#just fyi I went ghost mode in my main too
lavender-femme · 1 year
Hey, tumblr, it’s been a while…
I’ve been wanting to come back for a while, but it’s been pretty difficult in a lot of ways. In April, a (now former) mutual accused me of some pretty egregious things that I had absolutely no part in. With these accusations, they let me know that they had essentially been surveilling me and my blog for months with an excuse of “wanting it not to be [me]” while I spent those months trying to be their friend and get to know them better.
After they accused me of these things, following threats to block me if I didn’t respond to their messages on time (I was working 40+ hours a week at the time), I felt so unsafe here in this space that was meant to be my own. All those months, I’d been assuming this was a safe person while they’d spent that time harboring unspoken suspicions, collecting “evidence” instead of communicating with me. So I went ghost mode on here… I asked them to give me space, they agreed, and then they blocked me everywhere— even Pokémon Go.
Even now, I’m nervous to come back. This person has since been terminated, but I know that they’ve remade, and I know that some of my beloved mutuals are also mutuals with them, so actually coming back and posting is nerve-wracking.
I’ve been here, though, lurking, saving drafts (so many drafts, oh my god), sending anons, and checking in on y’all. I’ve missed my mutuals and followers so much. I know this is “just a blog,” but I really care about y’all and am so grateful to those who have stuck around all these years.
So much has gone down in the past five months, and I’ll update y’all, trust. But for now, I’m gonna ease back into it all. Gonna queue up what I’ve saved to my drafts so if you see me reblogging a million posts from you from four months ago, just know it’s been a long time coming lol.
I’ve missed y’all 💖
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