#just got a bee in my undies about this fucking post I keep seeing on my dash
sweetiepie08 · 10 months
People are really posting absolute dogshit takes like “if you can’t afford the most high quality products, you’re not a real artist and your art is shit” and other people are reblogging it like they have some sort of a point, so it has to assault my eyes multiple times in the last two days…
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hypnosisbuttd · 3 years
Day 4: Headphones
(Anyways reupload becuase Tumblr is being weird af)
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You finally have it. The perfect track to send your enemy into being your loyal slave. But how would one go about getting your enemy to listen to it. That's where our magical device comes in. Headphones are a classic trope used by hypnotists of all sorts, being able to block out the noise of the outside world and keep your subject under your thumb. So let's listen to our next story. A tale of two roommates who are about to listen to a most peculiar track indeed.
Pico quietly made dinner for him and his best friend Boyfriend, while Boyfriend was quietly relaxing on the couch. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and the delivery man set a package on their doorstep.
“Beep?” Boyfriend questioned.
“I got it bee, you just keep an eye on the food.” Pico offers.
Boyfriend shrugs and goes to watch the food while Pico picks up the package from the front door. He opens it up and finds 2 pairs of headphones attached to some sort of MP3.
“Hey Bee, did you order anything?” Pico asks
“Bo.” Boyfriend says, roughly translating to “No”
“Huh… well I guess it is some sort of gift. Maybe a rapper wanted us to listen to his track?” Pico questions.
As soon as he said the words ‘Rapper’ and ‘Track’, Boyfriend was out of the kitchen and instantly stood next to Pico looking excitedly at the tape.
“Hah, I kinda thought that would get your attention…” Pico says ruffling Boyfriends Hair.
“Beep Bo Bap!” Boyfriend insists excitedly.
“Alright alright, let me just turn off the stove first.” Pico says heading out to the kitchen.
Once Pico is sure the house won't set on fire, Pico and Boyfriend place the headphones on their head. Pico turns on the MP3 and the two of them begin vibing to the somewhat familiar tune. What they don't notice is the slow beeping and white noise playing in the background, slowly worming its way into their ears.
The two of them slow down their vibing and end up just staring at nothing for a couple seconds.
“Hey… B… Your head… feel funny… too?” Pico slurs slowly, attempting to resist.
“B-bah…” Boyfriend drools, unable to say much.
Pico looks boyfriend up and down. “You know what, you look so fucking hot right now…” Pico says crawling towards Boyfriend.
“B-beep?” Boyfriend says, not having the strength to respond. Pico crawls on top of Boyfriend as Boyfriend lies down to accommodate Pico crawling on top of him. And in less than an instant, Pico begins tenderly Kissing Boyfriend on the lips.
The two of them gasp for air and suddenly their energy has returned, but their minds have not. Pico growls and unplugs the headphones, both boys still wearing them. Pico looks at Boyfriend with a hungry growl. Boyfriend doesn’t have time to react before Pico rips him from the couch and slams himself against the wall with Boyfriend in his hands. He locks Boyfriend in another passionate kiss and the two of them stand there making out. Finally Pico rips off him and Boyfriend's clothes as the two of them frot. Boyfriend just drools and moans as Pico drains all the energy from his body causing him to collapse to his knees.
Seeing this, Pico smirks and turns around, his bare butt directly in Boyfriends face. Boyfriend realizes what he wants to do and buries his face in Picos ass, licking the inside ring. Pico moans as he feel all his memories drain away. With each lick, Boyfriends memories also fade, being replaced by peculiar new ones.
They remember the two of them meeting up in highschool, but after that everything changes. They never broke up, and are closer than even before. They both are cam boys who perform shows on the hub. They remember their undying lust for one another. And most of all, they know why they are doing this. They are rehearsing their next video.
With the final memory locked in place, both Pico and Boyfriend cum their old lives goodbye as Boyfriend falls to the ground. Pico chuckles and leans down, smooching his Boyfriend on the nose.
“You think this is good enough for the audience?” Pico asks
“Bap…” Boyfriend agrees, feeling Picos face.
“Right. Then, first thing Tomorrow , we'll do it. K?” Pico asks
Boyfriend nods as he sits up with the help of Pico.
“Now then cuddles?” Pico asks
“Skedoo bep.” Boyfriend affirms slipping into Picos arms.
Pico carries boyfriend to the couch and the two of them cuddle in their naked bodies.
Meanwhile from afar, a peculiar girl called the Game Master watched the whole thing unfold. She giggles seeing her plan succeed. She skips down the corner where Daddy Dearest is waiting.
“I assume the job is done?” Dearest asks
“Mmhmm! Those two boys will be nowhere NEAR your daughter now!” Game Master giggles.
“Understood, heres your payment.” Daddy Dearest pulls out a huge bag of candy and a stack of 100 dollar bills. The Game Master takes them eagerly
“Pleasure doing business withcha!” She giggles skipping off.
Daddy Dearest chuckles. He had paid the game master to find a way to get Boyfriend and Pico to hook up again, hoping they would avoid his daughter. But this is even better than he hoped. Now they are completly humiliated, theyve been brought from a famous rapper and a legendary mercenary to just a couple of gay cam boys. Finally, he had won.
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especialty · 8 years
Submission Saturday Rules & Guidelines
(PS: this is for Instagram, please ignore if you don’t follow me there!)
• how to submit:
1. read all of the rules & make sure your photo is following all of them.
2. once you’re positive that it qualifies, dm me your picture. all submissions go to @nudityasart on Instagram PLEASE don’t post your submissions or send them to any other account, only dm’d submissions will be posted!!
PS: when you send in your dm, make sure to add in your pronouns if you’d like, especially to my trans friends, to prevent being misgendered!
I have two accounts now. @especialitys being my main (educational/informative/selfcare), and @nudityasart being my second account (bodypositivity/submissions). Unlike previous account(s), all submissions will be sent (and posted) to @nudityasart.
1. when submitting, remember that it is completely anonymous, meaning I will not tag you and no one will ever know it’s you, UNLESS you yourself choose to state otherwise in the comment section.
(If you’d like to thank people for compliments or just let people know it’s you, you can do so by commenting but besides that the only two who will know who is is, will be you and I)
but this is for body positivity ONLY and a majority don’t want to be named, therefor it remains anonymous on my part. Please don’t DM me asking who a submitter is, I know sometimes you want to ask where they got their clothing but I want this to remain confidential so just comment asking and maybe they will reply or someone else who knows will!
Another thing, before sending remember that I am not at fault if someone gets upset about your submission, but I will kindly delete it if necessary
(this has happened quite a bit, actually, between protective partners and rude friends. just send me the picture as request the deletion of the photo. only the person who sent the photo can request for it to be removed, btw)
2. PICTURES: for your picture quality; I ask that it be high quality and trust me, I know sometimes phones don’t have the best quality, but here are the easiest ways I’ve found to match my theme:
-use natural lighting, like in front of a window, outside, or a naturally lit room.
- camera flash (especially if you have a low quality camera) I know it’s hard using your back flash, so place a mirror in front of you to help get a good picture!
these are the only two ways I know of to get a good picture, but outside/natural lighting is the best way to go to ensure your photo matches and gets posted on my account!
(ps. if you need ideas, use other submissions (posts on @especialitys could help too) as reference to how the photos should look, and pose ideas and picture ideas. I LOVE creativity!!)
3. censoring; this is a big issue with submissions because of Instagram so I need to address it. I can’t allow full nudes or any sexually explicit submissions because instagrams rules and regulations (and once again, this is for body positivity not send your genitalia to mooma. keep ya genitals covered. I, nor Instagram, want to see that so keep it away from me thank you) but as for nipples, yes you can send uncensored ones and I will censor them for you, (by putting light glares/stars on them. If you want to do it yourself but don’t know the app: star/glare app is LINE camera! the sticker is “shine” last one with the saturation turned down so it’s white) but I have to be extremely cautious with what I post on my account in order to not be deleted so I would appreciate it if you covered them with something, but if you don’t that’s okay too! I’ll censor it for you!
btw, your gender doesn’t matter when censoring. I will censor any and ALL nipples! I’m censoring everyone’s as a way to get some form of equality on my page. If one should be censored, shouldn’t they all be?
But, you can also use your hand to cover your nipples or use something else like paint, real or fake flowers, candies, (real) stickers, leaves, sea shells or pretty rocks/gems, small toys, (this will hurt coming off) tape, fruit/other foods, slime, compact mirrors, little pumpkins, small plushies, glitter, or anything of your choosing!! be creative and have fun with it, there’s really no wrong thing you could use except for (basically anything digitally added except blurring or star/glare) emojis, or any type of edited sticker as well as coloring them out with the snapchat pen or any other type of pen, this includes background blurring because it doesn’t fit my theme at all and won’t be posted.
4. no filters of any kind; I know!! a lot of you enjoy using the black and white filter or some other filter because it makes you look good but it doesn’t match my theme, I’m sorry!! please send it without a filter, because I won’t post it on my account with a filter.
5. Although you don’t have to be completely bare to submit, I would ask that you not have too much clothing covering yourself since this is for body positivity and it’s hard for someone to compliment your body if they can’t see it. If you aren’t comfortable with nudity, you can always just take a cute picture of your tummy! or if you don’t want to do that, a picture of your collar bones or your thighs? whatever you’re comfortable with!
6. Don’t be rude to any submitters; I will not tolerate any form of negativity on my account. this is a SAFE place and I won’t let anyone ruin that for me or anyone else on my page. do you know how much confidence it takes to post some of your greatest insecurities? a fucking lot. this is for positivity and appreciation!! don’t be a dick to anyone who posts, your comment will be deleted and you might even be blocked. Be kind to one another. Bring everyone who submits up, not down. prove to them how beautiful the skin they are in is. It isn’t that fucking hard and it’s free to be a decent human being!!
7. Please be patient; & don’t get upset when I don’t post yours right away. I have so many dms and pending dms, that it takes me a while to post them all. but occasionally, I don’t receive dms so please if I haven’t posted yours and it’s been two weeks+ just send me a heart (sometimes you’ll need to unsend and resend it) or ask if I’ve saved yours yet, and I’ll make sure to do so ASAP(:
IMPORTANT PART: when sending your submission, please send a bee emoji or a "I read all of your submission rules/guidelines" so I know you've read them all and are following them x
if you have any questions or comments regarding SS, feel free to contact me via dm (I often don’t get a chance to reply to dms so if I don’t I’m so sorry!! try leaving a comment on one of my recent posts) or ask them on ask.fm (the link is in @selfcarecorner’s bio) and also via my remindapp (text “@mooma” to 81010, or get the remind app and add “@mooma”) and I will get back to you as soon as I can! I love you all, don’t forget to check the FAQ before asking a question x
• do I have to be following you to submit
I don’t see why you wouldn’t be following me if you were trying to submit but yes, you MUST at least be following @nudityasart as well as @especialitys (on Instagram) to submit.
• when are submissions posted?
every Saturday, unless I have something come up that prohibits me from doing so, from twelve am Friday night to twelve am Saturday night! (CST)
• how many submissions do you normally post?
there isn’t any given number that I post. once I post a submission I won’t post another until that one gets twenty five or more comments. I do this so each submission gets a good amount of positivity. I don’t want anyone feeling left out!
for people who comment and the comments, please don’t put some unrelated comment such as emojis or something, actually take time (if you have it) to write a positive message about how a feature that caught your eye, or how strong they must be, or how wonderful their completion is or how you adore their freckles, etc. it doesn’t take much of your time and I promise you it will make someone’s day so much better. just say things that you’d want to be told about your own body but a little ps, saying “goals” or “i would die to have this body” or “I wish I looked like this” or “why can’t I have this body” or any other self degrading comment is NOT a compliment and never will be a compliment. it will be deleted. bringing yourself down isn’t what I consider a compliment, sorry!
• when can i send you my submission?
any day of the week! most send on Saturday while I’m posting submissions and that’s cool and all but you cut the likelihood of it actually getting posted that day by half because I post the ones I didn’t get to post last week, and then the ones sent throughout the week, first(: (I recommend sending them Thursday because I save them on Friday)
• is there an age limit to submit?
sort of, I’d ask that you’d be at least thirteen+ because although this is only for body positivity I am not dumb and I know some people may see it in other forms. so since instagrams age limit is thirteen I guess so is mine. although, if you’re underaged please do not send me full nudes (keep your genitals covered please. tummy pics, thigh pics, etc are fine, but I would be careful not to have full nudity so undies/bathing suits are a must) this puts me in a very awkward position. remember that your nudes are often considered child pornography depending on your state/region. be careful kiddos.
• if I send you a caption to post with my pic, will you post that too?
yes yes! all you have to do is specify that you want your caption posted and bam! posted along with your photo !
• do I have to be naked to submit?
not persay, no. not everyone is comfortable being completely naked, and I understand that 100%. but since this is body positivity, you can’t exactly receive compliments about your body with full clothing so I would ask that you have minimal clothing. if you aren’t comfortable with showing your stomach, show off your thighs or collar bones!
• can I send you a selfie to post?
no. sorry but this isn’t a selfie positivity account, it’s a body positive account so no picture with your face in it please. covering it with your phone is okay though and having your lips in it if yore doing a collar bone photo but otherwise no, please crop your face out. it isn’t really anonymous if your face is in it.
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