#june sings
broadway-june · 1 year
man am i late on the uptake or what??!! luckily i was able to whip this up at the last minute! a big thanks to all the people who work behind the scenes to keep this ship floating! it's easy to leave during the credits, but it's also important to stay to appreciate all the hard work the whole team put in! thanks staff <3 transcript below!
It’s staff appreciation day! So here’s a song I made to say!… Er, well, I’ve only been around for not that long And I just found out yesterday, I wanted to make a song I don’t even have a backtrack put the words to But for whatever it’s worth, here’s a thanks To the backstage crew! The talents always practicing to get these lines right, But who can hold a candle to the one with the spotlight? The front and back make up the whole The front the voice The back the soul! -Or at least that’s how I feel! One time I went to that Indiana Jones thing at Disney (I guess it’s not real) but they showed us how hard this stuff is, making people look good, getting the scenes right, all that showbiz. It really makes you appreciate, all the effort it takes to make a show great! I guess what I’m trying to say here i- oh! I meant to be singing this whole time XP- If a kid needs a village, Broadway needs its crew I’m kinda shy and kinda new But i hope it doesn’t mean less When I say thank you
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