#just let my sister monopolize the political fighting
essektheylyss · 2 years
considering buying one of the shirts with the fake Goncharov poster specifically to wear to a family Christmas party to confuse the everliving shit out of my Sicilian uncles
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go-redgirl · 4 years
Peaceful Floyd Protesters Form Human Barricade to Protect White House Police
As protesters across the United States express their anger over the death of George Floyd, in many cases devolving into rioting and looting, one group of protesters in Washington DC locked hands and stood before White House police forming a human barricade to protect the officers.
In video footage from protests in Washington DC, protesters locked hands and formed a human barricade before White House police officers, protecting them from angry protesters who in turn criticized them for standing with the police.
Two women can be seen in the video, one wearing a red t-shirt that states “Make Racism Wrong Again,” the other woman’s shirt reads “BLACK – WHITE – HUMAN,” appearing to promote a message of unity. As the women, along with other protestors, lock hands and stand with their backs to the police, other protesters angered by their actions begin to question their motivation.
“This is good,” says one woman referring to the protests, “but y’all got other ways to do it too, y’all can write to Congress…” another woman cuts her off shouting “it don’t work, we all did that, it don’t work, I signed people up for that, it don’t work.”
In the video, one man shouts at the woman in the red t-shirt “we here to make a point to show that this shit is not ok!” The woman replies “it’s not going to bring George Floyd back,” before later adding “this is not the answer,” referring to the violent protests.
Clips Crime Politics George Floyd Police Riots Washington DC White House
Fight Against the Tyrants BLOG 17 hours ago
Im impressed. They joined hands and faced down violent racists. They deserve high praise for their gutsy actions.
J.Moore citizenfreepress.com
Fight Against the Tyrants BLOG•17 hours ago• edited
And that, people, is how you gain the respect of the people you are addressing. I said it before - conservatives do not mind joining a righteous protest against government overreach and abuse of power. But these things have been monopolized by politicians and race baiters eager for power, wealth and attention for decades. We ain't playing that game.
Crusty J.Moore citizenfreepress.com 
•17 hours ago • edited
Yup. And that's why the civil rights protests MLK led in Alabama were successful and inspired people: The marchers walked down streets where Jim Crow supporters with rifles looked-on, but although they were in danger, they carried no weapons or sticks, and refused to harm any property or people.
When you are willing to put your own safety and life on the line to stand for something, it draws a lot more respect that when you go bust, burn, brutalize, and then take home some looted liquor and video games.
Santiago Matamoros Crusty • 17 hours ago • edited
it draws a lot more respect
The rioters, looters, and other criminals are not protesting.
realityanvil Santiago Matamoros • 17 hours ago • edited
Half of them are bored white Antifa rich kids from the 'burbs, anarchists to the core. They don't give two hoots for some guy named George Floyd. They think he had a sister named "Pink".
Phonecard Mike realityanvil • 16 hours ago
Very true! I am impressed by the peaceful blockade, very refreshing.
realityanvil Phonecard Mike • 16 hours ago
Of the two protesting factions, it's easy to see which one is interested in justice for George Floyd and bettering the cause of minorities, and which is only interested in destruction and anarchy. They grew up as privileged kids but they're at war with reason and civility. To them it's just another video game, just on a larger stage and with better graphics.
Mike Brafford realityanvil • 15 hours ago
Any human being can see what happened to George was wrong. Cuff him put him in the car and take him down to the station. Nothing else was required.
People are right to be angry - not white or black - people of all sorts. This is like the FBI attacking a 33 year veteran general. Wrong is wrong and the abuse of power must stop.
Brat_bart Mike Brafford • 14 hours ago
Smells like a setup. A cop kneeling on the neck of a guy he worked with for years and didn’t try to prevent people from filming him doing it? Knowing it would go viral?
GMBurns Brat_bart • 14 hours ago
It got weirder when I read on a Minneapolis News station page that Chauvin and Floyd both worked security at a some dance club (at the same time).The owner though says she doesn't know if they knew each other because they had a lot of security people.
I hope this is well investigated. There may be more to it than is on video.
pepebob3 GM Burns•6 hours ago
Some whispering going on that both Floyd And Chauvin were in on the counterfeit scam. Some even saying that the other 3 officers, who did Nothing to help Mr. Floyd, are also involved which is the real reason he was killed. Not sure I believe that, but at this point, who knows. One thing I am sure of is the fact that these riots are too well put together to be happenstance.
GMBurns pepebob3 • 5 hours agoI just checked around. Forbes has an interesting article:
Chauvin was there for 1r 17 years, but Floyd only worked there about twelve times during ONE year (2019) while Chauvin was. Chauvin, outside, while Floyd was inside, and apparently it is a big building Oooops WAS a big building...it burned down Thursday night - I just saw that.https://www.forbes.com/site...Here is the burned out club:
This is getting deep. I would say it is possible they didn't really know each other...BUT there were people who knew both of them well enough, like the owner of the restaurant, a Ms. Maya Santamaria. The fire started in the restaurant.
I really hope that Minneapolis police aren't as messy as the FBI, to be polite. However, don't be too sure about riots being pre-planned. That would mean letting too many people know something. They can put riots together fast when the news is hot.No conclusions for me, but lots and lots of loose ends.
No conclusions for me, but lots and lots of loose ends.
pepebob3 GMBurns • 3 hours agoI suspect we will never learn the truth. 
So many times horrible things happen, such as the Vegas shootings, Epstein murder, Hillary-Everything she has done, etc. get quickly taken off the front pages. 
They are still hiding the JFK assassination details 50+ years later! If the powers that be want it covered up it will be. Initial starting of the riots were probably home grown, but Sourass and Obama, and his ilk, have been known to support financially, give out pre-made signs, and buses people in when it suits their agenda. 
A racial civil war is something that the never Trumpers desperately want. To the globalists chaos is the best way to affect the change they want. Sadly our country seems to have an over abundance of people willing to help them. Add incompetent and corrupt mayors, governors, and Congress and it's a combination for disaster. 
The only good thing that will come out of all this will be the many new citizens who realize their need to buy a gun and learn how to use it. Without the right to defend ourselves and loved ones we will become like Venezuela who banned private gun ownership in 2012-now look at it. The only ones with guns are the criminals and the government, frequently one and the same.
GMBurns pepebob3 • 6 hours ago
Wow, I hadn't thought of that angle. I see that a Minneapolis dance club says both Chauvin and Floyd worked security at there. One other source said they were both there during two years.And I saw no sign from either that they knew each other. If I were writing a Game of Thrones script, it would have it that Mr. Floyd thought his scene had a different ending.This is crazy of course, but I hope they definitely check everything thoroughly. If any part of any of these angles has anything to them, it could mean that...oh yeah, maybe Mr Chauvin has a surprise coming too.That would be easier to explain than Chauvin just looking straight at the camera, knowing it's a camera, as he kills the guy, which was very, very strange.
Jessie Brader Brat_bart • 7 hours ago
I was thinking of that a lot actually...I think there's two factors there:
1. I don't think it was necessarily a race issue and I'm going to continue thinking that until hard evidence to the contrary. In my experience true actual racism/hate/bigotry is not something you miss or feel uncertain of it's occurence. No I think chauvin was simply a cold, hard person who could gave been just as easily been kneeling on a stoop let alone another human being. He had no emotion in that video save maybe annoyance. His face makes it clear he has no respect or reverence for human life, regardless of sex, Creed, race etc.
2. With those 18 disciplinary on his jacket...it would stand to reason he had a sense of being untouchable, at least to a degree. He may have been disciplined or suspended in the past but never outright fired until now obviously. So I'd think pure arrogance could explain his lack of concern over the video. 
Especially considering his original report which was such a blatant misrepresentation it leaves me with the conclusion that this guy felt he'd gotten away with stuff before, he will again, worst case scenario he might get suspension etc. Plus anyone with that made incidence throughout their career, it's fairly likely there were many more instances of misconduct we DONT know about. Reading his initial report...well let's just say without the video he very well may hace gotten away with it. They didn't even seem to question his or his fellow officers accounts as suspect until the video that civilian put out there.
OPINION:  That’s great news to hear!  Everyone Police Offer is by far,  not bad at all.  Thousands of people in this country can count their blessings that we do have great Policy Officers in this country.  If not, many would have lost their lives to  ‘thugs’ in the streets that have the same skin color and doing bodily harm to some in their own neighborhoods.
People need to stop and think about different situations before you jump on board of all the ‘bad actors’ that’s causing more problems in this country.
You better think first before you react!
A word of wisdom and advise!
0 notes
sassyhazelowl · 7 years
Option B has been launched. I’d like to give a shout out to both @everybodys-chains & @lucylaneeffect for being terrible and supportive influences about things I really have no business writing. And also @the-archangel-of-zeref for pointing out the fact I have no idea what the fuck is actually going on in canon and all the bits I got wrong. All the bits that are still wrong are now me purposefully sticking my middle finger up at canon and choosing to ignore my education.
Disclaimer: Lots of middle fingers towards canon. Some shade may be thrown at certain popular characters. In the process of attempting to make them likable protagonists instead of walking plot devices, great liberties have been taken with cardboard characters with no consistent canon characterization. I might fuck this up but you’ll live. It has yet to be beta’d but I’m going to cram it down my friend’s throat because if she’s forcing me to beta her SessKag drivel, she owes me.
Also, yes, this is divergent canon where The Christina arrives 10 minutes early and ruins part of the canon timeline and the plot, hurrah! Blame Blue Pegasus for being awesome.
“It’s got quite the view.”
She swept by without any acknowledgement of the view or the speaker, tilting her head down towards the wizen old man tottering along a half pace ahead with a spriness that belied his age. If she stared hard enough, she could just make out the outline of Ursa Major on that liver spotted pate. Casting a glance up at her because he felt her heavy gaze, he spoke with enthusiasm, quick to monopolize on the good point, “Yes, yes! You have very good taste indeed. When the harbor is clear you can see all the way across the bay to our sister town!”
“Hmm,” was the moody response as she realized she was one skin discoloration away from completing the bear’s face.
“Our town is known for its fresh air and fresh seafood,” he babbled on nervously, picking up on her discontent but not sure why. Did she know about the foundation problems? The sandfleas that invaded in the peak of summer for those few miserable weeks? Or had to come on too strong while she was enjoying said view, even though her mahogany eyes had been train elsewhere? “Very relaxed for those who wish to retire…”
Now that was entirely the wrong thing to say, and he froze, gray, watery eyes comically wide below peppered brows and mouth falling open in a hasty apology. He was too slow, far too slow, because the woman’s younger companion, who had been leaning against the rail burst into laughter.
“Your age is showing!”
The sigh she’d been holding in, so polite and proper it was smothering, burst out then, startling them both, and she mustered a bland smile for the man trying to sell her the property.
“Thank you, sir. I will certainly consider the… view. It is a lovely town but I am not sure it’s quite--” her eyes cut to the left sharply and the smile wavered at the edges as she took in the view for the first time; it was really was magnificent and she finished her decline regretfully, “What I am searching for.”
The man’s face fell into a mass of disappointed wrinkles at her gentle rebuff but he didn’t spring along or follow when she turned to leave. Unfortunately, the other woman did. And that, right there, was the problem. Sadly, changing location wouldn’t solve it.
The footfalls behind her weren’t a skip but they held a childish quality to them nonetheless. If she didn’t know better, she’d expect someone much different. It was that hesitant patter-pattering that had grown so familiar she didn’t know if she could remember a time recently she hadn’t heard it, even before the outcome of the trial. After all, since that fateful moment their eyes met across the battlefield, she felt a string being tied tight, very much like a noose actually when she paused to think about it.
“Again Anna?” It was less of a complaint and more of a curious question. Surprisingly, the other woman seemed wholly content simply to have the Celestial Wizard within sight. It was a fit of mild hilarity waiting to happen the moment someone from the Council came to check up on her ward only to find that Anna could barely slip away to the bathroom alone. Just who was the prison warden here again?
“It’s not right,” she mumbled, more to herself than her shadow. The footsteps skittered and stumbled a bit, this being the first time Anna had ever bothered to respond to the stream of comments, complaints and observations since the two had left Magnolia.
“I suppose,” was the hummed reply, much too thoughtful to be a child, but said with the same sort of flippant innocence, “The salt in the air would utterly ruin my hair in any case.”
Anna grunted at the assumption the sea wind was an inconvenience the woman and nearly whirled on her heel to take the blasted property; the grunt was a crass and unladylike sound, entirely inappropriate for civilized company. Fortunately, the only company she’d been keeping for the past few weeks was the current one, and Irene was far from civilized, Anna had found out.
“No one asked you to come along,” the Celestial Wizard pointed out, proud of the fact it was level and fair not snippy and petty. She was supposed to be locked up in the hotel room after all but making her stay put was impossible, and Anna had realized it was easier just to keep a personal eye on her.
But it was seriously getting on her nerves, and it seemed silly to keep up the charade of a noblewoman, of a learned woman, of one who was beyond reproach, but she’d been doing it for so long, she wasn’t sure how to stop. She wasn’t even sure if she could stop. Maybe that persona was all there was left to Anna -- proper manners, empty airs and graying blonde hair befitting a proper matriarch. The title she should have and would have held over her grand and sprawling estate four hundred years in the past.
Of course, there was dear Lucy now, she supposed. And her beloved Dragon Slayers as well.
But neither made up for what she’d chosen to sacrifice. The life and children and husband and sprawling clan she’d forsaken to save the future. It weighed on her. Those memories, that forfeited life she’d been born to have.
“I have to,” Irene replied immediately, seriously, “I promised.”
Well, she’s already broken her own rule about not speaking, so she might as well indulge her curiosity a bit, “To whom?”
Regret was the feeling that came to mind when Anna considered it. Not regret for saving Irene’s life, never that. Nor regret for bring her aboard The Christina while rescuing young Wendy from Acnologia’s wrath… if they had been just five or ten minutes later, there wouldn’t have been anything left of the young Dragon Slayer to rescue. Nor Irene either for that matter, given what Miss Scarlet had said later, a cold look to her and not a shred of sympathy.
Anna was not surprised to learn about their blood relations; after all, family fostered the deepest bonds of love, and therefore, too, the deepest bonds of loathing as well.
But she was definitely regretting not slipping out of town in the middle of the night. And the permanent limp from her shattered and magically regenerated hip that made her slow enough that the recovering witch could keep pace. Most noteworthy, she regretted breaking her self-imposed vow of silence, and she promised this would be the first and last time she’d slip. If she were patient and mature, she could weather the next few months as mandated by the court with little stress or effort, and then she would be entirely free.
In the meantime, Anna mustn't encourage her.
She wanted to know as little as possible about the other woman. Truly, after all she’d done, was a little peace and solitude too much to ask for? Let her spend her last years alone with a cat and a garden and copious amounts of high quality tea.
Somewhere with an unaltered view of the stars.
“Perhaps you should try the mountains.”
Perhaps you should mind your own business, Anna’s snotty inner-voice snapped back irritable but she kept mum.
A wistful tone entered the other woman’s voice as she added uncharastically poetic and somber, “With thick pines all around and the mountain side filled with moonlight. So bright, so beautiful.”
A memory misty with age, tugged on Anna then, of a similar scene up in much younger mountains full of newly matured evergreens untouched by man’s saw and a cliffside no mere human could reach easily. How the crisp night’s air was more a biting chill on her exposed legs as they dangled carelessly over the edge, confident she was safe despite the lethal drop. Snug in a cocoon of heavy fur blankets, her back slumped comfortably against a firm surface. The heat being radiated was warm enough to tempt her to peel back the blankets, and the gentle lull of the motion behind her was rocking her to sleep, eyelids fighting the inevitable. She was up here to observe the stars without interference but it’d been a mere half hour and she was already losing the fight with slumber, all the stress and worries of the project having worn her down into a shell. It was so… quiet here… so safe and peaceful… so unspoilt by war. It was hard not to flinch when the tail flew up, swift and accurate, but it merely landed beneath Anna’s legs, drawing them up off the ledge and curling around her. A snout nudged her in apology from behind, knocking into her shoulder so hard she jolted and laughed ruefully. Crimson entered her vision as the a large horned head curled around, tucking her in, large bioluminescent eye already closed and breath deepening, and Anna smiled, settling back to look up at the stars, safe in the dragon’s claws…
Jolting back into the present, she took a long moment to smell the bay and listen to the screams of the circling gulls and stare across the sapphire blue waves dotted with cheerful fishing boats. It was lovely, anyone’s dream.
But it was just not… right.
Instead she pulled out a map, peering over it with intense scrutiny, before sighing and crumpling it up violently. In her annoyance, she forgot herself. Again.
“Your Universe One is a menace.”
If she was expecting an apology, which she wasn’t, she would have been disappointed. Irene shrugged her shoulders then, lip jutted out in a tiny bit of a pout, and replied as she sagged against the rail a bit to stand up straight, “I was planning to return it as it was… but Erza broke my magical container. Such a horrible little child, that one. I didn’t have enough magic to put it all back. Anna? Anna, surely you understand! I did give it a good try… most of it went back… all the important places in any case.”
Anna mentally questioned what she considered important but kept her mouth pressed firmly shut. Her lips were starting to burn from the pressure and her throat tickled. She’d spent decades shutting up and it was becoming a difficult and impossible thing to do, she was finding out, now that she was free to speak with nothing but her own sensibilities to hold her tongue.
Whatever. What was the point in silence now? If she was stuck with this other woman, she may as well use it to her own advantage and speak her mind fully. It’d be cathartic. 
Puffing up, she got ready to give Irene a piece of her mind about using magic irresponsibly, which was completely useless now but relevant and probably counted towards her community service of rehabilitation if she gave a lecture about magical mindfulness, when Irene cut her off with a careless motion.
“Besides, my magic is all gone now. All of it.” A hint of remorse had crept into her tone, although Anna suspected she just felt sorry for herself more than anything for having her wicked deed punished. The look on her face didn’t look particularly repentant nor sorry though, eyes hard with thinly concealed fury and mouth set in a wobbly smirk that refused to settle. Bitterness. Resentment. “After all, they made sure to render their conquered helpless and then claim compassion and mercy while releasing them to the wolves.” The smirk curled into a bit of a snarl thing, flashing an actual sharp canine fang that was most certainly not that of a full human, and her pupils turned to cat-like slits, “But magic does not a dragon make, and I await the day they learn this lesson the hard way.”
Paling a bit, all annoyance flushed away, all of Erza’s warning echoing in her head, Anna cleared her throat then, skin still prickling and crawling at the snap of dangerous crackling fury. Swallowing a bit, refusing to look ruffled, it was a rough reminder that this woman was not simply a childish shadow but an ex-Spriggan as well.
“Why don’t we try the mountains then?” she offered once she could get the words past her tight throat and Irene’s countenance cleared immediately as she clapped her hands a bit with delight, “You said ‘we’ Anna!”
“Yes, yes I did. Now come along. If we hurry, I am sure we can catch the next train before nightfall.” 
As expected, the patter-pattering started up immediately, but somehow with a bit more... pep? Anna felt a certain kind of doom settling but fought it off.
What was the worse that could happen anyway?
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magically-inclined · 8 years
Uncomfortable Travel
Rating: General Words: 1,837
        So it was in the morning that Nyasho was mounted and ready to go, waiting for the rest of his party to be ready, waiting for Alexander to have his goodbyes with those of his family who cared to do so.
        Alexander’s family had gathered to see him off on his trip just outside of the main entrance to the estate. His mother hugged and kissed him multiple times, making him flush with embarrassment as she fretted over every little thing. His youngest sister, Talia, hung close by holding onto his shirt sleeve until he gave her a hug and promised that he’d come back soon.
        Andaria hugged his as well, though not making quite as much of a scene as their mother had. “Be safe on your trip, Brother.” She pulled back from the hug and smiled. “And remember to not have too much fun without me.”
        “Of course,” Alexander replied, grinning back. He then turned to his father and nodded politely at the older man.
        Roheim regarded his youngest son. “Remember Alexander, you are representing this entire house while you are away. I will not be pleased if I hear of any trouble you might cause Marquis Tyronis al’Makkar.”
        “Yes, Father,” Alexander replied obediently. “I will be on my best behavior.”
        With that Roheim nodded and headed back inside. His mother and sisters, however, stayed out to watch as he left. Alexander walked down the main road a ways to where his horse was already packed and ready to go. The elves were patiently waiting for him, as well. Once Alexander had mounted his horse, they were off.
        For Nyasho, waiting while Alexander said his goodbyes was painful. The gushing of the boy’s mother and the clinging of his sisters were an overly emotional display, and it made him feel impatient in a way that he couldn’t describe. The attitude of Lord Roheim was more what he was familiar with. Some might call it cold, but he saw it as refreshingly pragmatic. The man’s words weren’t a surprise, either, considering what Nyasho himself had heard from his own father about the boy.
        The young elf liked being left to mind his own business, for the most part, which included being free of maternal meddling like he saw Alexander’s mother display. His own mother was a lady. She didn’t fuss and fret. Not anymore, anyway.
        Nyasho realized that he was being uptight, and wondered why.
        The first few hours of the journey were filled with Hyrume telling Alexander all about Taramakash, the Al’Makkar estate, some of what his studies would be once they arrived, and the festival. It was clear that the steward was proud of his position in the Marquis’s house.
        With how he’d been warned about the boy, Nyasho couldn’t help but be mindful of Alexander’s demeanor. It wasn’t long, however, before he suspected that the reports of the kid’s rebellious nature were exaggerated, and he was able to relax a little.
        He did not, however, know how to begin to make conversation, even after Hyrume had finished all his talking.
        Hyrume’s constant lectures on the Marquis’ estate and the hours of nearly one sided conversation almost had the young blond noble falling asleep in the saddle. As excited as he was to leave his own father’s estate, it seemed that he’d be subject to the same boring dilemmas in his new surroundings. Most everyone would be rich and pretentious, going on and on about who they knew and how they were connected. He only hoped it would be less stifling than his own home. Of course, at home he and his sister kept each other entertained, usually by playing pranks on some of his more insufferable half siblings. On his own, though, he would be far more bored than usual. With any luck, he’d find someone who would be fun to interact with.
        This thought brought Alexander back to the present, where Hyrume’s conversation had ceased, though Alexander wasn’t sure it if had to do with lack of topics or a parched throat. The blond looked over at Nyasho, who was officially the leader of this little venture, even if Hyrume seemed to be taking over any real leading responsibilities. Being the son of the Marquis, Alexander figured Nyasho would be more inclined to talk freely with him than anyone else would on this trip. They were on the same basic level, socially speaking – not that Alexander cared either way. Social hierarchy and the intricacies within always gave him a headache, so he tended not to worry about such things.
        The elf’s horse clomped along next to his own, though Nyasho seemed to be quite tight lipped so far. Even so, there was something about the elf that sparked an interest in Alexander. He wasn’t sure if it was his elusive, quite nature, or just the fact that Alexander knew nothing about him and was curious to a fault. Either way, the blond felt something draw him in. He couldn’t help himself.
        “So, Nyasho,” Alexander began, smiling at the elf next to him. “Hyrume’s told me practically everything I need to know about Taramakash. But, since the Marquis is your father, you would best know what the most exciting things to do are. Any suggestions?”
        Nyasho raised an eyebrow and looked sideways at Alexander before turning to regard him. “Hmm,” he murmured. He rubbed his thumbs over his reins and thought of how to answer the question. Of course, he knew how Hyrume and his father would want him to answer.
        Clearing his throat, he said, “I merely act as escort from your home to mine. I am not in control of your itinerary, neither now nor later.” After living his whole life in the same place, Nyasho did not find anything there to be especially exciting. He found excitement elsewhere, during his traveling—or he simply went without.
        “You’ve been told about the fencing,” he said, assuming the steward would have mentioned it, though he had quit paying attention after a while. Fencing was the most exciting you’d get on the estate, aside from learning some kinds of magic. He didn’t know what kind of magic Alexander would be learning
        Tapping into his naturally friendly personality, Alexander grinned at Nyasho’s response. “Do you fence?” he asked, pushing the dialogue further. Even if he didn’t get quite the response he wanted, he was tired of the conversation being monopolized by Hyrume. Of course, Alexander should’ve known the answers he’d receive at the moment would be the censored version. Nyasho didn’t really know him at all, nor did he know the elf either. However, something got into Alexander’s mind that he wanted to change that.
        The boy sure was determined to be friendly, wasn’t he? “I do,” Nyasho said, nodding in response. He was raised not to be rude, even if his preference around family and filial associations was to remain taciturn. “My brothers and I were instructed in our youth by the captain of the guard, and on occasion we practice with one another.”
        It was only rarely that they did anymore, since his brothers enjoyed far too much scathing banter while sparring, but he didn’t make that comment. When he was home, Nyasho preferred practicing with some of the estate guardsmen to his brothers. That is, when he wasn’t engaged in more sedate activities. Such as the painting he was working on for his cousin’s wedding gift.
        “I’m fairly decent with a sword,” Alexander replied, adjusting his position in the saddle. “Perhaps we could have a match sometime? I haven’t had a new sparring partner in a while. That is, if you’re amenable to the idea.”
        “As a guest in my house, it would be my pleasure,” Nyasho said, inclining his head to the boy. It wasn’t obligatory that he accept, but it was also clear that he did so because he thought it was the polite and appropriate thing to do. Yes, outwardly Nyasho always had to be polite and appropriate whenever it was related to his father’s wishes and endeavors, or when it would affect his father’s affairs in some way or other.
        “I’m sure your tutor will be able to schedule some time for it,” he added. Not that he personally had much use for his father’s mage.
        “I would hope so,” Alexander replied with a laugh. “I don’t want to be cooped up inside the entire time. That would make for a fairly boring trip.” The blond was hopeful that he would find time for something other than the magic studies that his father had planned for him. Not that studying magic was the most boring subject, but Alexander could only handle so much studying at once. He would much rather be outside, doing something physical.
        “Young Alexander,” Hyrume interjected, “while I am certain that fencing will not be prohibited you as an extra-curricular activity, I must remind you that your father has sent you with us for your edification, not for your entertainment.” Nyasho pursed his lips and looked over at the man, who cleared his throat before continuing. “You will have diversions, that I can guarantee, but you mustn’t forget your purpose.”
        “I’m sure he won’t,” Nyasho said, coming to Alex’s defense.
        Alexander held in a sigh. He had a feeling he’d have to fight for any time to himself. If he knew his father, everyone would’ve been warned to keep him in line and make sure he didn’t shirk any of his studying duties. Alexander had a habit of sneaking off so he wouldn’t have to bother with his lessons.
        Still, he’d best put on his most obedient face. “Of course, my focus will be on my lessons,” Alexander added. Even though he sounded compliant, he rolled his green eyes when Hyrume wasn’t looking.
        Nyasho had been on the verge of suspecting that reports of Alexander’s misbehavior were spurious at best, until he caught the boy rolling his eyes at Hyrume’s back. After Nyasho had defended him, he still went to the trouble to be that disrespectful. Well, Nyasho thought the man was a little puffed up sometimes, too, but he wasn’t about to let it show. Besides, Hyrume wasn’t a bad sort; he was just very devoted to his duties.
        “Excuse me,” Nyasho said, and without any other notice he turned his mare in a graceful pivot to move next to the rear guard and begin conversing with him instead. Alex’s childish action was inconsiderate of Nyasho’s speaking up for him, and he was a little offended.
        Left to his own devices, Alexander took a deep breath and looked off into the woods. They’d been riding for hours and he was starting to feel out of his element. Nyasho abandoned him, though Alexander wasn’t sure exactly why. He gave his horse a quick pat on the neck to distract him from his troublesome thoughts. He was starting to worry that this trip wouldn’t be as enjoyable as he was hoping it would be.
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