#just gonna sit and be Wirh my Thoughts I Guess
jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Okay, so I have this stuck in my head for a bit. What is raiden had a s/o who was pregnant but, they don’t know their pregnant and one day a kid just pops out. I need to know please.
So this is kinda a hard one to do becuase I feel like you would know if your pregnant, so I'm making that when you get pregnant wirh a demi god. baby doesn't take as long to be born and doesn't give it as many side effects. Only down part is only protection that works is condoms.
This is more so alot of the character's reacting to raiden and he reader having a surprise child that neither of them knew of.
It's a little short but hey i like how it turned out and I hope toy all enjoy it.
Warnings: mention of past sex, birth and body parts.
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Raiden is obvious that much is known, his s/o on the other hand didn't really read the signs that their body gave. So two very obvious idiots in love, things are bound to happen. One of those things is Raiden getting his S/O pregnant and neither of them realising.
There isn't many other people in a relationship with other gods that they have met so they are mainly going off what feel right for them. But now raiden sits with his lover curled up into his side as he also cradles an infant, his daughter.
She looks very much like her father in some aspects, the light dust of white hair on head is one of them. She knew his voice from what he gathered, she doesn't like him being away very much the same as his S/o. Inari is what they had both settled on name her after all it was quite fitting.
"Raiden?, are you alright" he hears the voice of his lover. He turns gentle to watch them as they smile watching him with their daughter. "Im well, just enjoying this, first time we have stopped to just be close in a little, even if it's becuase of an unexpected gift" he says gentle laying his daughter against her other parent. "She's a surprise that's for sure, a beautiful one.
I didn't even know I was pregnant" he leans down and presses a soft kiss against his lovers forehead. "I guess this means from now on we are using condoms. Becuase I'm on brithcontrol and well" they gesture to Inari. "She happened" raiden nods. "That's probably for the best, as much as I adore this little one, I do not think we were ready for her" he explains as he gentle rubs her forehead.
"We really aren't but, she's here and we will make it work" his S/o replys as they lay their head against his chest. "How do you think the elders will react to her?" He's quite for a little. "They will find out in time, as of now I wish to spend as much time as I can with my family" he says. He smiles gently enjoy the peace that took hold of his heart. Everything is so calming.
Fujin is the first other then raiden to hold Inari, the wind God is so gentle with her as he smiles too both Raiden and (y/n). Fujin adores his niece and Raiden loves seeing his brother, lover and daughter. They are his family.
The next few days are spend as bed rest for both Inari and his S/o, Raiden does what he can for both of them while also catching up on much needed work too. Fortunately his daughter is very quite, she makes little noises to gain his attention when she can.
And that's how he ends up with her sleep in his arm while he rocks her slowly, in his other hand is reports on outworld. Master Hasashi had been so kind as to let them stay in the fire gardens so that he could know both his loves are safe.
Inari grumbles lightly before she goes quite again snuggled up to her father as he hums lightly. "Lord Raiden, can i offer you so tea?" The thunder God looks up from his papers to see master Hasashi at the door.
"That would be lovely, thank you once again for letting us stay here for a while. (Y/n) is still healing and I believe they enjoy spending time here too, it is peaceful." He says lightly has Hanzo brings in cups and a small teapot. They both sit in the quite as Hanzo prepares the tea.
"Does anyone else know of you're daughter?" He ask lightly. Raiden is tries to recall who He has told. "Fujin is aware, and I've informed Sonya but they are the only ones but yourself and grandmaster Kuai Laing who know." He says lightly rocking Inari lightly.
"Woueld you like to hold her?" Master Hasashi freezes for a second. Looking to Raiden before giving a short nod. The thunder God smiles as he gentle places her in the man's arms. "... (y/n) and I want to ask if you would be. Her God father?, I do not knwo what it means but If something we're to happen to (y/n) and I would you be willing to guild and care for her?"
It's a hard topic for both of them. For raiden the thought of not being able to look after his daughter or himself and his lover perishing. And For Hanzo the memories of the life he once had, the family he once had. "She will be safe here, and your family is always welcome in the fire gardens." Hanzo says lightly cradling Inari. "Thank you Hanzo"
"Wait! You got knocked up by the God of thunder and weren't going to tell us!!" Johnny yells only to get a slap up the head by both Sonya and Cassie. "Look we didn't know until I had her ok, we weren't exactly expecting her. But umm... It turns out brithcontrol doesn't stop you getting pregnant from a God" they explain while holding Inari.
"No that's something I didn't want to hear" Johnny groans. Sonya laughs. " You guys are always welcome around here, after all raiden been around since before Cassie was born. He's kinda like an uncle too her" they all laugh enjoying talking about whatever comes up in conversation.
"So.. when are you and raiden gonna tell Liu Kang and Kung Lao? I'm sure they would both love to meet her, and I'm so telling Jin and the other two i got to hold her first" Cassie says as she bounce Inari on her lap. "Well we are hoping to see both Liu and Lao, I think they already know about her but then again. Johnny hasn't told them yet so maybe not"
"Hey! I can keep a secret!"
"This is her" Liu Kang ask while cradling the thunder gods child. "Yes that is her" raiden confirms as (y/n) smiles lightly to the young man. "She has Raidens hair, very white. She look like you both" He says as both he and Lao fuss over the little girl. "She looks like a potato Liu" Lao say earning a laugh for Raidens lover.
"Just remember Lao you were once a potato too!" (Y/n) replys. Raiden smiles as he watches to two men he saw as his sons interact with his daughter. It's moments like these that make him feel so compete.
"So.. are you going to tell the elder gods?"
Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神) The god or goddess of rice and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic animal are foxes.
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lorencourtier · 4 years
Discord Thread II Loren, Jace, and Emily
Discord thread featuring: Loren and jace @jace-matthews and Emily @warmvlbes
Mentions: @malakhai-ozera @davieslandon @bensonnick
When: July 28th
Description: Loren, Jace and Emily all get into a fight after Lorens texts with Emily
Jace “do you know what’s funny? You and emily living under the same roof but texting each other. Cutest friendship ever.”
Loren. “It is funny. But I don’t wanna leave you.” He laughs
Jace “I’m sure it’s juicy whatever it is.”
Loren. “Oh, just Khai shit” he shrugged
Jace “because....he backed out of a chat after a couple exchanges about a food item?” He snickers rolling his eyes.
Loren. “Yeah... I don’t know. I thought it was funny”
Jace “guys are weird. Id know. I am one.”
Loren. “Yeah, I just don’t have the brain power to analyze Khai right now” he chuckled
Jace “who...does?” He laughed. “I haven’t even had the chance to speak to him really”
Loren. *so, I guess if you wanna move in with me. It’s gonna be at my old place. Thank god I still haven’t sold it yet”
Jace “I beg your pardon? No I’m not doing that.” “I like it here.”
Loren. “So then move in with Emily. I’m out.” He gets off the bed and starts grabbing shit from the closet to throw back into its box
Jace “can you explain to me what is going on?” “because y’all are literally in the same house. Don’t make me pull you both out into the common room and treat you both like my students that I mentor”
Loren. “I’m just done supporting her ass and then she turns around and calls me fake because I think their being intense and weird? Fuck that Jace. I don’t need this shit in my life. I’m sorry.”
Jace “Okay first of all: watch your tone with me. Second of all: if you felt that way, then maybe you should’ve told her that versus saying other things? Calling people is tense or weird isn’t nice. And you know how Khai is with emily. You can’t blame her for acting out. He’s literally done nothing but to prove he can’t be trusted. If I did that shit with you, how would you feel being called intense or weird? You’re her best friend loren. She’s always going to look to support you bc I’m sure if I fucked up, she wouldn’t be on my side. you don’t have the brain capacity for tonight, okay. But insulting them all together isn’t going to solve anything. It does come off a little left sided.”
Loren. “Okay, you know what. She should know damn well I love her. I get intense and weird myself and if I was being that way I wouldn’t be all shitty for being called out on it. Second off. I know how he’s been, fuck do I know, and if it were you I would have already left. I don’t do this drama shit, I don’t play, and I’m not about to be disrespected for speaking my mind. I always have her back, always. She knows this. I try to help her see the light in Khai because she loves him. I personally don’t like him. Anyway, I’m leaving. You can stay wirh her”
Jace “loren you’re staying and thats final.” He said raising a brow. “Im literally moving in with my boyfriend of 24 hours and she didn’t call us intense or weird. So she’s stronger than the average person but that doesn’t make her crazy. You hurt her feelings loren. And so she did it right back. Y’all just need to talk this out. But you’re not leaving and if you do, thennnn....I’m gonna take a step back because this can be easily solved and if you walk out on her for this, then I’d hate to see how you’d react for the first time we fight. running away solves nothing.” He shrugged. “So either get it together the both of you? Orrrrr Im out.”
Loren. “You’re kidding right? This isn’t our first fight, and if your out for that. Because she disrespect me. Then you know what? I’m sorry. I’m not gonna sit down and be a fake person and smile when all I do is be there for her. I say one thing she doesn’t like and I’m the bad person, and now you threaten to leave me because I don’t wanna deal with it? That hurts” he turns around and walks into the bathroom slamming the door
Jace “did she not feel disrespected by you too though...?” “EMILY GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW.”
Emily She walks in, standing in the door frame.
Jace he opens the bathroom door. “LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW. I’ve had enough with both of you. This is bullshit. OVER A BOY? REALLY? Y’all- it’s KHAI WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. he’s not perfect. You’re not perfect. pointing to em and you are not perfect pointing to loren. BUT DISRESPECTING EACH OTHER IS A LOW OF ALL LOWS. IT SOLVES NOTHING”
Loren. He comes out of the bathroom and pushes past them both. “Figure your shit out. I’m done” he said to Emily. Turning to jace after. “You wanna leave me over this? Fine. Do what you want. I’m leaving” he walks toward the front door
Jace “Loren if you walk out that god damn door, I will know your love for me was not real and you are running from me just like you had to do with Landon. Pick and choose your battles right fucking now bc she is here and so am I. I am trying to help. and you literally aren’t even listening. You’re too busy trying to run.”
Loren. “I can’t believe you just said that to me. You can’t be serious”
Jace “you two need to talk. I don’t care if it doesn’t happen tonight but we’re not about to throw away this home over a boy. YOU can’t be serious. You’re running. Is it that easy for you to walk? I’m trying to help.”
Emily “I’m not going to be the reason y’all break up either.”
Loren. “I’m leaving because I’m obviously needing to cool off. But you want me to stay and keep fighting? You want me to be fake and say it’s all okay? Fine... it’s all okay baby. She didn’t disrespect me at all. Happy?”
Loren. “I DONT WANT TO! I tried and she just kept saying fuck me. So guess what! Fuck me!”
Emily “Loren wait*”
Loren. “I don’t wanna do this. I am not about to do this again. Just stop” he said dropping to the floor and holding his head
Emily “look i was fired up and said some things I didn’t mean. But you really did hurt my feelings...”
Loren. “Just stop”
Emily “stop what! I’m trying to apologize”
Loren. “I didn’t do a fucking thing wrong. And I can’t do this... i need to leave”
Emily “so my feelings are invalidated because it stung to hear you call me weird and intense? With someone you’re usually happy for me for?” “i mean if it means saving the friendship, I’ll just stop going to you about Khai. It’s not like I can talk with anyone else about him. So I’ll just leave the subject of him to deal with myself.” “because all people do is want to either try to insult him or tell me how I should do better. I’m just gonna...stop...talking about him”
Loren. “Well I’m sorry you don’t think it’s intense and weird to be off and on and constantly trying to one up each other. I don’t care what you do. I always support you, you know damn well I do. But YOU” he pointed to Jace. “Just broke my fucking heart.”
Jace “what the fuck did i do? You just tried to walk out on me for trying to help mend something?”
Loren. “I never said I was walking out on YOU”
Emily “Loren YOUVE always supported us so it was just weird to hear you say that...it felt out of no where. But I am sorry that I disrespected you. I just felt disrespected too.”
Loren. “But to throw Landon in my face? That hurt”
Jace “I’m not talking about this in front of emily.”
Loren. “Yeah. I’m just don’t with this whole conversation”
Jace “then go like you planned on doing.”
Loren. “I’m not going”
Emily “can we just light a joint or something? I don’t like us all fighting.”
Loren. “But I’m not about to ever be threatened like that again. Ever”
Jace “you tell me you love me every fucking day and you were ready to throw me in her by myself over some petty ass bullshit. You’re not going to just walk out on me trying to talk to you and that wasn’t a threat. It was a promise. Bc it was juvenile. This whole thing is Juvenile.”
Loren. “I was upset and the first thing you did was say I was acting out and sides with her. You wanna do that, fine. You don’t wanna talk about this in front of her, fine. I wasn’t walking out on you. I just don’t wanna live somewhere that I feel like I have to walk on eggshells. I did that my entire fucking life”
Jace “I was trying to get you to see from her perspective as you do every time I’ve spoken to you about my mom, or anything else loren.”
Emily “can no one leave? Please. Y’all this is my fault. I raised the tension bar and i don’t like this. I’m really really sorry loren.”
Loren. “ I see her fucking perspective. But she doesn’t care to see mine. I’m not even going to be okay with this. Or pretend to be. Maybe you should just... I’m not doing this. Fuck this” he started to cry
Emily she walked over and held him. “Jace can you just give me 5 minutes? Please.”
Jace “whatever”
Loren. “Don’t touch me I need to leave. I need to go. Just leave me alone”
Jace “I thought you said you weren’t going.”
Loren. “I-“ he just shook his head
Emily “Jace! 5 minutes.” She said again watching as Jace walked out. “Loren I know you hate me right now but you need to listen to me. You hurt my feelings too. Okay? I know you support me and yeah I see your perspective. But you’ve literally called me strong from day 1 and now it’s like you’re calling me weak for even attempting to make shit work with Khai.” She shrugged. “I don’t want to fight you at all. I’m just a little blindsided by the comments you made and I’m sorry because yes, you have supported me 100% of the way. But that’s exactly why I got confused and upset just now. as for Jace, I-I don’t have advice for that but you guys love each other and y’all just need to breathe and talk this out. But don’t leave. Because that’s clearly not what he wants. But if it’s what you NEED to do, then I guess do it.”
Loren. “Emily, I do nothing but listen to shit between you two. I never complain, I never hardly ever bring up my own shit. But the truth is. I do think you could do better. He obviously has shit he needs to deal with before locking down. But still I support you and root for you. I’m always honest with you, and I’m sorry you didn’t like what I had to say tonight. But it’s always something with him, and that’s a lot on me to make you feel better. I told you I was off. But you still get shitty with me like I’m supposed to just kiss your ass and lift you up. Now I This shit with Jace? Because of Khai and you and what he said... I don’t know if I can forgive that. It’s obviously just too much for me.’so leaving felt like the right thing to do. If he doesn’t wanna support me. Then maybe I was wrong about him”
Emily “I think he was just trying to support us both.” She said through worried eyes. “He cares about Our friendship, Loren. That’s not terrible but he didn’t need to stoop that low and I’m sorry he did. But i don’t think you were wrong about him. Just remember how much shit i deal with when it comes to Khai. But i still love him. Just like you love Jace. If you need to, stay in my room tonight. I don’t care. I want to be there. And like i said, I’ll stop talking about Khai because yes I fully take responsibility for this and that’s exactly why I don’t want to be the reason, or my bullshit with Khai, to be the reason y’all break up.” “I’m really really sorry.”
Loren. “I don’t wanna stay in your room. I don’t wanna be here. You both hurt me. You both made me feel like my opinion or feelings didn’t matter. He should support me not you. I know your friends but he is supposed to be my number one supported. Someone who calms me and is there for ME. I’m just not going to pretend this didn’t happen, and yeah. You started the whole fire in me but he fueled it. I’m just done. I’m just fucking done. Do what you want with Khai. But don’t expect me to sugar coat shit anymore. You deserve better. He’s a piece of shit. Handle it”
Emily “I’m just gonna try and move on. It’s all i can do and i don’t expect you to just bump and forgive me for this or forget this happened. I’m just saying sorry because your opinion does matter. It just hurt coming from you. And if you don’t want to be here, then go.” “or I’ll go. I’ll just go stay at nicks.”
Jace “and I’ll go too.”
Loren. “It’s like everything is fine as long as I’m saying what you wanna hear. How many times have I backed you or lifted you up?”
Emily “every time...”
Loren. “Now it’s all my fault and I’m losing my boyfriend over it? Go stay with nick like I fucking care.”
Emily “i was just saying that i will go....Christ.”
Jace “actually I’m still here but I can go if this is how tonight is gonna continue to pan out.”
Loren. “Are you here for me or her? Cause I’m a little confused right now”
Jace “I’m here for both of you because this fight is dumb. Like y’all both invalidated each other. Grow up”
Loren. “Yeah, grow up” he just laughed
Jace “yeah I’ll just go because we’re gonna be going in circles all night. I’ll see y’all later.”
Loren. “Okay, Emily, baby, it’s okay. I forgive you.”
Emily “no you don’t. I’m leaving too.”
Loren. “Jace, I forgive you too. It’s all my fault and next time I will watch what I say more carefully”
Jace “goodnight, Loren.” Walks out the front door and slams it
Loren. “Let it all be on me”
Emily she sighs, runs into her room and starts packing an overnight bag
Loren. “Don’t you ever talk to me again. I can’t believe you just did this to me after all I did for you”
Emily “loren I do not control Jace’s actions....”
Loren. “This is not friendship You just broke me in a million pieces all because of a stupid left on read by Khai”
Emily “Okay this is bullshit. I didn’t even do anything except fight with you. I don’t control what Jace does. I’m sorry he cared about both of us??? LOREN I SAT HERE AND TRIED TO APOLOGIZE AND YOU ARE BEING A DICK SO INSAID ID LEAVE. IDK WHATBYOU WANT”
Loren. “I’m going to get high. Fuck you”
Emily “fuck you too dude.”
Loren. “I’ve never felt so alone in my whole life. And I’ve been beaten, raped, and disowned by my father.”
Emily “I’m not Jace, Loren. he tried to help...”
Loren. “No your not. Did he?”
Emily “yeah he did but you’re too pissed off to see that and taking it out on me.”
Loren. “I don’t think he did. He threatened to leave if I didn’t just suck it up and forgive you”
Emily “shouldn’t you be fighting him?”
Loren. “That’s not someone who was trying to help”
Emily “you’re not even taking fault for what you said. You’re not sorry at all. You don’t care how it made me feel so why should I care how you feel right now? Oh that’s right. Because i tried to apologize and it’s still nothing.”
Loren. “All I did was wanna leave and I wanted him to come wirh me. But he chose you”
Emily “Because he didn’t want to see a friendship end over a stupid boy...”
Loren. “I didn’t say anything wrong You both were being intense and weird.
Emily “it’s funny how you can see things from Khai’s prospective but when it comes to people pissing you off, it’s complete tunnel vision” “Loren you don’t have to berate or lecture me again on how i can do better. I got it the first 2 times you said it.”
Loren. ”oh my god. Can you not just take one step back and try to see where I’m coming from?”
Emily “I did and do. Do you know how many people tell me that i can do better?” She asked.
Loren. “I don’t care that’s the thing. If you wanna be wirh him I support you. I just said what I saw and you flipped”
Emily “do you know how annoying it is to feel like Me fighting for something that i really want only for people to say why emily?”
Loren. “I give up. It’s always about you” “I’m trying to tell you. I support you”
Emily “if you’d let me fucking finish— I should not have snapped at you but it had been everyone. Literally everyone. Even anonymous beings telling me to do better. Hearing it from you, it just hurt.  AND I KNOW LOREN. OKAY I KNOW.”
Loren. “But all you hear is this stupid shit I said one time”
Emily “you want what’s best for me. Okay i hear you. I do. I’m sorry. Idk how many times you want me to say it. I’m. Sorry. I know you want to see me do better.”
Loren. “I can’t even keep up with you right now. That isn’t even what I was saying” “Let me talk”
Emily “It’s how it came across loren.”
Loren. “I wasn’t saying that in our text. I was just saying. You two are intense and weird. I don’t see anything wrong with that, it’s who you two are. But you completely flipped on me. I always support you and root for you and try to paint him as an angel for you. You know I do. So why you went off on me is beyond me. You should know I’m not aaron or any of those stupid assholes. I’m here for YOU! Yeah, maybe you could do better. I don’t really like the way he treats you. But I didn’t say that in the text. I always support you. I wanted to take a step back and just cool off because you literally went off and said fuck me. I don’t need that shit. I’m battling my own demons too you know. Now Jace...”’he teared up. “I should have known better. But guess what? I didn’t. So now I’m broken and you can be sorry but it doesn’t matter. I learned what I had to I guess. I hope you do too.”
Emily “Loren you also just said that I could do better though. But i do appreciate you supporting me and I’m sorry...I’m sorry if I’m the reason you and Jace break up but i really hope I’m not. I highly doubt he’s even left. He’s probably just as broken but this is my fault and I feel horrible for all of this. At this rate, i don’t even know how i have friends because I’ve snapped at every single one of them this week.” She shrugged. “I just don’t want this friendship to die over this. This is so stupid. And I will bring Jace back in here because yalll have to talk. Don’t let this ruin you both. Please. but can i also please just ask for pure transparency with you? Because painting Khai as some angel ISNT going to help me if he pulls the shit like he did tonight.” she sighed, peaking out the window. “He’s literally on the staircase, top step. I’m gonna bring him back in here. Just please...try to talk.”
Loren. “He didn’t even do anything but not text you back. That’s why I try to calm you down. Cause something you act like he’s so bad. When literally he barely did shit. I get why you feel the way you do, trust me I do. I have trust issues myself. But Jace using Landon against me. I can’t even.... that’s just not okay.”
❈ Ⲉⲙⲓ𝓵ⲩ ❈ “Loren it wasn’t even about the text. It was the fact that he backed out of a convo when I was joking with my best friend. Hello.” She sighed. “Talk to Jace. It’s the only advice i can offer. I already said he shouldn’t have stopped that low and i mean it.”
Loren. “I didn’t run from Landon. I tried to protect him and then I fell in love with someone else. I don’t run. I cool off, and I’m done with this. This is too much”
Emily “Loren I’m behind you on this. But I can’t solve it. You have to talk to him, babe”
Loren. “Nope, let him go” “I’m used to being left”
Emily “Loren stop.”
Loren. “I don’t want to” “I don’t have the energy for this.”
Jace he walks in and grabs his book bag, trying to grab his things in peace, his face red from crying but doesn’t say a word
Emily “then give it up. If he’s not worth it then let him go”
Loren. “I didn’t say he isn’t worth it”
Emily “well he’s leaving.”
Loren. “Don’t you dare put words in my mouth”
Emily “I’m not...I’m giving you options Loren. Either talk it out with him, or let him go. doesn’t have to happen tonight. He’s already on his way out”
Loren. “Wow, you really don’t ever listen to me do you?”
Loren. “Has the one choosing to leave” “He’s also the one choosing to hurt me. I can’t control him”
Emily she sighed, and walked out.
Loren. “Well, im just done. I literally can’t do this anymore” “You didn’t want me to leave. But there you go”
Jace “so that’s it. Youre breaking up with me”
Loren. “As long as it’s not me right” “No I’m not. You’re the one leaving”
Jace “I didn’t leave. I’m still here. I was crying on the top step because I shouldn’t have said what i said. And now yes I want to leave because I really don’t think i should be here. I’m not good for you loren. I’m not.”
Loren. “Wow.’okay”
Jace “You can’t convince me I am when I just hurt you that badly.”
Loren. “I really just don’t even understand how this is my fault”
Jace “i have to live with that for the rest of this life, this relationship. I’m not blaming you. I’m blaming myself.”
Loren. “You wanted to protect her instead of me. That’s fine. I’m just not going to beg you to want me. I’m not gonna beg you to side with me. And I’m sure as hell not staying in this fucking town”
Jace “so you are leaving”
Loren. “Why do I have any reason to stay without you?”
Jace “and I didn’t want to protect anyone...I was literally just trying to help... immsorry” “Loren if you leave, so will I.”
Loren. “You literally ask me every day if I’m okay. No, Jace. I’m not”
Jace “you don’t talk to me. You never fucking talk to me maybe I’ll just take that trip to Hawaii like I planned to find my mom.”
Loren. “I try to stay stable for you. For her. For myself for gods sake. But I’ve been through a lot. To the point I just wanna die most days. But you are literally the only thing keeping me going. Then you say that about Landon. Like I actually ran from him? I didn’t run from him. I was beat within inches of my life. Then I met you... and now you. Okay you know what. I can’t even... I just need to go. This is pointless”
Jace “our love is FAR from pointless, Loren.”
Loren. “Neither one of you let me talk”
Jace “you just spoke”
Loren. “I’m sorry okay? I’m fucking sorry. Can I please go get pure now?”
Jace “I don’t even know what that means. And I don’t know why you’re apologizing when I’m the one who fucked this up.”
Loren. “I don’t know either. I literally am not in the right state of mind tonight. I said that half a dozen times. And still... “
Jace “I’ll just crash on the couch. Talk later.”
Loren. “Okay. I’m done”
Jace “ok”
Loren. “Don’t say I didn’t fight for this” he says walking out the door and slamming it
Jace “what the fuck is going on?” He follows him. “you’re really confusing me loren. You wanna talk but don’t. You don’t want me to walk out, I don’t want you to walk out but here you are ready to skip town. So which is it? I thought you were needing a break to talk about this later. So I opted to stay on the god damn couch but that was a wrong move too. What the fuck do you want? Talk”
Loren. He sat on the top step and just cried
Jace “I love you loren. I’m trying here. But I don’t know what you want me to fucking do”
Loren. “I wanted you to back me. No matter what. I wanted you to love me,  no matter what. I just wanted to know I could come to you with anything and you wouldn’t leave or tell me I was invalid in my feelings. Now everything is ruined, and it’s all because I didn’t want to be treated like shit by my so called best friend” [3:32 AM] “I’ve done shit for her that was so out of line, I’ve done everything for her. I didn’t deserve any of this”
Jace he sighed and sat down beside him, keeping his hands to himself. “Loren, you’re right. You don’t deserve anything that happened but you have 2 people trying to apologize. I don’t know how many times I have to say this: I was trying to get you to see it from her perspective. That is it. I’m not saying what you said was wrong. Im not saying what she did was right either, baby. You have to listen to me.” He sighed, wiping his own tears. “It’s...a boy. And this is a friendship. Khai is a shitty person, okay? But she loves him. And truth hurts. People lash out on that shit. All i was trying to do was for you to see why she did. I did have your back by trying to help mend it but I see that’s where I came off wrong. And I’m sorry.” He sighed, choking up. “And I’m sorry for what I said too. That was low of me and i know you will never forgive me for that.” She sighed, trying to catch his breath. “Truth is I do love you. I do have your back. You can come to me with anything but much like you told emily, I’m not one to sugar coat shit. I’ve been in my own depression since finding out about bea but you’re the reason I stay afloat. And no. Not everything is ruined. You still have me and you still have emily. But if you don’t want us, that’s your decision. We can’t force you to do anything. No matter how bad I may not want you to leave, the choice is yours.”
Loren. “I did see her side, Jace. That’s the whole point. I tried to talk to her and explain myself and she tore into me like I haven’t been there for her the whole fucking time. I can’t do this shit with her anymore. I can’t, and I can’t let it come between us. Yeah, you hurt me with what you said. I don’t even know what to do with that. But I’m so in love with you, I need you. I know you’ve been stressed and I think I just need to focus on us and not them. I need to. Because I need you, and I’m so in love with you. I’d fucking marry you if you’d let me. But you need to know, when I say I’m leaving. I just need to cool off. I’d never walk out on you. Never”
Jace he took a deep breath and moved to hold loren, cupping his face. “I know what it’s like to try and focus on others relationships. But she has to fix this on her own. You can only do so much. But y’all need to support each other. NOT that you WERENT before. Because you were. But you know what I mean.” He presses his forehead to his. “But i love you so much and yes, we’ll get married. I don’t want to lose you. I want us to work on ourselves together. But please be open with me baby. I can’t help you if you’re not”
Loren. “I’m trying” he said grabbing his wrists. “I’m so used to being told to keep quiet and to stay in my own lane. But I’m really trying. I told you about the heroin, and Dominic, and I have been doing good. But, I’ve just been stressed with Emily. Because I love her and I hate seeing her hurt” [3:55 AM] “Please don’t leave me. I love you so much and don’t you ever threaten me like that again. I literally crumbled”
Jace “of course you do baby. Shes your best friend.” He pressed his forehead to his. “I am so sorry. I really am. I just was scared to lose you. I didn’t want you to leave. Too many already have walked out of my life.”
Loren. “I didn’t even think that’s how you might have felt. I just thought you knew I needed to cool off and that’s my bad. I apologize for that. I do” he pressed his head back against his and sighed. “I’m never gonna leave you okay? I just build up and I go off. So I just need to calm down. Please know I’d never leave you”
Jace “I believe you. I’m sorry.” He told him, moving to hug him and breaking down in his arms. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over in light whispers
Loren. He wrapped his arms around him and cried with him. Kissing the side of his head. “I’m so sorry too. I really am. I love you”
Jace he sobbed into his neck before pulling out and pressing his lips to him. “Can we go back inside our home?” He asked, breaking away from the kiss.
Loren. He kissed him back with all the love he still had for him and nodded as he pulled away. “Yeah baby. Let’s go to bed.” He brushed his cheek wiping his tears and smiled softly. “I love when you call it that”
Jace “well it is. It’s our home. I want it to stay that way.” He smiled, kissing him again as he wiped his own boyfriend’s tears. “Let’s go” he took his hand, holding tightly
Loren. “Yes it is” he nodded. He kissed him back and took his hand before getting up and leading him inside. “I’m not going anywhere, ever. I promise”
Jace “I’m not either. A trip to Hawaii? Without the love of my life to support me? I’d be out my damn mind.”
Loren. “Yeah, you would. But if it’s something you really feel you need to do alone. I’d respect that”
Jace “I can’t do that alone. I don’t have the balls to do it alone*”
Loren. “Okay, then I’m there. I’m by yours side always. I love you” he led him into the bedroom and pulled the covers back on the bed. “You sleep on my side okay?”
Jace “w-where will you sleep?” He asked lying down hesitantly.
Loren. “In your spot” he said. Crawling on top of him and laying his head onto his shoulder”
Jace “the switch up only for you to cuddle me.” He smiled, tilting his head up to kiss him. “I love you.”
Loren. “Yeah”’he chucked. Kissing him back before rolling off of him. Half his body still on him though. “I love you too. With every ounce of my existence”
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bythestedeside · 6 years
Dean and Cas become the proud fathers to a sweet little blonde haired baby girl named Claire.
One night they sit down to watch Disney movies bc hey why not they're parents now, might as well do some research into what movies she'll probably like when she's a little older. They put Tangled in after getting Claire to sleep and popping some popcorn and grabbing assorted other snacks, knowing it'll be a while before Claire wakes up wanting a bottle. They've barely snuggled up when the narration starts up and a beautiful little baby with just the blondest hair is on screen obviously Rapunzel. Cas just smiles wide at the screen, looking adorable, but like the biggest dope Dean has ever seen.
"What are you smiling at Cas?" Dean asks, nearly missing his mouth while sticking a piece of popcorn in his mouth while staring at his husband.
"She looks like our Claire." Cas beams at Dean.
Dean looks up at the baby on screen somehow before baby Rapunzel leaves the screen, thinking. He's seen the movie before, not as secretly as he may have thought loving Disney movies. He knows the lyrics to even the less popular songs like all the ones in Rapunzel, and no doubt will be humming I See the Light to Claire later to put her to sleep after she's fed later. By the time he responds to Cas, Rapunzel's already in the tower singing about all the things she likes to before it's even lunch.
"Yeah I guess." Dean says.
Cas pouts, and Dean looks down at him where he's half sitting in Dean's lap.
"What do you mean 'I guess'? " Cas looks at Dean waiting for Dean to finish chewing his strange combo of popcorn and M&M's. Dean starts.
"Claire's far prettier, and I'll bet she'll be even more talented than punzel over there. But if Claire wants to let her hair get that long, I'm gonna sit her and Sammy both down and give them haircuts."
Cas hums in agreement and laughs at the idea of sitting Sam down with one of those beautician capes and how large of one they'd need for Sam's moose shoulders. He suddenly gets a nefarious idea and steals some licorice from Dean's pile of snacks on the table.
"Hey! You don't even like licorice!" now's Dean's turn to pout and try to steal his licorice out Cas's hand. Cas sits eye level with Dean again and puts one end of the licorice into his mouth.
"I see what you're getting at." Dean leans in for a kiss, taking the longer end since Cas sincerely doesn't like licorice all that much.
They sit in mostly silence, eating their snacks while Rapunzel and Flynn have their adventures when Cas blurbs,
"You know Rapunzel is a type of salad green."
"Huh, that doesn't explain why she has long hair." Dean muses.
"Really Dean, they explained the whole sundrop and flower thing earlier were you not paying attention?." Cas said with a drop of sarcasm.
"I really didn't pay attention, I've seen this before but..."
Cas butt in
"You've seen this before and you don't remember the story?"
"Hey, I've slept since then. Anyway it's not like the fairytale anyways"." Dean said matter of factly.
"Oh and you know the story? What, did you do the research? Was they're a case like this before?" Cas said, amused, when Dean nodded.
"What?" What kind of monster?" Cas exclaimed a bit too loud. The baby monitor picked up Claire babbling and burbling, waking up. Time for a bottle, Dean thought, getting up to start one before she realizes she's hungry and starts to get for her fathers.
"Oh great, you woke up Rapunzel." Dean teased.
"Dean, you realize you just called our daughter salad greens,"Cas said
Dean laughed, sitting snacks on the table and heading towards the kitchen to get a bottle for Claire. Cas got up and walked after him, pausing the movie at Flynn and Rapunzel on the boat looking up at the light festival.
"At least let me feed her, I woke her up early after all." Cas continued.
"Nah, I'll do it, she likes me singing back to sleep better. I don't sing 'Believe It or Not'" Dean japed.
"It's a good song Dean, and every baby I've ever sang too has liked my singing" Cas pouted again
"I'm not saying you're singing's bad babe, I'm saying I don't understand why you sing the theme to the 80's most ridiculous show. Which is saying something, trust me. Have you seen 'The Greatest American Hero'?"
Dean asked while finishing up the bottle, turning to face Cas who tilted his head in a way that was just so Cas. He thought about it for a second, having to think about whether he'd actually seen it or it had just been implanted in his head along with the plenty of other of pop culture things he now just knew without really having seen them.
"Not actually, but from what I've gleamed of the knowledge I have it's funny" Cas stated starkly.
Dean just laughed and kissed Cas again.
"Okay, we'll watch it tomorrow, go and unpause the movie, I'll go feed Claire, the song that's next is really good I promise honey." Dean smiled and walked back down the hall with Cas.
"I wanna watch it with you." Cas whined.
"Okay, you wanna come with me? You sit the rocking chair with me and Claire." Dean asked
"Only if you sing the song that's next" Cas said teasingly wirh his big smile that never fails to make Dean melt a little.
"I love you" Dean says happily, throwing an arm around Cas, giggling to himself thinking about how this is one of those perfect nights as they go to their daughter
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caseybanning · 5 years
(RP log between @ghosttmachine and I, taking place some time after Fayçal joined Jane’s crew. CW for arm injures, talk of burn injuries and injuries in general)
The time had finally come- the late evening hour in which both fighters and spectators had started coming down to the fight rings en masse. Fighters had begun signing up, and spectators had begun making bets, getting settled, and ordering drinks. The only thing left to do was to wait. There were more people here than Fayçal had expected- not necessarily an unreasonable or unmanageable number of people, but enough that they were surprised, and perhaps a bit more nervous than usual. They had gotten here early, and were growing antsy just sitting and waiting, so they began to wander. They waded through the crowd, weaving through people and occasionally stopping to try and peek over the crowd. Perhaps they could get a better idea of their competition this way?
There was no dallying for Casey this night; 'the secret venue was to be kept secret' their editor noted. Not that it could stop them from still being a participant. A couple familiar faces watched as Casey stepped through the crowd to go sign up, serving as reminders for how well their last time in the ring didn't go.
No matter. They're not here to be popular.
Once signed up, Casey stuck to the edges of the ring, trying to feel out the crowd. An impatient mood was slowly spreading, and it's not long before they start fidgeting: adjusting the wraps on their hands, stepping just so they're not crowding someone else's space. No sign of anyone they truly knew. A couple dockers caught their gaze and raised tankards to greet them, but Casey just nodded and looked away. Whichever time Casey might have known them was lost somewhere.
As Fayçal was looking out over the crowd, they see a familiar face- it was the person that was with them when they had met the captain. What were they doing here? They catch themself staring for a brief moment before heading over to them. They may as well say hi at least. "I've been running into you a lot lately," Fayçal says as they approach. "You fight too, then?"
They glanced through the crowd again, their eyes stopping when their gaze meets that of a redhead. A very familiar redhead. The wheels turned in their head as they tried to place where--oh, right. Dock yard. Jane's ship! They're so suddenly taken by the realization she could be back in town that it takes a moment more for them to realize Fay had just asked a question. "Hm? Yes," Casey said with a self-concious smile. "Much to the horror of my physician." They splay their fingers out on their hands. "Your name is... French-sounding. Apologies," Casey extended their hand to shake Fayçal's. "What's your name again?"
"Fayçal," they say with an amused grin. "Sorry if I startled you- ah, Casey, right?" they briefly look around before their gaze falls back on Casey. They seemed on edge- moreso than the last time Fayçal had seen them. Was it someone else here? Perhaps they had been hurt recently- they did mention a physician.
"Yes--It's no worries," Casey replied with a vague flutter of their hand. " You think your hand will hold up well this time?" They asked, grinning. "You think Ms. Greene likes to catch people off guard? Some of these more exclusive rings have no rules."
A beat. "Or," They paused. "Better said, rules hard to follow."
"I certainly hope it holds up," Fayçal says wirh a somewhat sheepish laugh. "I think I'll be fine as long as no one shows up wearing metal armor."
Casey's eyebrows quirked up, and they shrugged. "We'll just have to see," They said, scanning the crowd. Their expression was serious. "...Watch for hidden blades or other dirty tricks. They're not considered so dirty in certain circles."
"Yeah..." Fayçal says, grimacing slightly. "One of the first times I came to the fight rings someone pulled a knife on me mid-fight. It was, ah...not great," they say with a slightly uncomfortable laugh. "I learned quickly. I carry a knife with me now, just in case. That said, I haven't actually used it, and I don't intend to," they say, lowering their voice slightly. They glance around as they talk, only occasionally looking back at Casey.
They crossed their arms, the toe of their boot dragging through some imaginary dust on the floorboards as they looked down. "I'm sorry to hear that," They replied. "Not intending to use it makes you a better fighter than half the people in this crowd probably."
Fayçal laughs at this. "You're probably right," they say. "Though if I were truly an honorable fighter, I wouldn't have brought it at all," they roll their eyes as they say this. "I guess in that case I wouldn't be here at all, though," they glance back at Casey. "I hope nothing too bad has happened to you at the fight rings?" Just a moment later, a man hops into the fight ring and rings a bell until the crowds quiet down. Despite the hush of the crowd, his words are still hard to make out as he yells out. The gist of it is that the fights are starting, and he calls to unfamiliar fighters to the ring. The fighters make their way through the crowds and clamber into the ring as other fighters and spectators cheer.
Casey doesn't answer yet, instead focusing their attention onto the announcer, applauding as the first two combatants entered the ring. "Oh, I've been knocked out, knocked around, broken nose, busted lip," They list off their experiences as if they're making a travel itinerary. "--there's a ring where you can't make any noise--" Casey flinches as they watch one of the fighters get struck across the face with a sickening crack. "That was one where I wasn't sure I could actually succeed. There's no holding back anything in that one," They continued. "And of course, a fair few amount of fights outside the official rings. The Black Ribbon Society... though I shouldn't say that too loudly," They grinned sheepishly.
Fayçal turns and looks at Casey in surprise at the mention of the Black Ribbon Society, but decides against commenting on it. Had they been a part of it? Were they still? "I suppose that comes with the territory," they say, and offer them a sheepish smile before their attention is swiftly taken to the ring as the crowd roars.
Casey's trailed off on their thought of previous fight experience, now instead studying the fight intently. The two men were pretty good--seasoned, but difficult to watch in their brutality. They grimace and shrug off their coat, revealing bare arms. Adorning one shoulder was a rather stark black cross, the tiny letters "MATT 26:52" splayed over it on the shape of a banner. "Scuse me one moment," They muttered. "I'm gonna go hide my personal effects behind the bar." Casey draped their coat into the crook of their other arm, just barely concealing the burn scars (and the hint of another tattoo, this one in vivid yellows and oranges), and disappeared into the crowd.
Fayçal nods. Casey's tattoo catches their eye, and they end up watching them as they go. MATT 26:52... it was a verse, obviously, but they certainly didn't remember enough to know which it was. They turn back to the rings upon hearing the crowd cheer once more, to see one of the men throw the other onto the floor of the ring. Fayçal grimaces at the sound.
It's not long before they've returned to Fayçal's side, their fingers anxiously clenching and unclenching from splayed to fist, warming them up. "I was able to hear that before even making it back here," They said, cringing at the sight of the man sprawled out on the ground. "You think that's ended it?"
"I would be surprised if it wasn't," Fayçal says, frowning. A moment later, the bell rings and the fight is declared over. "I suppose you called it," they say, glancing over at them with an amused smile. "And next up..." the man calls out as the ring is cleared. "Fayçal and the Reverend!" "Oh," they say in surprise. "I suppose I will see you later, then?" they say, and start moving toward the ring.
"Well..." Casey moves forward a couple of steps until they're in the ring, waiting for Fayçal to turn and face them. "Sooner than you think."
"Hm?" Fayçal says, turning to glance at Casey. The realization dawns on them as they watch Casey follow them into the ring. "Oh," they probably should have guessed this.
"Indeed," Casey said, shifting their feet so they were in their fighting stance. "Old nickname. I've grown used to it. Doesn't make much sense now that I don't pray before fights anymore." They seemed more at ease now, giving the man with the bell a little nod to indicate they're ready.
Fayçal glances back at the man hopping out of the ring before taking up a more defensive stance and turning their gaze back to Casey. Had they set this up somehow? They already seemed to know- did Casey know Fayçal would be here?
Whatever Fay must be feeling, Casey tried to push it aside as they steadied their position, hands up and ready. They were quick on their feet, rushing forward to close the distance between them as they lashed their arm out for the first blow, aiming to knock Fay off-balance.
Fayçal isn't fast enough to dodge the attack, and in the attempt to, they end up taking the hit and stumbling toward the side of the ring. They focus on steadying themself rather than attacking again.
In the corner of their gaze, Casey could see a couple approving nods, some scowls. They drifted back, keeping their hands up protectively as they watched Fay regain their balance. Not bad. Being at zee would've gotten them used to unsteady footing, likely...
Fayçal manages to get their balance back, and once they do, they look Casey over. They look them in the eye as they throw a low sweeping kick in hopes of knocking their legs out from underneath them.
The sweep to their legs took them completely by surprise--quick enough to where they had barely a moment to register until they crashed down into the floor below. Casey came down hard on their side, their arm thrown out to try to deaden the impact, gasping loudly from the sudden pain. The huffed, trying to blow the hair from their face, and gave Fayçal a wide-eyed expression of surprise as they scrambled back to their feet. Trying to match their speed, Casey darts forward aiming for a strike to their ribs.
Despite their attempt at a dodge, the blow hits, although they were able to move enough to lessen the damage at least a bit. The attack is still followed by a gasp and Fayçal doubling over slightly. Despite this, they reach out to try and grab and twist Casey's arm.
The twist was immediately met with a sharp, shooting pain up through from wrist to shoulder. Casey's scream, though abruptly bitten off, was enough for the mediators to start clanging a loud bell to pause the bout. Sweat was atop Casey's brow, their whole face wrenched in pain as they tried not to move in a way that'd make it worse. A low muttering of voices wavered through the crowd, and they slowly opened their eyes to see expressions of disbelief amongst the scarce few that they knew. Others looked on rather impassively. On the edge of the ring, the mediators could be seen talking to each other, looking back and forth between themselves and the two fighters as they tried to decide how to proceed.
Fayçal lets go when they hear Casey's scream, and take a step back. They look around somewhat frantically at the sound of the bell, from the mediators to the spectators, and back to Casey. Their gaze stays mostly fixed on their arm as they try to gauge the damage they did to it. "Are you alright?" they ask, their voice hushed and their eyes filled with concern.
"Let's take a look at this," The mediator said as he approached the two of them. Casey stood up straighter, flinching as they did so. They prodded various spots on their arm to feel for the worst pain, finding it was mostly centralized in their elbow. A blotchy redness began to bloom over their skin, and they slowly tried to bend and unbend their arm in either direction. Each movement flickered an expression of pain on their face. The mediator's face was calm, even when Casey mutely shook their head. "The winner--" The mediator shouted, taking hold of Fay's arm as he did so, "--is Fayçal!" He said, raising their arm up into the air.
Fayçal watches quietly as the mediator inspects Casey's arm, and is distracted enough by this that they're surprised when the other takes their arm. They smile, albeit only for show, and hop out of the ring as soon as they're freed. They would talk to Casey without the eyes of everyone at the rings on them.
It was only moments after the mediator announced the winner that the 2nd one ushered Casey out of the ring, bringing them away from the noise and crowd to get a better look at the arm. An audience member, spotting Fay trailing behind, gave them a friendly clap on the shoulder. "Good job on holding yer own," She said.
Fayçal pauses briefly, trying to figure out if this was someone they knew before responding. "Oh, ah- thank you," they say, and smile slightly before ducking away to follow behind the mediator and Casey.
"Someone just pulled some ice from the ice house out back," The mediator could be heard saying. "Best if you try to get some on that and keep it there 'til you get home."
"Thank you," Casey said, keeping their arm only slightly bent and tucked as close to their body as possible. The mediator gave a brief smile and turned to leave, hesitating only for a moment when they see that Fayçal has followed them. He excuses himself from the scene and goes back to the ring, leaving the two of them alone. Casey gave Fay a sheepish grin, but tension still sat in their brow. "I did something similar to a different fighter a while back," They said quietly. "But worse. I suppose it coming back around to me was just a matter of when and not if."
"Injuries happen," Fayçal says, shifting their weight between their feet uncomfortably. "I've certainly gotten my fair sure of injuries doing fights like this," they say, glancing toward Casey's arm. "That said, I...I certainly didn't intend to do anything that, ah, damaging. It's not too bad, is it? Nothing's broken?"
Casey grimaced, moving their arm only slightly to demonstrate their range of motion was impeded. "Nothing's broken, that much I know," They started, rubbing their arm. "My muscles spasm up here--" Casey held their bicep. "--When I try to straighten the whole thing out, and bending it hurts worse, so I'm just trying to keep still. My doctor is going to be rather furious." They laughed, once. "Not your fault for that. I probably shouldn't have been here tonight fighting anyway."
"I suppose my doctor would be rather unhappy with me as well if he knew I'ce been fighting," Fayçal says, with a vaguely bittersweet smile. "You'll be able to see your doctor soon though, yeah?"
"I'm going to have to." Casey replied. They paused, looking down rather awkwardly, and then continued in a slightly quieter voice. "Have to make sure it's not going to permanently impair the motion. With proper recovery, I'm certain it's fine..."
The look of worry returns to Fayçal's face. "I'm sure it will be fine," they say, seemingly both to themself and Casey. "Just... be careful. Though I'm sure your doctor has told you that a thousand times already," they say. They pause for a moment, considering the aching feeling that was starting to set in from the fight. "You fought well, by the way. And the people seem to know you- do you fight down here a lot?"
Casey's expression shifted minutely from surprise to bemused as they thought the question over. " Not so much often as I used to," They finally answered. "The old-timers can probably tell you about the times when I was much more of a simpering beginner. I appreciate the compliment--you seem rather seasoned yourself."
"I've been fighting for a long time. Probably longer than is necessarily advisable," Fayçal says, with a slight amused smile. "Though I haven't been down here long."
They didn't respond immediately, instead opting to look over Fayçal's face, as if trying to guess their age. "Well..." Casey said. "Being here now likely means you'll need to keep your skills sharp. Your captain trusts in that, of course, but even city-side there's more people out here willing to try to challenge that purely for fun. Make it wretched for them."
Fayçal laughs, albeit somewhat sheepishly. "London is a great deal more dangerous than...well, anywhere I've been really. Which at the very least helps me keep my skills sharp," they say. Their smile wavers ever so slightly at the reminder that they had just possibly injured Captain Greene's...friend? They were a friend at the very least. Hopefully neither she or Casey would hold this against them in the future.
"Good." Casey tries moving their arm again, just slightly, but their muscles spasm again. "Aha--" they clenched their teeth. "I suppose I can't put it off any longer. If Dr. Zuva isn't in his office still, the house call tomorrow will certainly make his day." They said, their expression as gentle as it could be with the pain. "It's fine," They said. "Or it will be. My doctor might even send you a thank you note."
Fayçal laughs at this. "You think so? He won't be mad that I'm responsible for, ah...this?" they say, gesturing vaguely to Casey's injured arm
"Oh, he's going to be furious," They replied. "Not at you, but me for jumping in to fight opportunities when I should be trying to not make old injuries worse." Gently, they held their arm out a bit more, fingers splayed, and Fay would be able to observe a tremor. "That shaking isn't from tonight's fight. At the end of the day though... these places are home." Casey said. "These bouts. It's hard to stay away."
Fayçal looks over their arm in concern, watching the slight tremor of their hand. "What happened?" they ask, then quickly add. "If you don't mind me asking, ot course."
There was an awkward pause, longer than just for a normal thought. Casey glanced down, their expression rather neutral for how quietly they considered Fay's question. "I was caught in a rookery fire," They finally said. "A backdraft blew and I couldn't get out of the way in time. Shrapnel. Doctor says it's damage to the nerves." Their hands clenched and unclenched as they tried to decide if more detail was necessary. Likely not. "Anyway, I was told because it's becoming more of a nuisance that I need to try to rest it before further injury occurs, so... so much for that plan." A weak smile.
Fayçal blinks in surprise. This was eerily similar to the incident that brought them down here in the first place. They hesitate, and shift on their feet a moment before responding. "I see," they say, somewhat troubled. "That's...terrible, I'm sorry. I'm glad you weren't caught up in it any worse at least."
Casey, noticing the expression on Fay's face, looks away. Would omitting the rest of the story count as a lie, or just polite for the sake of keeping things light? "Thank you," They replied, shuffling about to see if they could find where they last left their jacket. At this point in the conversation, other people would either tend to pry or quietly leave it at that. "It was a few years ago. The man that did it is not a problem anymore, nor is anyone else that would've--ah," Casey scooped up their jacket. "You know. Continued his work. It's fine." Unlike the reassuring tone in their voice earlier, this time their indication of how fine things were strained. "I do appreciate the well wishes though."
Fayçal is quiet for a moment. "Who did this?" they say, more gravely this time. They look worried.
The shift in Fayçal's tone gave Casey pause, looking over to them with a startled expression. "Oh," Casey said. "Oh, I would've figured you heard at some point--I mean--anyway. He was known in the papers as the Veilgarden Arsonist but his name was Jeremiah Lakewood."
"Oh," Fayçal says, equal parts puzzled and surprised. They glance at the scars on Casey's arm. "It was a while ago, yes? Down here?"
"Yes." Casey said. "He was motivated to eradicate anyone and anything that he viewed was too sinful to keep living." Their voice was flat, but despite their slightly growing discomfort, they laughed a little. "Good luck with that down here, when most of the city's population is made up of sinners.."
"I suppose he had his work cut out for him," Fayçal says, with a slightly forced smile. "It's a good thing he was stopped," they pause for a moment, considering something. "Sorry for prying, ah- Something similar happened to me, though on the surface. I thought maybe it was the same person, but that doesn't seem to be the case."
Casey's shoulders slumped at the news of Fay's experience. "I'm sorry to hear that," They said. "It's... a uniquely terrifying experience. If it hasn't happened yet, I hope yours gets what's coming to him."
Fayçal frowns at this. "I don't know what's become of him, actually. I haven't seen him since, which, I suppose is a good thing, but, ah..." they say, and trail off for a moment before jumping on an entirely different subject. "I had a burning support beam fall on my chest," they say, somewhat bluntly, and make a motion toward their chest. "I've recovered more or less since then, I think, though I'm sure if my doctor knew he would be very unhappy with me for fighting still," they say, and laugh somewhat uncomfortably. "Perhaps leave that out when you tell your doctor what happened? We don't want him yelling at both of us now."
"I'll be able to think of something," They said. "At the very least, I can avoid mentioning you by name... just tell him it was some brute that was giving me strange looks all evening." Casey smiled, but it was brief. "I'm sorry that happened to you."
"Oh, no, it's fine now- and with luck the man who's responsible is still stuck on the surface somewhere," Fayçal says, waving a hand dismissively. "Er- thank you, though."
Their eyebrows went up, giving Fayçal a knowing glance. "Between us? This will be rich coming from me, but the lies we tell ourselves about what happened only twists the knife. I'm saying not just because it's true, but because the compulsion to hurt yourself with them is hard to shake once you stop."
Fayçal is quiet for a long moment, surprised by this. "Dwelling on it and worrying about what he might do isn't going to get me anywhere," they say, the friendliness and warmth that was in their voice before mostly gone now
"That may be so," Casey said, gingerly starting to pull their coat on. "At the very least then, remember this: you already survived the event itself. Everything else after can be difficult, but you've... we've already been here before." They cleared their throat. "That's what others say anyway as a reassurance."
Fayçal is unsure of how to respond to this for a moment, and ends up just nodding in response before getting back up.
Casey flinched, opting to pull the side of their coat over their injured arm rather than try to wrangle it into the sleeve. Sweat shone on their forehead, their friendly expression flickering as they moved from the pain. "On that note," They said. "A nice light-hearted way to end the evening... I should be on my way and get this taken care of." They look to Fayçal, giving them the same easy confident face they bore minutes earlier in the fight. "If you carry on with more sparring tonight, best of luck!"
"Oh- right, yes, thank you," Fayçal says, and nods. They give Casey a worried look as they struggle with their coat. "Best of luck with, ah, your arm," they say, cringing slightly at their own words. "I'm sure we'll run into each other again some time soon."
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