#just a l'il reminder as I start working on mine!
champhangman · 7 years
Characters: AJ Styles x Unnamed OFC
Summary: He thought he loved her as much as he could. He was wrong.
Inspiration: All the back and forth talk recently over on @llowkeys about AJ that ran the gamut from breeding kink to being super stoked about becoming a father. Seriously, it's all her fault.
Warnings: Light cursing? Childbirth, but not explicitly described. Otherwise none.
Angst/Fluff/Smut: Total fluff! (From an account dedicated to smut. This is an accomplishment for me, by the way.)
Tagging: @llowkeys, @the-geekgoddes, @castielscamander, @blondekel77, @horcruxhunter5972, @zombiexbody, @vebner37  - (Please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list! Drop me a line or send me a message. My inbox is always open.)
She was about to explode. It hurt to breathe whenever she laid down. She couldn't see her feet. Her hair was greasy. Her face was breaking out. Her back was killing her. Oh, and there was a demon spawn inside her determined to simultaneously break her ribs and obliterate her bladder.
AJ hid a smile as he put the final touches on her lunch. Her pregnancy complaints had quadrupled over the past week. There had been a flood of excitement as the due date approached, but now the baby was a week late and everything was getting on her last nerve. It had been cute and awesome when, just two weeks ago, she had found the definite outline of an elbow pushing out. Now it was torture. The frequent trips to the toilet had been a source of amusement but were now accompanied by groans and grumbles.
Everything that had been amazing and documented with photos and videos and copious notes in the baby book was now a reminder that the baby would only come out when he – or she – was good and ready.
Her obstetrician wasn't concerned. Every two days they trooped down to her office. Every time they were sent back home with the gentle reminder that it would happen soon. The previous weekend had been the worst, though. Fake labor pains had sent them to the hospital three times. Sunday afternoon she had been certain her water had broken. Only to find out that she must have wet herself. AJ had a feeling the hospital staff and the obstetrician were starting to think of her as the woman who cried childbirth.
He knew better than to chuckle about her complaints. When he'd done so the day before she had given him a look that would have made Medusa proud. Not that he could tell her that. She wouldn't think it was funny. Just like she hadn't thought Karl mimicking the beeping of a dump truck in reverse was funny. Of course the only difference was that she had struck out at Karl and split his bottom lip. She wouldn't do that to him.
At least, he didn't think so. And he damned sure wasn't about to find out.
So he listened to her complaints while she talked to her mother on the phone, keeping his face as impassive as possible when she made her way into the kitchen.
"Honestly, mom, my hair has never been so bad! AJ helped me wash it this morning and it's already oily and gross."
He didn't see it as oily and gross. It was thicker than it had been before her pregnancy. He loved it as it was just now: loose and spilling down her back. His fingers itched to run through the wavy locks. He didn't though, instead moving to fix her a drink.
"I know… I know… No, I guess I'm okay. L'il man is using my ribs as a springboard is all."
AJ glanced over his shoulder to see her rubbing the top of her belly. God, he loved that belly. He was enamored with it, really. He had loved watching it grow. As soon as she'd started to show, even when it was barely noticeable to the naked eye, his hands had started holding onto it. Whether they were cuddled together on the couch watching TV or taking a shower together or falling asleep, at least one of his hands was on it. Even in public he kept a hand on it, probably as some subconscious need to keep their baby protected.
He hadn't even noticed he was so touchy-feely until she'd joined him on the road for a long weekend. Owens and Zayn had both pointedly said he could let go of her long enough for them to get their usual hug. He'd grumbled at the time, enjoying her laugh, and later had tried to explain why he couldn't keep his hands off her belly.
"You've always been mine. I know that. But this… This bump that makes you look like you swallowed a cantaloupe… It's like you're announcin' to the whole world that you love me so much you're willin' to have my baby grow in you."
Judging by the intense, ravenous lovemaking she'd given him after those words, he was pretty sure he'd said just the right thing.
"Here you go, baby," he said softly, placing her glass of tea in front of her once she was sitting down. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Tell your mom I said hi."
"He says hi." She caught his arm when he began to step away. "Mom says hi back and that you better remember to call her when it's definitely time."
"I know better than to not to," he promised with a grin.
"It's so hot today," she announced after ending the call and picking up her fork. "I'd give anything for a cold beer, my bikini, and an hour in the pool."
"You can have the bikini and the pool," AJ reminded her, watching her take miniscule bites of the chicken salad he'd made. Chicken salad that she had requested. From her favorite café on the other side of town. He nudged her tea a bit closer to her plate.
"I tried putting it on earlier but my tits are so huge now I look like some obscene 90s porn star." She took a larger bite, brow furrowed. "I mean, they're ridiculous! Why do they have to – Would you stop staring at them?!"
AJ grinned. "Baby, you just talked about 'em. Of course I'm gonna stare."
"You're disgusting."
"Nah," he disagreed with a quick shake of his head. He must have done something right. She was actually eating now. "You're just mad that our daughter is taking her sweet time."
"Son," she corrected.
"Daughter," he insisted. They had opted to not find out the sex. He was pretty sure they were having a girl. She was absolutely certain it would be a boy.
"As much as this baby you planted has flown around inside me for the past nine months, it's definitely a boy. Your boy."
He couldn't help the silly grin that pulled at his lips. "Boy or girl, it's ours. That's all that matters."
Her face softened. Her fork landed with a soft clatter on the plate and she was leaning to kiss his cheek. "I've been such a bitch, haven't I? I didn't mean to. And I know there's no excuse for it, but—"
"But you're pregnant and miserable. Your body is exhausted because it's been busy gettin' her ready for her debut." He pressed his lips to her forehead, allowing his fingers to lightly smooth over her hair before lowering his hand to her belly. Just as he began to rub, he felt their child start to wriggle. "Can you blame her for takin' her time? You've got paradise goin' on in there. She'd be stupid to want to leave."
"Well I'm sorry, but he's been served his eviction notice. Either he leaves on his own by the end of this week, or… Or…" She leaned back, frowning. "Or I'll do nothing but continue to bitch and complain."
AJ chuckled and brought her back for a quick kiss. "Just relax, baby. She'll be here before you know it. Demandin' and keepin' us up all night and hoggin' all your attention…"
"So you're saying he'll be just like you?"
"AJ? Honey?"
Even though he had just closed his eyes to go to sleep, he snapped them open immediately at the sound of her voice. He could sense worry and, starting to worry himself, sat straight up, surprised to see her standing next to the bed. "What? What's wrong?"
"It… I mean I think…" She shifted, lips twisting anxiously. "I'm pretty sure it's time. For real."
He blinked rapidly, thoughts of sleep disappearing as her words sunk in. "Yeah?" he asked, already getting out of bed. "How you feel?"
"It hurts. Worse than the Braxton-Hicks." Her eyes were wide. "I've been timing them all night and they're starting to come faster—"
"Sit down," he blurted, grasping her shoulders and guiding her to sit on the edge of the bed. He made sure she would stay put before crossing to get his clothes. "Let me get dressed, okay? And we'll go."
"But what if I'm wrong?"
"Then we'll come home and go back to bed." He went over the list he had memorized. The bag she had packed – and unpacked and repacked at least a dozen times – was waiting by the front door. All he had to do was get his clothes on, help her into one of the dresses she'd taken to wearing lately, grab their phones, get her downstairs, get the bag, get her into the car, and leave.
"But what if I think it's real tomorrow night too?"
"We'll go to the hospital again."
"But what if—"
"What if you just sit there and stay calm?" he suggested softly, stepping into his shoes. He muttered a curse and kicked them off so he could pull on his shorts. "Why didn't you tell me you were havin' pains?"
"I just figured they were false labor again." She was rubbing her belly with both hands.
Struck by the sight of her, he froze for a moment to take it all in. Her, perched on the edge of the bed wearing one of his t-shirts. Her hair a mess, her legs and feet bare. Her head bowed, and her hands working over her belly gently. As though aware of him watching, she raised her head and he saw the worry in her eyes.
"AJ," she whispered.
He was in front of her in an instant, dropping to his knees and taking her hands into his. "It's gonna be okay, baby," he promised. "How long has it been since the last contraction?"
"About eight minutes." She clutched his hands. "AJ, I'm scared."
"There's nothin' to be scared of," he attempted to soothe. "We've got the best doctor and we're going to the top hospital—"
"Not about giving birth."
"Then what?"
"Being a mom. I can't do this."
"It's a little late to decide that," he whispered, hoping to make her smile.
Instead, he saw her eyes fill with tears. "I don't know how much to feed a baby or how often to change a diaper. I don't know if it's better to let them cry it out or pick them up every time they cry. I haven't been able to settle on a name. And remember that rosebush your parents gave us last year? I couldn't even keep that alive, how in the world am I going to be this baby's mommy?"
"By followin' your gut." AJ leaned to catch her lips in a quick kiss. "Nobody knows all that stuff at first. I don't know any of that. But we'll learn. We'll figure it all out as we go along."
"Are you scared?" she asked in a whisper.
"Terrified," he admitted for the first time. Feeling her grip on his hands tighten, he widened his eyes when her entire body tensed up. Her face twisted with pain and he tried to soothe her as best he could, with gentle, encouraging murmurs. Her attempt at the breathing technique she'd learned in childbirth class was stellar, and he pulled one hand free to place over her belly. When her grip loosened, he brought both her hands to his lips. "Okay?"
"That was the worst one so far," she gasped.
His heart twisted. He knew she was in for a lot more pain before the ordeal was over. He hated seeing her in pain, especially when there was nothing he could do to ease it. Not all the ice packs and massages in the world could help her. Terrified? He was scared to death that he wouldn't be able to comfort her at all. "C'mon," he murmured. "Let's go."
He hadn't called her mother. He hadn't called his parents, either. In fact, he hadn't called any of the people they had promised to call when it was finally, definitely, time. He'd been too focused on her. Her pains were his pains, though he would never know what they truly felt like. Her cries and whimpers were blazing knives into his heart. But there was nothing he could do to take the pain away. He was strictly on the sideline, holding her hand and rubbing her back and feeding her crushed ice. For the past three hours, though, he had merely sat beside her on the bed, doing his best to coach her through the breathing that he was starting to think was a load of crap.
"I can't do it!" she whimpered, slumping back after a particularly arduous push.
"Yes you can," AJ insisted. Hand holding hers, he ignored the doctor and nurses speaking all at once. Eyes on her face, he reached to brush the lock of hair away from her face. Her body was bathed in sweat. Her lips were dry. Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes were clenched shut.
She was, he realized with what felt like a punch to the gut, the most beautiful woman that had ever existed.
"You can do this," he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. Her other hand came up to rest at his cheek. She began to shake her head, but he shushed her. "Yes, you can. I know it hurts, baby, but you're the strongest person I've ever known in my life. Nobody but you can do this."
Her eyes opened and she sniffled. "Women give birth every day."
"Not to my child, they don't." He tilted his head to kiss her palm. "Only you would be brave enough for that."
"We just need one more good push," the nurse on the other side of the bed encouraged. "One more push and your baby will be here."
"Hear that?" he whispered, closing his eyes briefly. His baby was about to come into the world. "I don't know about you, but I really, really want to hold our girl."
"Boy," she sniffled.
"Prove it."
She actually laughed. "You asshole," she muttered. "I really hate you right now."
"For puttin' you through this?"
"For thinking I'm wrong." She drew in a deep breath. "Because it's definitely a boy."
"Show me?" he requested, stealing a quick kiss.
She nodded, tears welling in her eyes. "Okay." AJ began to pull away but she grasped his shirt. "Stay? I need to see your eyes."
He complied, the hum of activity in the delivery room fading as she clutched him. Awed, he watched her face while she began to push, her ragged moan of pain piercing his heart. Her eyes closed briefly and opened as she released a monumental gasp, arms trembling. Tears spilled from her eyes and when her lips parted, he heard a new sound.
The first hearty cry of their baby.
He was torn. He wanted to continue staring into her eyes, to keep feeling the surge of love and adoration he had for her. But he wanted to pull away so he could see their child. Their very, very loud child. He felt too weak to move so he stayed where he was, lips meeting hers in a grateful kiss. He tasted the salt of her tears, and of his own. "I love you," he whispered between kisses. The words seemed paltry compared to what he truly felt, but he couldn't come up with enough words to describe the emotions. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," she promised.
He pulled away, reluctantly, when the nurse touched his shoulder. Not bothering to brush away his tears, he stared in awe as a wet, squirming baby was brought up to rest on her chest. The skin was a healthy pink. Miniature feet and hands kicked and waved, and a shockingly loud cry came from a very tiny mouth. He carefully brushed his hand over one cheek, then over the fine black hair that dusted the baby's scalp.
"It's a boy," the doctor announced.
"Hey," she whispered, sobbing and laughing at the same time. She had already cradled the baby in her arm, and was touching him all over. Counting his toes and his fingers. Holding him close to her breast. She raised her head, tears flowing freely. "He's beautiful."
"Just like his mama," AJ replied hoarsely.
"Hi l'il man," she said, pressing a tender kiss to the baby's forehead. Within seconds, the cries subsided, and their son nuzzled his cheek against her breast. "I've been waiting forever to meet you."
Eyes that had been closed blinked open. A tiny hand waved in the air and caught her hair.
Heart swelling, AJ dipped his head to kiss their son's head then lifted to kiss her lips. "Thank you," he murmured, shifting so he could tuck his arm around both her and the baby. The small head moved, and he was caught by a pair of dark blue eyes. "And thank you for finally getting' here…"
The small mouth opened and AJ braced himself for another cry. Instead, their son yawned.
"Bein' born is rough work, huh, son?" he asked. Another blanket was handed over and he worked to tuck it over the baby, whose eyes had drifted shut again. "Son," he repeated, heart swelling again. He marveled over the tiny hand that clutched his finger. "We have a son…"
"Told you so," she whispered.
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