#just blah-ing this out so my mind would zip it lmao
grvntld · 2 years
ang dami ko need gawin para sa aking peace of mind aka my kaartihan bc im truly maarti and im not gonna deny it and there is nothing wrong with it because they all matter to me thank you very much
💁‍♀️~fix~ mah feed hehe ngl i like a cohesive slash coordinated feed and yep i hv a planner for my feed okie because how else will i know if my photos go together hmm izz nawt that what i hv on my planner doesnt go together but right now it's not making me feel like 😌🤠🥳🥰 so yas i hv to maybe move some of the photos around or maybe present a few photos differently awOw
💁‍♀️sit the fuck down with my clothes and shoes and bags again and just declutter the heck out of it—we hv turned our second room slash guest room slash bebi portus' room into our full blown walk-in closet since our clothes are all there anyway and one of these days i just rlly hv to sit on it and deal with it so that i'll be feeling like ☺🧚‍♀️👸
💁‍♀️take more than just a glimpse of my monmon bc lately ive just been 💸💸💸 left and right and i know once upon a time i dreamt of not having to look at a price tag when purchasing something but my golly wow wow even i am going 👁👄👁 at myself after 🛍 like how the fudge—
💁‍♀️line up some books to read since im done with missing molly already hehe gosh waht a ride that one is my gosh so yeah i hv to check out some books that i wanna read plus plus plus get back on the list of books that hv been recommended to me by my friends and moots a while back yay
💁‍♀️get back to journaling—look for maybe prompts or just write about my day oh and find cute notebooks to fill too hihi
💁‍♀️re-read the cgm method again so i could grow out my curls again bc i miss them hehe ngl i havent been doing it, but yep, im using cgm friendly products still hmm i just havent had the energy to do the technique itself hehu so i hv to re-learn errthang abt it again and check out the other things i no longer hv with me hihi exciting omg more shopping lol
💁‍♀️going back to my feed kaartihan, re-edit prolly all the photos to achieve the feel that i genuinely want bc mismam im creative and i know i could do it come on aina ganda dyosa winner donchu settle for pwede na yan u got diz
okie i couldnt think of anything else anymurrrr other than werq so dazz what imma do bYE MWAPS
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