#jupiterian theories by deja
esoteriamaya · 10 months
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Jupiter 1st house can attract luck when they embrace the unknown with optimism. There energy is a natural magnet for all possibilities as this is important for them to achieve whatever type of success they desire in this lifetime. With effort, their dreams can come to fruition by being more open and expressing their true nature.
This gives people a chance to see that larger than life energy, attracting them to get a whiff of whatever it is you been sniffing.. only to find out it is all from within.
Jupiter 2nd house peeps need more individuality in their life so through the material realm is where most of their style and sense of self will come from. Success comes to them easier when they focus on the mundane and material assets. Focusing on what they want most can help their desires come in way more through the help of others. Their magnetism draws others in through the way they handle business , and this helps others have more optimism in wanting to work with them. These people need to have big dreams for themselves especially for their finances because it’ll play a big part in their journey.
Jupiter in the 3rd needs philosophical thinking. The expression of words through writing is an outlet that can bring greater possibilities. They could be quite popular with the research & studies they’ve accumulated over the years (and even in short periods thanks to this house being ruled by mercury). Their ideas can shift perspectives of others and can make them out to be a teacher and a student of life. Having faith in your thoughts and ideas and sharing them with others can give them fame. Road trips can help shift the paradigms of their reality, showing them the complexities of the human mind. 3rd house rules short travels so for them to get the full on human experience they must let go of being in the same city and travel more often and study the world this way.
Jupiter in the 4th needs culture and tradition. With a little twist they can shift things to their own version of it. Their family could be quite large, or they could be the big personality out of the family tree. Their inner self is a joy to recieve and experience and most never truly show the public this side (it’s opposite the tenth/mc). To get to know them is a treat because their special personalities isn’t meant for people to grab but for you to experience. Their homes are filled with magic and wonderment and they keep what they know to themselves. This is one of the houses of a born witch. Could be the “golden child” with this placement.
Jupiter in the 5th are the actors and designers of the world stage. The originals of experience and entertainment. They create worlds that puts a sparkle in our eyes. Class acts in what they love, they show a whimsical passion from the inside of their hearts. The lions of artistic endeavors, they teach us how to be the best at what we want to be with ease. Can become very popular in just being themselves, because their optimism is contagious we can’t get enough of them.
Jupiter in the 6th house peeps are the organizers, the student, the teacher and the master all in one. They go through great lengths just to do what they do, and know what they know. Their energy can be used for bigger projects and to make room for blueprints far beyond the spectrum of our imagination. These people can be good at experimentation being the 6th house is ruled by Virgo/mercury (the alchemist of the zodiac). These weirdos can use their imagination at will to expand on certain details and ideas and make room for more complex thinking. The mental stability can take on larger tasks and can complete cycles that seem umbearable to others. This is what attracts people to them because their willingness to work and the confidence behind it makes people want to work with them and help their dreams come to life.
Jupiter in the 7th need’s satisfaction in their partnerships be it love, platonic, or business. When full of light and optimism, their love life can take them to newer heights.
If you have this placement, you can NOT think small of yourself and your standards.
Doesn’t matter who the people are, your higher ideals is what attracts the right people. This placement is a royalty placement in my eyes. Be it that these people can literally get partners worth keeping. Almost like Cinderella and Prince Charming, but again, they MUST have strong standards for themselves and others. This is where more good energy can come from because they already have it within. They just need to express it in the outer self more, because the partners they attract are only showing them what they already feel within themselves internally. The partners just bring that out through the external. Cod have great luck in partners if they expand from their home country.
Jupiter in the 8th peeps hold a lot of knowledge from the other worlds. This cosmic dna they possess carries with them a hundred of their ancestors passed down gifts and abilities and it expands through the unconscious and conscious mind of the individual. you can literally get paid for what you know! But make it discreet my loves. Their strength in carrying the depths of the universe mastered in many other lifetimes, and they bring back what they know and express it through the heart and the soul. Jupiter 8th house peeps are too deep for this world but it doesn’t stop them from expressing what they know through many other outlets. At some point they will have to give us more of themselves in their studies or just their speech because they will go crazy holding in so much. The esoteric mind is a captivator, and should be used to turn the paradigms in their lives into new favorable positions.
Jupiter in the 9th house is right in its home. So it’s a very special occasion when we have Jupiter in its rightful house. Your safe space is through knowledge, philosophy and knowing more about life itself. Your human brain can take in more information then the next person, taking in all that you know and showing the world your ideals and beliefs is a way you win notoriety through others.
Your magic is through the presence of experience and being in the moment helps you collect data from whatever it you are enjoying and experience. You are the inspo and the inspired. The artist and the muse. Perfect combination of someone who lives their life dreaming of the world in a way that expands the consciousness of themself and others around them. This is a special gift. Beautiful placement.
Jupiter in the 10th House, you peeps deserve greatness. You know it and sometimes you don’t. This placement makes you dreamy in the eyes of the world and we can’t get enough of you. When you are optimistic, the world is magnetized by your grace. When you are pessimistic, you will lose interest in the world the same way you lost it in yourself. Tough pill to swallow, you guys have to accept responsibility of your actions and where your life is. Challenge yourself as much as possible to get the results you wish for. This is a placement of BIG dreams I ain’t talking anything simple like let’s say you want to win an award for something and you don’t win.. what if that is suppose to bring you to a space where you win times 10? You win ten awards in one night and the one place you felt like you should have won just one award you didn’t. Message to yourself : always ask for more. To get the best of this placement, ask yourself for what you want but add tax. Expansive consciousness takes the cake here. With each Jupiter placement you really have to ask for more and expect it because you are deserving.
Another thing I will say about this placement is that fame is something natural to you guys even if you don’t see it. You could be known for your hair, personality , talent doesn’t matter. Everyone around you knows you for something. And since this house is a popularity house, I’d say dream big on this too ;) your ideals and ways of expression is well liked by people so share with the world the things you know! Because you never know who’s looking. Could be an inspiration to others as well as a teacher.
Jupiter in the 11th house is the original popularity house. People with this placement could be advocates for a cause and they also could just know a lot of people OR a lot of people know them. No in between. Interesting sweethearts they could take the world by storm, especially through social media (11th house ruled by Aquarius, which rules over technology). Just the way you express yourself alone makes people want to know you more. You have an excellent way of speaking and being a leader so often times you may get put into the spot light. You can lead a protest if it’s your calling. I said before this is a “president placement” because you have the power to move people with your mind (aquarius and Jupiter/sag rule over the mind/consciousness). You can give others hope where they may feel there isn’t any. I love this placement because these people usually look after friends and loved ones and could be like a mother teresa to some people. It’s just your energy is boundless and connects to so many without trying. Love this for y’all.
And last but not least..
Jupiter in the 12th house is a VERRRY interesting placement so I might get a little deeper with this. Jupiter in the 12th is the scientific, artistic, illuminating, soul inducing, romanticizing lover of the universe and all of its oddities. All of the unknown is embrace by this wonderful wizard with this placement. The Albert Einsteins of the group. They carry the world on their backs, literally and figuratively. These people are literally gifted in occult knowledge and they might not know it. As they grasp for straws in this life, they can transform them and use them to create gadgets to see into the veil. They hate when others don’t see what they see, their mind is in another universe. They can read people the way they read the world around them: through numbers, through the trees and animals they can just hear things other people find ridiculous… so this can make them out to be lunatics. While the world calls them delusional, they are too busy finding out the next clue to their puzzle. Literal magicians working in their craft they will stay up all night long to get the answers that they seek. If they could find out how to turn water into wine they’d do that too. So many divine messages are sent to them on a regular basis and it could drive them crazy not knowing what to do with it. I love when this placement expresses itself through people because they are excellent students and can show us what they know in good detail too.if you have this placement, please give yourself time to think. You’re not stupid, crazy or whatever it is they try to say about you. You know more than what you let on, just show us for a change !
I hope this helps !! Enjoy everyone !!!
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