#oc: ell rhodes
pumaskulls · 2 years
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Redesigning my alien OCs to actually be more than just "humans with long ears and funky colors", since my art skills have been improving 👀
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honeybyte · 1 year
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they/them !
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queencherryberry · 11 months
So this is the first of many OC “Reference Sheets” for characters in the Brothers Bestfriend universe.
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So this character in the original storyline has not been born yet but she will be born soon. Her name is Ashley Marie Rhodes-Martinez. She’s 26 and looks like a carbon copy of her father Cody, just more feminine. She is the second oldest out of 8 biological siblings and one adopted sibling that is biologically her cousin/step-daughter. She has a more older sister bond with said sibling over anything else. Ashley is commonly known by her nickname Ash. Or as her husband calls her: Mariposa. She is married to none other: Damian Priest/Luis Martinez. She and her husband have been married for 5 years, they have 5 biological children together. Tyler-3yr, Alexander & Alejandro-1.5yr (twin boys), Mateo & Elle- 2 months (twin boy/girl) and Maria-12 yr (from Damian’s previous relationship). Ash started out as Damian’s physical therapist after her aunt divorced him and had a psychotic breakdown pushing him down a mmmmm flight of stairs. Ash has a degree in the medical field but after a horrific incident involving a serial killer-like ex-coworker she was instructed by Damian to be a stay at home mom and go to therapy for her trauma. Ashley’s past relationships are a very short list that only has one name on it before Damian and that is Austin Theory. The age gap between Ashley and Damian doesn’t bother them. It does however, confuse their children who think it’s weird that their father is older than their grandfather: Cody. Ash does regularly attend online therapy and takes anxiety medication. She has been recently given a job as Judgement Days manager following Rhea’s orders. She’s been managing the group for 2.5 months. Ash has ADHD and is slightly autistic. Damian puts up with it and he’d deliver the universe to her if he could. Ashley has dark hair that fades into an ombré purple. She doesn’t dress as revealing as Rhea does, she usually sticks to skinny jeans and oversized blouses when she’s seen backstage with the group and at home she dresses in whatever she feels comfortable or whatever turns Damian on. Ash is the equivalent of the goth kid's peppy best friend. Ashley stands at an adorable 5’ 1.5” compared to Damian’s 6’6” gigantic figure. Ash is the definition of the shy girl who is a real ‘freak’. Ashley has 3 tattoos: a cheese wedge that belongs to a matching set with her younger sister Riley who in return has a noodle tattoo representing Mac n cheese; another tattoo resides on her ribs and it lists her and Damian’s children’s birthdays and names; and the last tattoo sits on her lower back just above her ass with the words:El sol de Papi- Damian’s favorite tattoo of hers. Ash at first comes off as the spoiled Daddy’s girl but after having her own family she’s mellowed out.
(Best I could do with the limited editing tools I have. If someone is able to help me make this look more feminine I greatly appreciate it.)
Tags: @alyyaanna @theswitchbladessweetheart @crossrhodez @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @freegardenbanananeck
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thatsnakeman · 4 years
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Growing Horizontal - Ell Pond, Rhode Island [OC] [4896x3264] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2AZo7Lt
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honeybyte · 2 years
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honeybyte · 2 months
could you give a little updated rundown of your ocs? i know you've done one back in '17 but that was aaaages ago :3
your ocs are so cool hhhrrrrghhhhh i wanna hear you infodump about them
OUGH OOOHHHH im glad you think they're cool! my little guys,,,,, hmmm lets see 👏 this is gonna get Super long
2024 OC Rundown: GO
Axe + Cleaver
Goliath Abernathy > local hunter, former clergy member of the Harlach Parish
Elle Sinclaire > butcher in the Ros District of Kencree, currently possessed by several ghosts
Agnes Laroche > a scholar of the humanities with a focus on religious studies. she came to Kencree looking to learn about Boarstooth and the Harlach Parish and got more than she bargained for
Euan Harlach > a runaway from the Harlach Parish, the twin of the Parish's head priestess who resents what the church has become under her guidance. Angus' fiance
Angus Reid > blacksmith in the Ros District, head of the militia that keeps the District out from under the Parish's control. Euan's fiance
Odelia Harlach > head priestess of Harlach Parish and foyunder of the Boarstooth religion. a cannibalistic vampire with a taste for power and adoration
tag: rhodes butchery
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Yule Jones > the local coffinmaker. a workaholic who's main hobby is visiting the oldest graves in town to leave flowers, including a mausoleum with the name Joan Haakon
Joan Haakon > an ancient vampire who doesn't get out much. she got caught returning flowers to Yule's doorstep and now she's living her worst fear (falling in love)
Donatello Jenkins > Joan's wingman, who is ever exasperated with her and finally understanding the phrase "dumb lesbians"
tag: coffinmaker
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Kazmir > grew up alone traveling thru a country hit by a technological apocalypse, looking for her mother. met Mozzwood at a young age and now they're partners thru thick and thin
Mozzwood > a very anxious young gryffin. Kaz protects him more than he has the heart to protect her, but he does his best to look out for her
Valentine > a former cult child and the leading mind on agriculture in the apocalypse. sells their knowledge on agriculture for their needs. rescued Gabriel from their old church
Gabriel > Valentine's little sister and a former cult child. has lived a very sheltered life, so you can imagine what a 9 year old who suddenly doesnt have any rules is like
Neera > an older gryffin that occasionally checks in on the group. taught a younger Valentine how to care for themself
tag: flock
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The Hunt
Julia > one of the Malady twins and head of the Malady clan. reacts explosively and violently towards parties outside of his clan, but is loving and silly with the rest of his group. the group's brawler, weapon of choice is his "bear paw" gloves
Angelo > one of the Malady twins and second in command of the Malady clan. much more levelheaded than his sibling, more emotional and very well behaved in social settings. skilled in forgery and lock picking. weapon of choice is a crowbar
Jack > the 3rd addition to the clan. their tech and historical expert in heists/raids. can joke around off the job but takes his work very seriously. Mitchell's mentor. doesn't fight due to an old knee injury
Mitchell > the newest addition to the clan, added after a serious brawl in which he and Julia hit stalemate, earning the clan's respect in one shot. skilled in antique restoration. weapon of choice is knives
Mama > the matriarch of the Malady clan, raised the twins and Jack. very sweet with everyone she meets. doesn't partake in the raids or the spoils, but first order of business after a raid is still to offer her pieces that were acquired on the job. doesn't fight-- has never had so much as a scratch because the rest of the clan protects her
Scottie > local lounge singer, Julia's girlfriend. knows about the clan but unaware what their "job" is. Julia makes sure her every need is met. Scottie is very bubbly and sweet with everyone, and loves hanging off Julia's shoulder
tag: the hunt
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Red Heron
Alec > one of the archivists for the Red Heron Project. unable to leave the site due to physical complications regarding their body modification. guardian of the Librarian (in love with the Librarian)
The Librarian > the main archivist of the Red Heron Project. considered a failed model of heavy body modification, they're also unable to leave the site. lives with Alec in the Project's archives
Eliza > considered a successful body mod, and currently works as an assistant within the Project. caretaker for Yuma and Lovelace, and currently working on a plan to get them out
Yuma > also known as Y-034. one of the two youngest subjects in the Project. a successful attempt at creating a programmable android out of a human. best friends with Lovelace
Lovelace > failed attempt at creating a programmable android out of a human. she refuses 98% of commands given to her-- an attempt to fix this leaves her wires fried, reactions violent, and movements unpredictable. does her best to help take gentle care of Yuma
Johann > one of the leading engineers within the project, but was unaware his designs were being carried out-- burdened with intense guilt after learning of Alec and Lovelace's existence, but unable to leave the site. designs and builds for Kairos' mods
Kairos > bodyguard for Johann, and a little obsessed with his own modifications. always looking for bigger and better mods, and loves when they come off intimidating. loves Johann dearly, but will get in daily fights with Alec
tag: red heron
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Adriana > traveling mercenary on her "last job". she's morose, weighed down by the death of a childhood friend. she's convinced it was her fault, and so punishes herself for it constantly. finds her place in the circus after meeting Frogmouth
Frogmouth > a masked jester within a traveling circus. he's looking for revenge for a past hurt, which he refuses to share with others until he meets Adriana. Adriana's complete opposite, he's bubbly to a point of being annoying for most
Grace > duchess of the town the circus and Adriana have landed in. Adriana could swear she was familiar...
Andrew > Grace's devoted guard dog. he's over reactive when it comes to her safety and public perception. hates Frogmouth with a passion
tag: kor
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With Love From Denver
The Harbinger/Denver Maldonado > a dullahan in the southwest. the loss of her head created a violent rage within her, and now that her head has been stolen, she hunts down anyone who's come in contact with it
Flora Hernandez > a mail carrier who's secretly hunting for the dullahan's head. she does find it. she also finds the dullahan
tag: wlfd
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Pearl River
Dallas Whickam > an alligator hybrid living in the swamps of Louisiana. he's pretty sheltered, considering, but he has a kind personality and can't stop talking when he meets Pearl for the first time
Pearl Jones > a student interested in the swamp wildlife. he stumbles upon Dallas' shack on accident, gets the scare of his life meeting Dallas, and then begins socializing him when he finds he has nothing to fear
tag: dallas, pearl
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Magdalene > an alcoholic fisherman on the Maine coast. years of scraping by has beaten her down but she feels trapped within her industry. goes to bars and clubs to cope, during which she meets Sadie
Sadie/Temperance > Magdalene's new first mate. Sadie is the human vessel for the goddess Temperance, who's in love with Magdalene (god's favorite fisherman > Bad). Temperance has loved Magdalene thru several lifetimes and will continue to love her for many more
tag: temperance
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honeybyte · 1 year
Can you explain all your OCs and worldbuilding in detail? I've always seen these beautiful drawings and sketches of your character is based on song lyrics and stuff, but I've never really figured out much from a cursory scroll of your blog
OKAY i'm gonna take this as an invitation to spill my guts abt my verses. so let me start by saying these get tweaked all the time, little details might change but generally once i settle on a plot it typically stays the same. And, for the most part, these are all outlines w scenes and A》B subject to change. BUT 👏
Honey Verse Compendium: Start!
Axe + Cleaver
》Agnes, Elle, Goliath, Angus, Euan, Odelia
Agnes Laroche is a theologian hellbent on writing an esssy of the Harlach Parish, a cult in a small town called Kencree. While searching for leads she meets Elle Sinclaire, a butcher in the Rhodes District of Kencree who specializes in. Less popular cuts for the smaller crowd. Elle points her in the direction of Goliath Abernathy, a former cult member and champion for the priestess Odelia Harlach.
As it turns out, the Harlach Parish is darker than Agnes imagined; members offer pieces of themselves to the priestess for her favor, trophies she collects in reliquaries. Her most favored happens to be an eye she keeps on a necklace, stolen from Goliath shortly before he left her court. As Agnes pokes around (meeting blacksmith Angus Reid and unwilling court member Euan Harlach), she catches Odelia's attention, who makes a bid to ensnare her in the cult. Outraged and fueled by old anger, Goliath finds his way into her church and a confrontation. He takes back his eye, steals documentation, and sets the church alight.
The town will take time to heal, but Odelia's death is everything she didn't want it to be: quiet and unremarkable, alone in a dark hall.
》Kaz, Valentine, Mozzwood, Gabriel, Neera
Years after a series of HEMP bombs take out tech worldwide, knowledge on agriculture and horticulture are considered scarce and precious. Kaz, a tractor driver, and Mozzwood, a variant of apex predator gone anxious, are traveling cross country looking for... something. Neither is quite sure yet. They meet a ghost from Kaz's past, a seed dealer and arsonist named Valentine. In a fight to understand their actions comes the revelation Valentine was a cult child-- one that burned down the church that kept them captive, and who continues to burn churches now. Its cleansing, they say.
During their journey, Valentine burns one more church, saving a single little girl named Gabriel. This event inspires a new direction for the group: a cross-country trek to find Kaz's mother and shelter with her.
From there, the story is a road trip. It comes with the ups and downs of having a family along for the ride, with the trials of tribulations that comes with adventuring across a post-apocalyptic land. But they find Kaz's mother, find a safe place with her, and build a home.
Red Heron
》Alec, Librarian, Johann, Kairos
The Red Heron Project is an experiment in body modification, its extreme and practical uses. Alec and the Librarian are abandoned projects, experiments deemed failed but just functional enough to keep in the program as archivists. They rarely receive visitors (there's often fights when they get them), and they like it just so. Its when the doctor Johann and their subject Kairos visit that things become strange.
Alec has never known much about the Librarian; they met in the archives and he's never seen the actual body behind the modification. It happens that Johann knows everything there is to know about the Librarian-- in fact, they're the one that made it. The question isn't so much where the body is as much as it is who has access to it? Certainly not Johann, and definitely not Alec. Not now that they're both considered failed experiments.
Now. How do they get the body back?
Farmer's Bible
》Eremiah, Garrett
This is admittedly my most threadbare concept. What I know is this:
Garrett is a priest in a small town beset by a plague, one which consumes the host via spore and mycelium. The host becomes feverish, then demented, then becomes a mushroom, and Garrett is sick to death of watching his people die. He sets out to find patient zero, tracking lead after lead, until he is brought back to his hometown, and the woods behind it. He finds patient zero there: a man named Eremiah, who keeps to himself and tends an infected farm.
Eremiah doesn't really know he's infected, and if he did he wouldn't much care, benefit of having a mushroom for a brain. The real trial for Garrett is whether it would sit right with him to kill a man like Eremiah, someone who just happened to wander into town with a bad cough.
》Adriana, Frogmouth, Grace, Andrew
Adriana spends her whole life blaming herself for the death of her best friend when she was a child. Wrought with grief and self-blame, she becomes skilled in ways she shouldn't and takes up work as a mercenary. Work eventually brings her home, where she meets a strange jester with the circus visiting town. She calls him Frogmouth when he won't say his name, but soon annoyance turns to fondness as he gives her a peek of his world. She takes up singing, something she hasn't done for years, and finds herself a new life within the tents. She can almost leave her grief behind like this. Almost.
Alas, work brings her to an audience with the duchess of the town and her advisor. In a breakdown of negotiations, a fight ensues, and Frogmouth finds himself at the center of it. He steps in to protect Adriana, but in the process loses his mask, shattering against the edge of a blade as it reveals the face of the elusive jester:
Adriana's childhood friend, Kor.
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honeybyte · 2 years
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everyone’s first ghostly possession is rough, right?
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honeybyte · 2 years
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brainrot continues
the cleaver, the axe
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honeybyte · 3 years
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make yourself at home, beloved~♡
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honeybyte · 4 years
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happy valentines day, make sure you kiss your wife!!!
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honeybyte · 3 years
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butcher’s foyer
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honeybyte · 3 years
for the oc asks: 6 and 13 for everyone in the butchery verse (or whoever you're up for) >>:3cc
HELL yeah let's go
6. Do they have any tattoos? Where are they, and why did they get them?
Angus has a pair of hammers crossed on the nape of his neck! He doesn't show them off often but he got them the day he took over the forge from his father, and he's very proud to have them
not necessarily tattoos but body mod, Elle has all those stitches. They started doing that originally to honor the souls that came through the butchery, but esp after the ghosts moved in, it just turned into something to do w their hands when they were bored.
13. What are their views on marriage? If they want to get married, what would their dream wedding be like?
Agnes is very very romantic abt her wedding; she wants the massive train on the dress, the roses, the towering cake, whole nine yards, and if asked about it she'll go on a whole tangent about dress designs
Elle hasn't really thought abt marriage in relation to themself but thinks weddings are neat, and loves going to receptions specifically. They don't really care what the wedding looks like, as long as something buck wild goes down on the dance floor, even if they have to start it themself
Goliath really loves weddings, esp the traditional princess kind like Agnes wants. That being said, he doesn't think much abt them bc he doesn't think he'll ever have one (not only is this not true, it's not true twice over :) )
Euan wasn't really big on the idea of marriage until Angus brought it up when they were teens and he hasn't stopped thinking about them since. He wants something small tho-- only close family and friends, and somewhere in the Ros District. He's worried about parishioners finding the ceremony if he goes any bigger
Angus is just here for the beer. He wants to marry Euan but besides that, whatever Euan wants for the wedding he'll have
Odelia has an obligation to care about marriage being the leader of the Parish, but otherwise doesn't really care one way or another
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honeybyte · 2 years
ooo rhodes!!! for the send an oc thing
!!!! rhodes butchery is a tag i use for a specific verse so here's the 3 associated w the butchery itself💫 thank you !
Agnes 》 Trouble in the Pines, Drayton Farley
Elle 》 Autophagy, Hiiragi Kirai
Goliath 》 Easy, Son Lux [feat. Woodkid]
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