#just got told I would be given additional responsibilities on the pilot perimeter
taardisblue · 2 years
#i should have gone into fucking acting bc apparently I’m goddamn Oscar level#just got told I would be given additional responsibilities on the pilot perimeter#bc ‘clearly you’re having a blast with it’#which is just. mhhm. mhhm.#unless ‘having a blast with it’ means ‘hating it so much it occasionally makes me want to die’#then I must be doing one hell of a fucking job on my poker face during our briefings for him to think that#i did freeze up a bit when he said it as evidenced by the slightly awkward silence that followed but well#i didn’t break into hysterical sobbing/laughter when he said it which is already impressive and like#I haven’t actually done theatre in years so yk I can cut myself some slack on that#but yeah. the one perimeter I actually did vaguely enjoy working on (by which I mean it doesn’t make me want to stab a pen through my eye)#is getting cut#and the one that actively Does make me revert to thought patterns I worked very hard to leave behind#is getting multiplied and actively delegated entirely To Me#good times. love living and being alive and getting up in the morning.#.txt#next challenge: two day business trip where I will have to continue conning everyone on my team into believing#that I somehow Am the competent and well adjusted person (they think) they’ve been working on#it’s a relatively easy image to maintain when it’s all teams calls and strategically switched off cameras#it’s going to be trickier in person from 8 am to 10 pm for two days nonstop#ah well. in the meantime. back to it I suppose#don’t mind the morning angsting on your dash I just need to put this somewhere#it’s part of the ‘not breaking into vaguely concerning hysteria during meetings’ process#working with* not on
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 15 - Make Up Your Mind
Masterlist; Chapter 14
Summary: The mission in Oslo does not go exactly to plan, forcing you to face irritated Neil. What unfolds then surprises you both...
Warnings: A little dose of hurt (nothing graphic however); swearing; some nsfw content (nothing too explicit as well; yet)
Author’s Notes: Okay so here we go, my first attempts at a little more than kissing... It turned out that once I let these two loose, they knew exactly what to do. I’m terrified but also excited to see what you all think! Feedback will be greatly appreciated! Enjoy!!!
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The next day went by in a mad blur, filled with perfecting the plans, getting hold of the equipment, and rehearsing the itinerary. The only plus side of your late evening encounter with Neil was the return of texting. It became not only the most fun part of the day but also an opportunity to talk to him freely, without the curious stare of TP, who seemed confused by the dynamic between you. But then you could not blame him when Neil had the nerve to send you rather questionable texts during the hours spent planning…
“I can’t help but wonder whether to treat what you did last night as a promise” as soon as you read the message, you raised your head to look at him across the room.
There he was, nonchalantly sipping the espresso you handed him mere ten minutes prior. When he noticed your look, he smirked. Intentional teasing in public was new. You wondered whether that was a punishment for your own provocations the previous day. And the very self-indulgent kiss. If so, then you probably did deserve it. One thing was certain, it was hard to forget how it felt to touch his skin beneath that shirt. Or the sound he made when it happened. The memories flashed before your eyes, and you blushed. Neil noticed but luckily chose to keep the information to himself. In response, you typed back:
“Maybe, if you behave nicely, you’ll see soon ;)” you hit sent and got up to help Mahir with choosing the right kind of gun for the job.
You certainly did not ignore the way Neil’s eyes lit up when he received the text. Or the way he made sure to brush against you on the way to the bathroom. Hiding a grin in your coffee cup, you had to admit that you liked this evolution of events.
The next day, with the operation set to begin at eight o’clock in the evening, you were forced to spend most of the day in the hotel room. You have all decided that for the sake of safety, it was best that TP and Neil have not been seen meeting anybody before their scheduled visit in the Freeport. And so you have spent hours watching tv, going over the plan and conversing with Mahir, who turned out to be an excellent companion. He entertained you with tales from his previous Tenet missions, usually just as crazy as the Oslo one. You responded by telling him the story of how you ended up in the organization. Before you knew it was time to go. You both got dressed in civilian clothes, based on what research told you about the clothing of the airport crew. The first part of the plan involved entering the perimeter of the Oslo Airport with the rest of the evening shift, blending in with the crowd, using the hi-vis vests and ID cards. When you succeeded, you located the Norskfreight plane. It was exactly where it was supposed to be, with the airport crew busily loading the compartment with the gold bars stacked on crates and secured with straps. So far, so good.
You checked the time. There was still some left till the beginning, so all you had to do was lay low, stay out of the spotlight and make sure you were on that meal cart when it will be loaded onto the Boeing. You hid in the shadows on the hangar, letting Mahir and his associate, Rohan, take up their posts. Using the few minutes of freedom, you glanced at your phone. One new text message.
“Stay out of trouble there, please” he must have sent it before they left the hotel.
Despite the rising anxiety, you smiled.
“Same goes to you. I need my idiot back” you typed, for once giving in to the temptation of honesty.
It felt like things were about to shift at any point now. And it was not as scary as you expected.
Mahir calling out your name brought you back to the present moment. You took a deep breath, checked the gun holstered underneath the vest, and joined your partners on the tarmac. Nodding politely at the guards that were to accompany you onto the plane, you sized them up. Three rather large men with years of experience guarding precious cargo. You should manage. As the lift went up and you stepped aboard the plane, you let the guards escort you to the compartments with the plane meals. The three of you unloaded the cart purposefully slowly. Your eyes met Mahir’s, and you nodded. It was time. Silently you counted the seconds before turning to the guard nearest to you and placing a cotton pad over his nose. When he passed out, you lowered him onto the floor and watched your partners do the same with the rest. You then dumped the sleeping bodies onto the cart and let Rohan send it down, sealing the plane door. You followed Mahir into the front of the plane, opening the cockpit door without knocking. When the two pilots turned to you with a startled look on their faces, you cocked the gun and showed it to them with a small smile. A clear signal.
“Don’t touch the radio,” Mahir warned and sat down on the additional seat in the cockpit.
Taking your position, you aimed the weapon at their heads, alternating between the men every few minutes, suiting your fancy. Sometimes it was terrifying how much you enjoyed having such power.
“Now, let’s begin” your partner motioned for the pilots to start up the towing procedure, pulling out from the hangar and onto the tarmac.
Their nervous gestures were somewhat adorable. You glanced back at Rohan, who was busy with the gold bars, slashing up the straps and preparing the grenade. Feeling the incoming explosion, you braced yourself against the ear-piercing sound. You were rolling down the taxiway now, at a comfortable speed. When the blow came, you flinched instinctively. The distant clamour of gold toppling onto the tarmac made you beam. Mahir got up and tapped you on the shoulder. Now for the fun part…
“Alright, gentlemen,” you grinned at the panicked pilots “Let’s get going” at their hesitation, you smacked your tongue and raised the pistol “You don’t want me to use this. Trust me” you winked.
That was enough. The got up hastily and left the cabin, while you followed behind with the gun ready to be used at any given moment. Rohan opened the front emergency door and unfolded the slide. Nudging their backs with the barrel of your Glock, you urged the crew to roll down the slide and onto the tarmac.
“Ouch,” you flinched when their bodies made contact with the surface.
That was bound to hurt. But then, supposedly, it was better than dying. Once that was done you made sure Mahir was on his task of steering the giant plane off the track and in the direction of the Freeport. Everything seemed perfectly executed. At least so far.
With the back wall approaching fast through the panoramic windows in the cockpit, it was time to work on the exit route. Rohan has opened the flap on the floor and lowered the ladder just as Mahir made sure that the plane was on the right track and stood up from the pilot’s seat.
For the last time, you checked the trajectory, the speed of the machine, and whether there were any signs of trouble around.
“Y/N, it’s time to go!” Mahir called you out from his place by the ladder.
Your ears perked at a strange sound coming from the lavatory on the side. That was worrying… Sensing trouble, your eyes’ met Mahir’s. You urged him to go on, hoping he will take the hint. With a small hesitation, he nodded and left the plane. You looked out of the window. You were approaching the building too fast. But there was no time to waste.
Using the training, you aimed the gun and kicked the toilet door open. You were met with a pair of startled yet determined eyes belonging to a young man. You realised he was probably delivering some papers when you barged in and so hid in the bathroom. Not checking was on you, a definitive fuck up. There would be time to dwell on it later. Now you had to act. One look at the boy was enough to let you know that he was harmless. You yanked him up from the toilet seat and wordlessly pushed him towards the doors open with the slides unrolled.
“What are you doing?” he stammered.
At least he can speak English.
“Saving your ass. Thank me later” you pushed him down the slide.
You could hear the sound of light posts toppled by the plane and the cars crushed by the rolling wheels. It was late. Perhaps too late. You could see the details of the building as you leaped towards the ladder. Fuck it. Landing on the penultimate step, you turned to see people running around, sensing the impending impact. It was definitely too late.
Just as you jumped, Boeing’s nose was two meters away from the wall. With that speed and overwhelming panic, you could not land properly and fell to the ground hard. The impact with the tarmac blew the air out of your lungs, and it took you a long 30 seconds to get up. When you did, the plane crashed into the wall with a bang. The explosion sending you back onto the hard surface of the runway. The instinct kicked in, and you tried to cover your head with your hands, bracing against the potential debris. That was a good decision as soon you felt the sting on different parts of your body left uncovered. You did not want to think about the future bruises and scrapes. Once the initial explosion died down and the biggest pieces of the wreckage fell, you pushed yourself up. Only now, when the adrenaline levels dropped, you realised that the pain was, partially, because a few articles of your clothing were singed. So burns too… brilliant. Your whole body ached, with few areas stinging more ferociously. You glanced at the detritus covering the tarmac all around you. It was a miracle you could do as much as get up and run away from the breach, using the remains of strength. You spotted Mahir and Rohan on the sideline of the crowd that assembled by the plane wreckage. The gold bars were by far the most interesting feature, and so it worked. Nobody stopped you as you joined the team. Worried looks from them both were enough to assure you that they saw what happened. But there was no time to talk.
You waited until the police forces arrived and then used the increasing confusion to slip out unnoticed. Glancing at the Freeport building, you could only hope that Neil and TP had more luck than you. Running away from the chaos, you noticed something strange on the periphery of your vision. You turned sharply and stopped, watching. Two men running with a stretcher. It was most likely nothing but… You would swear there was something familiar in the movements of one of them. It couldn’t be. He turned as though noticing your stare. Just for a quarter of a second, your eyes met. For some reason, you knew then that it was him. And he saw you, acknowledging your existence with widened eyes. The moment ended with Mahir tugging on your arm, urging you to follow him. When you turned again, there was no sight of the two men. Briefly, you wondered whether you should tell Neil, but you knew the answer. What’s happened, happened.
*** Escaping the Oslo Airport turned out to be rather easy. Despite the aching body and tiredness that was slowly catching up, you followed the plan. After splitting up with your partners, you hopped on the public transport that took you back to the city centre within a half-hour. The early reports were calling the incident a terrorist attack, and because of that, there were many people aboard the train that wanted to get away from the epicentre. You blended in well, choosing to sit by the window at the back. No one asked questions.
Once you made it back to the city, you went back to your hotel and changed into something more comfortable. Taking off the shirt, you frowned at the forming bruises, burns, and scratches littering the whole of your torso and back. Somehow, you knew that you will not be able to hide it from them. Especially not from Neil.
You glanced at your watch. You were late. Cursing, you sped up the movements, left the hotel, and hurried down the empty streets. Adjusting your hood now and then, you kept glancing at your phone. Just as expected, your lateness did not go unnoticed.
“Where are you?”
And then:
“Is everything alright?”
Normally, that would make you think, but with everything that happened tonight, you just replied.
“Yes, I’ll be there in 2mins” pocketing the phone, you practically jogged the rest of the way.
Using the skills in sneaking, you managed to pass the reception desk unnoticed. Upstairs, you knocked on TPs door and awaited a response. It did not take long.
Five seconds later, the door opened, revealing Neil. You offered him a weak smile, suddenly relieved you made it back in one piece. Without a word, he took your hand in his and dragged you inside, closing the door and turning the lock. TP was waiting in the corridor, evidently troubled.
“Sorry, I…” you were acutely aware of the fact that the questions are about to be asked.
“We’re glad you made it” TP smiled at you and wandered over to the adjacent room, giving you privacy.
Now that was even more concerning. You watched wide-eyed as Neil approached you with a rather nervous smile on his face. He was worried. Before you could react, he closed the gap and embraced you. You did not have time to relax into his touch. When his hand brushed one of the sore spots on your side, you flinched. Of course, Neil would notice. He let go of you in a flash:
“What’s wrong?” his blue eyes studied you worriedly “Are you hurt?” he skimmed over your body as though trying to see anything obvious there.
You frowned. It was hard to resist that sudden urge to run out of the hotel room and onto the street, avoiding the conversation. Avoiding those eyes that could always see right through you.
“It’s nothing” you faked a smile and tried to turn away from him.
But he reached out and grabbed your arm, holding on strong. There was no escape.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me” his brow only furrowed more.
You could tell that although their mission was successful, he was weary. And all because of you. That realisation was a hard one to swallow.
“Just a few scratches,” you shrugged, aiming for nonchalance “It’s okay, seriously”.
You could tell that he was trying to keep his emotions in check. He breathed out, as though composing himself, and asked:
“What happened?”
God no… Briefly, you were grateful for the fact that Mahir was still MIA. At least only you knew the truth, and that allowed some room for… lies.
“Got held up before I could escape the plane and... I jumped too late onto the tarmac” you blurted out, staring at the carpet purposefully.
Everything was better than meeting his eyes again. You heard movement across the room. TP was most likely hearing this too. Bloody brilliant.
“Jesus, you could’ve...” Neil let out a long exhale, unable to finish the thought.
Despite knowing better, you raised your head to look at him. The concern and anguish you saw in his expression were enough to make your heart stumble. Maybe it was not all want and his needs?
“But I didn’t, so please stop” you tried to regain composure, wrestling out of his hold and stepping out of his reach.
He clenched his jaw, clearly battling the emotions. You could hear the blood pounding in your ears.
“I need to check if you’re okay,” his voice broke at the end of the sentence.
“I am” attempting defiance, you straightened your back and wandered into the room.
“I don’t believe you,” he followed and blocked your path in no time.
You stared, trying to stifle all that his worried eyes were making you feel. Why does he have to be so goddamn difficult?
“And who’s problem is that?” you shrugged out of the jacket, careful not to show the pain you felt “Neil, just let it go” you pleaded.
“I can’t” he stepped in closer, trying to get to you the only way he knew was successful.
But this time, you were determined not to give in. Maybe it was ridiculous, but his concern set off the stubbornness you were full of. You could not let him see how badly you have fucked up during that mission. Because then he could look at you differently. And that was terrifying. Especially when combined with feelings that you have tried to repress for the past few days.
“Brilliant” you sighed and collapsed onto the nearby armchair.
That was a mistake, as the wounds on your back stung the moment you sat down. You were unable to stop the grimace of pain. Neil, naturally, did notice. The concern on his face quickly shifted into annoyance. Before you could continue the strange quarrel, TP walked back into the room. The way his eyes shifted between the two of you, you knew he heard most of it.
“Is everything alright there?” he asked, seemingly casual.
“Not quite. We’ve reached an impasse it seems” you shrugged, rolling your eyes and ignoring Neil, who was very much in the centre of your vision.
“You’re being childish, so there’s that” the dark edge to his voice was surprising.
But that relentless voice in your head found satisfaction in it. And decided to press forward.
“If I’m childish, then what does it say about you?” you met his gaze with one eyebrow arched “Why do you even care so much? Didn’t take you for a neurotic” once you spit those words out, his eyes darkened.
That might have been a step too far.
“Fucking hell...” he took a deep breath “Okay, I’ve had enough” he grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the chair “You in the bathroom now. I’ll look at those wounds” he practically pushed you in the direction of the corridor.
You stared, shocked. For a split second, you looked at TP and noticed his perplexed expression. This was definitely not how casual co-workers behaved.
“Is that absolutely necessary?” you risked another question.
“Yes,” Neil was not even looking at you, searching for something on the desk.
You sighed defeatedly. Seeing him that angry was startling. And you were not sure you wanted to know why he was behaving like that. Because, surely, it could not have been all caused by your disobedience…?
“Do you want tea for later?” TP’s question broke through your messy thoughts.
One look at Neil’s tense figure was enough to give you an answer.
“Whiskey would be better, thanks” you smiled at the boss and went into the dreaded bathroom.
You did not have to wait long for Neil to follow you and lock the door behind you. At the sound, you turned to face him. Taking in the irritation in his eyes, clenched jaw, and furrowed brow, you quipped:
“I see you finally got what you wanted. Me and you, locked in the bathroom. What’s it gonna be?” you drawled out the question and wiggled your eyebrow, giving in to the weird mood that suddenly overcame you.
That took him by surprise. You watched as his eyes widened and mouth opened a little. For a second, you wanted nothing but to close it with a kiss. No, stop.
“Think I’m starting to rub off on you” Neil gave you a half-smile that did not reach his eyes.
“Is that bad?”
“Potentially,” he grimaced and dragged a hand through his hair “Now, sit” obediently, you perched on the edge of the bathtub “Where is it?” his eyes roamed over your body again.
There we go, you ignored the blush creeping over your cheeks as you sheepishly glanced down at your chest and stomach.
“Okay. Off” if he was bothered by the information, he did not show it.
You could not tell if that was good or bad.
“Really?” you glanced up, hoping that maybe he will change his mind.
“Yes. And I’m not going to say that I won’t look because that’s kind of beyond the point” there was nothing playful in those eyes.
“Well then…” awkwardly, you took off the loose shirt you found at the bottom of the suitcase.
As it came over your head, you dropped the material onto the floor. The moment cold bathroom air hit your bare skin, you felt exposed. Swallowing down the nerves, you met Neil’s eyes. He did stare, there was no denying that. You felt him skim over your chest and stomach, drinking in everything that was suddenly revealed. You knew that he saw all the bruises, scratches, and burns that you have acquired tonight. The expression in his eyes was as close to cold scrutiny as you have ever seen. You felt judged, and it was a rather uncomfortable position to be in, considering everything. But before you could let that feeling consume you, he ended his examination and kneeled on the tiled floor, right in front of you. He met your gaze, asking for permission to touch you. You just nodded and turned away, focusing on counting the little white squares in the shower floor mosaic. A moment later, you felt Neil’s fingers ghost over one particular scrape on your rib, just below the band of the sport’s bra you kept on. At least that one bit of dignity was allowed.
He was gentle you had to admit. First, he identified all the spots that needed attention and then went on to clean them with a wet cloth. With his face this close, looking over the parts of your body that you were self-conscious about, it did not take long for anxiety to kick in. The fact that it was Neil, the man who you had tried desperately not to fall for, only made it worse. The faster breaths and shaking hands did not go past his attention. He leaned back, searching your face for any clues about what was going on. He must have found the answers quickly.
“Hey, it’s okay” tipping your chin, he turned your face, forcing you to meet his soft gaze “I didn’t mean that I don’t care… about how you look, because I really do” you were surprised to see him nervous “I know that this isn’t the most comfortable situation for either of us but…” he trailed off, looking for words.
It looked like the anger from earlier was gone, and now he was just as tense as you were. It was increasingly hard not to think about all those times you got a little too close. You had a sudden feeling this might be the moment that the dreaded ‘elephant’ will make its appearance after four days of silence. And you were not wrong.
“You know… What I said the other day?” he asked, and even though you knew what was coming, you felt your heart speed up.
You did not respond, instead choosing to stare at him curiously with a dose of apprehension.
“It wasn’t just alcohol talking” the earnest look in his eyes was not helping “I have realized that recently but I do l-“
Okay, that was enough.
“You’re making it worse” you interrupted him, refusing to maintain the eye contact any longer.
You were scared of what you both could potentially see. The whole situation was somehow getting more and more overwhelming.
“I want you to know that it doesn’t matter that this is how I first saw you... I...”
You used the break in his rambling to bring an end to the suffering. You reached out and placed your hand over his mouth. The blue eyes glanced at you, perplexed and lost. It seemed like neither of you knew how to deal with this situation.
“Neil, please stop” you muttered, hoping that maybe if you showed him the extent of your discomfort, he would understand “I know what you’re doing but please… I’d rather we didn’t talk about it right now”
Before you could retract your palm, he grabbed it and kissed your knuckles lightly.
“I’m sorry, it’s just… everything that happened today has been rather draining and now…” he sighed and squeezed your hand before letting go “Should I…?” he motioned at the first aid materials on the side.
“Yeah, let’s get this over and done with” you attempted a small smile, which he mirrored.
You let him continue the work, cleaning the cuts and scratches, applying ointment to the burns. He frowned when he noticed the wound that began the whole affair – a rather large cut on your side, a result of colliding with a piece of debris from the plane. The silence made you think. Probably a little too much. Finally, after battling with yourself, you decided to ask:
“Why did you get so angry? If it were you, you wouldn’t even care”
Neil glanced at you, seemingly unbothered. His long fingers brushed over your rib cage thoughtlessly. So far, you were succeeding at ignoring the very way his touch made you feel.
“That’s the difference, it’s you, not me,” he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world and went back to his task.
“Does that really matter?” you hissed when he applied some hydrogen peroxide to the cut.
“It does to me” the blue eyes met yours with defiance you did not expect.
Oh. You inhaled, realising the implications behind his statement. Suddenly, his proximity, the gentle touch, and the things he said meant much more. Because if he cared so extremely, then maybe… maybe he did actually mean it. Surprisingly, the doubtful voice was not present to give any counterarguments. You took that as a sign to let yourself do what you wanted.
You reached out and dragged your hand through Neil’s hair, making him look up with a surprise. As your eyes met, just for once, you decided to look at him without holding anything back. You poured all the fondness, attraction, affection, and desire into that look. It was enough. Neil exhaled as he took in the sight. For a second, he rested his chin on your lap, staring up at you.
“If you keep on looking at me like that, I’ll do something stupid” it was a warning, and yet you found that you were not scared.
“Like what?” the confidence was new but not unwelcomed.
“Do you really want to know?” that was a challenge.
Something changed in the way he was looking at you. The softness got replaced with darkness you got to know well. Only this time, seeing him like this made you want to experiment. Using the hand that you ruffled his hair with, you traced the outline of his sharp jaw. That simple gesture had much effect on Neil. He dropped the cloth onto the floor and stood up abruptly. Before you could determine what to expect in response, he motioned for you to get up as well. One look at his tense posture was enough to make you decide and obey. Once you were levelled, he made you turn around to look at the bruise below your right shoulder blade. With your back turned and inability to see what his eyes held, you had to depend on the way he touched you. Something felt different. Especially in how close he stepped and how his fingers trailed over the skin surrounding the purple bruise. Then, before you could prepare, you felt his breath on the back of your neck. You shivered as he kissed your shoulder and pulled you flush against his chest. Arms encircled your waist, taking time to explore every curve. Fuck.
“Neil… what…” the coherence was gone.
All you could do was gasp when he lightly scratched the skin on your stomach.
“Let me show you what’s going on” his voice was huskier than you have ever heard it.
He started kissing the back of your neck with urgency. Looking for support, you grabbed the hands that were wrapped around your stomach and held on tight, only gripping stronger when he started biting the skin on your shoulder. You knew that was bound to leave marks. With every new kiss and bite, Neil was getting more confident, using the lack of your protests as a sign to continue. In response, you could only give him access to new spots on your neck.
Using a break in his exploration, you turned in the embrace to face him. The darkness of his irises and blown pupils were enough to make you feel faint. His parted lips were the only thing you could focus on, desperate to kiss him again. Before you could lean in, he whispered:
“If you want to stop, this is the right moment” with how close you were you could see his long eyelashes and slightly crooked nose.
He was beautiful. Feeling the steady grip of his hands on your waist and seeing the longing in his eyes, you realized that, in fact, you did not want to stop. Not when his every touch and kiss made you feel wanted like never before. Neil was still waiting for consent, looking at you with adoration. That was all you needed to tip the scales. You nodded and pulled him closer by entangling your hand in his hair. As your lips crashed, he let out a groan. A giggle rose in your throat and tinted your next kiss with sighs. The heated kisses were everything you needed. He was never close enough. Desperately, your hands tugged at his shirt but to no avail. You let out a frustrated whine when he broke the kiss and took half a step back. The playful sparks in his eyes were enough to assure you that he knew exactly what to do. With wide eyes and shallow breath, you let him part your knees with his long leg, providing support as his hands continued the reverent exploration of your upper body. Hands palming your breasts through the thin fabric of the sports bra were enough to make you curse. The heat flowing through your veins was pooling in your lower stomach, making everything hazy.
“Fuck…” you breathed out, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
The intoxicating smell of his cologne was slowly overwhelming the last bits of sanity.
“That bad?” Neil sounded smug.
His hands travelled south now, brushing over your sides and settling on the skin just above the trousers hemline. All it took was for him to scratch that spot under the belly button, and you shuddered. The only response from him was a short laugh that revibrated through your embraced bodies. That raspy sound was more than revelatory. Suddenly the leg that was so conveniently placed between your knees became the only thing you could focus on. Hooking one of your legs around his hip, you ground down on his thigh, beginning a little movement to ease the ache. That kind of friction had to do.
If he was surprised by your actions, he did not show it, instead working on unbuckling your belt. His hand slipped just as far as the band of your trousers allowed, testing the waters. The gasp and the way your fingers dug into his biceps were all he needed to continue. You sucked on the skin of his neck, wanting nothing but to mark him in any way. At that moment, you realized one thing – you wanted him to be yours. The quiet moan he let out upon your action made you believe that maybe he wanted that too.
The moment he succeeded at undoing the belt on your jeans, you could not hold back the only plea that came to mind.
“Neil, I…” you breathed in his scent, hoping to find salvation in any way possible.
You what? Need you? Want you?... Love you? Perhaps you did.
He responded by unbuttoning your jeans and meeting your eyes for the first time in a while. You knew that was the final opportunity to back out. His eyes were almost black, clouded with the need that made your breath hitch. You did not want to imagine what sight he saw in your flushed face and unfocused eyes. All you could think, and feel was him; his hands knowing exactly where you needed his touch; his eyes making you feel wanted and important. It suddenly made sense, every shared look and close encounter building up to this exact moment. You leaned in, determined to kiss him again when a knock resounded in the bathroom.
“Mahir is here” TP’s voice breaking through the silence was like a sharp wake up call.
You stopped with your lips brushing against Neil’s, sharing a breath. Your eyes met, and you could see that he was just as shocked as you were. There was no going back from this. He closed the distance and gave you a chaste kiss on the lips before taking a definitive step back. You disentangled from him, feeling embarrassment take over any other emotion. Once you were stood on your own again, you swayed a little, overwhelmed by the situation. Even now, Neil noticed and reached out to steady you, carefully touching your arm. Without a word, he picked up your shirt from the floor and passed it to you with a rather contrite expression in his eyes. That was worrying. You swallowed the increasing panic and quickly got dressed, using the fact that he turned away, giving you privacy. While the gesture was thoughtful, you could not help but worry that it meant he was having regrets. Or worse, that he realized that this was not something he actually wanted. Battling those thoughts, you splashed cold water onto your face, hoping to cool off the flushed skin. Looking up at the mirror over the sink, you noticed those blue eyes watching you closely.
“Go, have that whiskey. I’ll join you in a minute” he spoke when you turned to face him.
The space between you felt like an ocean that neither of you could breach. You noticed the furrowed brow and conflicted eyes.
“Neil...” your voice sounded strange without that passionate tone “Are you alright?” you watched him with concern.
What if that’s how you fucked it all up? You could feel the incoming panic attack at the thought. That probably cleared up the question of your own feelings on the matter.
“I just need a moment” upon seeing your worried eyes, he stepped in closer again “Don’t worry, it’s not about this”
But what if…? You desperately wanted to get rid of the sabotaging brain. As though Neil was reading your mind, he leaned in and kissed you on the forehead. The softness took your breath away. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly until you could think straight again.
“Think we should join before they…” he trailed off, and you were hit with the realization of how suspicious the whole situation was.
Bloody hell.
“Yeah, sure,” you hesitated before asking the seemingly most crucial question, “Are we… are we okay?” once you stumbled over it, you met his eyes timidly.
None of that previous bravado could be found right now. You wondered how it changed within mere minutes.
“Yes, of course. Never been better” he picked up a stray long hair from his shirt.
A tell-tale sign of what happened. Or nearly happened. You eyed him curiously once more, to assure yourself that he was real and fine. Your eyes froze on the reddish mark on his neck, visible through the unbuttoned collar. Your work. Feeling shame burn on your cheeks, you decided to let him know.
“Neil… there’s… you’ve got…” you huffed, unable to formulate the sentence.
He was watching you with a charming expression in his eyes, making the matters worse.
“You might want to look in the mirror before you go outside” you blurted out the sentence and added, “I’m sorry”.
You could not miss the way his eyes lit up as he glanced at the mirror then.
“Nothing to be sorry about” he sent you a smirk.
*** When you finally joined TP and Mahir, you realized how badly that whiskey was needed. You took a long sip even before acknowledging them both. If that was in any way surprising, they did not show. And neither did they comment on how long you and Neil stayed in that bathroom. Luckily. You hugged Mahir and settled down on the sofa.
“Are you alright?” TP eyed you quickly.
“Yeah, I’ll live” you smiled lightly, enjoying the way alcohol hit, taking the edge off.
“Neil made himself useful, I hope”
Oh no. You tried to mask the horrified expression on your face by taking another large gulp. Fucking hell. It was meant to be a joke, but you had a hard time finding words again. This was looking to be a long evening…
“Yeah, he did” you looked up for a split second and gave your brightest grin.
That had to do. You had no way of knowing whether TP bought that because, at that moment, Neil chose to make an appearance.
“Good to see you back Mahir” he wandered over to the man in question and slapped his shoulder gently.
You took the notice of his shirt collar, buttoned up all the way. Without the tie, that looked suspicious. At that moment, you vowed to never again let yourself get that lost in such circumstances. Even for Neil, the embarrassment was not worth it. You kept on staring as he poured himself a shot of whiskey. Huh. Apart from that, he looked perfectly composed.
“So… how did it go on your end?” Neil joined you on the sofa, keeping a respectable distance.
His eyes flicked between you and Mahir.
“Everything perfect up until the last moment” your partner looked at you with interest “But maybe that’s best explained by Y/N”
“There isn’t much to explain… I… uh, got caught up by unexpected obstruction and had to make late-exit onto the tarmac just before the explosion” you shrugged halfheartedly.
The three pairs of eyes were staring at you with a wide range of emotions. TP was shocked, perhaps a little worried and suspicious. Mahir was perplexed, undoubtedly wondering why your story felt so disjointed. And Neil was looking at you with that same concerned and infatuated expression you knew well. Sighing, you tried to steer the attention away.
“What matters is that it went well, and we’re most likely getting away” you plastered a weak smile onto your face.
“Fair point” Mahir came to your rescue “How about you lads? Everything good?”
TP tensed at the question. You knew that he would rather keep you all out of the circle of those initiated. To him, all three of you were only helping, necessary but costly additions to making his mission succeed. You were not supposed to know the truth.
“The distraction worked” he answered, finally, smiling at Neil lightly “No one suspected anything, and we had time to explore the pentagon” he hesitated.
Your eyes flicked to Neil, but his troubled expression gave nothing away.
“I got my answers and even more questions” that was a definite answer, as TP picked up his drink from the table.
“And the rest is silence, huh?” Neil smirked, and you glared at him.
You ignored the warmth that spread in your chest upon seeing his cheeky smile and sparkling eyes. Shit. He mirrored your look with a little head tilt, still smiling. The look in his eyes was something you could not describe. But it felt important. Before you could contemplate it further, TP replied.
“Well… yes. The job is done for you, and unfortunately, I can’t give you any explanation” he shrugged apologetically.
Not everything is so different.
“Understood” you nodded curtly and focused your gaze on the carpet.
“Well, if this is our last night together… we might as well have fun” Neil got up, on the way brushing his hand over your knee.
You clenched your jaw. His nerve never failing to surprise you.
“Anyone wants more whiskey?” he raised the bottle, undoubtedly glancing at you.
“Yes, please,” you deadpanned.
When he came over to give you a refill, you stared at the ruffled blonde hair and inhaled the whiff of his cologne that accompanied him. Creepy or not, it was needed.
Once everyone had the needed amount of alcohol, you drifted into a rather confusing terrain of trying to talk to TP without disclosing anything significant about yourselves. Mahir went first, and you were surprised by how good he was at spinning his life story in a way that made him seem like a freelancer. He mentioned working with Neil, another fellow free spirit. That seemed strangely fitting, and the boss bought it in no time. And then he asked about you. Or more precisely, how come you had all that experience and where Neil knew you from.
“I’ve started the freelancing gig a few years back after gaining experience in the gov” the lie rolled off your tongue easily.
All that thanks to alcohol.
“You’ve worked with British Intelligence?” TP arched his eyebrow skeptically.
You knew what he meant; you were quite young for that kind of experience.
“Yeah, I was a young prodigy,” you shrugged, attempting smugness “And then Neil and I met on a little job recently” you glanced at the man in question and found him staring at you “He must’ve taken his liking to me since he went straight to me for this one” you smirked upon seeing Neil’s eyes widen.
How about that? It did not take him long to recover.
“Who can blame me if I did” he grinned “You’re good at what you do. And at everything really” he batted his eyelashes at you.
Stifling the urge to groan, you replied:
“Thank you, I’ll take that,” downing the rest of the drink, you got up “I’m pretty tired, so I’ll head off now. It was a pleasure to work with all of you” you shook TP’s hand and nodded at Mahir.
Neil was to be ignored. Which was inconvenient given the fact that he was the one to let you of the apartment. Once you were out of sight in the narrow corridor, he placed his hand on your waist, effectively pinning you to the wall. You gaped at him, surprised and intrigued. He leaned in close and whispered:
“Thought you’d know better than to slip out without saying goodbye,” he nuzzled your neck, just below the ear.
You shivered, unable to pretend that it was not working. You realized that act might need to be given up now.
“I was hoping you’ve had enough of me tonight” biting hard onto your lower lip you tried to level your breathing.
Neil kissed your neck before responding.
“I wouldn’t count on that” he took his time, breathing you in and making sure you understood his intentions.
“Ever?” you cringed at how breathless you sounded already.
“Mhmm” he left one more reverent kiss in the crook of your neck before raising his head “For me, this was only a little prelude” his eyes sparkled playfully.
He grinned when you rolled your eyes.
“Fantastic. Now let me go, please?” you ignored the voice that suggested letting him do whatever the hell he wanted to you.
But it was easier said than done. Your breath hitched when he lightly nibbled on your earlobe, letting his hand travel down your hip and then between your thighs in a smooth movement. Relentless bastard. The previous ache was threatening to come back at any moment. And now was definitely not the time. You leaned back as far as the wall allowed you and glared at him. With a cheeky smile, he retracted his hand and beamed at you, ever so innocently.
“Of course,” he kissed you on the lips chastely, for the second time tonight, “I’m nothing but a gentleman”
“That’s debatable” up this close his eyes seemed too blue to be real “Goodnight, Neil” 
“Night night, darling” letting go of you, he opened the door with a flourish “Sleep well and dream of me” he winked when you were out in the corridor.
“Kindly, fuck off darling” you stormed down the corridor.
It did not take him long to keep on bothering you. Entering your own hotel room fifteen minutes later, you heard the text chime:
“Good thing I’ve got that scarf with me” Idiot. You grinned fondly despite yourself.
“You have a slap incoming, I think” you typed back and lied down on the bed.
“You can start tomorrow night with that then” that did not take him long.
Ah yes, your night out… absolutely terrifying.
“Is it still on?” you nibbled on your lip, not sure what sort of answer you wanted.
“Of course. If anything, tonight gave more reasons to take you out”
Okay… You rolled onto your stomach and hid your face in the pillow. Now that is going to be a nerve-wracking day… and night. You had a feeling those butterflies in your stomach were not going to stop.
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