moonyartsblog · 6 months
2/2 the terminal square that accompanies Johnny in that oriental-featured espousal is just June~
After I finished this "sequel" I never stopped drawing and, in the works we have so many surprises and even series! ✨
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moonyartsblog · 11 days
Series 14 post 11: Honestly? I improved June, she, it's probably that sprint that pushes me to give more. Nonetheless, I still love it even if I'm the first to criticize it 😂🩷
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moonyartsblog · 3 months
Yes, she too like Esperanza needs absolutely no description other than my most devoted love 🖤🦍
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moonyartsblog · 3 months
I made Johnny, do you think I wouldn't have made him his life partner? June is June, undoubtedly she is in my heart and whenever I can I draw her. 😭❤️❤️
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
Serie 8 Post 10: We have gotten to know her, we have explored aspects of her private life and we have cast an eye into her intimate life. We have seen the character and style of her that accompanies it, also noticed how much she is loved and respected. We still have a lot to discover about her but, June, she will always be the star that she is.
What will we find in June's bag? Let's check!
The ever-present phone, the purse of make-up, the ballet slippers and her sanitary wipes. She is a sweet tooth, after all, and she certainly could not fail to bring various sweets with her! On her, however, we find her necklace that Johnny gave her as a child and, finally, a bracelet that Leòn gave her.
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moonyartsblog · 9 months
Series 9 Post 5: JUNE MUKASA CARTER  
+31 years. 🌸❤ With this birthday behind me I just want to post one of my most beloved OCs: June. 
Drawing it brought me so many emotions, even though I finished it a few weeks ago, even seeing it again excites me.  Maybe a little more than the others know how to do.  
The flower next to her is the Water Lily: The history of the meaning of the water lily is ancient history. Already among the ancient Egyptians she symbolized candor and purity and with this meaning she was often represented in hieroglyphics. The connotation of purity that is often associated with this flower is perhaps linked to the fact that although the water lily is found in muddy swamps, it manages to open into the water without getting dirty with mud. On the other hand, purity runs the risk of falling into a negative excess, which is why in some cultures the water lily also acquires the meaning of coldness.
Just like the lily therefore, the water lily is associated with chastity and candor and with this meaning, already in ancient Egypt the water lily was represented in hieroglyphics and used to adorn tombs. For the ancient Greeks, the water lily symbolized platonic love and unrequited love or love destined never to be consummated, and in some cases it was considered a powerful anti and aphrodisiac. Finally, according to oriental cultures, the water lily symbolizes dawn, transformation, the rising of the sun in all its beauty.
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moonyartsblog · 5 months
Series 11 Post 1: This is a very small series of 8 drawings with a specific color each. Finally, the more observant will undoubtedly grasp what pride; once all publications are finished; they make veci. 💖
I begin with a color that, among many, I love: fuchsia color is a psychological symbol of joy and satisfaction with one's accomplishments. It also represents the ability to recognize the value of one's actions, although not yet perfect, because they are accomplished with the greatest possible effort.
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
"From the Stars to the Moon" is undoubtedly the title I would give to this drawing of mine.
It perfectly encapsulates everything that represents the two girls.
Stars? Yes, because in their specialist field they are truly stars. For Esperanza, in this case, it is the Pole&LapDance while, for June, it is the Aerial Silks/Hoops. ✨✨
Both take place in the sky in a dance that expresses what is most intimate and personal in their hearts.
Moon? Yes, because in the end they landed directly at the New Moon Theater thanks to the light and the firmness with which they shine. Both have a unique beauty in the moments where the lunar pallor gets wet in their eyes, making their soul shine. 🌙
Even the colors I've adopted have a meaning but, since the slides have little space, alas I'll have to skip this part. 😞
Both the stars and the moon share many essential elements such as music, song and dance. Passion, dedication, effort, sacrifice.
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moonyartsblog · 10 months
Needless to tell you who they are, right? ❤️
A little pampering, too, they know perfectly well how to give themselves after a long day at work and a night more... Busy 😏
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moonyartsblog · 11 months
Raise your hand if you already have cramps and pains from seeing it so twisted.
I raise both hands because, in drawing it, I was in a lot of pain.
Especially in the joints 😂😂
Ironically, however, I made a series of three interconnected drawings that reflect a pretty clear sentimental picture. This one of June's is linked to the one Johnny posted on 2/8/2022 and, June's will be linked to one of Ponui's to be posted later this week.
In any case, this one picks up the phrase "He loves her, she loves him but she is loved by the other him."
So this drawing will have the following phrase :
"𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧.."
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moonyartsblog · 11 months
You thought I had deviated from the Sing world, didn't you?
But no! I decided to alternate between Humans and Anthros so as to create a perfect harmony and union between these two aspects that increasingly attract me to themselves ✨💕
Today he is an Anthro and not just any Anthro but my MC par excellence, the character for whom during the writing of the FF I studied the background with utmost attention and, in doing so, connect his life with that of all the others. 💕
June, to me, is not only a female mountain gorilla but a world that loves to be discovered event after event.
In this case, however, sketch after sketch.
At that precise moment she is portrayed in her own home, the night is extremely dark and only the city lights illuminate her as if she were a large neon billboard.
She is not on night duty, not waiting tables or singing for the audience; she is relaxed, quiet and enjoying the peace that solitude can give her.
She is in the air, the training session still to end, but she is captured by the beauty of the city. She is static, thoughts are overlapping and she can do nothing but let herself go on that structure. She has almost returned to her nature and, for her, heaven and earth are now one and the same.
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Being together is not just feeling loved and belonging but, above all, caring for each other and accepting the other not only the merits but first of all the defects and opinions.
Although June was a real lady as a child, sometimes it happened that she let herself be carried away by the wildest senses of her inevitably leading her to get hurt.
From her particularly delicate skin, the pain she perceived of her was unbearable but, luckily for her, there was always Johnny of her who knew perfectly well how to calm her and make her smile again.
Often, however, it was not the pain of the accident that hurt her but rather her dressing herself.
There, too, needless to say, that the gentle boy took on his shoulders... in every sense... the weight of that carelessness.
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
Today June as...
Series 6 Post 22: Goddess of love, eroticism, beauty, gold, seduction, fertility, seiðr, war, death and prophetic virtues. She belonging to the lineage of the Vani, after the peace that concluded the conflict between the two divine lineages, she was sent to the Ases as a hostage and she lived for some time with them.
🌸 Her name, Freyja in Old Norse (meaning Lady), is sometimes found written in other forms (Freia, Freya). Freyja, in Norse mythology, is sometimes identified with Frigg, goddess Asinia wife of Odin, with whom she shares the protection of fertility and fecundity and the role of protector of pregnant women.
🌸 Loki defines her as a nymphomaniac, always ready to satiate her desires with any type of partner, from the Jǫtunn to the Elves, and in fact her irrepressible desire is sung in the Mansǫngr, literally songs for men, amorous lyrics, officially forbidden, but widespread in alcoves.
🌸 She is the daughter of Njǫrðr and stepdaughter of Skaði, sister of Freyr and wife of Óðr, because of whom she suffers love pains, since he leaves her to undertake long journeys, forcing her to fruitless pursuits, during which she lets herself go crying of golden tears. Together with her husband, she gives birth to two splendid girls, with emblematic names: Gersemi and Hnoss, synonyms of "treasure".
🌸 Freyja loves songs of love and incites lovers to invoke her; she also adds that Freyja rides into battlefields and is entitled to half of the fallen she will lead into battle during Ragnarǫk, while the other half is from Óðinn. At the end of the war between the Vani and the Asi, she goes to live with her brother among the latter. She dwells in the Sessrumnir palace, meaning "of many chairs", located in Folkvang, "battlefield"; she gets out of it every day traveling in a gleaming wagon pulled by two cats (presumed to be of Norwegian Forest breed).
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
 💕 Saint Valentine Special: Series 8 Post 5
"The ardor of that kiss did not abandon them for many days and filled their nights with delicate ghosts, leaving the memory on the skin, like a burn. The joy of that encounter enraptured them, making them levitate on the street, prompting them to laugh for no apparent reason, he excitedly awakened them in the middle of a sleep. They touched their lips with their fingertips and evoked exactly the shape of each other's mouths."
Thus, wrote Isabel Allende about the sweetest feeling a kiss can leave. And these two children know it very well. It's a kiss, a first, given on the stage of the New Moon Theater during rehearsals for a show that leaves the taste of opposites on the lips. Neither of denying the evidence to others, nor of hiding the blush on the cheeks, nor of catching the other thoughtfully caressing or licking her lips to remember the most coveted of moments. There are a thousand, then a hundred, then another thousand and then again a hundred and another thousand of kisses that came after their first one. Kisses on the nose, on the hair, on the hands, on the cheeks, on the forehead, Eskimo, molded, of the angel up to the French ones, with bite, teaser, butterfly, on the ear, of the vampire and of the body… June and Johnny do not spare each other, especially after having their first night of love. And it is precisely here that, after all those kisses, passion becomes burning and transgressive; shameless and brazen in her looks, hands, bites, pats and tongue. In short…. they don't miss anything!
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
There is something about their father and daughter relationship that will never change: the fact that Stan will always see June as a child.
The same one who dressed her in her own colors and, when someone dared a few more words to her and she was the well-bred young lady with a super positive charge, he immediately jumped into super hyper protective dad mode full of a golden negative.
Her little girl was hers, and no one had to dare to even look at her.
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Yes guys, this young couple also have their moments and nights of passion.
By now adults there is no reason to deny each other and, of those ribbons of a color that accompanies them since childhood, they become pleasant found to have fun at the mercé of the partner.
Traditional with transgressive overtones, both Johnny and June don't mind experimenting in life as much as they do in their privacy (rightfully staying in two while respecting opposite limits and decisions).
Obviously without exaggerating and without disrespecting your loved one, that's Esperanza!
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