#just a drabble to get my thoughts in order for when i write the fukl length fic
1-800-suck-my-clit · 6 months
Stages of Buckys drunkness
Stage 1
John's has a drink in him, but nothing changes. He's still his normal big tooth shit eating grin.
Stage 2
This stage gets a little more energetic. He dances on the table and sings horribly to songs where vocals were not, in fact, needed. He makes bets that he should not have won but always managed to win.
When curt gets involved, things get taken up to another level. John by himself is hard to control, but you bring his little spoon anywhere near him, and those two are causing double the chaos. Which brings us to stage 3
Stage 3
Between buckys ego and stubbornness and curts, "im Irish I don't back down" attitude they get into fights alot. Every little thing sets them off. But most of the fights don't even up more than talking shit back and forth bc Gale quiets them down before they hurt someone else or themselves. But sometimes Gale likes to play to, similarly to when they met the RAFs.
Stage 4
In this stage, John's a lot more touchy. He can not stop touching Gale for the life of him. He's uncomfortably turned on at this point. He wants Gale now. Anyway he can get him. He whispers dirty things in his ears, often getting a rise out of his lover like: "I want your dick in my mouth so bad Gale. Or my dick up your ass. Please, Buck. I need you so bad, however you want it ill be so good to you." This more than once leads them to go to the alley at the back where they eat eachothers faces off and Bucky ends up on his knees looking up at a fucked out panting Gale.
The last and final stage
Stage 5
This is the stage where Gale knows its time to wrap it up and go back home. John gets unbelievably clingy, cranky, and whiney. But not in the "I wanna fuck you" way buy the way when u wake up a child. His hand is always tugged on Buck as he moves around the pub or party. He's completely silent and complacent. When they get back to bed, he often drapes himself on top of Buck and drifts off to blissful peace as Gale plays in his hair and mumbles words of praise that go to his stomach and settles in his heart
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