#just gonna keep using that tage until the next junoverse releases
ephemeralgalaxies · 7 months
y'all getting a whole ass series of these at this point
Aight it's been a LONG WHILE since Ben has been mentioned in TPP, so when I tell you I REALLY wasn't expecting this one :')
(yes I am relating this line to Nureyev bc everything is plot foil plot foil plot foil)
When Nureyev (Glass) finds out about Juno's brother being dead, he eventually apologizes in a moment of calm for asking about Juno's past. In which Juno offers up information that their mother, in fact, killed Ben... and this is what he says about that info:
Nureyev (Glass): "I'm... so sorry, Juno."
Juno: "I'm not telling you so you'll be sorry. I'm telling you that, so you won't ask me anymore goddamn questions about it. Just— drop it, alright? It's done. It's over."
Nureyev (Glass): "...of course! If that's what you'd like."
Having this mirrored with the s5 phrase of them ending their relationship together (yeah y'all know the one)
Nureyev: "I do not want to see you anymore, Juno."
Juno: "...what?!"
Nureyev: "You said it would just take those words to excise you from my life entirely, didn't you? Well, I've said them. I have no interest in seeing you any longer. None. I am done. We are finished. Do you understand me?"
Juno: "...yeah, I— get you... So, I guess I'll just go now."
Just something about how finale these two moments are in which both Nureyev and Juno are pushing back this great loss as if it isn't destroying them inside, just once again them acting SO SIMILARLY without realizing. And also how both immediately agree to the other's terms. Even if Juno is aching to process Ben's death, even if Nureyev is aching to keep Juno by his side. They both back off from the other.
In fact, it isn't until Nureyev backtracks when Juno tries to leave that Juno starts to question how much Nureyev really meant it. Juno assigned the conditions, yes, but he does know Nureyev. Enough to know that he'd played this game before, especially in protection of someone.
And whether it be with Ben and the mental fuckup of whatever the heck s2's The Monster's Reflection or with Nureyev and his fear of being understood/loved, Juno knows that sometimes, your business with someone just isn't over yet.
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