting as a drag on growth.
2012 April - China ups the limit within which the yuan currency can fluctuate to 1% in trading against the US dollar, from 0.5%. The US welcomes the move, as it has been pressing China to let the yuan appreciate.
2012 May - Philippines and Chinese naval vessels confront one another off the Scarborough Shoal reef in the South China Sea. Both countries claim the reef, which may have significant reserves of oil and gas.
2012 September - China cancels ceremonies to mark the 40th anniversary of restored diplomatic ties with Japan because of a public flare-up over disputed islands in the East China Sea. Talks between China and Japan on security matters nonetheless go ahead.
China launches its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning - a converted former Soviet vessel.
2012 November - Communist Party holds congress expected to start a once-in-a-decade transfer of power to a new generation of leaders. Vice-President and heir apparent Xi Jinping takes over as party chief and assumes the presidency in March 2013.
2013 January - A Tibetan monk receives a suspended death sentence for inciting eight people to burn themselves to death. Nearly 100 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since 2009, many fatally, in apparent protest to Chinese rule.
2013 February - China denies allegations by Japan that its navy ships twice put radar locks on Japanese military vessels, amid mounting tension over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea.
2013 November - Communist Party leadership announces plans to relax one-child policy, in force since 1979. Other reforms include the abolition of "re-education through labor" camps.
China says it has established a new Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over an area of the East China Sea, covering disputed islands controlled by Japan and a disputed South Korean-controlled rock. Japan and South Korea both protest the move, and the US voices concern.
2014 January - China allows foreign companies majority ownership of some telecom and internet services in the Shanghai free trade zone.
2014 February - China's trade surplus jumps to $31.9bn (£19.4bn) - up 14 per cent from a year earlier - easing concerns the world's second-largest economy may be stuck in a slowdown.
2014 May - The US charges five Chinese army officers with industrial cyber-espionage, in the first case of its kind.
A disagreement with Vietnam over disputed islands escalates, as ships from the two countries collide in the waters of the South China Sea. Chinese workers flee Vietnam after the incident sparks anti-China riots.
China signs a 30-year deal worth an estimated $400bn for gas supplies from Russia's Gazprom.
2014 September-October - Protests against Beijing's plans to vet candidates for elections in 2017 grip Hong Kong.
2015 – 2020:
               KEYPOINTS:  2015 January - China's economic growth falls to its lowest level for more than 20 years - 7.4% percent in 2014. Government revises growth targets down.
2015 September - President Xi pays official visit to the United States to seek investment in China; agrees to renounce economic cyber-espionage.
2015 October - China expresses anger at US naval ship sailing by artificial reefs Beijing is building among disputed Spratly Islands in South China Sea.
The Communist Party announces it has decided to end the decades-old one-child policy.
2016 January - Economic growth in 2015 falls to lowest rate in 25 years (6.9%, down from 7.3% in 2014), and International Monetary Fund predicts further deceleration over next two years.
2017 January - The country's slow economic growth continues, with the 2016 marking its slowest growth (6.7%) since 1990.
2017 April - President Xi urges trade cooperation with the US at his first official meeting with US President Donald Trump in Florida.
2017 June - The government passes a new cyber security law, giving it more control over the data of foreign and domestic firms.
2017 July-August – Increased tensions with India over disputed area of Himalayas, where China says Indian troops were trespassing.
2017 October - Communist Party votes at its congress to enshrine Xi Jinping's name and ideology in its constitution, elevating him to the level as founder Mao Zedong.
2018 March - National People's Congress annual legislative meeting votes to remove a two-term limit on the presidency from the constitution, allowing Xi Jinping to remain in office for longer than the conventional decade for recent Chinese leaders.
2018 April - China announces it will impose 25% trade tariffs on a list of 106 US goods, including soybeans, cars, and orange juice, in retaliation for similar US tariffs on about 1,300 Chinese products.
2019 June - Hong Kong sees start of months of anti-government and pro-democracy protests, involving violent clashes with police, against a proposal to allow extradition to mainland China.
China is becoming increasingly agitated with its inability to break into the world financial market and feels undervalued. They continue to build their military and test the waters to see response and ability of the U.S.
               China realizes it is beyond its capability and would involve a major long and drawn out military conflict with U.S. to approach taking the U.S. dollar out militarily. They also do not have a legitimate reason to attack the U.S. militarily and world response to an unprovoked attack would be catastrophic to their cause.
               China knows in order to elevate itself in the financial market the U.S. dollar must be crippled to the point it can no longer be trusted as the world standard used in trade.
               Trade with the U.S. becomes strained as the Trump administration implements trade restrictions to bring in line the almost 300-billion-dollar trade difference between the countries.
               China can no longer stand back and wait. Inside information shows that the United States and other countries are ill prepared to react to a pandemic. China investigates biological warfare to cripple the U.S. and the world market, allowing them a way in, on devalued world currencies.
               China knows that it can not directly employ a biological weapon leading to human rights and Geneva Convention violations. Any attempt to do so could be easily traced back to China. China researches knew an unknown biological would work if the source was found to be organic. They also know that they cannot directly engineer a lethal biological as the genetic modifications to the biological will be found out when the biological is studied.
               China in the past has been the host of many viral outbreaks and reports have shown that their “wet” markets are a ticking timebomb for another major outbreak. They find a Virus and study the effects on the host animals. They Identify it and cultivate it. They know that a direct genetic modification will be traceable and may not lead to them directly but will show that the virus has been artificially modified with DNA studies.
               Genetic modifications can and do happen due to mutations as the virus spreads and adapts. This can take years. China knows it does not have years. Recent impacts from trade restrictions implemented by the United States and a growing watchful eye on Chinese economic development have the Chinese government on a fast track. At the time, the Level 4 containment lab in Wuhan was known to be working on a Corona Virus derived from a strain found in bats. Many papers written and published on it document this work. The lead scientist in this endeavor had been working with this virus and studying its transference preference, life cycle, and biologic attack method in the host. The virus is promising, it shows easy transference to humans and similar infection and mortality to the already existing SARS virus. However, though the virus transmits easily to humans, it lacks the receptors to invade human cells, thus not infecting humans. The known SARS virus and this new virus are genetically almost identical, a forced lab mutation can combine the easy transmission of the new virus with ability of the existing virus to infect humans. This provides a virus without gene modification markers and appears to be wild and a NOVEL strain of a similar virus already known to exist. There are only two potential reasons to perform this type of research. One, to weaponize it or Two to create the virus and the cure and be the sole purveyor of the cure for financial gain. Or a third, BOTH.
               Once they have the mutated virus, they cultivate it. They then release it to the wild. Depositing it in wet markets where it is thought the next major outbreak may start. They have not thoroughly studied it enough to know how it will react in the wild nor do they have a cure. They do know it is not 100% lethal, but it is devastating. Releasing it in their own country gives it a point of origin, it also proves that the wet market theories were correct. China is willing to accept a large hit of civilian deaths in order to show that they were victims of this as well and it is no more than a tragic outbreak.
October 2019:
               They release the virus in Wuhan. They watch hospital intake and study the spread and lethality.
November 2019:  
Mid November they report a new illness, they can no longer keep it quiet, but they show it as contained to limited environment.
December 2019:
               Mid December doctors are reporting increased cases and that they do not know how to treat this illness. They see it as a new outbreak of an unknown virus. China informs the World Health Organization (WHO) they have a new illness, but it is not transmitted human to human, it is not airborne, and it is isolated to a specific region.
               Meanwhile they have determined it is human to human transmittable and they have already limited travel in and out of the affected region. China now is restricting citizen travel and keeping the infected source area completely isolated. Important to note, that they have actually known this for about 2 months and allowed international travel in out of Wuhan.
               Late December they announce to the WHO they cannot contain the virus and it may be in the wild outside the country.
               This has been their intent all along. Get the virus in the wild and allow it to proliferate long enough to bring worldwide impact.
                 They know that U.S. response will be slow, and the virus has been in the country for at least two months and spreading.
               They under report their fatalities, hide cases, and show a massive response to prove to the world they are just as much under attack by this virus as all other nations. Meanwhile knowing the true affects, and that it primarily affects the old and those with underlying conditions. They know the young are less susceptible and exploit this, reporting that the young are immune, knowing that they can be asymptomatic carriers. They have studied the transmission and effects in their own country, they have unlimited resources to do so, as they can skip political and corporate interference and eliminate all evidence that they knew what the virus is capable of.
January 2020:
               Early January the U.S. is told by the WHO and China that this is contained, and outside exposure is possible, be on the alert, but it is easily treated.
               U.S. response is cautious but not effective.
               Mid to late January world cases start to emerge and are noted. Italy and Spain note increased cases and deaths.
February 2020:
               Due to increased cases and deaths in Italy and Spain and an apparent pandemic the WHO lists it as a pandemic. Mind you they know from reports that this was already taking place in early January or late December.
               The U.S. responds by placing travel restrictions from China. Unknowingly assuming it is not already worldwide and spreading.
               President Trump is attacked as being racist and xenophobic for blockading China and China responds in kind, supporting the racist claims. Chinas part of social discord and creating division.
               Social distancing and lockdowns are postulated but not implemented. China already knows that our “social society” is spreading this disease. Major cities run by Trump opposing politicians support the racist claims and xenophobia telling people to go out have fun enjoy. China was hoping for this division.
 March 2020:
               Social distancing and stay at home orders start at the advice of the CDC through the president.
               China knows the American people will not accept this, and states are slow to comply.
               Know that China has already studied our possible reaction and that we are a consumer nation with unrestricted travel throughout our country. It will be near impossible to stop commercial air travel and vehicle travel around the country, thus the virus will continue to spread. Will it kill millions? No, but that was not their intent. The intent was to cripple the economy and devalue the U.S. Dollar.
               The Shut Down of small business and any community interaction, have caused supply runs by panicked citizens. Major metropolitan areas like New York City and New Orleans who have seen recent events drawing people from around the country and the world are now reporting major cases and hospital overload.
Running Theory:
               While China has a formidable military, this is not an arguable statement, while technology may differ and military implements are different, they have a massive number of bodies to throw into a battle.  They do however know that in a face to face military battle they are at a heavy disadvantage due to tactics, overall equipment, and the ability to deploy worldwide.
               China also knows that in order to take on the United States militarily they would need to prove the U.S. implemented, planned to implement, or physically attacked China. Without this world opinion would not be in their favor and would likely only have the support of limited communist block countries, and even they may not fully support China if world opinion and the U.N. is not on board with the reason.
               Was the intent to create a war, kill millions of Americans, or provide a direct attack on U.S. soil? No, absolutely not. The intent was to create worldwide panic, worldwide financial distress, gage reaction to a pandemic, and collapse the U.S. Economy.
               Why would that be important? If the initial virus does not cause the U.S. economy to collapse gaging the United States political response, civilian compliance, and medical ability to react will be vital in a second “mutation” and more virulent outbreak.
               Why would the collapse of our economy be important? If the dollar becomes devalued and loses status as the primary world trade currency a new currency can be proposed and put in place. China wants this, financial superiority over the United States. They can then buy and back our currency which will make it dependent on China, making the United States dependent on China.
               The United States is already heavily dependent on foreign production with China at or near the top of that list for many things. If the United States were dependent on China financially and for production, we would lose any of our current perceived independence.
               So we move our production back here? Right? Well China now has us between the proverbial “rock and a hard place”. We can and they may even encourage it, but how? Our money is weak and China will gladly back our change, but in doing so, they will own a great deal of the production placed back here in the U.S.
               In short, the Chinese intent was to take the United States place on the world financial stage.
               The virus is now known not be naturally occurring. It was manipulated in a lab. It is also known that the level 4 lab in Wuhan was working on this exact virus. Papers written on the virus by scientists working at the lab were published and are available. Concerns were raised by the scientific community when scientists wanted to explore human transmission and creating a virus which could infect and be transmitted by humans. The question is raised, why? Weaponization? Creation of a virus and a vaccine which they would solely benefit from? Either or both would suit the need for crippling the world.
               Chinese response and reported cases are under much scrutiny and their story keeps changing, which leads us to wonder where did it come from and how much is the Chinese government trying to cover up?  
               Origin in Wuhan is a given. Was it an accident? It could be, but the amount of cover up and reports of massive civilian losses and the deaths or disappearance of scientists and other officials is questionable and makes an accident highly suspect. Was it intentionally released in the market? This is potentially very plausible. It gives a definite source, it gives the Chinese Government plausible deniability, it allows the virus to spread unchecked, and is a prime distribution point.
               Why kill their own people? Plausible deniability. This gives them the ability to push the narrative that they were victims as well and this was natural, then it was an accident which will ultimately end up being the final narrative, because they will not admit to an intentional release. Why hide the real numbers? Tracking and releasing the real numbers would identify a lot about the nature of the virus and expose the unlikelihood of a naturally occurring or accidental release.
               Still you ask, why kill their own people and don’t they care? The short answer is, no, they do not. The Chinese government over the centuries have shown they have the will, ability, and general history of violating their people’s rights and committing massive atrocities. The Chinese government continues to deny all human rights violation accusations. The Chinese communist mantra promotes the sacrifice of the people for the good of the state. The population of China is almost 1.5 billion, so a few million lost for the good of the state? Well that is a loss they can absorb, only a 0.2% loss of their population and shows an equally affected country.
               China currently only reports 82,719 cases and 4,632 deaths. Is this due to massive and quick response? No, as the site of a rapidly emerging contagion this would not be the case. Their response would have been far behind by the time they realized it was a problem, their losses would have been far worse than ours, they would have been asking for world help. Are they under reporting on purpose and hiding their dead, which is highly likely, as leaked information leads to the conclusion that many people have disappeared and are not included in their death tolls.
               Why would they do this? To appear on top of the virus. To gain world support for all information they push in relation to this virus. There are reports circulating out of China which show they may have a vaccine in trials. So soon? They may have had it already. They are just going through the motions to promote and provide the cure to the world, at a cost. And why wouldn’t countries pay for something that would help their people. The world will be held hostage by the Chinese Government, and the United States crippled financially into submission.
               The Dollar has been the world reference currency and in the reserve currency for over 60 years. Presently one Chinese yuan renminbi is only worth 0.14 cents in U.S. dollars. Add to that trade restrictions placed by President Trump and it becomes clear why China wants this to happen.
               Do not believe there are not U.S. politicians salivating over all this. With a heavily weakened U.S. economy and skyrocketing unemployment and business failures, the left will be pushing heavy social programs to “help” the people. This will only be a conversion to government reliance. Once the population is reliant, laws will change and rights lost in the name of saving people, national security, and stabilizing the country. China is hoping for this, an America under socialist control will comply more easily.
               Is this possible? Sure, China needs Trump out of office to gain any of this. If the economy fails, people are hungry, unemployed, and only provided minimal financial aid they will turn in mass on the government they believe created this situation. Led by Chinese propaganda, American Mass Media, and the Democratic parties demonizing of Trump, they could gain enough of a majority to vote Trump out.
In his place we will get a puppet politician controlled completely by his party and with no ability to control any part of his office.
               This new government will pair with China as sign of faith and the need to stabilize the dollar and the Economy. China will then attain their goal by manipulating the U.S. Government and financing national reconstruction through deals made with the U.S. Government to back programs. Our restructuring will take on massive Social programs, we will become increasingly socialist, democratic socialists, ring a bell?
               All in all, this was not an accident, a natural bug, an act of nature, or Gods vengeance. It is a massive Geopolitical move by China.
P. Bleu Chapman
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