#just call me Alyssa the Builder
the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 months
Hi!! I have a maybe weird fruit salad for you 🍍🫐🥝
Hi Kate! Hope you’re having a good week so far! I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner - I didn’t get a notification when you sent it (because dumblr) and then yesterday flew by in a span of 10 minutes (aka 24 hours) BUT I’m here now and I happen to believe that no fruit salad is a weird fruit salad. So thank you for my bowl of pineapples, blueberries and kiwis.
🍍What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
So I used to be a somewhat picky reader when it came to AUs. But lately I’ll give anything a chance - even if it’s something that doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be my thing - because as long as the writing is good and the characterization is done well, any AU can make sense and make a good story.
I’m not sure that I’ve ever read a coffee shop AU, because that used to be one that I’d avoid in my picky days (why? Idk? I love coffee?) but it’s not that I have beef with it anymore I just haven’t gotten around to righting that wrong yet.
I am and always have been a sucker for anything with a magical element, though. Magical, mythological, mystical AUs will always pull me in. Give me witches and monsters and merpeople and powers and abilities and visions and all that jazz.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I think one of the most underrated things in this fandom is when writers take a character who has basically no screen time or canon background and turn them into a fully fleshed character who lives and breathes and loves and has flaws and motivations. It’s the way creators will see a character from a music video or a wine commercial or an SNL skit and make him into a whole man with a whole life. Like the imagination and creativity needed to make something from nothing but scraps?? It’s the Chopped Champions of fanfic. It’s like “okay writers, you’ve got 3 short scenes, 2 lines of dialogue, a pair of glasses and a smirk, create a masterpiece” and then they DO? 🤯
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I think the things that I tend to write the most would fall under the umbrella of fix-it fics, because usually what inspires me to write for a character is some kind of tragedy or heartbreak that I want to undo or give context to. That character isn’t dead, he’s actually alive and well. That character isn’t heartbroken and alone, he’s actually in a really healthy relationship with himself and his partner. That character doesn’t have to face his past or future alone, actually he’s got family to support him and a cat to sit on his lap.
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manglechan1204 · 2 years
Follow up of my thought on the characters I’m around the episode  171/ 263 ( help me ), here my thought on the character so far :
c!Tommy : a bit more likeable + still too selfish like obviously your bf will not automatically choose you over a whole nation full of people + can’t wait for him to get exiled and grow up
c!Tubbo : Poor boy + already so much trauma + actually scare me because I can’t wrap my finger around his goals, his personality, his moral compass ???
c!Dream : fully psychopath + is freaking everywhere + GEoRgE iS tHe New KiNg now + does he really care about his smp anymore ? Cuz really looks like he just want to cause mayhem + not very likeable anymore:(
c!Sapnap : Stop fucking killing pet + wants to be teacher pet + being used by said teacher, kinda sad :(
c!George : Teacher pet for no reason ( cough cough ) + just sleep all day long + and when he wakes up I just wish he goes back to sleep because he obviously don’t know what he is talking about
c!Ponk : Stop killing cat + pretty chill beside that + kinda like where he lives
c!Alyssa : no more here :(
c!Punz : The only good builders of the dream smp land ? ( I mean they are 4 )
c!Purpled : Didn’t see him for a while? + seems lost
c!Wilbur / ghostbur : Joker arc + Iove the acting tho / have it coming his way + still a bit sad , especially with the whole blue stuff + this bad boy can fit so much regret + get your shit together and face it
c!Fundy : Poor boy + the size of the those daddy issues + bonus abandonment issues
c!Eret : The only and real king idc + appreciate the effort to make up to l’manberg
c!Quackity : still homeless BUT now a political man + just get out of a toxic relationship, u go boy ! + tries to do big thing, emphasis on try + wants to do go thing tho
C!Nikki : still sweet + but need to kick some ass + with puffy:D
c!Philza : the most breath taking entry on the server omg + love the fact that this dude just here having **3** kids like it’s nothing ( also im at the part where wilbur/ techno and tommy are canonically brothers but they really dont act like ) + “”neutral””
c!Jschlatt : Best acting like this bad guy laugh ? Priceless + toxic bitch tho
c!Karl : Still has the impression that the character is still in progress ? If that make sens ? + is a weather vane + I’m realllyyyy hyped to see the whole deal with the tales of the smp + best skin best skin best skin
c!Skeppy : cant believe this dude has one of the disc + love when he called out dream about being over the top with l’manberg
c!Badboyhalo : cinamon roll + pretty build pretty statue + the badland are kinda lame tho FOR NOW at least
c!Ranboo : just got here + funny guy + second best skin obviously+ already struggling
c!Captainpuffy : I LOVE HHEERRRR + she should have kick fundy ass + plus do cool dates
c!Mexican dream : eeyyy mmaaannnnnnn + I like your funny world magic man
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The 1st Disc War Stream: Excellent Quotes
Tommy: “You don’t borrow another man’s property, Sapnap! I’m gonna borrow your LIFE!”
Tommy: “I’ve never been sexist in my life. I love all women, especially...women.”
Tubbo: “Can I be a good guy?”
Tommy: “You are Tubbo.”
Tommy: “I had one shot...oh actually, I had all the shots. I’m like Alexander Hamilton!”
[Dream joined the game]
Tommy and Sapnap both: “Uh oh.”
Tommy: “Do we kill Tubbo? To be fair, Wilbur was in a stream yesterday and he had a go at me for bullying him. Okay, yeah, we keep Tubbo. We keep him.”
Sapnap: “We take Tubbo in--”
Tommy: “We take Tubbo in.”
Sapnap: “Tubbo’s a marvelous builder, he’ll be the builder of our kingdom.”
Tommy: “I did the all time greatest ‘Dream Jump,’ where I jumped onto his head and it scared him.”
Tommy: “Sapnap, it looks like we’ve won.”
Tubbo: “I don’t think anyone’s won! You’ve burnt down most of the stuff on the server!”
Tommy: [kicks Tubbo from the call] “Tubbo’s definitely not on our side.”
Dream: Okay, no more killing
[Alyssa gets shot to death by Sapnap]
[Sapnap gets stabbed to death by Tubbo a second later]
Tommy: “I think you’re taking this whole thing a little too literally, Sapnap. Your character is developing the wrong way.”
Dream: “You guys both JUMPED me, out of NOWHERE! I was literally walking down the path, and you jumped me! Now, YOU SON OF A BITCH, I have TAKEN YOUR STUFF, I have your discs and I have your Netherite. You do NOT win!”
Tommy: “...”
Tommy: “…Anyway, how are you?”
Dream: “I am requesting a formal apology. For jumping me and killing Punz and killing the woman.”
Dream: “Yes.”
Tommy: “Good day, sir.” [walks away]
[God joined the game]
God: Give me the discs.
Tubbo: What?
Sapnap: “You know what, Dream? I’ll see you in Minecraft Championships.”
Tommy: “That -- You’re on the same team.”
Tommy: Sorry xD
Alyssa: XDDDDD
Dream: “I need to hear that you’ll not kill me, or else I’ll burn your discs.”
Tommy: “Dream…Dream…I won’t kill you –”
Dream: “Okay—”
Tommy: “—UNLESS my views are low that month, in which case I will be forced to, but other tha—”
Tommy: “We are the best of friends, Dream, why would I cross you? I have never crossed you, or anyone for that matter.”
Dream: “You crossed me today.”
Tommy: “That doesn’t sound like something I would do. I have never crossed anyone…”
Tommy: “Hey Dream, permission to kill Tubbo?”
Sapnap: “Tommy, you won’t stand a chance. I’m the only one that can take him.”
Tommy: “That’s just not true, you’re shit.”
Tubbo: chill guys
Tubbo: oh
Tommy: Dream. Wait. You don’t have to do this.
Dream: Apologize.
Tommy: Dream…I am sorry if you felt upset by my masculinity.
Tommy: “Why’s there so much lightning?”
Tubbo: “It’s pathetic fallacy.”
Tommy: “Tubbo, lemme stand over here, give me a high five.”
[Tubbo gives him a high five, instantly killing him]
Tubbo: “OH GOD!”
Purpled: I am Switzerland.
Sapnap: “Boys?”
Tommy: “…Yeah?”
Sapnap: “KI--IM-̶͖̅̃͐͑̽-̷̨̘͚͉̜̮͓̈̔̑̈̔̄͐-̷̢͖͈̺͈͇̒͊̓ ̷̫́͛̔̆̾̚Ŗ̷̜̘͒̉͜͝I̷̹̭̊̅͑͜--oW̴̤̿͗̄́̃̓—̷̧͍́GT--CH--IM—̶̨̛̰̠̠̝̔̈́̓̂̀͋ͅ B̸͉͖͇̙̫̊́̅͐̏̄̑B̵̢̛̟̐͑̊̒͒̽U̷̟͔̤͒͑̐̉̇̚ -- S̸͚͎̟̣͙͐͜͝ͅŰ̵̠͚̯̤͈̲͛̾̔̕͝͠--S̸͉̽͝-̴̫̝̗̾̈́̀-̵̲̣͎̼̜̣̥͂̌̌-̸̺͉̒̏S̶̯̆̍Ḏ̷̙̟̼̎̂͑͐̇͆F̴̙̳̏̂̔J̶̹̆̅̅̂̓̑G̴̪̖͓̐
Tubbo: “God is dead.”
Tommy: “God is dead.”
Tubbo: “And we killed him.”
Tubbo: sorry
Tubbo: I am weak willed
[Dream starts attacking them in Tubbo’s attic. Tommy throws an Ender Pearl out of the window]
Tommy: “I’m sorry, Tubbo… I’ve got to go.”
[He runs into the forest. Tubbo dies by Dream]
Tubbo: “Why you gotta kill people? Wh…why can’t you just be normal? Why…why are you like this? Why…wh…stop looking at me like that—”
Tommy: “You fucked up, you fucked up—”
[He jumps at Tubbo]
Tubbo: “Ohhhh go on, GO ON! BRING IT ON!”
[Tubbo stabs him to death]
Tommy: “The discs are irreplaceable—”
Tubbo: “No the discs are very replaceable. I was gonna make a disc farm.”
Tommy: “Ponk has just redeemed himself. He’s just had a redemption arc.”
 Tommy: “I won all my music discs! I kept them!”
Tubbo: “But I already explained to you how easy they are to get.”
Tommy: “Yeah yeah yeah yeah, but have you heard of ‘sentimental value,’ dickhead?”
Tubbo: “…”
Tubbo: “You’re talking about a Minecraft item here. Get out.”
Sapnap: “Tubbo, I don’t wanna have to kill you.”
Tubbo: “Try me, bitch.”
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someone-took-ombrr · 3 years
pspsps reverse au pspsps
Hey Y'all know reverse aus? it's kinda like this but more stupid, Imma just make a list on the majority of the members- (It's long so be warned)
Dream/Nightmare: He actually cares about people, he also doesn't like conflict so he gave L'manburg their independence without fights (on his part at least). He's also an actual good husband in this.
Gogy/Georgewaslost: Mr lore man himself, he's a little shit, constantly causing conflict and always present during events, he also hates being babied and very self-sufficient.
Sapnap/Pandas: A coward, he doesn't fight unless he has to, he also doesn't like animals, not in a "KILL THEM ALL" kind of way, more of a "please get that away from me I don't like it" kinda way
ItsAlyssa/Alyssa: Mute, she doesn't speak at all and doesn't really have much of a role in the server, she's just kinda there.
Callahan/Callahan: He left before anything interesting happened
Awesamdude: So y'know how warden sam is a kind of an alter-ego? Now it's his whole ass personality, yep sam is cruel, cunning and doesn't give two shits what other's think.
Ponk: Very calm and collected, he's a free-spirit and doesn't like conflict all that much.
Badboyhalo/Goodboyhalo: Bad but he can cuss and has 0 chill, constantly likes pulling jokes and stealing things.
Big man tomathy in of it/Tommy: Very sensitive, he cries a lot, he's usually quiet and still tries to fit the footsteps of his brothers, he's also Phil's bio son in this
Tubbo/Tubboinnit: Tubbo is just a chaotic mess but with a lot of weird and very specific boundraries, he's also Schlatt's bio son and is proud of it.
Fundy: A son of a cod and wilbur, he's also an arctic fox just cause i guess. Fundy's also offered the role of king with nightmare as his loyal knight (and lover)
Punz: He's a traveling warrior, he only really fights for his pride and money
Purpled: Punz's younger brother, he's just some guy that can build really well
Wilbur/Ghostbur: Just switch their personalities (I got lazy ok) So Alivebur is sweet and innocent and Ghostbur is fucking insane, also adopted.
Jschlatt: He's a smoker, not an alcoholic, still gets a heart attack and fucking dies. He's not really as cruel as he's portrayed. He just does what he sees fit for the country and not himself.
Skeppy: He hangs around Gbh and usually has to apologize for Gbh's actions, he also doesn't really like playing pranks and usually is seen helping other's with their projects.
Eret: Completely loyal to L'manburg and sees Fundy as a traitor for leaving L'manburg to be king. She's kind to animals but they're very protective of their property and he's quite good at pvp
JackManifold: One of Tommy's closest friends and stands by his side most times. He duo's with Niki and they good buddies :]
Niki: At first, Niki was quite doubtful of L'manburg, she believed that it would crumble, but eventually she became more hopeful of the country and know fights by their side with no hesitation.
Quackity: He doesn't swear and is just wholesome, he tries his best to keep a positive vibe and make other's happy, he's Karl's fiance.
Karl Jacobs: An E-boy, he's also a pessimist and can't be bothered to look for good in a bad situation, he does still time travel but only to his benefit.
Hbomb: they're reserved, don't really stand out that much. Fundy's his close friend but other than that he doesn't really do much
Technoblade: In a constant state of distressed, he can't sleep well because of the voices in his head so he makes builds as a coping mechanism. Phil's bio son.
Antfrost: He's a good builder, he's anti-egg
PHILZA MINECRAFT: He cares for his family and sons, equally this time. He usually hangs around L'manburg's ruins to remind him of wilbur (Just so you know, Phil didn't kill him in this, Wil got knocked back during the explosion, hit his head on a rock and died :))
(I skip a lot of people that aren't relevant to the plot)
Ranboo/Booran: Tubbo's vice president in L'manburg, he has a really good memory and doesn't hesitate to call people out on their bullshit.
Foolish gamers: A pvp god. he's puffy's bio son, a demi-god of life and the wildlife
Hannah: A anti-egg spy, she hangs around Sam every nowadays.
Slimecicle: He killed nightmare once then left, never to return.
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skylardoesthings · 4 years
I have had another great idea.
The Better Group Chat
Antfrost, Awesamdude, Alyssa, Badboyhalo, Callahan, CaptainPuffy, & More
Sapnap: Wtf is this
Dream: The builders had their own group chat that we aren’t in
George: Lol why
Technoblade: NOOOO MY CLOUT
Dream: So I made our own version where it’s anyone who wasn’t in that group chat to one up them
CaptainSparklez: That seems kinda unnecessary
Awesamdude: ...
TheEret: ...
HBomb94: ...
Fruitberries: ...
PeteZahHutt: ...
Dream: Lol what
HBomb94: There are five imposters among us lol
Dream: WHAT
Fruitberries: It’s called Builders Appreciation for a reason
Fruitberries: H, Pete, and I drank the respect the builders juice, Eret and Sam got in on a Dream SMP builder vouch from H
Awesamdude: Lol you should have paid me more for that prison Dream
Awesamdude has left the chat
PeteZahHutt: Anyways, I have a feeling that we are no longer wanted here, so I’m gonna blast
PeteZahHutt has left the chat
TheEret: It was never meant to be
TheEret has left the chat
Fruitberries: Anyway, Blue Bats forever
Fruitberries has left the chat
Fundy: WAIT H
WilburSoot: Can I join too?? Pleas???
HBomb94: First off, Fundy that’s a lie and I know it
HBomb94: Second off, Wilbur, I’ll think about it. Tubbo too, even though I know he isn’t chatting right now.
HBomb94: Anyway, False Supremacy
HBomb94 has left the chat
Ph1lz4 Minecraft: Well that went pretty fucking well lol
In conclusion: I just realized this is in ask format and not submission format FU-
this is fucking beautiful. I love it so much, The chat is mostly dead expect when the builder team placed higher than expected or wins an mcc. After awhile Sparklez left the GC and joined the builders appreciation group thanks to the vault hunter members. Wilbur and Tubbo is still waiting for their answer.
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0257: Eight Easy Ways Sales Can Improve Their Marketing Skills
This Podcast Is Episode Number 0257, And It Will Be About 8 Easy Ways Sales Can Improve Their Marketing Skills
Today's Podcast Is Based Upon A Guest Article From Mary Walton
Mary Walton proofread content for Revieweal, service that reviews online writing services.
 "Improving your writing skills" sounds rather vague.
How does one improve their skills when it comes to writing? When you're in sales, it means you need to improve how you come across to customers, and how you convince them to buy from you. Here's 8 easy ways you can improve your writing skills and improve sales.
Write For Scanners
Not everyone is going to sit and read everything you write. People will scan through the piece, looking for the keywords that are relevant to them. That means you're going to need to write for these people. Place keywords in prominent places, and arrange your content so it's separated with clear subheadings. Help them find what they want from your writing. The quicker they can find it, the more likely they are to buy from you.
Get To The Point
People say the longer the content, the better. However, that isn't the case at all. Your readers are busy, and need to get what they want from you right away. “Write your main point in the very first sentence,” says business writing expert Alyssa Hayes from Assignment Service. “You'll grab their attention, and they're much more likely to buy from you.”
Play On The Reader's Emotions
The best sales are made when you play on the reader's emotions. If you can make them feel something, they can create an attachment to your product. For example, if you're selling pet clothing, then you can play on their affection for their pet. For example, you could write 'You love your pets just as they are, but wouldn't you want them to look the part for your holiday photograph? With this sweater, they can fit right in with the rest of the family'. Look for the emotional hook with your product, and use it.
Address The Reader's Problems
Another good tactic is to look at solving a problem the reader has. For example, say you sell guitar accessories online. Your audience may need your supplies quickly, say when their guitar strings break. You can offer to solve that problem, by sending out new strings next day delivery. Look to solve the problem that your customer has, and you'll make more sales.
Use Online Tools To Help
Online tools can help you get the most out of your writing. Try some of these tools when you're creating online content:
Grammarix: This is a great grammar checker.
Essay Writing Services: This service can help you with your proofreading.
Academadvisor: This site has lots of writing guides that you can use.
Oxessays: Improve your grammar with this tool.
MyWritingWay: Use this tool to get the correct citation for your sources.
PaperFellows: This is a writing community that hosts a lot of writing guides, as recommended by the Huffington Post in Dissertation Writing Service.
Lets Go And Learn: This writing blog is full of useful writing tips.
Get Feedback On Your Writing
When you write anything for your site, get feedback on it. This can be from a trusted colleague, or from a professional from one of the companies listed above. They can help you get perspective on your writing, and show where you need to improve. If you can get constructive criticism, you can start improving as a writer.
Get To The Point
Don't bury the lead in your writing. Give the reader the main reason they should buy from you, upfront. For example, if you were selling silicone oven gloves, you could write 'Never burn yourself on the oven again!' as your first sentence. The quicker you can grab the reader's attention, the better.
Always Edit
Never skip the editing step. You don't want to put out writing that's full of errors, as it can look unfinished and even unprofessional. That means that you could lose sales. Take the time to edit your work, and you'll have content that will convert more readers than ever before.
With these tips, you can create writing that really converts your readers. It's all about looking for what the customer wants, and giving it to them. With this information, you can really improve your sales writing.
About The Author:
Mary Walton proofread content for Revieweal, service that reviews online writing services.
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