jumazo · 2 years
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jumazo · 2 years
Benefits of Staying Single Most People Don’t Realize
Learning to embrace staying single can help you live a meaningful and fulfilling life. You won’t settle for anything less than you deserve, and you’ll find the right person for you. Or, you might choose to stay single forever.
Whatever you choose to do, it’s best to understand that staying single isn’t a bad thing. It gives you a chance to focus on yourself, allowing you to live up to your potential.
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jumazo · 1 month
Improve Your Self Esteem with These Tips
Author of Manifestation Miracle
Do you want to unlock your inner power to manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of? Don’t forget to check out the Manifestation Miracle program…
Improve Your Self Esteem with These Tips
People get confused about what self-esteem is and how to get it. Some think that having healthy self-esteem means you need to be worthy of it first. It’s a common belief that being popular or well-liked is a prerequisite to having it.
Also, people often equate good self-esteem with good physical appearance. They may even believe that in order to have it, you first need to be successful to some degree.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
When you really get down to it, healthy self-esteem is about being okay with yourself as you are, right now – no ifs, ands, or buts.
It’s about loving yourself unconditionally.
It’s about being happy with who you are TODAY – and not reserving that love when you’re 20 lbs thinner, 5 inches taller, a million dollars richer, etc.
It’s about accepting who you are – warts and all.
And it’s about being okay with where you are in life at this very moment. Healthy self-esteem is celebrating your strengths and acknowledging your weaknesses.
Of course, not everyone is in a place where they can accept themselves 100%.
Sadly, some people might even take a lifetime to start being okay with who they are.
Even if you’re not completely happy with yourself right now, it doesn’t mean you should stop trying.
And more importantly, you owe it to yourself to be happy with who you are no matter what.
You’re not helping anyone by wallowing in self-pity or having a low opinion of yourself.
“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on.” – Maxwell Maltz
Don’t worry though, healthy self-esteem is something you can develop. With practice, you can easily improve the way you see yourself and live a better life as a result.
Here are some tips to help you do just that:
1. Focus on the Good
Sometimes, we can get bogged down by the things that are wrong in our lives.
It’s easy to get preoccupied with the negative aspects. And this can distract you from the good things you’ve got going.
Body image, for example, is one of the most common reasons people give when they’re asked why they have low self-esteem.
A lot of people subscribe to the belief that we have to look a certain way in order to be deemed attractive or worthy. This way of thinking is so ingrained in us that we don’t realize we’re already awesome the way we are NOW.
We worry because we don’t have the things we think we’re supposed to have. We also worry that we don’t fit into someone else’s idea of who we should be.
And because of that, we forget to appreciate the goodness that’s already inside us and the blessings that we take for granted.
“Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.” – Rita Schiano
Every time you feel like crap or think you’re not worthy, try to reverse your way of thinking.
Instead of ruminating over something you can’t change (i.e. yourself or your circumstances), focus instead on the wonderful things you already enjoy in your life.
Think about the qualities that make you the amazing, dynamic and unique person that people know and love.
You have so much to offer the world. There is so much beauty in you that you shouldn’t overlook.
2. Stop Being Your Worst Critic
Cut yourself some slack. I mean it!
Be your best supporter and stop letting that inner voice of doubt and fear dominate your life.
It’s good to be aware of your mistakes and strive to improve yourself, but DON’T be too harsh about it either.
“Beating yourself up about a mistake you made is only going to make you more inclined to do it again. Just accept that it happened and move on.” – Ryan O’Connell
When our self-esteem gets low, our knee-jerk response is to criticize ourselves for having low self-esteem. It’s behavior that’s counterproductive and illogical, but we do it anyway.
So when we lash out at ourselves for not feeling 100%, this, in turn, makes us feel worse.
It’s a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle that will go on and on until we decide to STOP FEEDING IT.
Instead of berating yourself for what you did wrong, play the role of cheerleader instead and try to learn from what happened.
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” Mark Twain
Don’t criticize yourself to the point of crushing your self-esteem. Be as compassionate to yourself as you are to friends or loved ones.
Lift yourself up. Your inner cheerleader should say, “It’s okay, you can do better next time” or “You may feel terrible right now, but it’s not as bad as it seems.”
Or you could say something like, “Is it really the end of the world, or does it just feel that way? Will you feel the same tomorrow? A week from now? Next month?”
Mistakes come and go, but its lessons stay with you forever. Use that knowledge to pick yourself up and do better the next time around.
3. Know Your Own Self-Worth
Only you can say what your true value is. While other people’s constructive input and criticism (with emphasis on ‘constructive’) are helpful in keeping you grounded, it’s ultimately up to YOU to decide what you’re really worth.
Once you realize your self-worth, you’ll develop an authentic, rock-solid and unshakable core – and no one can take that away from you.
The negativity will roll off you like water on feathers and you’ll shine as bright as you want to.
“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen.” – Stacey Charter
Remind yourself of your worth every day. Affirmations and positive thinking can help with this.
Remember, your self-worth and self-esteem should never be attached to someone else’s opinion. Don’t let anyone have that power over you.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”- Eleanor Roosevelt
Speaking of Affirmations and the Power of Positive Thinking…
Make sure that you join my flagship ‘Manifestation Miracle‘ program if you haven’t already.
Not only will you learn to love yourself and boost your self-esteem, you’ll also unlock your inner power to manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of.
Wealth, prosperity, love and happiness are easily achievable – it only takes a simple shift in your thinking to have it ALL.
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jumazo · 5 months
Collection of Quotes
1."The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
2."Believe you can and you're half way there." - Theodore Roosevelt
3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue qthat counts." - Winston Churchill
4. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
6."The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
7."Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs
8. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer
9. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." - Charles Kingsleigh (from Alice in Wonderland)
10. "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." - Jordan Belfort
11."You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis
12. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
13. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
14. "The only way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker
15. "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." - Henry David Thoreau
16. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
17. "The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you achieve it." - Unknown
18. "The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." - Colin R. Davis
19. "Opportunities don't happen, you create them." - Chris Grosser
20. "The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vidal Sassoon
21. "Dream big and dare to fail." - Norman Vaughan
22. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky
23. "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking." - William Butler Yeats
24. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett
25. "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
26. "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." - Unknown
27. "You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be." - Napoleon Hill
28. "The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles." - Unknown
29. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
30. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
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jumazo · 1 year
You have to Wake up before it gets late:
1. News
The news is there to hack your attention. Not to keep you informed.
They want you to:
• Be Distracted
• Believe their lies
• Stay under their control
Observe with your mind not your eyes.
2. Failure
"You should avoid failure there is one correct answer."
Make mistakes so you can:
• Grow
• Learn
• Strengthen your skills
Nobody is born perfect. Embrace failure and see it as an opportunity to grow.
3. Work hard
You should work smart, not hard.
Don't get me wrong, it will still get hard sometimes, but they want you to trade your time for money your whole life.
1 Minute of your life is worth more than all money combined.
Stop valuing it more than your time.
4. Money
Until 1971, money was tied to gold, which gave money value.
Nowadays, money is tied to nothing. Money is basically worthless.
Learn how:
• To create money with no money
• To make money work for you
• Money works
or you will work your entire life for it.
5. Consumerism
Many people think fulfillment lies in materialistic things.
It lies in:
• Personal growth
• Relationships
• Self-love
and in contributing to something greater than ourselves.
You won't find fulfillment anywhere else.
6. Change is impossible
“Life is the way it is”
That's a lie. Life is what you make out of it.
Before you can live the life you want, you must become a person.
Change how you:
• Think
• Feel
• Act
and you can become almost anybody.
Motivation Daily
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jumazo · 2 years
Here is our list of 50 things to do before you die:
1. Travel to every continent
2. Run a marathon
3. Bungee jump/skydive
4. See the Northern Lights
5. Learn a new language
6. Go on a safari trip
7. Learn to play an instrument
8. See your favorite band live
9. Climb a mountain
10. Bury a time capsule for someone to find in years to come
11. Take part in volunteer work
12. Have a star named after you
13. Book a spontaneous holiday
14. Go backpacking
15. Go to a drive-in movie theatre
16. Volunteer for a children’s hospital
17. Go on a cruise
18. See the Olympics live
19. Adopt a shelter or rescued pet (or help one find a home by volunteering at a local center
20. See the Great Wall Of China
21. Float in the Dead Sea
22. Fly a plane
23. Buy a property abroad
24. Stay at a haunted house
25. Design and build your own house
26. Sleep on an overnight train
27. Go to a wine tasting class
28. Take part in an extreme sport
29. Give blood
30. Watch both the sunset and sunrise in one day
31. Fly in first class
32. Go on a submarine
33. Try a new food
34. Write to a pen pal
35. Dye your hair a daring color
36. Write a book
37. Take part in an audience for a TV show
38. Swim with pigs in the Bahamas
39. Go to a festival
40. Drive on route 66
41. Watch a Broadway musical
42. Try to meet a celebrity
43. Sing in front of an audience
44. Have a mud bath
45. Ride in a hot air balloon
46. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef
47. Go on a helicopter ride
48. Visit the Grand Canyon
49. Cook using new recipes
50. Experience zero gravity
What would you put on your bucket list? Comment below your ideas now!
There is one little-known technique that’s creating MASSIVE results for those who use it. It’s called the ‘Intention Point’ mechanism which harnesses your body’s natural energy to connect with the Universe.
In particular, this process is centered around your heart which is actually more powerful than your brain – 5,000 times to be exact. To start amplifying your manifestation results exponentially, go watch this video now.
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jumazo · 3 years
Visualize it
By: Alexandra Taketa
Not too long ago, I asked you to write down your money goals.
Writing down your goals is like plugging your destination into the GPS. It sets your directions, helps you map your next steps, and informs your choices.
Today, I want to share a tool to help you take your goals up to the next level. I want you to start to VISUALIZE & EMBODY your goals.
The truth is, a big part of your creative power comes from cultivating the picture, the images, the thoughts and the emotions you want to experience - before they even happen.
This is where you begin to IDENTIFY with your goals and take them on as if they were already yours, like you belong together, and you're a match.
In fact, science has proven that your brain doesn't know the difference between something that happened or that you imagined happened.
This is WHY spending time visualizing what you WANT is so important and critical to achieving your big goals.
You are actually training your brain to change how it is wired, to rewrite the biochemistry and to record whatever you are visualizing as an actual memory, as evidence of what is possible for you.
Not to nerd out too much, but this sets up your brain to filter decisions and align your choices and actions to create more "like" experiences. You actually line up with more wealth creating opportunities, more helpful people, more fun experiences, more results and more joy!.
Ready? Give it a try.
Check out this quick 2-step process to help you VISUALIZE and EMBODY your goal:
1. Visualize your goal as if it has already been achieved.
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and then direct your focus to imagine the amazing result, the peak moment, the exciting transformation or the best outcome for your goal. (For example, if your goal is to win a marathon - you would visualize yourself on the podium receiving the medal...not the slog of training for the race.)
For example, if your goal is to earn $100,000 or $250,000 or $1 Million this year, visualize what your life looks like and how you *feel* when you achieve this goal.
Maybe you see yourself as a leader in your company.
Maybe you are winning an award for top sales.
Perhaps you are imagining the massive impact and transformations out into the lives of others as a result of your work.
Maybe you are seeing satisfied clients and customers all around you that you adore.
Maybe you are imagining paying off debt or taking your family on a special vacation.
Perhaps you are imagining the ease you experience from the additional income.
Maybe you successfully launched a business, a venture or a new revenue stream you have been thinking about for a long time, and now you see yourself with that success in hand.
Maybe you just received a big payoff or check for all the effort you put in.
It doesn't matter what it is - it just has to feel good to you! Imagine yourself with the goal already realized and fulfilled. Imagine it's your's and you did it!
2. Think of the positive emotions you are going to feel when you reach your goal.
This is an important step, not to be skipped.The combination of your intention from step one and the catalyst of your energy from your feelings and emotions in step two act to raise your energy to equal your desire. This is how you become a match for your goal and desire.
In doing this, you begin to magnetize your future desire into your reality now. You move from cause and effect to creating an effect.
As you visualize, allow yourself to notice and feel all the positive emotions of your desire or goal accomplished. For example:
I feel proud.
I feel happy.
I am standing taller.
I feel confident sharing my services / asking for business.
I feel so grateful.
I feel appreciative of all the opportunities.
I am noticing my impact and it feels good.
I love how supported I feel in my business.
I am in the flow.
I am excited by all the success.
I am filled with a sense of joy.
I feel abundant.
I feel worthy and valued.
I feel whole and confident in who I am.
I feel like I am adding value.
I feel accomplished and fulfilled.
I feel purposeful.
As you embody the feelings of already having it, having done it, doing it and/or being it - you are training your brain to create it in your now reality.
Ok, it's your turn.
Don't overcomplicate it. Use the two step process above and spend 1-2 minutes visualizing your goal.
See it. Feel it.
Then LET IT GO. Don't keep going back to "redo" it. Just let it be.
Your job is only to keep going back to those feelings, especially if you start to question or doubt yourself. Go back to that successful, positive and good feeling.
Remember, you wouldn't be given a goal or a dream if it wasn't meant to be yours.
You got this!
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jumazo · 4 years
For Prosperity
God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace,, in perfect ways.
For Faith
As I am one with God, I am one with my good, for God is both the Giver and the Gift. I cannot sep­ arate the Giver from the gift.
For Right Conditions
Divine Love now dissolves and dissipates every wrong condition in my mind, body and affairs. Divine Love is the most powerful chemical in the universe, and dissolves everything which is not of itself!
For Health
Divine Love floods my consciousness with health, and every cell in my body is filled with light.
For the Eye-sight
My eyes are God’s eyes, I see with the eyes of spirit. I see clearly the open way; there are no ob­ stacles on my pathway. I see clearly the perfect plan.
For Right Conditions
Every plan my Father in heaven has not planned, shall be dissolved and dissipated, and the Divine Idea now comes to pass.
For Right Conditions
Only that which is true of God is true of me, for I and the Father are ONE.
For Guidance
I am divinely sensitive to my intuitive leads, and give instant obedience to Thy will.
For the Hearing
My ears are God’s ears, I hear with the ears of spirit. I am nonresistant and am willing to be led. I hear glad tidings ot great joy.
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jumazo · 4 years
Visialize Your Goal
Alexandra Taketa
Writing down your goals is like plugging your destination into the GPS. It sets your directions, helps you map your next steps, and informs your choices.
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Today, I want to share a tool to help you take your goals up to the next level. I want you to start to VISUALIZE & EMBODY your goals.⠀⁠⠀
The truth is, a big part of your creative power comes from cultivating the picture, the images, the thoughts and the emotions you want to experience - before they even happen.
Like 95% loves.
In fact, science has proven that your brain doesn't know the difference between something that happened or that you imagined happened.
You are actually training your brain to change how it is wired, to rewrite the biochemistry and to record whatever you are visualizing as an actual memory.
Not to nerd out too much, but this sets up your brain to filter decisions and align your choices and actions to create more "like" experiences.
Ready to give it a try?
Check out this quick 2-step process to help you VISUALIZE and EMBODY your goal:
1. Visualize your goal as if it has already been achieved.
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and then direct your focus to imagine the amazing result, the peak moment, the exciting transformation or the best outcome for your goal. (For example, if your goal is to win a marathon - you would visualize yourself on the podium receiving the medal...not the slog of training for the race.)
For example, if your goal is to earn $100,000 or $250,000 or $1 Million this year, visualize what your life looks like and how you feel when you achieve this goal.
Maybe you see yourself as a leader in your company.
Maybe you are winning an award for top sales.
Perhaps you are imagining the massive impact and transformations out into the lives of others as a result of your work.
Maybe you are seeing satisfied clients and customers all around you that you adore.
Maybe you are imagining paying off debt or taking your family on a special vacation.
Perhaps you are imagining the ease you experience from the additional income.
Maybe you successfully launched a business, a venture or a new revenue stream you have been thinking about for a long time, and now you see yourself with that success in hand.
Maybe you just received a big payoff or check for all the effort you put in.
It doesn't matter what it is - it just has to feel good to you! Imagine yourself with the goal already realized and fulfilled. Imagine it's your's and you did it!
2. Think of the positive emotions you are going to feel when you reach your goal.
This is an important step, not to be skipped.The combination of your intention from step one and the catalyst of your energy from your feelings and emotions in step two act to raise your energy to equal your desire. This is how you become a match for your goal and desire.
In doing this, you begin to magnetize your future desire into your reality now. You move from cause and effect to creating an effect.
As you visualize, allow yourself to notice and feel all the positive emotions of your desire or goal accomplished. For example:
I feel proud.
I feel happy.
I am standing taller.
I feel confident sharing my services / asking for business.
I feel so grateful.
I feel appreciative of all the opportunities.
I am noticing my impact and it feels good.
I love how supported I feel in my business.
I am in the flow.
I am excited by all the success.
I am filled with a sense of joy.
I feel abundant.
I feel worthy and valued.
I feel whole and confident in who I am.
I feel like I am adding value.
I feel accomplished and fulfilled.
I feel purposeful.
As you embody the feelings of already having it, having done it, doing it and/or being it - you are training your brain to create it in your now reality.
Ok, it's your turn.
Don't overcomplicate it. Use the two step process above and spend 1-2 minutes visualizing your goal.
See it. Feel it.
DON'T keep going back to "redo" your visualization. Just let it be.
DO go back to the successful positive feelings and emotions, especially if you start to question or doubt yourself.
Remember, you wouldn't be given a goal or a dream if it wasn't meant to be yours.
You got this!
I'm here for you too. REPLY to this email or send me a DM and let me know how it goes.
Abundance is yours!
Talk soon!
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jumazo · 5 years
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Surround yourself with people who can hear the sound of your soul.
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jumazo · 5 years
From the book of THINK AND GROW RICH BY: Napoleon Hill
First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).
Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing
Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ—SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
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jumazo · 5 years
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It’s never too late to change the direction that your life is going in.
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jumazo · 5 years
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Don’t look for love. Look for happiness and love will be there.
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jumazo · 5 years
Post from Vishal
-Ratan Tata's Lecture- in London
Don't educate your children to be rich.
Educate them to be Happy. So when
they grow up they will know
the value of things not the price.
"Eat your food as your medicines.
Otherwise you have to eat medicines
as your food."
The One who loves you will never leave you
because even if there are 100 reasons
to give up he/she will find one reason
to hold on.
There is a lot of difference between _human being_ and _being human._ A Few understand it.
You are loved when you are born.
You will be loved when you die.
In between You have to manage...!
If u want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone..!
But if u want to Walk Far,
Walk Together..!!
Six Best Doctors in the World-
5.Self Confidence &
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life
If you see the moon ..... You see the
We all are tourists & God is our travel agent who
beauty of God .....
If you see the Sun ..... You see the
power of God .....
And .... If you see
the Mirror ..... You see the best Creation
of GOD .... So Believe in
We are all tourist and God is our travel Agent. God already fixed all our Routes Reservations & Destinations.
So Trust him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE...
Share to all people who are important to you..
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jumazo · 6 years
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jumazo · 2 years
8 Fun Facts About Gemini Women
1. Gemini women know their worth.
And she doesn’t need you to remind her. She’s confident in herself and has no reason to feel insecure, so don’t even bother trying to stroke her ego.
2. She’s the woman everyone wants.
And can you blame them? If you’re lucky enough to land her as a romantic partner, never let her go, because she’s truly one in a million. And once she’s attached to you, she’s blind to other suitors.
3. Don’t try to tame her.
Because, as hard as people may try, that just won’t happen. There’s never a dull moment with this amazing creature in your life.
4. She’s an all-around beauty.
Gemini women have it all going on. Her looks, confidence, style, and personality are sure to make others envious. And guess what? It just makes her thrive.
5. Gemini women appreciate differences.
In a relationship, she will love all your dissimilarities, and instead of using them against you, welcomes you with total acceptance. She’s strong in who she is, but she prefers someone who is her opposite.
6. Her sense of adventure is contagious.
When a Gemini woman wants to have fun, she will keep you feeling excited and young! She has a childlike wonder for the world and is enthusiastic about living life to the fullest.
7. Negativity won’t weigh the Gemini woman down.
She won't let others believe for one second that anyone's negative thoughts outweigh her positive feelings. She could be in a room full of haters, and she will still find a way to stay optimistic.
8. She only says what she means.
If Gemini gives you her love, you know that it's true. Not one to just blurt out an “I love you,” she will only say those words when she truly means it. So, you’ll never have to doubt her sincerity.
CCTO your tango
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