#just found out the houthis hit an oil tanker going to Israel حيل بيهم
iraqueer · 9 months
thinking about Yemen and how they're the poorest arab country(in money, definitely not in morals or having a fucking spine) and how when they were on the security counsel while the US was making the case to invade Iraq they were the SOLE dissenting voice and how the US blocked any aid from entering the country in retaliation
how this created a manmade famine the saudi was only happy to continue(yes I know this is because they wanted to "defend their borders" from Irani affiliated houthis but how cutting off food and medicine to civilians protects your borders from Irani influence is beyond me)
how because of their (the houthis btw not the Yemeni govt one could argue the US is collectively punishing a civilian population for the actions of a so called terror group that they have nothing to do with. how fair is that i wonder) stance to block any ship coming from or going to Israel made the US fucking deny them aid again.
like it's fucking cargo ships its not hurting anyone. it's MONEY it's fucking an economic sanction
money! people are dying in gaza they're being murdered in the most dehumanizing way possible split up into a grid districts and bombed with a computer program!
and the biggest stance any supposed barbaric west Hating arab terror group is doing is just economic. rerouting ships ffs and now Yemeni people are going to starve
thanks to the US. have we paused to think why do many "terror" groups are taking root in the Mideast? why do so many of these terror groups call for a death to America?
yesterday I watched a doc on Yemeni jews. how a lot of them were expelled from yemen around the 40s 50s around when zionism and the occupation of palestine started. (same thing happend in Iraq btw) how many yemenis fled fearing for their lives to Israel where they had their kids taken from them and lied to about it and they were given to European Jewish people who fled to Israel. like they were supposed to be safe there and they had their kids taken from them.
I think about how Jewish people lived in arab countries for a long time and were expelled after Israel came to power because those countries feared that their colonial overlords would do the same to them, since a lot of the Mideast came under control of Britian at that time, and Britain is the ones who did that to palestine. (anecdotally my great grandmother's dad would have my great grandmother bring over food to their Jewish neighbors every Saturday as a child, and now my great grandmother is very antisemetic, really shows you how hate isn't like in our dna it was a response to fear(not unfounded, but still not right) of occupation) like it feels sometimes like we get called the antisemitic and are paying for the crimes of the nazis. but like we're not the ones who did the holocaust, we're not the ones who expelled Jewish people out (until the establishment of isreal and again I don't agree with what arabs did, but I'm just adding context) But somehow we're the antisemitic ones for hating our aggressors.
like it looks to me like Europe (led by the british) let their Jewish population be exterminated and then wanted to get rid of them and preyed on their trauma and fears and pushed them to a land they already felt they owned, just another part of their empire. aided in the extermination of the native population. and we're surprised they would hate their oppressors (the zionist, the British and then the
should the Jewish people living in these arab countries for generations have been expelled because of the acts of an outside colonizing population(that just so happens to be Jewish, that benefits from weaponizing the fact) ? NO! they aren't associated with each other! and many Arab Jewish people have suffered because of zionism. Palestinian Jews face discrimination in israel! I feel like this is more a traditional colonization, just this time it's not Christian missionaries involved it's a Jewish European population.
I know this fucking essay seems unconnected. tbh I'm not trying to make an informative post. it's just a few of my thoughts as an arab. seeing how people talk about us. that post about the houthis taking a ship and seeing people demonize them calling them extremists and terrorists when it's a fucking ship. (not to say houthis haven't hurt and shot at and terrorized the Yemeni population they are by no means innocent freedom fighters) like these groups get labeled terrorist so that it instills post 9/11 fears in Westerns when they are not threats to the US but when the us labels them as such the US is justifying the use of force against them. and like??? are we not allowed to resist? are we not allowed to fight for our land?
the US can get involved in every conflict around the world in the name of "human rights" and "global security" and create the conditions for these "terrorists" groups but we have to quietly watch Palestinians get slaughtered and if anyone does anything they're a terrorist. if hezbollah tries to reclaim lebanons land its a terrorist. if yemen tries to stand up and help palestine they're terrorists
that term is a cudgel used against resistance to western imperialism and its always used in a biased manner
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