#just for my Adaar
wylldebee · 5 months
Bioware missed an opportunity by not having the inquisitor's family/clan/mercenary group make an appearance in Skyhold. It would have given a nice lull in world saving and expand on your Inquisitor's past a bit more. Like can you imagine your Inquisitor being woken up in the morning by Josephine rushing into your chambers to tell you your family/clan/mercenary group has basically invaded Skyhold within the small hours of the morning and are demanding/asking to see you? What would your inquisitor's reaction be?
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gravedigg · 1 day
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I'm so down bad with this game right now. Here's some DAI doodles cause I'm unreasonably bonded to my party members <3
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witchtrix · 10 months
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too ambitious for me to finish right now :') but i'm happy with the color coherence and metal so far! it'sa wip
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a-drama-addict · 5 months
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some dragon age doodles also
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yudol-skorbi · 2 years
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needed to get it out of my system so meet my babies Ketin Cousland Saria Amell Than Adaar and quite obviously Garrett Hawke
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nanowatzophina · 2 months
I'm having too much fun with this picrew--
Been makin' all my dragon age babies with it, lol--
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Just a buncha lil' guys--
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murmel-malt · 1 year
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doodling some fun qunari inquisitor ideas
🌱 (commission info) (ko-fi) (more art) 🌱
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Hello! ✨
For the poses prompts... I have to ask Ari and June in 2F... But Josie is the purple one, maybe?
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This was a fun one hehe ~
Ari's a little confused, but he's charmed, so it looks like it worked xD Though he has to hunch very awkwardly for her to even remotely reach him lmao
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vaguely-concerned · 10 days
I haven't decided what faction I want my character to be from in veilguard yet, I Need More Information before I can definitively make a call. but I must admit the siren song of rocking fifth house style disturbingly no-nonsense chill in the face of horror swag with the mourn watch is very loud and potent. speakers to the dead (and the dead are savage) vibes are so strong and so tempting
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milkybishop · 1 year
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drew a suuuper quick ref of kasaanda for artfight, using some iron bull pic, all that really matters is she's taller than the iron bull
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rozzwil · 2 years
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Part two of my and @diirthara-ma​’s full Dragon Age OC lineup ft. our inquisitors
Here’s a link to the naked version on twitter, here’s link to part one and, here’s my post on Isha’s diabetic gear!
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shadovvheart · 3 days
The more i think about it, the more i want to carry my adaar over to dav and make her a rook 🤔
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dragonjadearts · 8 months
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thinkin about her again 💚
click for better quality
if you like it, PLEASE REBLOG IT
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
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The Iron Bull puts horn balm on Maera.  It’s important bonding 
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a-drama-addict · 1 month
Ooh maybe C1 or E1 for Da'revas and Kieran? Or A4 for June and whoever fits >:3
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i feel like june and chronos would be a great "tall + calm vs small + gremlin" duo (alternatively; two types of inquisitors)
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speremint · 1 year
Do you have lore for your inquisitor that deviates from the assigned background that they automatically give you? I always love hearing about inquisitor backgrounds!
I do and it's because I am dramatic as shit, and I will ALWAYS cause issues for my characters if I can, ilysm, thank y'all for indulging me
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A warning: i am very touch-and-go with DA lore much like its writers
So first of all I fuckin can't decide on a name for my Adaar, and honestly that might be fitting for her character in a way bc she has identity issues out her asshole. I'm stuck between the base "Hera"(yes I removed the h, idgaf) or Nyx, as those were both the names i used when I was doing my playthroughs.
She absolutely grew up in the Qun, and was likely to become a Tamassran once she reached the proper age, except her magic manifested while she was quite young (10). Unfortunately for Adaar, she's branded a Saarebas and quickly measured for a collar.
It was with the help and insistence of the Tamassran who raised her that she was able to escape Par Vollen and avoid the shackled and miserable servitude of a Saarebas. Hidden amidst a small group of fellow dissenters, this group of Tal Vashoth fled to Orlais and essentially became a "family" in the way a Qunari would understand it.
Her band merged with the Valo-kas mercenaries, and from there she was raised as a battle mage, favoring electricity and essentially powers that would be refined into those of a Knight-Enchanter once she became Inquisitor.
Adaar always believed magic should be free, as the barbaric practices of the Qun on mages is why she fled in the first place. She is, however, not ignorant, and fully aware of the dangers magic poses.
And maybe that's why she's in fact not ignorant, but fucking stupid as she revels in the protection and subsequent power her magic grants her and her band.
This post is getting long, so I apologize and am gonna wrap it up quickly since this is just a rundown backstory, but!!
Basically there is an accident during a mission that results in her murdering the ever living SHIT out of her not only every living soul in the encampment a-la-thunderbolts and lightning, but also unintentionally frying her own fellow mercenaries that had accompanied her, one of which being the senior Saarebas who had trained her growing up.
This event traumatizes her, and leads her to flee the scene in simultaneous shame and terror. She seeks out an encampment of Ben-Hassrath agents to essentially be "re-educated", claiming to be Vashoth and having seen the light.
She had only been a Saarebas for roughly 9 months before the Conclave. While Adaar didn't fully understand the nuances of the Qun, her desire to simply empty her mind and not think of the damage she had done helped. The Ben-Hassrath agents appreciated her obedience and her power, and she was tasked with helping to hunt down other Tal-Vashoth.
Then the events of the Conclave happened and her memories were lost, and the Anchor gained. Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to remove the Saarebas mask and collar for a reason she couldn't quite place. The Control rod, recovered from the ruins of the Temple of Sacred Ashes, is fashioned into the hilt of her Knight-Enchanter blade. A key that she refuses to use.
The Saarebas mask is simultaneously a prison of her old life, and a shield for her new life as the Herald of Andraste.
It's only after the attack on Haven that any of her Inner Circle truly sees her actual face, and that's as she's dying in the snow from frostbite.
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