#just me like sorta gushing abt my xiv characters
xecat · 1 year
only like 2 have a real purpose anymore cos theyre on servers tht other ppl i played with are on but ive done so much on some of them waa….. i dont wanna delete them even if i just keep them for like oc purposes…… also i have invested at least some time in all of them lol
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from top > bottom, left > right:
schrodingers catgirl (euro, catgirl, flex but "canonically" does guns), grim eve (jpn, girl, "canonically" black/white mage), xinriel khar (jpn, boy, magic but "canonically" heals)
reede toule (na, gayboy, tank), vrin vyrs (jpn, genderfluid, melee dps)
umami ami (jpn, demigirl, tank)
reede and vrin are half siblings, the rest dont have familial ties between each other
as a general rule the ones on jpn servers** were made originally to help me learn tank/heals etc when i was still new and was anxious abt starting on my main character (and also to make characters as diff races/genders cos the emote/animation differences and outfit differences are cool) but i developed them too much as characters and now im love them all. help
** note that i started on jpn servers cos aus players either went onto na servers or specifically one of the jpn worlds, and my friend was already set up on the jpn server so the jpn alts are on the same world
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