#just edited the last filled prompt to include the actual prompt oops
shoshiwrites · 5 months
For the touch prompt, #24, please.
Thank you so much Jess! <3 I couldn't get our coffee-talk out of my head🥺☕
24. "whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin"
“Now,” he says, with the tinny clatter of the dishes plunked down next to her, without a splash, “I didn’t add too much sugar— because, well, we ain’t got any, and also because I know you don’t like when it sticks at the bottom.” She laughs, the warm timbre growing in her chest. “Thank you." She doesn’t say anything when he sits next to her, not across, their elbows barely touching.  He sips at his own cup, black, the way you drink it when you need it like a tonic. She lets her hands warm around the enamel mug, watches the coppery color of the coffee inside, the lightest touch of milk. Not like his hair, a chocolatey brown. Maybe if they all got a little bit more sun. It was some stupid detail, the sugar. She must have mentioned it in the course of a conversation weeks ago, surrounded by talk of memories and home. Powdered coffee crystals on rushed assignments, the corner automat and Sunday mornings. Like they ever had enough sugar for her to have specifications about it. She wonders if he ever takes his differently. Before the war, she means. She wonders if he even likes it. He’s not grimacing, just sitting here with her.  “How is it?”  It’s not a lie when she says, “delicious.” He smiles. “Just what I needed.” A beat, and she knows the answer here, asks it anyway. Yours?” The grin on his face tightens by a centimeter, fades under the lightbulbs. “Gets the job done.” She looks back down at her mug, the faint print of her lipstick, out the window to the gray afternoon, across her shoulder to him. “A girl might get used to this kind of treatment.” “Hope she does.” Now don’t go saying things like that. Her stomach twists, somewhere deep in the pit, and suddenly what she’s most afraid of is someone walking in. She makes to stand, hastily sipping the coffee as she does.  “Where you off to?” She leans down on impulse, pressing her lips to the top of his ear. Like they do this all the time. Like it’s a habit. “Got a story to file.” “Right. Well, let me know if there’s any trouble.” “Thank you,” she says, suddenly a whisper. Presses a kiss under the lobe. He lolls his head slightly, leaning into her touch. “For the coffee.” Maybe she imagines it, the smallest exhale in his voice. “Anytime.”
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
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A Last Whumptober 2020 Update!
So I didn’t manage to complete all 31, but I’ve so far managed to finish 17, and when the month is done I should be up to 20. I’ve just got four in-progress that I’ll be able to finish fairly quickly, they’re all outlined and mostly filled in. (That’s 15. Into the Unknown (possession), 20. We’re Not in Kansas Anymore (medieval), 23. What’s a Man Gotta Do To Get Some Sleep Around Here? (exhaustion), and A3. Comfort.
ETA: I know the math doesn’t quite add up there lol, but it’s because 23 and A3 are combined into one. And also, you all know I’m terrible at math. There were too many numbers going on today. XD I’m posting for 20 days. There’s a different number of fics, and a different number of completed prompts and...w/e I’ll figure it out when I’m done posting. XD
One I made some significant progress on, but I really, really want to do it proper justice to I decided to put it off. [16. Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (hallucinations).] I want it to be a sequel/form a trilogy with two previous fics (spare me over and where is your sting) and I knew if I rushed it I would be disappointed in myself.
And then there were two I had had really vague ‘it’s an emotion not a plot’ type ideas [9. For the Greater Good (ritual sacrifice) and 28. Such Wow, Many Normal, Very Oops (hunting season)], that just never came together. I’m trying to figure out where I can fit them into my Bad Things Happen Bingo card, seeing if I can combine them with a prompt there to make it work. [I repurposed a BTH bingo square here! 26. If You Thought the Head Trauma Was Bad (migraine) was originally a bingo square (caught in a storm) but I had another idea for that square.]
Anyway, I’m pretty happy with what I got through this year. The doc is at 49,430 words, and 80 pages* though that does include the drafts of ‘hallucinations’ that I’m not actually going to use.
[*I always like seeing how many pages it is when I change it to the ‘academic standard’ format - 12p Times New Roman, double-spaced. It’s 195 pages.]
AND. I made a posting schedule:
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(Notebook placement because I’d taken down personal information at the top of the page, foolishly. Well, I didn’t know I was going to do this at the time.)
So get ready for me to be really annoying in the tags for the next month, with my pretentious ass song-lyric fic titles. All titles are from Of Monsters and Men lyrics, because one of the prompts this year (13. Breathe In, Breathe Out) reminded me of their song ‘Human’ so it would get stuck in my head every time I looked at the prompt list.
Ok, so as you can see, posting the first fic today, as usual, on this my #fandom-versary, as I like to call it, so I have to go do final edits and figure out a standard post format. Excellent!
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Fire And Gold: Chapter: 2
Fire and Gold
Nalu Lovefest 2019 Prompts: Magic, Memories, Reckless, Worship & Cravings (All Implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy & E.n.d. Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: T-M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: Let the day be known when fire tested gold in the most intimate sense. The forging of a mating bond between the dragon-demon hybrid and celestial maiden while further strengthening the relationship they already have. Natsu finally confesses his romantic feelings for Lucy at and asks to claim her as his mate and queen; though not without it taking a bit for it to fully sink in for the poor, baffled woman. The first chapter is one of my entries for Nalu Lovefest 2019 and part of my ongoing Nalu (The Demon-Dragon and His Celestial Princess) anthology series set not too long after the events of the original manga/anime.(Slight Au).
Chapter 2: Piece by Piece
A/N: Hey guys, here's the long-awaited second chapter to Fire And Gold! Fun fact: The chapter title is inspired by the Eivor song of the same name which fits the overall mood of said chapter. Anyway, just wanted to give a major kudoos and shoutout to the amazing @bmarvels for acting as my beta which included edits and further development of this chapter! Now without further ado,back to the story!    Enjoy!
(Note: Scroll down past the cut/”read more “ button  for corresponding links and the actual chapter
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
Read  Fire And Gold on other platforms along with  the rest of my writing here: 
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1. Fire And Gold
A. Tumblr
Previous (Click Here:) (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352111043/fire-and-gold-chapter-1-a-simple-spark-nalu)
    Chapter:2    Next (Chapter:) (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/622423171640033280/fire-and-gold-chapter-3)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13410012/1/Fire-and-Gold)
C. A03(Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20851052/chapters/49565279)
2. Mast Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italics: Flashback/literary or song quotes (If Any of the most former )
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: empathized word
Bolded Italics: outside of main story): A/N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Piece by piece
You put me together
Till I am no longer
"You see who I am
Deep down inside
I grow by the light of your gaze
You fill me with wonder
Fill me with hope
You have opened up my mind
I see everything in every little thing
When you're by my side"
( Eivør : Snippets of Piece By Piece)
"Some of our friends are talking about us like we're not there ."
"Come on, Luce... don't worry about it." Natsu blithely waved off his partner's observation with a grin, clearly unfazed  by their guild mate's less-than-discreet side conversation. "You and me got way more important things to discuss. That kiss spell it out enough?"
"Yep — Message received loud and clear."
"Good—- though took ya' long enough weirdo." He teased, eyes twinkling with mirth. "Been subtly dropping hints for weeks ever since I decided try to make my feelings known. Didn't think it'd take you this long seeing how you're one of the smartest people I know. Just a bit slow on the uptake, I guess. Least' it helped knowing that you're just as crazy about me going off what I overheard from your 'girl talk' with Levy and the others. Otherwise, I woulda’ thought you weren't interested and given up trying."
"Oh... I see" Lucy noted a little more meekly than usual; heat-infused blood most likely rising in her cheeks. She couldn't help but be a tad self-conscious over unwittingly leaking the lurid details of what was honestly believed to be a discreet conversation.
My bad...
"So... uh... that's how you already knew— Oops. Ehh... That's kind of embarrassing.” Fingers were twirling a loose strand of hair in a physical display of mortification. " You really heard those, huh?"
"Yup!" The fire wizard popped the "p", flashing Lucy a smug-shit-eating-kind-of grin that set her heart a flutter. "Got hypersensitive hearing, remember? All those awesome things you were saying really fired me up, too. Anyway, you really should be more careful— never know who might be listening." He gave a wink with his usual teasing chuckle.
"That's for sure— guess I will have to more careful." Lucy's voice was a bit softer, mentally betraying herself for the other guildmates presence slipped her mind.
Man can it be a real challenge to keep anything a secret here at times...
"Definitely. It's all good though— you're still amazing, intelligent, loyal to a fault," Natsu's voice dropped lower with an extra pause between words. Not to mention the glimmer of intent in those onyx-green eyes.. The fire wizard's hand reached towards Lucy's face, calloused fingers tucking  a stray tendril of blonde hair behind her ear in a feather soft touch; before cupping the cheek of said mage who couldn't help but lean into his  palm . 
This is a completely new side  of him I've never seen before-more gentle and romantic.
"Not to mention you're sweet, caring, and an incredible wizard in your own right with plenty of spunk and a heart of gold. Definitely a great listener and super easy to talk with too — all in all an amazing and fun person to be around. Oh and did I mention how easy on the eyes you are?" 
"You.. really think so?" The celestial wizard inquired, voice sounding breathy to her own ears from being completely spellbound by her firey partner's words .
Natsu's not always much for words but he seems to be saying all the right things right now to keep me hooked. Basically putty in his hands here.
"Yeah! And I mean you seriously are the most gorgeous, sexy, and adorable girl I've ever laid eyes on. With that on top of everything else, what's not to love? You're everything I could want or need in a mate-slash-queen and more."
"Mate?" Lucy echoed in question, the last words really catching her attention. Interesting. The celestial mage's brain was buzzing swimming with piqued intrigue from the implications of Natsu what said; despite only being familiar with mates as a general concept.
I remember learning about how some animals mate for life in my lessons growing up—but don't think I've ever heard that term come up in conversation with Natsu before. Wonder what that could mean for us...
"You mean like a soul mate?"
"Exactly like that, yeah" came the dragon slayer's reply with a touch of pride; as if recalling centuries of ancient knowledge that were passed down— most likely through Ingeel. "The exact word you used is basically another term for mates that pretty sums what it means for dragon slayers. Ya probably learned growin' up bout' how some animals mate for life , right?"
"Okay, cool . So that whole thing isn't really that different for dragon slayers . Same goes for demons and hybrids—myself included- though those mates are also their queens. Oh and instead of just for life, they're soul-bonded for all eternity."
"Sounds pretty intimate." Lucy peered up at him through through the fringe of her thick lashes, the heat of his hand on her cheek still very much noticeable.
"It definitely is— believe me. Gods know how much I want you to be my girlfriend— but also far more than that at the same time. Dragons, demons, and hybrids have one person who they're drawn to- one person they're meant to be with. Not to mention the burning passion for their chosen that's unlike anything else— even by regular human standards."
"Wow..." There was so much she didn't realize, or maybe just didn't think more into about it, just how much a slayer's mate entailed. Yet, here Natsu was discussing the details to her as if it were one of their every -day conversations. Mavis knows she couldn't help the fluttering in her stomach with the way he was speaking about it all.
Normally, this would might overwhelming for some but not when it comes to the one guy I've been pining for so long. I mean it's all so exciting!"
"I know it's probably a lot to take in, but Lucy, you're literally that person for me. You're the one I've been always been inexplicably drawn to ever since we first met. The one who I see in my dreams when I fall asleep at night. The one who I'd go to hell and back for, who I'd do anything for to protect and keep safe. The one who I can't stand to be apart from for too long and whose face I wanna wake up to the rest of my life. Can't help but—" Natsu's thumbs were stroking along the curve of  Lucy's cheeks; so light, delicate, so tender, so gentle in touch that it sent electric sparks racing through her nerves . "I just can't help but want to claim you for myself and myself alone. "You're pretty much my other, better half, who I didn't even know I was searching for until I finally met you— and now I have. I don't always pour my heart out so publicly like this— ask anyone we know-but there's no one else out there for me. Never has been and never will be."
Holy hell did the celestial's heart melt delight from the sincerity resonating in each and every one of the dragon slayer's words.
Huh... Just when I think I couldn't fall any harder or be more attracted to the guy, he goes and says all this.
"It's no secret to anyone now that I've fallen for ya', Luce— hard. No going back now— you're all I see in the romantic sense. Not that others aren't important or that I care any less about them — but how I feel for you is different. Not inferior, just different. You've always been among those most precious to me... kind of like the brightest star of my universe that lights up my life in a way no else could. Damn, I sound pretty sentimental right now I don't care. Hell, said this more than once already—- but I swear I'm gonna love you with everything I've got in me. Not just today, but for all of this life and each and every one that comes after that—forever."
Holy crap does he have a way with words...
"Wow Natsu, that was something else…" Lucy was in awe, deeply touched by the stirring power of his heartfelt pledge.
"Thanks— means a lot to hear how impressed you are." "I'll say..."
"Yeah, we both know I'm more of a man of action— but my words are straight from the heart. Which leads to the question I wanna ask".
"Shoot." Lucy watched the fire eater with attentive eyes .
Wonder what else he wants to say.
"Kay, here goes. Will you let me claim you, Luce?" Nastu's voice was hopeful with just a tiny smidge of nerves . Probing, emerald eyes were meanwhile searching Lucy's face as if gauging her reaction. "Officially? As my mate and queen?"
This might be the most open I've ever seen him..
"Yes," came stellar mage's automatic reply without a shred of hesitation or second thought. Not to mention how the thrilling, romantic prospect of belonging to the fire demon for all eternity flooded her veins with a cozy warmth unlike any other.
Not only do we have an entire lifetime to spend together—but I also get to be bound to him in every conceivable way for all time? Awesome! Can this get any better?!
"I'd love to be yours, mate,queen, soul-bound—everything."
"Really? You accept?" He couldn't seem to help but double trying to contain the bubbling excitement threatening to burst from him.
"Of course— nothing would make me happier!"
Nastu's entire face lit up with an audible whoop just as Lucy let out a feminine squeal; from arms spinning her around after a lift .
" You... this... I can't .. holy crap this is so awesome!" The fire wizard dropped another ecstatic kiss on the moonstruck astral mage's waiting lips . "Did i mention how much I love you already, sweetheart? Well that's just too damn bad—won't ever grow tired of reminding ya for as the rest of our lives here in this world and after that! So glad that you're finally mine! I mean, I had a pretty good feeling you'd accept my claim... but hearing it directly is... Holy Crap! So stoked—like people have no idea!"
"Though I do " came Lucy's reply, a fond smile tugging at the corner of her lips. God, was being in Natsu's arms ever incredible—absolute perfection she couldn't help but revel in.
Don't think I'll ever get enough.
Not to mention, he didn't seem intent on releasing her from his embrace any time soon if the pure adoration shining  in his eyes was any indication to go by. Not that I'm complaining.
"And you're definitely right about me feeling the same." Lucy assured him, her hands resting on his warm, well-muscled chest.
"Course' I was, weirdo!"
"Aw, look how smitten those two are!" Levy fawned over the couple from the sidelines. "Beyond sweet!"
"Yeah, I'll say" Gajeel concurred , admiration colouring his tone. "Looks like one of Salamander's official term of endearments for Lucy already came naturally to him— like it often does with other dragons slayers, demons and their mates ."
"Oh my God yes— I heard that too! I absolutely love that Natsu called her sweetheart— just as sweet as the endearment terms you have for me. Plus, can I just say how amazing it is that these two are officially an item now? "
"Definitely— I'm happy for them too."
"I know, right?!"
"Aye- they make a great couple already! He loves herrrrr!" trilled Happy in a sing-song voice. "Isn't that right, Natsu?"
"You  better believe it, little buddy!"
Damn is he amazing ... The way Natsu was practically shouting his undying love for his mate to the rooftops with exultant abandon. No wonder adoration swelled in her heart!
"Hear that, everyone?!  I love Lucy Heartfilia with all my heart and soul!"
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fic Tag Squad:
@fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveoffandomevents @nalubookclub @nalulovefestofficial @nalulovefestofficial @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents  @nalulovefestofficial @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @yukimcffblog   @writer-appreciation
@caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says @soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy
@narutoyaoifan @mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic   @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate @goddesofimortality @dark0angel13 @kaychawrites @kaycha1989
@pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @hazel-got-fanfiction
@nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog  @mwub  @bmarvels @doginshoe @shadyhydrathesnekqueen @impracticaldemon  @mwub @sugarpolis @precenna @ravendaydream @bearandbirdfan @bearpluscat @ineffable-nalu @ineffable-nalu @mercurius-orion @termitate @sobatsu
A/N: There you have it peeps-Chapter 2! I really don't have much to say this time except to be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment/review, liking and reblogging! Please feel free to stay tuned for Chapter 3 and to check out the rest of my writing. (Corresponding Links are above, in the navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr. Please also see my FF and A03 profiles!) All right, that's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone for the incredible show of support so far! Until next time-take care!
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Pls give us some Sammy pls pls pls pls pls pls pls even if it’s like a paragraph? Pls
I’m doing a "try not to hate my fluff writing” challenge. I have a love-hate relationship with my prompts, especially the lighter ones, because I feel like they lack depth. And when I write them I don’t get a chance to obsessively edit them, so they feel unclean and unpolished. It’s such a different vibe than I’m used to with my stories. But I’m trying to own that doubt. Here is my nice little unclean unpolished “inner critic is screaming and pulling her hair out” prompt.
The Rosewood High School Bake Sale was one of the biggest sales of the year. Everyone was encouraged to participate. Normally, Grace didn’t go near the kitchen unless there was pizza on the table, but Lily had made it a competition and Grace couldn’t resist. They were further enticed to do well when they found out that the students who sold the most baked goods would get a $200 gift card.
They argued about what to make for almost two days. They’d finally decided on two different recipes. Chocolate chip brownies and snickerdoodles with salted caramel chips. What they weren’t counting on was the extra ingredient of chaos that their little brother would bring to the party.
“Alright, Sam is down for his nap. Let’s get going.” Grace quickly shuffled into the kitchen.
Lily had all of the ingredients separated nicely next to all of the measuring cups. Grace didn’t even bother looking at the recipe. She just started mixing things together.
“The whole point of this is to actually sell the food. No one is going to buy pastries that could be used as a weapon in a war.” Lily snatched the flour from Grace and put it on the counter behind her.
“Okay, Hell’s Kitchen.” Grace scoffed.
“Oooh, Grace said a bad word!” They heard a chipper little voice coming from the living room.
“Sam, you’re supposed to be in bed.”
“NO! I don’t want a nap!” He came toddling into the room. He saw all of the ingredients laid out and his eyes lit up in delight. “I help.”
He walked over to Lily and tugged on her apron. He lifted his arms up.
“How about we read you a story, peanut?” Lily picked him up.
“Okay. Let’s do your nursery rhymes. You love your nursery rhymes.”
“Why is that his favorite word?” Grace muttered.
“I want a cookie.” Sam reached for the brownie batter.
“Sammy, that’s not…”
Before Lily could stop him he’d dipped his entire hand into the batter. He shoved his fingers in his mouth and smiled at Lily. He licked most of the chocolate off and then pat Lily’s chin, leaving a large brown smudge against her jaw.
“I help,” he said again. He pat Lily’s apron.
Grace snickered at the mess he was making on her fussy clean sister. Lily licked some of the batter off of her lip and then reached for a towel. She handed Sam to Grace and then wiped her face off.
“Okay, big guy. You want to help?” Grace dragged his booster seat over to the counter. “I’ve got a really important job for you.” She put him down in the chair and then handed him a spoon. “I need you to stir something for me.”
She grabbed a plastic bowl and filled it with water. She figured it would be the easiest thing to clean up.
The water distracted him for a little while, leaving Lily and Grace free to bake. But as he watched his sisters he became determined to do more. He watched Grace pour a cup of measured flour into a bowl with milk. Sam saw the bag of flour sitting close to the edge of the counter. He moved to stand up in his chair, reaching for the bag. He managed to grab it without his sisters seeing.
He reached in and pulled out a handful. He really liked the feel of it, so he reached in with his other hand and grabbed another handful. He dropped some into his bowl, but it didn’t look the same as what his sisters were making, so he grabbed more. The sticky pasty mess was getting all over him. He stirred the water, flinging flour everywhere, including in his hair.
“Sissies!” He exclaimed. He was proud of himself.
“Just a second, Sammy.” Grace tapped a button on the stove.
Sam grumbled angrily. He didn’t like that they weren’t paying attention to him. He grabbed the bag of flour, his little hands barely able to grip it.
He looked to see if there was any more white stuff so he could make more food and make his sisters even happier. He couldn’t tell if there was anything in the bag, so he tilted it towards his face.
Flour came pouring out of the bag, painting his face completely white. He closed his eyes in surprise. Some of it got into his nose. He sneezed and dropped the bag next to the bowl, sending the bowl crashing to the floor. Lily and Grace both spun around.
“Oops.” Sam looked down.
When he looked back up he saw his sisters staring at him in shock. He could only see the mess that he’d made on the floor. He couldn’t see what a mess he’d made of himself. He had flour everywhere, including caked into his hair.
Grace snorted.
“Oh my God. He looks like he’s covered in cocaine.” Lily gawked.
“Hey, lil Scarface, how ya doin?” Grace snickered.
“I fix it.” Sam climbed out of his chair.
He smooshed his hands into the watery flour mess on the floor. It was starting to look like a little snowman.
Grace was howling in laughter.
“Where is my phone? I have to get a video of this.” Grace looked around the kitchen.
She grabbed her phone from the table and pointed it at Sam to take a picture. She was still laughing hysterically. Sam picked up a mushy pile of wet flour and hurled it at Grace. It hit her in the face.
Lily doubled over in laughter.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Grace wiped her face off. She grabbed some of the dried powder from the floor and hurled it at Lily.
“Real mature.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Come on, help me get him cleaned up.”
Sam let out a squeal and then started running around the table. He led his sisters on a chase that ended up with him knocking one chair over and using another chair to climb up next to the counter to get to the chocolate. He pelted his sisters with chocolate and caramel chips.
It turned into an all our war between the three of them.
By the time Alison and Emily got home Sam had stripped out of everything but his diaper and he was covered in flour, chocolate, and icing. He was standing on the table shouting out a loud toddler war cry and throwing chocolate chips at his equally messy sisters.
Emily immediately pulled out her camera. She was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Alison stared at the scene for a few seconds. A confused expression spread across her face.
“I don’t remember doing any acid,” she muttered.
“This is my favorite day ever.” Emily aimed her phone at their kids and snapped a picture.
Lily, Grace, and Sam were so busy creating chaos that they didn’t register that their moms had walked into the kitchen.
“What is going on here?” Alison questioned.
All three of them immediately stopped what they were doing. Sam was still giggling.
Lily and Grace pointed at their little brother and simultaneously said the same thing:
“He started it.”
Emily walked over to their youngest.
“Is that so? Sammy, did you do this?”
Sam grinned at her. He didn’t answer with words. Instead, he scooped a chunk of brownie mix and icing off of his chest and smeared it on his mother’s face.
“That’s…” Emily wasn’t the least bit surprised, “Thank you, son.” She licked the batter and icing off of her lips.
“I helped,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a huge messy hug.
“Yes, you certainly did.” Grace smiled.
“So much for the bake sale.” Lily shrugged.
Most of their ingredients were all over the floor…or all over them.
“We could always just sell him instead.” Grace suggested.
“Aw, because he’s so sweet?” Lily asked.
“No. Because he has $200 worth of groceries painted all over him.” She looked at Sam offering Emily a chocolate chip. Grace smiled. “And because he’s so sweet…”
They didn’t end up winning the gift card, but they ended up with something priceless that day. Photos and videos that they could one day use to embarrass their little brother on his wedding day. They were awarded with memories to last a lifetime. And a mop bucket and soap to clean up the war zone in the kitchen.
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seenashwrite · 7 years
The Nail: August 2017
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The Nail isn’t about perfection. It isn’t about award-level contenders. It’s about seeing focus and effort and hard work radiate off of the screen.
And The Nail’s purpose isn’t to highlight genres of fics or specific ships or pieces written during a certain time frame - the sole focus is quality.
Character dimension. Writing with clever readers in mind. Solid world-building. Tension through boundaries. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion.
And though yours truly - nice to meet you, new folks, I’m Nash! - is editor of the list, the goal is for YOU to curate the content.
Read more about how all this came to be, find past editions, see what factors are considered when constructing the list, and how to get your recommendations in/be a curator HERE.
Hey, ramblers? Let’s get ramblin’.
For your reblogging convenience, here’s The Nail Master Post of Editions!
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Quickie Nash Note:
As this project evolves, I'm still determining the best way to present it for easiest reader use.
And so, faithful followers of The Nail, you'll notice a touch of a categorization change-up. The lengths are still the m.o. vs. type ["angst", "fluff", etc.], but are now listed in order of word count, low to high. The rest of the categories remain the same, plus a new one that may or may not appear on every edition [you'll see why!].
I've also put a new page on my blog, mainly for authors, with explanation for things they may question regarding this format - things I’ve mentioned prior, but it takes up too much space. Some of the current FAQs are....
- Why did someone make up a summary/why didn't you use my summary? - Why did someone make up a title for my story/poem? - What are those Q comments? - Is Nash actually reading all of this?
One last thing: The Nail is meant to go out the first full week of each month, and was mostly ready this weekend, however I just wasn't in a jovial, woo-hoo mood, I made a brief post why, I've no doubt each and every one of you understand, but you have my apologies nonetheless as poor time allocation on my part meant this wasn't out at some point during the past week.
XO - Nash.
- SUPERNATURAL SUPERSTARS - Organized by length.
THE BOY KING'S DEMONS  -   @rex-daemoniorum / @vengeuse WORD COUNT - 279
Sam understands that there are exceptions to even his own rules. 
Q: Nice detail, pertinents given painted the picture effectively/no belaboring; through-line present of Sam's ability to relate without spelling it out/written for intelligent readers; complexity of situation related in short amount of space
[Nash Note: Additional shout-out to @azazelsocks, who provided a high-quality prompt, as - if your humble editor may be blunt - most fic prompts are beyond lame. Well done, 'Socks.]
--> I cannot tag these folks, if someone could kindly let them know or give it a go in your reblog
CIRCUMSTANCES -  @jessmoorechesters WORD COUNT - 347 words As years pass, the Moores have often found their thoughts turning to Sam.
Q: While perhaps started as headcanon, reads third-person omniscient; emotional, rambling, almost panicked cadence/style/lack of caps/punctuation absolutely works for this subject matter; nice full-stop short sentence toward end; inclusion of poignant details/no unneeded detail
[Nash Note: I already had this on the list, had a couple informal suggestions to check it out, spotted it more than once in my feed - overall, this resonated with many of you, and rightfully so.]
DESIGNATED DUTIES  -  @fanforfanatic  WORD COUNT - 412
A tale about the seemingly ordinary things we do for one another.
Q: Moves at a crisp clip; heartfelt without bending sappy; several great lines/points of humor, prevents getting too heavy given the short length/action in question; nice cap-off/prompts reader to use imagination while not ending on a proverbial cliffhanger
HELLO, DARLING  -  @whispersandwhiskerburn  WORD COUNT - 789
Crowley and Billie have a little chat.
Q: Excellent use of vocab in descriptions; quick, crisp dialogue; spot-on characterization; kept story moving/pacing well done; didn't waste time on explaining things/rehashing things readers already know from watching the show/written for clever readers
SHAPE OF YOU  -  @winchester-family-business WORD COUNT - 1K [minus song lyrics]
In which Dean walks into a bar, has a drink, meets a woman, and whether it's for now or forever, it's definitely meaningful.
Q: A get-in-and-get-out in the opener, setting the scene with just enough information and moving on to the actual story/no wasting time with a long set-up; excellent use of a "gimmick", re: initial communication; nicely fleshed-out protag who has her own thing going on, which he respects, which is in line with the character we know; took a commonly used set-up and took it to a thoughtful but not belabored/shmoopy place
GOOD NIGHT, LITTLE KING  -  @moonlightcas WORD COUNT - 1.6K
At the age of six, Sam is visited by Lucifer.
Q: in medias res; excellent pacing; perfectly plausible in canon; slightly chilling and pressing and foreboding without being suffocating; timing of the name reveal is Absolutely. Spot. On.
ONE, TWO, THREE  -  @kathaswings  WORD COUNT - 3.4K
A trip to a bookstore turns out to be more than you - or Sam - could have imagined.
Q:  in medias res; structure that would please any screenwriter; meet-cute without being immature/shmoopy/saccharine, specifically - protag didn't turn into a pile of weepies or gigglies/displayed strength; nice choice to include action; solid ending/author knew when to step away from the keyboard
[Nash Note: author's inspiration is revealed post-story, however they kept a light hand/did not merely re-hash source material bit-by-bit & just throw SPN atop it, instead made it their own - points and gold stars for this, always]
SUNDOWN, SUNDOWN  -  @thayerkerbasy  WORD COUNT - 6.2K 
"Crowley was done. After hundreds of years and one last sacrifice, he was done. Except, somehow, he wasn't."
Q: in medias res; spot-on characterization; tackled character departure in unique manner that could have easily gone shmoopy/author demonstrated restraint in walking the emotional line/kept that slightly off-kilter tone; moved at quick clip/efficient structure/fluid; touched on things/events seen in show but did not belabor/used as tool vs. crutch; phenomenal end dialogue/last line
- POEMS & POETICAL PROSE - Mostly quick reads, these are actual poems of any structure & short [< 2K] stories that have a poetic feel to the narrative with appropriate use of poetic verbiage given the subject matter and / or setting; pieces in the less-than-300 words neighborhood are considered quality in their entirety, therefore no "Q" notations; organized by length.
SECOND FALLING  -  @vintagesam  WORD COUNT - 135
"Despite the silence in the church, the earth is deafening."
INTOXICATION  -  @copbydayfangirlbynight  WORD COUNT - 199
"Out of nowhere, these two guys you’ve never seen show up and slip onto the bar stools next to you."
THE LEGEND  -  @quailpower  WORD COUNT - approx. 300 words
Exploring the costs of immortality, and what one angel chooses to do with his time.
JULIET  -  @roxy-davenport  WORD COUNT - 1.7K [minus song lyrics]
A night in the life of Crowley's beloved hellhound.
Q:  HERE [Nash Note: Short version? Knowing when it is appropriate to inject "flowery" verbiage into a narrative. Hint: fits the time period and/or character, is kept crisp, to-the-point, and used sparingly, regardless]  
- MULTI-PARTERS - Stories with a minimum of 2 parts, max of 3-to-4, with modestly sized [1-to-2K] chapters; completed as of this list; organized alphabetically by title. 
None this time! [but I’ve got a couple bookmarked whose wrap-ups appear to be en route]
- SERIES SPOTLIGHT : SUPERNATURAL & SPN CROSS-OVERS - Works that are completed series, as well as ongoing / in progress series, with at least 3 parts published as of/prior to the edition of The Nail in question; unfinished series must have been updated within roughly 6 months of this post;  these are lengthier than multi-parters, getting into a 5K+ range per chapter; organized alphabetically by title.
MISE EN PLACE  -  @sp-oops  
A look inside the ways you  - and the rest of the family - help Dean deal with the effects of the Mark of Cain.
Q: in medias res; quick, crisp dialogue & pace; no heavy-handed/laborious descriptors of setting/emotions, whether internal or verbal; nice character development/casual, easy feel to character interactions; sex fit into plot organically/didn't feel forced; plausible reactions by Dean/Sam/protag regarding the complexities of the residual impacts of the mark; witty humor throughout; nice cap-off/author knew when to step away from the keyboard  
Curated by @smi727 , who said: "Stumbled upon this little beauty of a series recently. I was seriously blown away by the plot, the writing, the reader’s personality, everything! Please Nash, share this wonderful writer with the world!"
- RANDOM FANDOMS -   All types, all lengths, all the things that aren’t SPN but are still pretty damn super; organized alphabetically by title.
AGENT 15  [series in progress]  -  @bellamysgirl
"Agent 15 was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agents - that all changed when a mission went terribly wrong... but Coulson found a way to drag her back."
Q: in medias res; moves at a quick clip/no time wasted on extraneous detail; well-done characterization of both known/O.C.; reads as if watching episodes/movie; nice format/use of time flip vs. heavy exposition telling another character about those events; keeps intensity while splashing in moments of camaraderie
VERY MUCH FAEBLOODED [drabble]  -  @mickeyrowan
"She knows she’s different. She’s always been different... No place lets her forget this."
Q: Introspective without taking the reader on a deep, angst-filled dive; even-handed character portrayal; tone consistent; nice choice of event highlighting vs. a traditional narrative; well done on complementary kick-off/wrap-up
WHO YOU ARE [one-shot]  -  @blackcaptainrogers
Bucky knows showing love takes on a variety of forms.
[Nash Note: Short version? Your audience consists of such variety, it’ll take your breath away. And, well...]
On that piece of white paper, Sam wrote, "Write about me sometime." And I typed something back to her, standing right there in her bedroom. I just typed, "I will.”  ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower  
- ORIGINAL WORKS - Anything from haiku to novella; pieces in the less-than-300 words neighborhood are considered quality in their entirety, therefore no "Q" notations; organized by length.
"The architecture of your bones was built by conquerors."
MYSTERY GIRL  -  @inkskinned WORD COUNT - 111
"[A] girl who convinces you of magic, who flickers just a little on the edge of reality..."
I HAVEN'T LOOKED AT THE STARS IN A MONTH  - @poemsforpersephone  WORD COUNT - 125
"It’s an easy thing, to open a window, to step outside."
A TRADITION  -   @wakor-rising / @wakor  &  @sonatagreen   WORD COUNT - 189
"In peacetime, the ruler grows their hair long. In war, they cut it short."
--> I cannot tag these folks, if someone could kindly let them know or give it a go in your reblog
NEW YORK CITY TO RICHMOND  -  @haleyincarnate  WORD COUNT - 269
"I wonder if he knows that I can see the trying part of him..."
THE HOUSE OF GRUMLY  -  @erinnightwalker  WORD COUNT - 553
"Everyone knew that the Widow Grumly’s granddaughter was a werewolf."
Q: Sharp start with a phenomenal choice of an opening sentence; took a "historical fact", ran with it, and created a captivating world / plot in an incredibly short span of time; formatting, flow, verbiage crisp; nice & layered/written with a clever audience in mind
THE ADVENTURES OF ROXY AND JUJU   - @wheresthekillswitch  WORD COUNT - 2.4K  [part one/series in progress]
"JuJu finally relents and hands over the car keys to Roxy. It couldn’t possibly go more wrong than it did the last time Roxy drove…. right?"
Q: in medias res; crisp dialogue; absolutely engaging, witty characters developed in a short amount of space; vivid descriptors without being heavy-handed; leans into a vignette [character study] feel vs. hashing out a distinct plot; nice intro/kick-off for a series, though if author opts not to proceed, works just fine as stand-a-lone...
[...which is why I broke my own damn series criteria rule, so sue me. -N.]
- STUFF SO CREATIVE & UNIQUE, IT JUST CAN'T BE CATEGORIZED - What it says, organized alphabetically by title.
ENTRIES  - @cardinaleyes
An inside look into the journals of Team Free Will:
Q: an ongoing pseudo-series with a creative concept; keeps distinct style for each; bonus points regarding convenience for the reader by having a "home" for each character vs. all together in one blog
In which Team Free Will plays a game.
It began with a piece of fanart by @lastlabyrinth  ....
....which got some dialogue by @phantomrose96  ....
.... which got a follow-up by @casonly, and a nice wrap-up from  @guntheramvs 
Q: Written with sharp, quick-witted audience in mind; spit-take worthy humor; great characterization, spot-on in fact regarding our host for the evening; crisp, fun dialogue; excellent collaboration by all involved
[h/t  @waywardafbabygirl ]
JOURNAL OF A MAN OF LETTERS  -  @petite-madame
From the creator: "[This is] a diary in first-person narrative written from Sam's point of view. Once a week, I post an art and a ficlet inspired by an episode or a scene. I'm following the show timeline as close as I can but I'm taking liberty with canon here and there."
Q: Extraordinary, above-and-beyond, clearly evident care, devotion, countless hours put into this project, and it has paid off many times over - there is some of the most beautiful art you'll ever see, there are stories [have a sample] that will hit you right in the feels, there are moments ranging from light-hearted to introspection, and you even have an option of platform - go HERE for the LiveJournal headquarters. Phenomenal, top-to-bottom. I am not over-selling this.
TWO AGENTS MISSING, PRESUMED DEAD - @bohoartist & @piecesofscully
Two agents are missing - follow the twists and turns as clues are examined, leads are followed, and information is exchanged.
Q: The planning and execution throughout was nothing short of excellent; written/developed with smart audience in mind; methodology of storytelling unique and, more importantly, appropriate for how the authors chose to unfold the plot; format/use of images was spot-on; clear through-line and tone; mystery that was engaging, teasing but not frustrating  
[h/t @itssteaksauce ]
*~* Shameless Self-Promotion *~*
Happy Reading!  XO - Nash.
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* Authors, I encourage you to express your appreciation to your curator(s). Readers, if you enjoy curator selections & found them to be of quality, I encourage you to not only give the authors feedback, but also thank the curator(s) for bringing the story/series to your attention. I suspect they’ll dig it. *
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hamil-tonn-of-trash · 8 years
Hamfam Snow Adventures
Prompt: One November morning, it snows for the first time the hamfam is united in New York. Two weeks later, we initially decided to go sledding in the mountains.
Words: 2247
Warnings: Cursing, sarcastic humor, your dirty mind.
Notes: Now I’m not the best writer in the world and I cannot write endings for the life of me but I love you all so much and I want to express that. Also if I am unsure of your pronouns I just wrote “they/them if you want your pronouns changed let me know so I can edit the story. Also I skimmed over this and didn’t heavily proofread this so there may be errors. Also I hope this isn’t too much about me because I’m trying to avoid that. The portrayal may be a little inaccurate but I tried my best.
More important notes: If I didn’t mention you personally, it just means that I haven’t taken the time to get to know you. All of you are amazing, special snowflakes!! This is based off of the fic that Ams @sasstran wrote, make sure to check it out for a better idea of what’s going on! It’s worth it, they’re an amazing writer.
Tags: @its-the-hamfam @thatuglydino @5secondsofhamilton @sasstran @secretschuylersister @musicalmiranda @psychedemigod @building-palaces-from-paragraphs @starfreckledlaurens @casual-hamiltrash @hamiltrashtothemax @piercethemarti @matt10nt I probably forgot a whole bunch of people sorry!
When I first moved to New York, my mind was blown by the immensely rich culture, the glitzy, flashy lights of Broadway, the accents and the most exciting: the snow.
The first time it snowed when we moved here was two weeks ago. I am usually a heavy sleeper but the honks and whooshes of the taxis, the constant echoes of people taking outside and the unfamiliarity of the place wakes me up every night around three A.M. I figured that trying to coax myself back to sleep wasn’t going to work so I sat up and stared out the window into the city that never seemed to sleep. Something had changed around me, something was not the same. (You catch the Wicked reference? Sorry not sorry)
The drizzling of soft flakes floated down from the heavens and I bolted out of bed. Ecstatic to go scream to my best friends about the snow. I busted open the door to Poppy’s bedroom, sprinted over to her and shook her until she woke up. “POPPY HOLY SHIT IT’S SNOWING OUTSIDE!!’” (I whispered this urgently, I’m not THAT insane) Poppy blinked in confusion and replied: “Brandy, it’s three in the morning and you almost dislocated my left arm to wake me up only to tell me that’s IT’S SNOWING?!!!!”
“Uhhhhhh yeah I mean it’s exciting I guess?” I answered blankly.
After getting dressed we decided to not wake anybody else up because last time we woke the entire group up to announce that we were going mini-golfing, Gee practically killed us. Quietly giggling we attempted to tiptoe out of the apartment complex. Yet, another soul was awake in those blissful, shadowy hours. Taylor emerged from her apartment with her arms crossed with a smirk.
“Are you guys trying to sneak out?” She inquired.
“No, it’s just snowing outside and we want pictures labeled: ‘First Snow’.” Poppy explained and Taylor nodded and went back into her apartment. An awkward moment of silence filled the empty hallway. Momentarily, Taylor and Rebekah reappeared dressed in their winter gear and we finally stepped outside into the crisp, frigid air adorned by snowflakes swirling around like ballerinas on a stage.
Rebekah and Taylor sat on the entrance steps and hugged while Poppy started snapping pictures and I simply stared at it in awe. I stuck out my tongue to taste the flavorless, icy flecks until Poppy shook me out of it.
“Earth to Brandy? Time for a group photo!” I sat down next to Rebekah and Taylor and Poppy asked a stranger to take it for us. I’m pretty sure Poppy gave the guy an extensive tutorial on how to take a fucking photo because when he was about to take the picture he said:
“Say ‘Hamfam’!”
We thanked the man and sent him on his way and we chilled on the doorsteps to an apartment where the rest of our family slept until we got sleepy and fell back asleep.
November 26, 2021 9:26 AM
That moment was captured and taped into our scrap book to be kept forever but now we were all going to go for a day trip up in the mountains to go sledding. Well at least almost all of us, the rest had work or school related stuff going on so they couldn’t come with us. It took us months to find a date that would accommodate to all of our work schedules but it’s hard when you have fifty people. We all loaded up into three separate cars (with some people sitting on other’s laps) and got comfy for the long drive.
Maaike, Dorian, Gianna, Julia and I all piled into Gianna’s little blue car. Ams, Sage, Hunter, Taylor, Rebekah, Cass, Psy, and Shy crowded into Taylor’s comfy, shiny SUV. Gee, Marti, Poppy, Lea, Ari and Zoe took a cheap Chevy convertible that we all chipped in to buy as a community car. Mainly because we were blacklisted from cab services for asking all the cab drivers to play musical’s.
The second Gianna started the car “Alexander Hamilton” stared playing. Gianna was bobbing her head to the beat while the rest of us were going insane and banging our head manically as we drove through the heavy New York traffic. Once “Farmer Refuted” came on Maaike and I thought that Gianna was having a stroke or something because she almost hit a stop sign and almost got into an accident with a taxi. “GIANNA!” Julia screamed into her face as Gianna suddenly snapped back into reality. “Oh sorry guys, I was thinking about Thayne’s butt.” I leaned over to Dorian and whispered: “She hasn’t changed one bit since 2017.” Dorian nodded in agreement and laughed a little.
“BRANDY! SCOOCH YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER I HAVE NO ROOM.” Maaike screeched and the rest was cursing in Dutch. It should be noted that we go ballistic and playfully attack at each other but we never actually fight. I moved and Julia whipped out her Milky Way.
Gianna’s eyes widened and she reached for it and joked. “YOU KNOW WHO LOVED MILKY WAYS? BenNAY WOOOOOOOOOOO!”
“You aren’t getting any from me.” Julia smirked and devoured the entire bar in front of Gianna’s face. “Also, you’re not paying attention to the road Gianna.”
“Oops.” ——————————–
12:43 PM
After a very long two hours of driving and watching the scenery change we reached our destination. A winter wonderland perfect for a group of angsty long-term Hamilton fans who came from Hawaii to Austria. When I opened the car door, a blast of freezing winds pierced my skin and I already started to crave the warmth of the desert sun.
But the warmth of spending time with my family felt warmer than a fire.
Gee looked exhausted from the drive but there was still a spark of excitement under that. Psy and Shy loaded out the sleds from the trunk and we started to search for a nice hill without too many pointy sticks that would impale one of us. Sage and Hunter sang the lyrics to “A Winter’s Ball” and Cass snapped that it wasn’t even winter yet which caused Sage to chuck a small stick at Cass but ended up missing by about two feet. “A Winter’s Ball’ turned into singing holiday carols in like five different languages.
Eventually, we found a damn hill and we all voted that Ari and Zoe got to go first for actually cleaning up their apartments (including their roommate’s spaces). They both mounted the sled and out of the blue, Hunter forcefully pushed them down the hill at full speed. “WHAT THE FUCK!” Zoe exclaimed as the sled almost slapped a nearby tree. The wind whipped their faces as we all gasped in shock. The sled slowed down and they shot us synchronized glares but then they laughed and gestured for another group to ride down.
I have no clue if letting three sleds go down at once is safe but it happened. Marti and Dorian collided and they rolled down and high-dived and Ams was the ultimate sled GOD. They’re taking this sled by the reigns making the hamfam envy them insane-ly!!! With amazing steer and a calm conscious, Ams beat all of us in the first round. I wish I could tell you what was happening in their brain!
It was Shy and I’s turn now and to be honest, I was pretty nervous because the last time I went sledding I had a breakdown…yeah long story. Shy waved me over to join them and then merrily we roll along a huge ass hill. A rush of adrenaline kicked in and I think it was the same for Shy because I felt them perk up a little. The sled raked against the thin layer of snow as we both felt the friction of the snow and the raft building up until suddenly it turned over and I felt myself tumble in the frozen abyss (headfirst into the abyss). I don’t think either of us were Elsa because one, we are not magically immune to the cold, and two, we are both from not-so-cold places. The cold bothers everyone except for Ams because Ams is magical (well yeah and they’re from Finland). I dug my way out and I looked up to see my friends gasping and still laughing from the epic sled fail.
“Are you two alright?” Zoe said, shocked.
“IT’S COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!” I whined and shakily stood up. Where Shy had already got up.
“Okay, sledding isn’t too safe because Marti has a bruise on her forehead and that sled is in pieces…Anybody have ideas for something a little safer?” Rebekah asked. A smirk appeared on Gianna’s face and her eyebrows were raised. This couldn’t be good, I knew that look. Gianna had an idea. “SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!!!!”
Within only a few moments, the entire situation was in turmoil. Everybody was violently chucking humongous snowballs at each other. Cass hit three people in one shot by throwing multiple snowballs at once. Poppy was aimlessly propelling lumps of snow that mostly hit trees. I think Dorian, Taylor and Lea teamed up and approached a small group of people who were huddled up in fear and completely wrecked them. Gianna somehow climbed a tree and was forcefully flinging white balls of mush at everyone’s head. I watched as Rebekah tripped over a stick and Ams ambushed her by lightly putting the snowball on top of her head and they both laughed and hugged. As I was trying to escape the chaos I found Ari behind a tree catching up on another TV show on her phone.
“Move over dumbass.” I laughed as Ari rose an eyebrow at me and I felt a cold sensation splatter across my face and I realized that I had fallen for one of Ari’s tricks. I cracked up and I might’ve cried, I don’t know. “That HURT!” I stuttered as I barley held in my laughter. “Your fault…dumbass.” Ari responds with a quick “that was so satisfying” under her breath.
“NON-STOP.” Maaike yelled.
A couple seconds later the entire group was surrounding us and singing non-stop harmonies.
“I love you guys.” I cried with tears of happiness (and pain from that damn snowball) rushing down my face. It got all corny with agreements and cuddles until Julia piped up:
“I’m hungry, is there food nearby?”
“YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE WITH FOOD!!” Gianna raged in fake anger.
“So??” Julia protested.
“CHILDREN CALM DOWN!” Marti intervened. “It’s been decided by the rest of us silently that we will go down to the lodge and eat food!” We nodded and loaded up the cars and drove a little further down the mountain to a lodge with a heater (thank god) and home cooked meals. We practically took up half the restaurant and we all got hot drinks and ate comfort foods. Some people got fried chicken, hamburgers, baked potatoes and macoroni and cheese. We feasted and it took about twenty minutes to split the check and the waiter got super impatient with us because two glasses were spilled and we treaded snow into the restaurant but we didn’t really care either way. While everyone was having a blast I couldn’t help but watch the snow flutter against the windows with a beauty I was unfamiliar with.
The drive back was full of Gianna’s short attention span, show tunes, and screwing around with friends (you fucking perv not that way!). It was around 10:30 when we got back and after relaxing and unwinding there was a problem. Nobody else was there. It was like Roanoke because there was zero traces of where the rest of them went. They shouldn’t have work this late and even if a couple did overtime it wouldn’t be EVERYONE. Psy called all of us over from the unsuccessful search party and showed us a note somebody had wrote.
“Since you decided to have your own fun time, so did we. We’ll be back eventually ;))))”
“Oh shit.” We all sighed in unison.
——————————– A check in on the rest of the fam 11:01/ 23:01 PM
There was a local bar called “The Spin” where approximately thirty Hamilton nerds were hanging out for the night. Some of them drank plain old beer, some drank cocktails and the underage ones drank soft drinks (how the fuck did they get in?). Jo raised a small glass for a toast and said: “YOYOYOYOOOOO IT’S BEEN A-MA-ZIIINNNNG TONIGHT!!”
Reiley continued the toast by saying: “WE TROLLED THEM OUT OF THEIR MINDS!!”
“YUP!” Shannon said as they played footsie with Rosey and Grace under the table.
“LET’S GET EVEN MORE FUCKING DRUNK OR SUGAR HIGH FAM!!!” Vanna screamed and eventually the bar owners left while this group of drunk nerds happily sang show tunes and decided to come back in the morning when they’re gone.
One of the owners left the door open and snowflakes crept into the bar. For just a moment, within everybody’s hearts from the steps of an apartment complex to a flashy bar miles away, there was a feeling, a knowing of interconnectedness between every single one of them.
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