#just 'theyre people w animal dna and theyre called superhumans'???
pumaskulls · 2 years
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Redesigning my alien OCs to actually be more than just "humans with long ears and funky colors", since my art skills have been improving 👀
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osyamaris · 5 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊 (I want the tea on ALL of ur ocs 👀)
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im gonna talk about uhhhhhhhh… toxin, noham, and a rare game character because its Love Deadman Hour
so toxin is also a superhero universe character but shes actually not marvel!! surprise!! shes from an original universe and she was the first character i wrote for that universe. ive written her since i was eleven lol.
basically, shes lived her whole life in The Lab, under a man called Father. i wanna take a sec to point out this was YEARS before stranger things. so, she and several others are used for experiments to create superhumans, but most dont have powers and only develop extreme illnesses. shes one of the few who even survives, let alone actually develops powers.
no one in the lab is allowed to have a name (since theyre all kept there from birth or near it), and as an act of rebellion, she decides to call herself X, and carves it into a wall just under her bedframe. this gives her the inner strength to rebel even more, and she attacks an orderly during a test and runs.
her whole thing is basically that she was spliced with snake and toad dna. i honestly havent worked on the mechanics of that since i was eleven so like, dont @ me lmao. essentially, she has traits similar to that of a poison dart frog, so her body secretes a mucus that contains a strong neurotoxin. just a touch can paralyze a grown adult in minutes, and a higher dosage could easily stop bodily processes fully. this mucus also has a slight green hue, so it tints her skin. at best she looks somewhat jaundiced at all times
shes also immune to most poisons, she has long fangs, and her mouth is configured very not-human, so she has a small forked tongue and a gland that (when pressure is applied) sprays a venom… she spits venom. also, her eyes are all snakey too.
noham is another very old character! but not as old as toxin, i think i wrote him when i was like…. 14? 15?
he’s an alien, i wrote a whole culture and like half of a language w/ a different alphabet for him. his full name, sang noham (also transliterated as Sang No’am – the H after a vowel in latin lettering denotes that the emphasis is held on that syllable, since the writing system is syllabic) actually has a meaning. i forget what noham means, but Sang means “thousand”, and refers to his ancestry.
basically, noham is a member of a.. clanss? i guess? he’s a member of a clan that is considered “odd”, or an outlier, by many regions on his planet, because his clan evolved a split/forked tail. tails are like… a big cultural thing for them, theyre a huge part of most cultures’ beauty standards, so to have a forked tail is Kind Of A Big Thing. and basically, they used to be….. really poorly treated, and in the country noham lives in, they were banned from living within the cities and made to live in rural areas where there were often bandits, droughts, things like that. so his ancestor gathered an army that was absolutely TINY compared to the kings army, of all the able bodied people in the country of that clan, and they marched on the capital city. somehow, miraculously, they actually won the fight, though his ancestor refused to rule despite his victory. instead, he became a general. so now, being a general is like… its a family thing in the sang family. its basically expected of any firstborn, and the military basically hands it out if you can prove youre the real sang heir.
which is like, nohams whole holdup - he feels like hes got something to prove, but nowhere to prove it.
again dont @ me i was like 14 when i wrote this dkgjhdkgjh its got a lot going on with it that needs fixed badly
deadman dullahan… cant get TOO into his story cause i dont wanna spoil things and some of his backstory is like, a big plot point for his tiny sideplot, but hes SUPER fun for me to write
he, and all dullahans, are psychopomps!! they lead the dead to the next world
in this case, he leads dead humans into the world in which he lives, the Other World.
thts it. thats the name
hes so fucking old compared to everyone including many Otherworlders (who on average live longer than most humans) but for his own family and other psychopomps hes like….. the dead guy equivalent of……….. mid 30s? 40 ish??
because hes so old he doesnt like the thought of doing any one thing for the “rest of his life” because…. the time he has ahead of him is like……….. what hes already lived, again
hes just having a midlife crisis let him live
or mid-death, i guess
hes definitely kind of one of the wise-men archetypes of the story, like umma (which is a bit necessary for the type of story im telling, in a JRPG) but i like to think hes not, like, yknow. the hoity toity kind of wise man that makes you wanna break his own staff over his head
hes extremely mercurial as a person
and if you invite him into your home he’ll ignore you and only spend time with your animals. so you should invite him into your home
shockingly hes not got that much playtime………… hes important to the plot but still a minor character…….. F
try to make him do anything he doesnt want to do already and he will Punt You
also i posted about the screaming meemies a bit back. those are his. im not 100% on their relation to him but hes basically in charge of them
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