#just fixed and rearranged the nalu wiki and
tamibae · 2 years
Flames & Golden Keys : An Insight On NaLu
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Natsu and Lucy meet each other for the first time in Hargeon town. Natsu wants to find his missing dragon father while Lucy is in seach of celestial spirit keys. They're nothing more than strangers to each other, but bound by the fate.
When Lucy approaches a crowd of girls around a man and meets Bora the fake Salamander, his magical love charm instantly captivates her. Hearing all the ruckus, Natsu assumes that his father Igneel is here. He hurriedly gets to the middle of the crowd only to be disappointed to see otherwise. Upon his arrival, the love charm on Lucy breaks and she becomes aware of the Bora's tricks. And as a thank you, Lucy treats Natsu and his exceed friend Happy to a nice meal. She expresses how much she wants to get into Fairy Tail, not knowing they're from the same guild.
Whilst they say their goodbyes after that, Bora approaches Lucy to join his party on the ship. Sensing her adoration for Fairy tail, Bora lies to her about being a member of the said guild. Lucy gets convinced eventually but figures out it was the effect of his pseudo love charm. She doesn't mind so long as she gets to join her dream guild.
At night, on the ship, Bora tries to drug Lucy but she quickly figures out his motives. Turns out Bora is involved in enslaving women and trading them overseas. And he plans on doing the same to her. Before Lucy can put up a fight, her keys get taken and thrown into the ocean, making her completely unarmed. Bora takes the advantage and his men capture Lucy. She shouts and cries expressing her disbelief and disgust about Fairy Tail mages doing such things. Luckily, Natsu arrives breaking through the roof of the ship shortly but gets incapacitated due to having severe motion sickness. He then commands his partner Happy to take Lucy to the safety.
Upon getting out of the ship, Lucy dives into the water and finds her keys. She summons Aquarius and the ship gets swept away by the huge waves produced by the mermaid spirit. Ultimately saving Natsu from his nausea. He then beats up Bora and his men as well as destroys a lot of things around. Lucy gets surprised seeing his powers since she doesn't know about it. Happy explains to her how dragon slayer magic works and reveals that Natsu is a fire dragon slayer. Only then Lucy realises that Natsu is the true Salamander.
Because of all the chaos, the trio catch the attention of the royal army. Natsu grabs Lucy's hand and begins running. Lucy asks him why he is dragging her with them and he answers with a large smile. That he is taking her to Fairy Tail.
Their deep bond stems from the fact that Natsu is the one responsible for Lucy joining the guild. The two end up forming a team and have become partners, alongside Happy, that go on jobs together.
From then on, Lucy and Natsu are inseparable. It takes a while for Lucy to adjust to Natsu’s bombastic and outgoing personality but she now sees it as one of his most endearing traits. Over the time they grow closer and develop unwavering faith in each other.
They both share a great amount of trust in each other. Natsu believes Lucy to be a a strong person even when she herself, doubts her own abilities. He projects his feelings for Lucy onto Future Lucy, which led to him trusting her implicitly despite her outlandish claims and having only known her for a while. He also comforts Future Lucy when she begins crying at the tragedy she experienced in her own timeline. It's the same way around. Lucy doesn't think once before jumping off the cliff after hearing Natsu's voice, putting her life on the line as she believes Natsu will catch her. She tells him before he goes to fight Sting and Rogue, that she will always trust him and that she has been ever since the beginning. Whilst sleeping, she whispers Natsu’s name in hopes of his victory over the pair. She often reassures Happy over Natsu and tells him that he will return to them whenever he has gone off to fight someone or is recovering.
Although she gets annoyed whenever Natsu breaks into her room, she grows accustomed to it and soon finds it lonely when he isn’t around. On occasions, Lucy allows Natsu to sleep in her bed or in her room whenever he falls asleep. The night before the impending attack of the Alvarez Empire, she chooses to spend her time with Natsu in her bedroom.
When Lucy meets a boy of her liking, who asks her out on a date, she chooses to not go and sends Cana in her place so she can go on a mission with Natsu. Prior to this, Cana used her fortune telling abilities to predict about Lucy having a fateful encounter, and although initially believing that it was the boy she met, she believes that her actual fateful encounter is Natsu after hearing him say that it is her one year anniversary since joining Fairy Tail, causing her to almost cry. Natsu wants to celebrate the day by going on a job that's perfect for Lucy.
At times Natsu comically calls Lucy weird, whenever she does or says something that is unusual by his own standards, which leads to Lucy incredulously pointing out that he is the unusual one out of the both. He loves teasing her, scaring her, especially drawing on her face when she's asleep. Lucy teases him too when she has the chance, though less than him. They share their enthusiasm with each other, with Lucy often being childish like Natsu. When Brandish shrinks the girls while taking bath, Lucy does soap surfing which reminds Levy of Natsu.
Natsu's life gets saved by Lucy on numerous occasions. She holds onto him tightly as they fall off a waterfall after being swept away by rapid currents. When Natsu seemingly defeats Hades, she catches him before he can fall off and smiles at him for his victory. When Natsu is put on the brink of death following his transformation into an Etherious, she cuddles up to him naked, as a means to warm up his freezing body in hopes that he will wake up from his coma. She rewrites the Book of E.N.D, incurring great pain onto herself in order to separate Natsu's life force from Zeref. She plays a key role in helping Natsu defeat Acnologia, breaking him free from the time rift that he and the other Dragon Slayers were trapped inside of. After Acnologia's defeat, Natsu and the rest of the Dragon Slayers fall from the sky with Natsu landing on top of Lucy, reuniting with her. He tells her that he is home and she welcomes him.
Again the same way around, Natsu is also really protective about Lucy. When he finds out that Lucy got captured by Gajeel, Natsu keeps burning one of the members of Phantom Lord until he reveals Lucy's whereabouts. Whilst being beaten up by Gajeel, Lucy remains defiant towards him as she knows Natsu will rescue her and he arrives a moment later, successfully saving her from a fatal blow. After being imprisoned in Edolas, he threatens a guard that he will burn them all to ash if they lay a hand on Lucy. He acts like a complete madman after realising that Michelle took away Lucy and his focus remains on rescuing her. He catches her again when she falls along with the scatters of the clock pieces after casting anti nightmare spell. Following Minerva's brutalisation on Lucy during the Magic Games, he gets infuriated and almost attacks Minerva along with Gray afterwards. He saves her from Jacob's attack saying Lucy will still be Lucy even if all there left is a part of her. He protectively hugs Lucy in order to keep her safe when August unleashes a deadly attack. Since Lucy's safety is Natsu's top priority, he often gets distracted in the middle of a battle if she gets hurt.
Natsu goes almost feral when Future Rogue kills Future Lucy before his eyes, saying he took away something precious from him. He later breaks down in tears by her side and promises to protect the future. So does Lucy, trying hard to close the Eclipse Gate in order to prevent the remaining dragons from coming. After Natsu manages to defeat Future Rogue and destroy the gate, Lucy thanks him with a warm hug from behind, under the moonlight, realising that her future self is happy with Natsu and the others in her afterlife. Truely, the Natsu and Lucy of future move towards a new adventure holding each other's hands.
Lucy does her best to take care of Natsu whenever he gets hurt or falls sick. Whenever he is feeling nauseous while travelling in transportations, he always rests his head on Lucy's lap. When he doesn't immediately wake up following his first fight with Animus, Lucy begins to break down into tears and leans over Natsu, begging him to wake up for her. And when her tears fall into his mouth, he sees visions of his close ones. The vision he has of Lucy is ethereal, in a white dress she runs ahead excitedly as they hold hands and then she leans closer to him. Natsu collapses after becoming half dragon to defeat Animus, Lucy then catches him and embraces him as the sun rises. He later rests his head on her lap, basking in the moment of their victory. While Happy carries Natsu back from his first encounter with Zeref as he fell unconscious, it causes Lucy to become heavily distressed when she can't hear his heartbeat. In tears, she begs Brandish to save Natsu's life by shrinking his tumour. Subsequently, she stays by his bedside while he recovers falls asleep next to him.
She goes out looking for Natsu right after being told he turned into E.N.D, to bring him back to his senses. She defends him to Dimaria telling her that Natsu doesn't have a dark side to him. Later on.after retrieving the Book of E.N.D, she cries in front of Gray and Happy over the idea that Natsu is a demon despite being just a normal boy. She expresses her heavy concern about Natsu going bersek from Ignia's flames. She never stops caring for his wellbeing and always worries about him. She tearfully embraces him after he returns from his battle against Aldoron.
Natsu is much aware of Lucy's emotional state most of the times. When Hades survives Natsu's onslaught and then unleashes his magical power, Lucy clings onto Natsu before he grabs her arm while inspiring her and the others, to face the enemy head on. When Acnologia attacks them on Tenrou, Lucy becomes distressed at the impending doom, only to regain her composure when Natsu grabs her hand and reassures her. Following her defeat against Flare at the Magic Games and facing the abuse of the crowd, Lucy was able to find her resolve after Natsu comforts her, praises her for showcasing an amazing growth in power. Then Lucy quotes Natsu’s catchphrase, "I'm all fired up now." while still in tears and holding his hand. After a long year, when Lucy doubts if they can bring Gray back, Natsu assures her by promising to do so.
Natsu always remains grateful to Lucy as he is aware of the significance of her presence is his life. He thanks her for saving him from falling off, he thanks her when she gets his scarf for him. He again thanks her future self for protecting their future and thanks her for warming him up while he was in coma. Also thanks her when he realises that she rewrote the Book of E.N.D. He finds comfort around her as he hangs out with her a lot, says he loves being in her house and sleeping in her bed. He was close to Lucy's ancestor Anna Heartfilia back then too, presumably had a crush on the woman since Gajeel mentions.
Although in different ways, Natsu and Lucy's attachment towards each other is highlighted when Natsu decides to leave to train for a year, all the while being completely unaware that Lucy will be all alone after the guild's disbandment. Upon discovering this, Lucy becomes completely distraught and runs all over Magnolia in tears, to find him. Curses him for not being aware of how much this decision devastates her. She will occasionally believe she saw him in a crowd only to be disappointed that she didn't. Once she reunites with him, she smiles at him, but holding a grudge deep down and eventually confronts him for leaving her, asking him if he had any idea how that made her feel while blushing. When Natsu assumes Lucy died after defeating Dimaria, he loses control of his rational thoughts and transforms into E.N.D and sets off to kill Zeref. And he rests assured when Lucy hugs him from behind, realising she is actually alive. After believing that Natsu died as he mysteriously disappeares following his victory over Zeref, she cries out for him and becomes inconsolable before Erza tells her that he is still alive. When Lucy gets turned into Nure-Onna, Aquarius manages to successfully return her back to normal by reminding her of Natsu and what he means to her.
They never leave each other's side in any situation. When Lucy gets assaulted by Kain, she refuses to run away despite Natsu begging her to do so, because she wants to stay with him. And later on, Natsu tells her that no matter what, they will always be together. Even at times of danger, they always stick together. And reach out to each other when being pulled apart by someone or something. If separated, they worry about each other the most. Wanting to make sure the other's safety.
Natsu has an emotional reliance on Lucy. Whenever he becomes infuriated by surrounding events or loses his senses because of magic power, Lucy is the one that can calm him. While he tries to break through Erigor's wind trap with brute force and hurts himself in the process, Lucy grabs him from behind and cools him down. In Edolas, Natsu grew furious when their friends who had been transformed into magic crystals, were being chipped away at a public gathering and only calmed down after Lucy embraced him from behind. After defeating Mercphobia, Natsu goes bersek because of Ignia's flames and proceeds to destroy the dragon as well as everything else but comes to his senses once Lucy hugs him from behind and tells him that she is there for him.
Lucy's viewpoint has a great value in Natsu's life. He cares about how she views him. Following the defeat of Animus, aware of his half dragon transformation, he becomes concerned about his new self and asks Lucy what he looks like to her. Lucy then smilingly assures that he looks just like the Natsu she knows which relieves him and he collapses on her chest.
Natsu pays a lot of attention to Lucy's wishes and likings. When Lucy proves to be too sick to attend a festival, Natsu recalls her being very excited about seeing the famous Rainbow Sakuras and uproots the tree and sends it down the river outside Lucy's house so she can see it, causing her to smile and thank him the next day. After finally reuniting with Lucy, following the time skip, he was amazed to find she had done her best to keep track of the guild members in the hopes of restoring the guild and instantly decides to take the initiative to find all the guild members. While visiting the Kingdom of Stella, Natsu notices that Lucy is feeling down about the kingdom possibly disappearing and knowing she wants to see Stella's Stars, he shows her the famous starry sky in the middle of the night then cheers her up.
After hugging Natsu and expressing her gratitude for everything he has done for her, Lucy expects a confession from Natsu as he abruptly grabs her arms and says he has something to tell her. She braces herself for the moment but is heavily disappointed when he just stalls that for later and drags her for the century quest. Later being teased about the potential for Touka being her love rival as Juvia puts it, Lucy blushes and bashfully notes how she feels sorry for Touka, lamenting how Natsu doesn't seem to have any interest in such things. But doesn't deny she has feelings for him herself. While exploring Guiltina, Natsu, Lucy and the rest discover Fairy Nail. It's a celebrity guild that is filled with people that are their own counterparts. Lucy was left blushing when she discovered that her counterpart. Lucia was in a relationship with Natsu's counterpart Nack, and walked in on them being intimate. And when the team returns to Edolas, Lucy discovers Edo Lucy has had a child named Nasha with Edo Natsu, and are now married. She is left blushing profusely. Natsu grows fond of Nasha even wants to bring her to Earthland with him.
Natsu shows signs of jealousy over Lucy multiple times. At the time of exploring a town in Guiltina, he attacks men who attempted to flirt with her, inadvertently burning her clothes in the process. He also gets visibly angry when Elefseria slips inside Lucy's cleavage. He is sexually attracted to Lucy and shows his perverted side to her often, even getting distracted by her in the middle of a fight.
Due to how close they are, Natsu and Lucy are often the target of their guild mates' teases with some stating that they are in love or are basically a couple. This includes Mirajane, Levy, Cana, Juvia and Evergreen. Even Erza takes note of how close they are, once commenting that if someone wants to find Natsu they just have to go to Lucy's place. Asuka, Alzack and Bisca's daughter, was under the impression that Natsu and Lucy are a couple like her mother and father and demanded that they kiss. Virgo also comments on their relationship, often teasing that they love each other. Gajeel implies that Natsu has a crush on Lucy. Even some enemies have noted their relationship such as Kain, who states that they better not be cuddling and making out on the battlefield. Lucy blushes whenever her relationship with Natsu is brought up and frantically tries to play it down. Presumably nobody except Natsu knows that Lucy has once contemplated Natsu as a romantic partner when Mirajane brought up the idea.
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