#just got back from the women's euro qualifications agains austria
honneythatsgay · 2 months
Being a Polish football fan is funny.
Our pro leagues suck (Men and women)
Our national team players all play in different clubs so they have no communication on the pitch.
Our chants are like "nic się nie stało, Polacy nic się nie stało" which is more or less a consolation song, that says that it's ok that they lost.
Our football related ads say that our football team sucks but we support them anyway.
And yet, it's still our national sport.
It's like we need the pain at this point to survive.
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soccer-love · 1 year
could you write a ship story between Sarah zadrazil and Laura Feiersinger? Like them being together?
Thanks! :)
You two are...? 
Sarah Zadrazil x Laura Feiersinger 
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Sarah pov.
Can you remember the best day of your live?
Well I had many days in my live that I consider as really really good. 
The day I first played for the national team, the first time I played for Bayern Munich, some of the days I spend with my family.
But I think the best day was when I got together with my girlfriend Laura.
It was a Monday in June, after a game against Frankfurt I decided to stay with her, we were siting on the balcony in her apartment, drinking beer and talking.
I loved these moments, just being with her and knowing that I could talk to her about everything and she wouldn't judge me.
I can't really remember who was the first one that leant in, but we both did and when our lips touched and I felt her hand on my cheek, I knew that this wasn't because of the alcohol.
It was because both of us felt the same way.
The next day, she took me out for dinner, as a date and we talked about our feelings and admitted that we both liked each other. 
It's been over a year since that day.
I meet her family, she meet mine. We had our first vacation as a couple, in south Italy.
We celebrated both of our birthdays, Christmas and new year together.
The only thing we didn't do, was telling our team mates.
Since she plays for Eintracht Frankfurt and I for Bayern Munich its complicated enough to spend time with each other.
And we also didn't want to make things awkward between us and our team mates from Austria.
So we kept it a secret, during the whole qualification round for the euros and the group stage and the quarter finals and the semi finals until today.
Well it's still a secret, the only thing is that today are the finals.
We, the Austrian team against the English.
Its the first time for the Austrian women's national team to be in the finals of the Euros. 
And incase we win, it's also the first time for this team, and it would be my first big title. 
"You're ready?" Laura asks as she sits down on the bench next to me as I pull my warm up shirt over my head.
"I think so." I say, sitting down next to her. "Are you?"
"Yeah, it just feels so unreal right now, like I’m dreaming all of this and I keep thinking that I’m going to wake up and this never happened.” she explains, I place my hand on her thigh. 
“Well I don't think this is a dream, but incase I’m wrong you’re definitely going to wake up in my arms.” I say and she laughs. 
“Is it bad that I kind of wish that this is a dream?” 
“No because, first you would wake up next to me, which is one of my favorite things and then you could go though this whole tournament again.” 
She grins at me and I can't help but fall in love with her smile even more, Jesus this women has my whole hart. 
We soon get called out for the warm up.  
After that we head back inside and put on our jerseys and as we walk into the tunnel I feel myself getting really really nervous. 
The feeling as we walked out and I see the many fans, with the Austrian flags in there hands, some of them with jerseys of us, it kind of feels like a dream. 
Standing next to my team mates, singing the national anthem together with so many fans, I find the confidence I need for this game, the confidence I need to win. 
When the ref blew her whistle and the game finally started, I knew from the first second that this wasn't going to be easy. For both teams. 
It was still 0-0 at the halftime and I could feel myself and every other player, Austrian and English, getting more and more frustrated. 
We had three attempts on their goal, one went over the bar and the other two we’re prevented by the English goal keeper. 
They had four, but Manu was good enough to keep all of them. 
At the 62ned minute, Ella Toone scores the first goal with an assist from Keira Walsh. 
But it only takes us around 15 minutes to equalize, Laura got a perfect pass from Sarah Puntigam. 
The whole stadium is practically exploding, running straight towards me, Laura jumps into my arms and I can't help but smile so wide that my cheeks hurt. 
“Fuck, I’m so proud of you.” I whisper into her ear, before Barbara and Carina hug us from both sides, screaming at Laura in happiness for this wonderful goal. 
There we’re no more goals, so we got extra time but that didn't really lead to anything either. 
In the 99ned minute, we got a corner. 
Nicole was going to do it. 
She send in the cross, it was to far for me and I almost thought the goalkeeper got the ball in her hands but it bounced off of her hands and landed directly on my foot, and without hesitation I kick it. 
Straight pass the, now really pissed off looking goalkeeper into the goal. 
The same second the referee blew her whistle. 
For the fact that someone just scored, the stadium got really quiet. 
Everyone, players, fans, trainers were looking at the referee, waiting to know if the goal still counted. 
She nodded, probably listing to the person that had the video tape. 
The second she hold her hands up, pointing at towards our goal, the stadium explodes. 
I fall onto the floor, completely out of breath, but so happy that I can feel tears burning in my eyes. 
In less then a second, my team is with me, jumping on top of me, screaming and cheering because we just won. 
We won. 
We won the euro. 
We are the European champions now. 
Fuck this feels so unreal. 
“YOU DID IT.” I can hear Laura screaming, but I don't see her, mainly because I’m still buried under my team mates. 
I loved our game celebration partys but this one was epic. 
Singing from the top of our lungs, dancing on top of tables, speeding Champaign everywhere and holding this trophy. 
We just couldn't stop, we were already celebrating on the pitch, then in the locker room, after that on our way back to our hotel in the bus, then with some of our family members and close friends in the hotel. 
I was with the last one that went to bad around 4am, well at least I tried. 
Laura and I decided, that we would spend the night together in her room so after I got chanced into my sleeping cloths I walk back to hers. 
“You did it.” she says as I enter her room, lifting me up and spinning me around. 
“You did it.” I answer and pull away a little. 
And then I do something, I wanted do to since she scored her goal. 
I grab her by the collar of her shirt and kiss her. 
“I love you.” she whispers as we break apart, slowly pulling me with her on her bed. 
I let her rest her head on my shoulder, one arm over me, while I draw circles on her back. 
“I never thought that I would come this far.” she whispers, looking up at me, her blue eyes meeting mine. 
“Me nighter, but I’m glad that we did this together.” I say, softly kissing her temple. 
We fall asleep like this, cuddled close together. 
Its around 12pm when I wake up and I hear Laura in the shower so I decided to leave a note saying that I’m already going to get Lunch, well technically breakfast but whatever. 
“Good morning.” Verena greets me as I sit down next to her on the table. 
Most of our team mates are already here too, everyone looking happy but tired at the same time. 
I get myself some toast with butter and a typical English breakfast with scrambled eggs and some bacon. 
I’m halfway through my meal when I see Laura entering the room, she shoots me a smile before walking over to the breakfast bar to get herself something to eat too. 
“Huh.” Jasmin next to me makes and I look up giving her a strange look. 
But she just stares at Laura, who's walking towards us. 
At first I don't know what's wrong but as I notice it I almost choke on my toast. 
Laura is waring the black team sweater we all have, but the only wrong thing are the numbers on her chest. 
Normally there would be a white 10, her jersey number. 
But instead there is a white 9, my number. 
Because it's my sweatshirt. 
“You’re good bro?” Laura asks, not understanding what's up. 
Jasmin looks from Laura to me and back at Laura. 
“You two hooked up last night.” she says, like it's the only possible way why she has my sweatshirt. 
The whole team turns her head from me and Jasmine next to me, to Laura and back, like in a tennis match. 
“No.” I say and don't even lie, yeah we spend the night together in one room, but we only kissed, cuddled and admired how happy we are for each other. 
“Well at least not last night.” Laura adds and now I’m the one looking dumbfounded, while she just sits down, acting like she didn't just told the whole team about us. 
“What the fuck?” Manu says and honestly I think I would react the same way. 
“You two are....” Jasmin struggles to find a word for it so Carina helps her out “fucking?” 
“Like friends with benefits.” Maria adds and now Laura looses her coolness too. 
“What's wrong with you all? I’m wearing her shirt and the first thing you all think is that were fucking.” she says, looking up from her smoothing bowl she was eating until now. 
“But you just...” Barbara says but Laura cuts her off. 
“We are together, like we are in love with each other, together.” she says, grabbing her spoon again. “Before you ask, one year.” 
And with that she focuses back on her breakfast/lunch, our team mates are starring at her like she just told them that she's going to move to the North Pole.
I ask myself if she just got crazy for announcing them that we’re together while I wish that someone would take a picture of their faces. 
A minute passes by and the whole room is silent. 
“Are you guys okay?” Annabel came in just a couple of seconds ago, now looking at the others worried. 
“Did you know that they are together.” Nicole asks, pointing at me and Laura. 
“No but by the way there are looking at each other it was kind of obvious.” she says, sitting down on the last free chair next to Laura. 
“Oh and congrats, you two make a great couple.” she adds. 
I shoot her a smile and Laura gives her a side hug. 
“Come on guys, say something or I start thinking you guys are homophobic.” Laura says. 
Within a second, everyone starts talking and Laura gives me a smile. 
“Sorry, but I had to let them now that you are mine.” she whispers across the table. 
“Yeah I’m considering running away right now and I'm not sure if I want to take you with me.” 
She laughs, before grabbing my hand, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand. 
“I know you so good that I know that you could never live two days without talking to me.” 
I just smile back, completely in love, because I know that she's right, but I don't have a problem with it. I would talk to her every second of every day, if I could, or at least be with her every second. 
“Hey.” Carina shouts, making everyone shut up. 
“Incase you two get married, feel free to tell us before your one year anniversary.” 
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