#just Fugo doesn't really Want to spend time with it especially around others because of the danger and how easily it's set off
noaltbruh · 1 year
Congrats on 200 followers!!! <3 😊💭🍫 for Giorno and Fugo pls?
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😊 Do they like to be vulnerable around their S/O? Or do they always try to show them their best side no matter what?
No, Giorno despises the thought of being vulnerable. Don't take this the wrong way, please, it's not that he doesn't trust you, he really really does.
He's just...Scared. He struggles a lot with abandonment issues and has a lot of attachment issues as well. This boy is convinced that if he cannot always be perfect, if he can't live up to the majestic-like aura that surrounds him...You'll leave.
He wouldn't hate you if you did, he'd just...Blame himself and believe that it's his fault if things turned out like that. Through kindness and understanding, you might be able to show him that this isn't going to happen, although it'll take time for him to show you his "weak" side too.
But it will be worth it, I promise.
Fugo dislikes beings vulnerable too, although his reasons are a bit different from Giorno's. He is afraid of losing his partner for sure, but he mainly acts like this because...He doesn't exactly like himself very much.
Thus, he's convinced that if he showed you his true feelings, you'd either end up hurt, scared or weirded out by who he really is. He's not very good at hiding his worries though, and it pains you to see him walking on eggshells around you, when he doesn't need to.
He will be surprised if you were to encourage him to open up more, do you...Not like him even at his best? He won't be able not to express his true feelings for much longer though, especially after what you said, since he can get quite emotional. When that happens, stay by his side and remind him that you don't think less of him for this.
💭 How do they imagine their future with their S/O to be like?
Giorno often finds himself thinking about his future with you. He wants to make sure that everything is programmed and he always thinks ahead of things.
With that being said, he likes to imagine that the two of you would live outside the city, but not too far way, in a huge, elegant villa just for you.
You wouldn't be forced to work if you don't want to, since his job could easily provide for both of you, but he would always support you in any career path you might decide to take on.
He knows that he won't always be by your side, which is why, in his idealistic view, you would spend every minute he's not busy together. All he knows for sure, however, is that he wants a future where you're safe and happy.
I have a feeling Fugo would also reflect a lot on the future of your relationship. The thing is...Him, being an overtinker, probably ends up imagining all the worst case scenarios known to existence, even when perhaps he was just planning on thinking about what kind of house he'd like to live in.
However, when these...Ideas don't get in the way, I can't help but think that this boy simply dreams of spending the rest of his life with you in peace, in calmness and quietness, enjoying small things like reading a book together on a Sunday Morning, while cuddling in bed.
I have a feeling he'd prefer to retire to the countryside where there are less noises and things are a bit simpler. But most of all, he wishes for a life where his anger issues don't get in the way of your relationship, and you genuinely believe that he's a good husband.
🍫 Are they more reserved about their feelings or wear their hearts on their sleeves?
Giorno? Wearing his heart on his sleeves? That's one funny joke for sure.
Absolutely not. It's not that he doesn't want to show you how much he loves you, but he's been taught that showing feelings, any type, is a weakness. He may also appear a bit cold public due to living in fear of someone noticing you're a couple and using it to black mail him or, even worse, hurt you.
So, if the two of you are with other people, he may do little gestures like perhaps holding your hand or giving you a small kiss on your lips, but nothing more. In private things will be a bit better and he'll let some walls down, but still, not entirely.
He prefers to be smooth and court you rather than explicitly tells you how or what he's feeling. Wouldn't he be come off as too cheesy or desperate if he did? It's better to be passive, still making sure you get the message and don't feel like he doesn't love you.
Ok, Fugo desperately wants you to understand how much you really mean to him, he's just...Incredibly bad and awkward at showing it he's just like me fr. He's a smart boy, but very dense when it comes to feelings and emotions, especially considering that he gets shy quite often actually.
He wants to hold eye contact with you, yet sometimes finds himself just looking away no matter what. He tries to use a pickup line or compliment you, but probably messes up the order of the words. Heck, maybe he just means to smile at you, but it somehow doesn't look genuine.
He definitely beats himself up for this and probably practises in front of the mirror for what he's going to do or say before one of your dates. He doesn't know how to "speak with his heart" but he's trying to improve as fast as he can. He's an an amateur with relationships, but he thinks that learning to express himself for you will be of great help to his inner self as well.
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femmascthing · 1 year
A post dedicated to Noel and Caron as parents because I don't talk about it nearly enough (In relation to my fankid fic thing I don't have a name for it yet. It is ALSO talking abt Oscar having adopted a child and Slug and Toad also having adopted a child!) (But also discussing the dynamics of the families and general others)
How the hell were Carter and Athena born? Who the fuck knows! Anyway. Caron isn't good with children in the slightest, but also some kids will just instantly cling to him (Like Oscar's adopted daughter, Amelia, who thinks Caron is super cool). Noel is good with children, however due to being an only child she isn't sure what it's like to take care of them. Athena's appearance is based off of my interpretation of a human Caron, and Carter's is based off of Noel's. However, Athena has her mom's personality and Carter has his father's. Specifically, Athena's personality resembles her mother in the early parts of the game and Carter's resembles his father's at that same time. So they argue a lot. Like a lot. Especially since the story starts when they are 15, entering grade 10. Athena is popular, appearance focused and stubborn, and Carter is studious, also popular but not as much, and is nearly always stressed. I forgot to mention. Hunter exists here! He somehow still looks like he is in his 30s despite Noel being in around her 40s, and him being 15 years older than her. How? He's just silly like that (Its actually relevant to the story itself) He's really close with his sister, especially since he has two nieces and one nephew. When Python or Jewel aren't taking care of Giselle, he's taking her to Build-a-Bear or the aquarium. More so considering Noel has returned to work. Caron isn't very fond of Hunter, he thinks he's weird and that is only encouraged by how he either smells awfully of blood and death OR really heavy perfume. Noel doesn't mind it, she's used to both. Caron does the majority of the housework and parenting during the work day due to him not being summoned often, leaving him with so much spare time. He's secretly Giselle's favourite, simply because he lets her get away with a lot. (Evil 4-5 year old lol) Oscar works as a security guard for a popular nightclub that Noel once frequented in her 20s and early 30s, and spends all of his free time with his daughter Amelia. They're extremely close, Amelia even wanting to be just like her dad. Especially since him adopting her saved her from the awful orphanage she was in. Fugo spends time with her when Oscar's working, helping her with her homework the best he can. He lets her get away with a lot of shit, but she rarely acts out. He also takes care of Toad and Slug's kid when they're busy, named Micheal. Micheal is very shy (definitely picked it up from Slug) yet also extremely protective. He's two years younger than Amelia, who's 14, making him 12. They always ask their uncle if he has a job. He does, but he works exclusively at night. He doesn't disclose more details than that. Back to the twins, Carter and Athena are like any teenager in the way that their relationships with their parents are complicated. On one hand, Athena is a pianist who strives to be just like her mother, minus the limb and terrorism things. Carter wants to be famous for his intelligence and strengths, particularly in fashion and chemistry. On the other, Athena hates the rules she has to be under. The rules are understandable, however they're WAY more than any of her friends have. Carter feels like he'll forever be in his sister and parents' shadows. Both of them have extremely strong wills, to the point where they'll dive head first into danger if it'll benefit them. Despite their parents warning them.
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bookwyrm214 · 3 years
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Chapter 20 is taking longer than expected for my beta reader to get through due to it’s length and his schoolwork, so please enjoy my Purple Haze Distortion redesign sketches as consolation in the meantime.
I do intend to re-do these on art paper and with color (you can see my hatching here, but I finally got a set of art markers that aren’t 20+ years old!), but these are my concept sketches to work off of when describing PHD. 
(I redesigned it because I hate how Araki drew PHD, he took all the interesting things out of it, and it didn’t look noticeably different other than losing visual interest. The character designs that Araki did for the novel are pretty much all I consider “canon”/am keeping from Purple Haze Feedback -see my rant about that in another post- but this one just made me mad, so I changed it.)
Some notes about my changes:
Kept the goddamn loincloth because looking at canon PHD’s bulge made me uncomfortable, and it needed something to break up the design at the halfway point
Kept the anime cape, but gave it acid holes
I went for a plague doctor-esque capelet, working off the theme of the mask, and I tried to keep the overall vibe by giving it big messy stitching
It already had shoulder bracers, so I kept those and gave it greaves and forearm bracers, along with hip plates. I tried to keep it semi-close to the roman gladiator sort of theme it had going before
I liked the interest of the spikes on it’s spine so going off the more defensive theme of the armor, I changed them into scale-like plates down the length of its spine (I can’t fathom Why Araki would get rid of those?)
I gave the virus capsules a purple diamond pattern on them, to visually show that the virus itself has changed. (also look at that hand! It’s one of my better hands)
I went for a more defensive theme since I have Fugo getting more comfortable with his stand (and learning to just fucking kick instead of punch) so he’s more comfortable actually using it to defend himself in a fight.
I felt like there should have been more significant changes as it evolved, to reflect the dramatic shift in mindset.
For reference, this is what the PHD design from Purple Haze Feedback looked like vs the anime Purple Haze art:
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ss-wingman · 3 years
2 random HCs you have for each Jojo? Preferably light-hearted lol
1 – He has one heck of a sweet tooth. Chocolate isn't the only treat he'd love, it was just his favorite. He's had to rewrite so many research papers because he'd accidentally get some sort of jam or chocolate smudged on it.
2 – Once his father had learned of his son's heartbreak after Erina left, Jorge tried to arrange for Jonathan to wed another woman, but things didn't work out. Jonathan was adamant he'd see Erina again, so the engagement was cut off.
1 – Kept the Tequila outfit for as long as time would allow. He only ever occasionally broke it out for parties and was convinced it was a riot.
2 – He and Suzie were insufferable during their honeymoon phase. They had just the worst, cheesiest nicknames for each other and could hardly be separated once Joseph recovered.
1 – As a little kid, and even now, Jotaro idolized Lisa Lisa. She was the coolest person he'd ever met and he wanted to be just like her when he grew up.
2 – He and Polnareff kept in contact for a long time. The two did drift apart as they got busier dealing with the remnants of Dio's influence and the stand arrows, but they were very close. There were even a few years where Polnareff spent holidays at the Joestar residence. Even as Jotaro sank himself more into his work and tried to avoid family gatherings, Polnareff would pull him out of hiding to take a break and enjoy the good things in life.
1 – Josuke first “met” Crazy Diamond, he panicked. He tried to show his mom, but in his panic, it had caused her to accidentally burn herself. Crazy Diamond quickly healed the wound. Both were very confused, especially since Tomoko couldn't even see the stand. After several similar instances of Crazy fixing some things around the home, they got used to the strange presence and Josuke's “special gift”.
2 – He went through a phase of wanting to be an actual superhero for a good year or so, just like the cartoons. He had a name, a costume based off of Crazy Diamond, and everything. It eventually passed as he got older, but you know Tomoko still has pictures.
1 – Giorno doesn't have much vampire blood in him, given the body, Dio was using at the time was still mostly Jonathan, but since we do see Giorno physically resemble Dio more as he grows, it's safe to say he has some. His skin gets very red in the Sun and he's become much more of a night owl.
2 – Even though he and Trish don't really get to spend that much time together, they always make sure they set aside at least one day a month specifically to hang out, along with Mista and Fugo. Usually, it's a spa day to de-stress, but also they go shopping or catch a film or do dinner, too.
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melone-fucker · 4 years
Bucciarati Gang and La Squadra (+Sorbet and Gelato) Beach headcanons (SFW/ slightly suggestive?)
alternative title: it's 25 degrees F° outside and ya boi misses summer :)
(It also happens to be 2 am when I'm writing this so it may not be that accurate?)
Bucci Gang:
• He's not the biggest fan of the beach nor as enthusiastic about it as some of the others and wouldn't really go out of his way to visit, but is happy to go if someone from the gang offered to take him.
• Willing to play games with the rest of the gang, (beach volleyball, Frisbee) swim, sit around under an umbrella. pretty much anything that he fancied at the moment.
• He does enjoy watching the wildlife though, and enjoys going into the ocean with some goggles on to look at the fish and other creatures.
• Enjoys taking vacations or just visiting the beach when he can, if his schedule allows it.
• The kind of person to just take everyone out on a beach day if he's noticing morale is low or people just aren't feeling the best.
• Mostly likes just walking around at the beach in the sun with some nice sandals on but will sometimes go into the water.
• constantly reminding everyone to wear sunscreen so they won't get burned, because that wouldn't be good.
• Not a beach person.
• Tons of sunscreen because he's not looking to get some shitty tan lines and likes keeping himself pale as hell.
• you'd be lucky to get him in the water, and he'd likely just stay back and read under the shade of an umbrella with a glass of wine he brought.
• He may come out to play a game or two if convinced, but that's a pretty difficult task.
• This boy absolutely loves the beach.
• Running straight for the water and doesn't even bother putting on sunscreen.
• He would have already had him swimsuit underneath his clothes or just be wearing it as shorts, and is discarding his clothing rapidly on his way to the water.
• Games? Yes. Snacks? Mhm. Tons of sunburns that he regrets the next day and gets lectured about by Fugo? Definitely.
• Fugo definitely does like spending time at the beach, but due to his odd choice in clothing tends to get.... Weird tan lines on his body, so he has to dress normally.
• Constantly running after Narancia (to the smaller male's dismay) to try and get sunscreen on him so he wouldn't whine about it later (which he does anyway just to mess with him)
• Likes going into the water to try and relax and swim around but may end up getting water in his eyes or attacked by a crab, causing him to get annoyed pretty quickly.
• The most enthusiastic about the beach right behind Narancia.
• Feeds the birds. Gets attacked by the birds. This cycle repeats quite a bit, he just likes watching them fight over chips.
• Doesn't mind getting a tan at all, so if he's not in the water or anything he's layed out under the sun on a beach towel getting his tan on.
•Will make little sandcastles and have the pistols hollow out the insides and hang out in there, which ends up looking pretty adorable actually.
• The girl has always found the beach to be beautiful, especially in painting and pictures, but never finds herself visiting too much.
• She's a bit hesitant about going in the water, but after a little bit of convincing will go in, not swimming around too much and really just staying in the shallows where there aren't many waves.
• Not one for games but may play one or two.
• She tends to burn easily though so by the end of the day her shoulders, cheeks and nose are usually pink.
La Squadra:
• You'd be lucky to get this guy to go to a beach, he tends to like staying inside but will reluctantly go every once in a while.
• He likes to keep his hat on when he's at the beach though, so he looks kinda weird.
• Beach bod? Hell yeah.
• He's got skin of steal and doesn't burn, even if he doesn't wear sunscreen he just tans really well.
• Despite his above it all attitude he does like coming to the beach every once in a while. He appreciates it's beauty and does like going out places.
• Mostly goes so he can take Pesci. He just loves seeing how giddy he gets seeing the cute little crabs and stuff, but if he ends up getting nervous Pros is ready to give him one of his pep talks
• Loves the beach!
• If he can, he tries to go fishing. Even though his stand is a fishing rod he's still not the best at it, and often has Prosciutto help him (not without some scolding though)
• The only downside is when his neck gets burned, and he has to deal with that for a little while afterword.
• Wears some absolutely adorable swim trunks with pineapples on them. don't try and change my mind.
• Formaggio is always down to go to the beach. After all he gets to show off his beach body to everyone.
• He wears some pretty revealing clothing normally though, so no one's really that shocked when he's only wearing his swimwear.
• Claims he's going to kick everyone's ass when it comes to games but ends up getting frisbeed in the head by Ghiaccio.
• Always takes a mirror with him to the beach so he has the ability to visit the mirror world whenever he wants. It gives him a chance to see the beach in its entirety if there are too many people. Plus he can mess with the rest of the team if he wants too.
• Takes his hair down at the beach, which isn't normal for him as he always keeps it tied back in his ponytails- earning a few remarks from Formaggio.
• the beach gives this weirdo a chance to wear a speedo without getting yelled at by the gang. Hell he'd probably wear it normally if he didn't run the risk of Ghiaccio getting pissed and freezing him or something.
• Not really one for games but heads straight for the water or hangs around the beach.
• The pervert is surrounded by people wearing little to no clothing, so he's having a great time.
• Melone will buy a ice pop or ice cream from somewhere just to tease Ghiaccio, and most of the time get yelled at in response.
• Surprisingly, the guy likes beaches. Because of his stand he doesn't get sweaty or overheated.
• The only part he doesn't like is that he isn't able to wear normal clothing, and is forced to wear a swimsuit. or else he'd get some weird looks.
• He will probably go and buy a swim shirt though, so he could cover up as much as he could.
• Have mercy for the birds that come to take his food. Or people.
Sorbet and Gelato:
• the couple may go split off from the rest of the group for some private time, or just to go do normal couple stuff.
• Gelato is a bit more enthusiastic about it than Sorbet, but they both enjoy themselves quite a lot.
• Get a lot of weird looks and comments from the rest of the team when they catch them rubbing sunscreen on each other's bodies.
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