#just bunnies who don't really understand the concept of hibernation
foodsies4me · 5 months
Writing procrastination game
Thanks for tagging me @myulalie!
1. What’s the name of one of your Wips?
Under covers, stars and circles (Shadowhunters, Malec) - that said, the name might change.
2. Describe a Wip in the format of __+__=__
time travel + soulmates = Meet me in the future, love me in the past (Shadowhunters, Malec).
3. What tags/warnings will one of your Wips need if you share it?
Graphic depictions of violence, Magnus can bear runes, Pretend! shadowhunter Magnus, Undercover!Alec, Undercover!Magnus, (Shadowhunters, Malec)
4. Alternative title to a Wip?
AWG2 (Shadowhunters, Malec) for The Past Bleeds Golden, that's still what I refer to it as.
I don't know what to title this (Shadowhunters, Malec) is the title for one of the dragon fics.
5. Which Wip are you most likely to update/finish next?
Update: Apollo! While I only updated it yesterday, the Alec POV for the next chapter is very insistent to be written.
Most likely to finish first: Given the length of the other WIPS, I think the most likely fic for me to finish next would be the "trainee outing" FTH fic as I' making some pretty decent progress on that fic.
6. What is one of your Wip’s document title, not its name but what you have it saved as?
Birb and kitty (Shadowhunters, Malec - yes this is how I have saved Apollo as).
7. Post any sentence from your Wip?
"She made me drink something."
As usual, yes it's from a Shadowhunters fic.
8. A scrapped idea from your wip?
Hmmm, a scrapped idea from Apollo would be Alec being spelled by Ragnor to stop him from speaking about the Mortal Cup's true whereabouts. I initially was planned to write that it because him and Magnus letting Alec just leave with that information didn't sound logical to me, but Magnus just wouldn't let that happen no matter how I tried to twist or turn it.
9. What’s a story you’d love to write but have yet to start?
There are so many. I really would love to start on my Alexander is a Pole Dance Teacher fic! I have written down the rough summary for it and it should go by quickly enough given it's just supposed to be a quick, short fic of Alec trying something new with his siblings every month only for the pole dancing to stick. It's just a fun, Malec falling for the other without knowing the other is a warlock/shadowhunter at first fic, that I really should get around to writing. But, too many bunnies and too little time.
10. How many Wips are you actively working on?
So many. If we're solely focusing on the ones I have already posted on AO3 then the answer is 7, if we include the ones I'm working on by myself on my computer the answer is probably around 20.
11. Is there a scene you’re struggling to write right now?
Yes! I’m completely stuck on the next chapter of Walk Figh Fashion Baby because no matter what costume I come up with, it somehow just doesn't feel like a costume Jace would come up with.
Another one is the second chapter of Of Hiding and Waiting which I don't think is a fic many people have read (thankfully) because Cat's chapter is fighting me and has been for two years now.
12. Not a question but a second kudos!
Tagging without any pressure: @to-the-stars-writing, @echo-bleu, @miss-mouse, @faejilly and @lawsofchaos1 and anyone else who wants to participate!
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