#just got my first paycheck of my new job and they literally took $600 off my gross pay for taxes
larrysblooming · 1 year
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lilanae-blog · 7 years
WE FINALLY AREN’T BROKE AS SHIT.  This has been the literal worst couple months of my life so lemme unload it all here for anyone who noticed I haven’t been on. So first, our roommates told us the day before last month’s rent was due they were leaving early and only paying for the first eleven days, going as far as to calculate it by day and then split it in half, so they had $400 to pay for rent and we had something like $1200 to find on our own PLUS late fees because they paid us late and we didn’t have it all because we expected to be paying way less than that. Plus the bills came in, which they said they’d still pay half of but never did (it’s okay now, you’ll find out why later).  So then I find out our move in deposit to our new place never calculated in the first month’s rent or anything (I thought we’d have until actual first month to pay but it was the prorate for the remaining two weeks of october). So instead of $600 we would need something like $1400.  The guy at the leasing office, luckily, is an absolute angel (i asked before if he got commission, he doesn’t, so seriously he had no real incentive to go this far for us) and he managed to talk his manager into letting us take our first month free they ere offering, apply it to our deposits, and pay the difference so it went down to $400.  Mind you through all of this my husband JUST found a job (not his fault, I fucked up his resume and didn’t realize it until later), and hadn’t gotten his first paycheck yet.  So i take the leftover money I saved from the deposit, get us a moving fan to move our shit out (only $20 so really not that bad but I still overdrafted). I did most of the packing and moving by myself because my husband’s energy was shutting the fuck down after all of this and I don’t blame him. Get our stuff moved in. Day after I come home from work and found my cat passed away in the middle of the night and we hadn’t realized it. We knew it was coming, he had cancer and hadn’t been doing well the last month. Part of me hates myself for not taking him to a vet but everyone who’s seen him since said it wouldn’t have made a difference, just made it take slightly longer. I also hate myself because I feel like my stress killed him. Right after is where miracles start happening though. My husband, the fucking amazing man that he is, took care of everything, got our friends to drive him with Simon to the animal hospital. When he got back (I hung out in the apartment’s office with my dog for a couple hours, I couldn’t be there alone) he tells me he didn’t have enough for the cremation service and that one of our roommates, who works there, paid for the entire thing, paying for the better package so I could have a pawprint. I still can’t believe it and it’s why I’m not gonna mention to them ever again about the bills (i caught up on them so it’s fine).  So then after this our next worry was first month’s rent for November. First problem is they don’t let you pay in installments here like my last place, meaning my husband and I have to go to my bank, deposit his money into my account (which sucks because he gets paid on a debit card so atm fees) and then get a check to drop off instead of being able to pay online (once we get ahead a little in savings I’ll be able to pay online again but this sucked). We also didn’t have the full amount because his paycard was having issues getting activated (First they put his birthday in wrong, then he couldnt long in, then it just plain wasn’t working yet. It’s fine now, finally).  But then he gets his first accurate check and he gets paid what I do every week, what I make in two. Fucking breath of fresh fucking air.  Then we remember his Nana is visiting us from south carolina. We pick her up no problem, week goes by okay but i feel like garbage because we literally have no money to spare to take her out anywhere or do anything so she ends up paying (She kinda insisted on it too though but still feels shitty). She helped us unpack a lot though because we had not unpacked a lot (most of what WAS done I did because my husband was still shutting down). But the first day she’s here our dog jumped off my husband’s stomach Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal but he has gastroschesis, meaning he’s missing a foot of his digestional tract and most of his stomach muscles. We legitimately spent four days worrying he was going to die (He refused to go to a hospital because of the costs but agreed if he felt it was serious enough he would go).  Luckily he’s fine now but he lost about a week of work. Then one of the people in our family we lent money to said he was sending us a check for $500 (lent him quite a bit). I was floored and so relieved because that mant that as of today we are fully paid on our first month’s rent plus $160 of late fees. Everything’s fine, and we even have some money leftover to have a headstart on bills.  Even though my husband lost a week of wages, we should still have more than enough for next month and be on track to being secure. Thank god for our friends who helped us. 
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