#just figured I should say sonth
ferahntics · 1 year
Hellooo quick update, I do live, I am just very much drained cause work (gotta work 50 hours a week cause of the increase in orders and also this girl runs on 4-5 hours of sleep). I will sneak some sketches in here and there but unfortunately, I can't promise anything major soon x_x
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ashleyfanfic · 6 years
Writing smut…(aka the smut curve)
I’m not here to call out a certain writer (fan fiction or otherwise) but I’ve come across this too much recently to keep ignoring it.
I have, in my head, what I like to call a smut curve, which are certain expectations when reading anything with smut (girl porn?). It’s something, if done poorly, that can make me shut down a screen and stop reading. This may sound silly, but I’ve been reading fan fiction since I was 14, had a hold of my mom’s trashy romance novels before that. There is a certain amount of expectation when reading a story.
Now, I’m not saying this is the be all end all about smutty writing, but I feel like in order to have a believability to the story the curve has to be adhered to a tiny bit.
1. There feels like there shouldn’t be but there should be a certain flow to how smut starts. If this is a couples first time together…fisting can not be first base. Neither can anal. If it is…CONTEXT
2. If your couple is already established, give us some context of their relationship. You can’t just have their first interaction be them with their tongues in each other’s asses. Need just a bit of context even if it is a PWP.
Sonthe curve goes something like this:
Kissing->making out->light groping(outside of clothes)->heavy groping(under clothes, dry humping)->oral (his/her - fingering)-> sex -> work up to kinkier stuff (again, fisting is something that ya gotta work up to, literally and figuratively)
What prompted this was a fic I read in which girl was a virgin, dude is into kinky shit, and they START with fingers in the ass. That’s a hard jump from no sex to anal fingering. Work up to it. The curve fluxates as to how hardcore any of the things along it can be, but there needs to be some sort of established parameters first before you just jump into rimming.
Respect the curve. All sorts of fun to be had along the curve.
@meisiesmut @noordinarylines @freshhexes @thesparkles59 @jaqtkd
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