#just complete brainrot that’s probably written messily but it’s okay
bunny-rambles · 2 years
also haha strange that your blog is basically scara centric even tho you like albedo more, as a scara simp i love that BUT RECENTLY IVE STARTED TO SIMP FOR ALBEDO?? HELP?? Hes JUST- mwah ❤️
since the universe is letting me just suFFER im not really doing anything other than sleeping, watching tv and scrolling thru tumblr (oh and i cant forget DYING) so i decided to just ✨appear✨ again hehe
also i just started experimenting with writing a harbinger!reader and its too much fun and im listening to maybe too many villain playlists and then making my own lmao
anyway i need some thoughts abt albedo bumping into harbinger!reader and instantly figuring out who they are but reader has absolutely no clue that he does and also reader totally becomes protective of klee BECAUSE SHES SO CUTE HOW can ONE NOT LOVE HER OK ack im rambling 💀💀 BUT KLEE HAS NO CLUE THAT reader is well.. a harbinger and most likely a villain or at least has killed someone?? and im crying bc i just love klee and albedo so much now help-
thats should be all for now hhehehhe
- king
I think I got into the writing side of the Genshin community by looking up Diluc and Kaeya fics (not the ship, but their brotherly bond has such a good potential for angsty hurt/comfort that it was too good to pass up, even if it is only platonic) so this event really did feed me well lmfao
Hehehehe… Hehehe.. Heh… Welcome to the dark side, my friend. You’re stuck here now >:) Albedo’s model let’s him down tbh so I understand why some people don’t simp for him. But ugh in official art? Yeah, that’s a no brainer, he’s so GXYCUFUFYCGRDYCIVIH- (personally I like his model, could be better but he’s still a cutie- but his art is on another level entirely. Just- god tier, can’t get any better honestly, he just beats everyone else imo)
You can ✨appear✨any time you like, I always enjoy you in my inbox, no matter how late I reply, it’s always lovely to hear from you <33 but I hope you’re feeling better now :/
Villain playlists are very satisfying to listen to, really gets me in the mood if I need to write some arguments or just angst in general.
Ahem. Hope you don’t mind some brainrot rambling- I’ll put it utc for anyone else reading so they’re not spammed by it
I’ve been wanting to do something like a harbinger reader for quite some time, but I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in that, since I’ve seen quite a few people do that idea already. But if it’s specifically requested, I’ll do it,,, Anyway.
Yes. Harbinger reader. Albedo would figure it out soon, if not right away when he meets you. He’s wary of what a harbinger would want with his little sister.
If Klee was perhaps a little older, you would offer to take her under your wing, teaching her the ways of the fatui, operating as your apprentice. Your adorable little apprentice that acts like a living grenade, grinning as she decimates anything in her path. But alas, even someone as evil as you wanted to preserve her carefree innocence for just a little longer before she had to open her eyes to how cruel the world could be.
So, Albedo lets you carry on this little charade of protectiveness, so long as you’re not hurting her. It’s only when you protect him from an onslaught of Fatui soldiers on Dragonspine with your Cryo vision (or, you know, whatever vision reader would have but I just thought it shows that harbinger reader really cares if they’re using CRYO in a snowy environment. Also woukd be kind of funny with Albedo like ‘???? Why are you using Cryo in the SNOW?’ ), did he realise that what you were doing wasn’t out of cunning malice but out of the genuine connection you had made with the two blondes. You weren’t… Insufferable. In fact, you were quite pleasant to be around. But he still has his reservations about you being with such a corrupt group, that’s something he’s always going to be cautious of. And he does warn you, in a not so subtle way:
If you EVER put Klee in danger, Knight, harbinger, status wouldn’t of mattered between the two of you- he would deal with you personally. (I can’t tell if this scares or excites me- reader is probably extremely confused at the emotions it elicits)
Fortunately you knew better than to double cross him, especially when you were slowly falling in love with your enemy… oh no, what did that little girl do to you? She made you all… Soft. And now you’re falling for her brother. You’re an awful harbinger. You knew it was wrong and yet…
Something about this knight captivated you, especially when he brushed your hair behind your ear when it blew in your face, or whispered how you were his favourite muse when the world fell silent and it was just the two of you. Yes. The two of you, hand in hand - cities crumbling, gods falling - as long as you were with him, nothing could stop you.
Albedo would suit morally grey harbinger reader, you’re both flight risks and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones. You’re also both incredibly dangerous and have the potential to unleash hell upon the world. Maybe two chaotic souls ground each other, keeping things in balance. But if anyone was to set either of you off… I don’t even think gods could stop the impending doom you both would bring. Thankfully, no one’s tried to do that. Yet.
Hehe. Maybe I went a little overboard but it sparked some inspiration, something I’ve been lacking in (especially today) let me know what you thought about it <3 expand it, if you like.
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