#just had to say my piece in this ever enduring skyler hate parade 😭
milfheim · 1 year
the anna gunn & woody harrelson comparisons aren’t funny and all posts like that are usually accompanied by/made on the purpose of spewing vileee vitriol toward anna gunn and skyler as a character. there was a comment on an exact post just like that once that went like, “kim wexler is the best female character in the brba universe, the worst are lydia and skyler and marie” ok so the worst as in …. ALL THE OTHER PROMINENT FEMALE CHARACTERS? i love kim but real talk she’s been way more accepted by, usually, male fans of the series primarily because she was more enabling to jimmy than skyler ever was to her pathetic bitch of a husband. “skyler is a bitch” no skyler should have been even bitchier. skyler white nee lambert should have shot walter white herself and took all his money and ran
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