#just imagining chad and tara squabbling
dreamersbcll · 9 months
Chad is the Mario Party king. He doesn't play the game well. He loses all the mini-games. And yet, he always ends up getting all the bonus stars at the end. Naturally, this makes everyone else furious.
“Coin star”
“You have GOT to be fucking kidding me!” Tara swore, slamming her controller down.
The core four were stuck in a good old-fashioned New York blizzard; all four piled into the sister’s apartment until the streets were clear to leave. It's a good thing Sam swiped a bunch of food from her kitchen job, and Mindy had a spare hot plate from her chemistry labs. There wasn’t a power blackout yet, but the four made do with their limited resources.
Luckily, the electricity remained despite the two feet of fallen snow. Instead of studying for their winter finals, the kids created a gaming tournament. Winners got the name-brand hot chocolate, while the losers got the store-brand. It was getting heated, to say the least.
The current game they were playing was Mario Party. Tara and Mindy had grown up playing the game, both spending every Sunday playing it until their eyes glazed over. Sam had never played it but loved learning from her little sister.
However, Chad was the problem. For never playing the game- as the boy preferred NFL or FIFA- he was so fucking good. It didn’t matter what challenges or puzzles were thrown his way, as he aced every single one. Tara even covered his eyes at one point, and he still fucking won.
The first few times, it was funny. And then it got hostile. Finally, after the fifth round, Tara was about to snap. Mindy had to talk a walk down the apartment hallway before she lost it, and Sam sat next to Tara, tensed up and ready for a fight.
She turned to launch herself at the laughing boy, reading to wipe that smug look off his face. But before she could, arms wrapped around her waist, tugging her close.
Sam buried her face into the crook of Tara’s neck, smiling against her little sister’s skin. Tara fumed silently but couldn’t deny how nice it felt to be held. Her big sister lightly squeezed, her fingertips ghosting against Tara’s ribs.
“Mhmm. Calm down. It’s just a game. I’ll make sure you win the next one, yeah?” Sam murmured, kissing Tara’s skin.
Tara huffed, her arms crossed against her chest. She knew that Sam was right and that her anger was futile. They were stuck inside for a couple more days. She couldn’t make enemies with her best friends even if her enemy wore a stupid Pikachu onesie with matching Charmander socks.
Scowling, she held her hand out to Chad. “Okay. Good game. Let’s go one more round. If I win, I get to burn that onesie.”
“Ahem,” Sam interjected, squeezing Tara lightly.
Rolling her eyes, Tara tried again. “Okay, fine. If I win, I get all your gummy worms,” she grumbled, elbowing her big sister slightly.
Chad stuck his hand out, smiling cheekily. “You’re so on, little Carpenter.”
Humming, Sam nudged Tara. “Go get Mindy from the hallway. Hopefully, she hasn’t hung herself. Tell her we’re going for one more round, okay?”
Her sister got up, shuffling towards the hallway. Once Sam heard the door click shut, she turned to the smug boy. Beckoning him closer, she smiled nicely at him. As soon as he leaned in, she pulled him in by the collar, watching him gulp nervously.
“Listen. You let her win this last round, or I will personally make sure that you never touch a game console again. Are we clear, Pokémon boy?” she whispered sternly, observing him.
Chad nodded fervently, his eyes wide with panic. She smiled back at him, letting him go.
Needless to say, once the girls got back to the game, there was a new winner. Tara spent the rest of the night eating gummy worms in Sam’s lap while Chad stared daggers at the pair.
Tara pretended not to see Sam silently threatening Chad to back down. She was too content with her snack and seat.
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