#just mosi-ing along
alphynix · 3 years
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Cambrian Explosion #56: Euthycarcinoidea
The euthycarcinoids were a group of euarthropods known from the mid-Cambrian to the mid-Triassic (~500-254 million years ago), surviving through multiple mass extinctions including the devastating "Great Dying" at the end of the Permian that finished off the trilobites. But despite an evolutionary history spanning around 250 million years they have a very sparse fossil record, extremely rare and known from less than 20 species across their entire time range.
For a long time their affinities were uncertain, and they've been variously suggested to have been crustaceans, trilobites, or chelicerates, or even to have been a lineage of earlier stem-euarthropods. But since the early 2010s better understanding of their anatomy has placed them in the mandibulates, probably as the closest relatives of the myriapods and helping to close the gap between the aquatic ancestors of that group and their earliest known terrestrial forms.
Most known euthycarcinoid species lived in brackish and freshwater environments, but some Cambrian species have been found in tidal flats associated with the terrestrial trace fossils Protichnites  and Diplichnites – indicating that they were amphibious and some of the very first animals able to walk on land.
Mosineia macnaughtoni is a Cambrian euthycarcinoid known from the Blackberry Hill fossil deposits in Wisconsin, USA (~500-489 million years ago).
At around 10cm long (4") it was fairly large for a Cambrian euarthropod, and like other euthycarcinoids it had a three-part body plan with a head bearing antennae, eyes, and mandibles, a thorax with pairs of uniramous legs, and a limbless abdomen that ended in a tail spine.
It probably ventured out of the water to feed on the rich microbial mats that covered the mudflats, taking advantage of an environment free from predators and competition. It may also have laid and fertilized its eggs on the shore, similarly to modern horseshoe crabs.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
...Of the Dead III: Revelations
After the catastrophic events that took place on the off-shore Lethocs base, the Angels' struggle to accomplish their sacred duty was getting increasingly difficult. The public began expressing their lack of trust in them and blamed them for outrageous rumors that held no merit. Many speculated that, not only are they protecting a potential serial killer, but that Angels are their accomplices in blowing up the base they were locked up in. Catching wind of these rumors, the Ophirs acted upon them only adding fire to the flame. They validated the public's worst fears and the slandering soon made it impossible for Angels to leave the Abbey at all because of protesters. This was diminishing what little morale the former Templar had and he had no one to confide in, wanting to spare others of burdening them with his insecurities. The Seraph was of no help, either. He was far more concerned with his image and upkeep, thinking the situation more as a mere inconvenience. It was beginning to grate on Strappon with old suspicions resurfacing concerning the Seraph. As his hope dwindled, Strappon occupied most of his free time by keeping up to date with current events. He felt like there may be an answer by just watching the news, an opportunity to fix everything and make it go back to the way it was. An opportunity that didn't endanger everybody's lives like their little trip to Europe. During his contemplation did such an opportunity arise. A week had passed after the Lethocs base was assaulted and the news had turned its attention to a new scandal. The story was over an Ophir that went missing. At first, Strappon thought (and hoped) it was the old hag that one of the regulars kept calling Zombie Hands. He was never a man to think ill of others, but that woman shook him to his core. His outlook changed when the missing Ophir was shown. "We bring you this emergency broadcast: An Ophir has recently gone missing. Pleats Ophir, daughter of the astute Swing Coat Ophir, was last seen by the outskirts of Daten City. Rumors have surfaced stating that she was seen entering prohibited territory once overseen by Lethocs before its closing, on of the Grimm District's towns, Shelles Harbor. We are taking this lead with a grain of salt as the thought of a normal girl getting past security seems unlikely, but we'll keep you informed as to her fate."
Shelles Harbor...that sounded familiar. If he remembered correctly, Strappon heard that name being tossed around by former Lethocs personnel like the late Commander and how it was infested with...zombies... Oh. Upon the realization did Strappon's stress began building up. How is city personnel going to clean up the infestation effectively to look for this girl? Especially now considering that zombies are now immune to human weapons and with Lethocs gone, city officials have no means of defending themselves. The search for the girl will be a disaster story ready to be covered and Strappon felt that he and his Angels needed to be there and help out. At first, he went about it as civilized as possible. He tried to gain permissions from the city to have access to the infestation zone but was denied when officials realized his association with the Angels. He then turned to less honest methods through bribery, but even the security outside the zone's perimeter didn't budge. He was starting to feel frantic. Seeing Strappon's current state of mind, Hot Pants felt pity for the man and tried to think of a few ways to get him and the Angels in. For a fact, he knew security wouldn't even let him in if he donned the Lethocs uniform. The uniform held no significance anymore, his authority was gone and this made him doubt his other options. That was until he recognized a familiar face. As Hot Pants became acquainted with the perimeter to lead a simple break-in, he came across a former coworker that definitely took a fancy to him. The guy was being a huge flirt with Hot Pants and while it was off-putting at first, he got the idea to use this to his advantage. He was going to pretend and reciprocate this guy's advances much to Duster's dismay. Despite being vocal about going that route, Hot Pants went and secured entry into Shelles Harbor through seduction...if he could even call it that. Their next plan was clear, they were to strike under the cover of darkness. 
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Even though the Heavenbents have prior experience in dealing with the zombie epidemic ever since Romero and Carpen Town, will they be prepared enough with a zombie threat they never encountered before?
The grungy ruins of the harbor city almost seemed to have an energy of t
heir own, and boy was it oppressive. As the crew of Angels and Leon "Leon" Leonhart mosied into Shelles Harbo r, the atmosphere was akin to some sort of survival horror video game. T here was nothing seen around, only vague sounds and some environmental s cuffling, a low, inaudible rumble almost from the depths of the earth, a nd a mist from the nearby body of water. The smell was salty and heavy, like a damp basement, and the chill from the air settled on them like ra in. Strappon walked forward without fear in his eyes, his face stone-cold ev en with his hair sticking to his face slightly from the dampness in the air. There was no rain, no storm, but the mist was enough to make it awf ully humid. "It's dark, but we'll be able to work our way through. We remember what the girl looks like, right?" He asked, turning to the group. There was d etermination in his eyes.
BRIT:  "Burned into my brain!" Jacket replied with an enthusiastic swing of h  is arm and his trademark grin.  Cowlneck snorted, taking his sunglasses off and flipping his hair out  of his face.  "Just find the girl so we can get the hell out of here, it's disgustin  g and the air is making my hair frizz. There's not enough product in t  he world to keep this mosture from ruining my hard work." He griped.  Duster was inordinately close to Hot Pants, nearly in his clothes and  practically clipping through him. His eyes were fixated on Leon, watch  ing his moves. Anytime he would come anywhere near Hot Pants, he shift  ed in a way that would suggest he was ready to strike.
TORIBIRDSEED:  The day for Collier was just starting, as he had only woken up a few h  ours ago to hear the news of the missing Ophir and some thing or other   about locations, He didint really bother to think too much of it. He  decided that he would drop by and see what all the fuss was about, as  he figured that the other angels and humans would probably be at the s  cene before him. Stretching his wings he took off. He had missed work  that day, and as such had to hope that his subordinates could handle m  anaging things on their own, if not he would have to scold them when h  e got back.  Without an escort, Collier soon saw where the others had congested to,   and he swooped in graceful landing with a jog and swooping his hair b  ackwards with his hand before stopping. He put his hand on his shoulde  r, stretching it gently as he look around, his eyes gently piercing th  rough people to look behind them, and than into their eyes. Not litera  lly of course, he just had that look about him. Yawning he spoke up.  “So what's going on this time? You angels fuck something up again.” As   always he was speaking to nobody in particular. It was just his way o  f getting attention, somebody was sure to answer him. He didn't unders  tand the full grasp of the situation he had got himself into, and was  particularly uninterested in being cooperative with the other angels,  especially not Strapon. He had a particularly strong distaste for doin  g anything Strapon would tell him to do, perhaps that's why he was whe  re he was no in life. Regardless, he was just going to do his own thin  g. To hell if anybody was gonna stop him.  Licking his lips he waited to see what would happen next.  Along with the others who had arrived, Cloak was one of a few humans w  ho often went out of his way to see to it that things went well. His c  reepiness and gross behavior aside, he was somebody who was quite fond   of making sure that plans were followed. Not that he knew what the pl  an was. Cloak had been in the middle of some research when he found ou  t people were going out, and so he had decided that he would do the sa  me, leaving his research partner behind for however long this took. Mu  mbling to himself he spoke gently, his voice shaky as always.  “Uuhh… I really hope we find a ghost or this is gonna be a waste… Uuuh  .”  He wasn't too interested unless a ghost was involved, and came with on  ly the hope of finding one he had not seen before in his head. That wa  s his sole motivation when doing anything, ghosts… it was all that he  thought about in his day to day life, and it was the focus of his enti  re world view. He considered them to be something spectacular, as well   as utterly disgusting. Perhaps he related to that somewhat. Walking s  lowly he scratched his head before grabbing his hair and pulling it ba  ck into a ponytail, sick of it being in his face for once. He fixed hi  s rather tall collar and smiled.  “Would somebody care to tell me why exactly we are even here? I mean…  If one would not mind… I simply was not paying attention.”  That was usual for him.  Finally, there was Goggles. Goggles was loud, obnoxious, and never got   along with angels too well, not being able to control her emotions ma  de things rather difficult for her, as many people, especially those w  ith virtue, did not like her rather straight to the point way of think  ing. Her day was already going bad in her eyes, as she approached the  area that many of the others were finding themselves. Cracking her knu  ckles and takling to herself.  “Fucking peice of shit fucking asshole motherfucker-”  Something along those lines. She had a few encounters with people on h  er way here, and she was particularly pissed off. Today was not a good   day for her. Her eyes had the very definition of fury in them, and sh  e honestly just wanted to go home. She started to question why she eve  n came out to this place, perhaps she was bored. Or maybe part of her  actually wanted to, but after the day she had been having, that was no   more. Hands behind her back she spoke up to herself once again, after   her swearing had subsided.  “Can anybody tell me why the fuck I'm here… before I snap all y’all’s  necks? I fucking hate this stupid bullshit, who the fuck convinced me  that this was a good idea. Huh?” She pointed at one of the higher up a  ngels, nobody in particular.  “Was it you tough guy!? You wanna fucking throw down?”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Indeed Brother Strappon" Father Crucifix said as he looked at him wit  h a determine face. Raincoat had her weapon out and was filling it up  with bullets though she looked at Boxer who looked tried a bit. "Boxer  , you okay?" Raincoat said as she looks at kind of worried for her fri  end. Boxer looked at her with a tried like smile. "I'm fine, Rain. Jus  t my run took a lot out of me..." Boxer chuckled a little though it wa  s a weak chuckle. "Boxer, you know you can stay home, Father Crucifix  would understand" She said as she was worried for as she tries to put  a hand on his shoulder. "Like i said, I'm Fine" He said as he looked a  t her with no smile but with a straight face. "Okay..." Raincoat said  as she still worries but continues to get her weapon ready.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was fanning himself with a much too fancy fan with lace and   jewels as he walked with the click of his heels. Sighing,  "While I like a sauna this is just a bit much."  Surprisingly, he didn't mind the fishy smell from the harbor. In fact,   it reminded him of the time he fell asleep in a tide pool. It might a  lso be that Headphone's sense of smell was either so damaged or backwa  rd that he enjoyed really any smell. He raised his eyebrow,  "You're asking a man without his left eye to see something. Good j o b  ."  He gave a sarcastic slow clap as he widened the only functioning eye h  e has to stare in the fog to exemplify his point.  Knittens was in the same boat, itching at the patches on his right arm  . It's been several days and his home life had been stressful. Not tha  t anything happened it was just a very strange series of events that d  idn't really make sense. Honestly, he did want to get out of the house   even if it meant this insanity. Stretching his neck,  "Shouldn't we try getting flashlights or something to at least see?"
DJ:  "My mind is a steel trap, Brother Strappon!" Helmet exclaimed, eager t  o recuse the damsel in distress like a true knight.  Loincloth was adjusting the strap to his plaudron. It had been a long  time since he wore this armor. Hell, he didn't think he was never goin  g to have to wear it again since he fell from heaven. But here he was,   attempting to rescue some likely dead woman in a zombie-infested harb  or with a bunch of other angels. He could only hope it this venture do  esn't go to complete shit.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was in a particularly enthusiastic mood that day, he had once aga  in gone alone into town and done some shopping, all on his own. Which  was a big achievement considering how much his dads loved to baby him.   Still, he managed to slip away. Mostly by using his wings which were  admittedly underdeveloped as he had never been allowed or taught to us  e them. With that though, the boy had picked up his wheelchair and flo  wn off for the day, only placing the chair back down when he was far e  nough away. But now he was in the middle of zooming over to the meetin  g place, wheeling himself as fast as possible, which was probably way  too fast a speed for a wheelchair, and he wasn’t alone. There was a gi  rl who was slightly taller than him, sitting on his lap, holding on fo  r dear life. He saw the group of familiar people in the distance, and  came to a screeching halt, which sent the poor girl flying out of his  lap.  Pointe Shoes was stuck in a peculiar situation. Peculiar being an ange  l, who she had only really had interactions with on twitter, wheeling  her off to lord knows where. She held on as tight as she could. The wh  ole situation was extremely uncomfortable considering she had a sword  that was bigger than she was strapped to her back. When the chair came   to a halt, she flew out of there as if she had been a Frisbee that wa  s tossed into traffic never to be seen again. Except the traffic in th  is particular situation was an unsuspecting Goggles. As pointe was fly  ing through the air and into Goggles it almost looked as if she had be  en T-posing.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Raincoat was reloading her Weapon, she see her best big friend; Loi  ncloth! "Loin!" She called out as she runs to him and hops on his back  . "It's good to see you again, Big Buddy" Raincoat said as she smiles  at him. "You here to kill some, Zombies? Word of advice aim for the he  ad" She whisper as she smiles at him. Father Crucifix saw Helmet came  and he smile as he walk to him. "Ah, Brother Helmet. It's nice to see  you again." Father Crucifix said with hands behind his back as he appr  oaches him though extends hand out for a shake. "Hope you are ready to   smite the living dead?" Father Crucifix said with a chuckle as he loo  ks at him with a smile. Meanwhile Boxer was by himself looking at down   at the ground closing eyes but keeping himself awake.
EMI:  Dermal shot a very short, disinterested look at Goggles, who was point  ing and yelling some garbage at him. He walked up behind Cowlneck and  flicked his hair as well, his usual "tail" following him around (hint:   it's Veil.)  "Then you should do your best, right? Don't want these other Angels ou  tshining my star, after all." He said with a smile, lightly patting hi  s shoulder.
KRO:  "It's okay, we'll get a hair treatment that makes you bald so you don'  t /have/ to deal with hair," said Sukajan, following closely behind Co  wlneck.  "Wigs are easier to maintain, anyways. You know it's true."  Hot Pants slung his pulse rifle over his shoulder and stretched, takin  g in the smell of the atmosphere. He ended up hacking up a lung from t  he rancid smell. He tried, he was just trying to feel nostalgic after  losing his job. But what he didn't appreciate was how close Duster was  . Every five seconds he was pushing his boyfriend away.  "Babe, it's humid as all hell. At least give me some space or I'm not  showering when we get home so you deal with this stank ass smell."  Leon was a little mesmerized by Hot Pants before snapping back into re  ality, a dreadful feeling pulling him back in. It felt like someone wa  s ready to murder him but he couldn't put his finger on who. Shrugging   it off, he opened the fence door and gesturing for everybody to come  through, only to stop Knittens on his tracks.  "Flash light? That's probably not a good idea. We're still on the peri  meter and this operation is /not/ authorized by the city. What we're a  ll doing here is illegal, but you're our best bet to find this girl re  gardless if she's alive or not regardless of what the city thinks of y  ou all..."  Spur came up behind Knittens and went in to pat Leon on the shoulder.  "The guards around the perimeter are the least of our worries. You cou  ld say they're...taking a little nap."  "Nap...?" There was concern in Leon's voice. He squinted at the myster  y person before coming to the realization that they either knocked out   the security or killed them. He hoped for the former.  "Yes, nap," Spur reaffirmed, "We still gotta act quick, they won't sta  y down the entire night."  Oh thank fuck, Leon thought. They didn't kill them.  Archer, meanwhile, was mourning his feathers which were being affected   by whatever was causing the air to feel oppressive.  "Tch, they're losing...oil? Fuck."  Guess he's staying grounded.
OWLIE:  Monocle stood alongside with Polo among the other angels. Monocle shiv  ered as he adjusted his scarf, looking around in worry. Sneakers would  've come but he's out sick and Cardigan's taking care of him and Henle  y doesn't want to.
DJ:  “Ready and eager!” Helmet said, pulling out his stick, “I shall send t  his vile undead back into their grave!”  Loincloth was caught off guard and was about to rip whatever hopped on  to his back apart before he realized it was only Raincoat and relaxed.   “Raincoat, I’m over 900 years old. I’ve fought plenty of zombies in m  y day.”
TORIBIRDSEED:  Goggles looked at the other who was flying at her, nearly about to hit   her. She was not about that life, her day was already going bad as is  . Before the other could hit her Goggles stepped backwards and ducked,   letting the other fly past them before speaking up in her usual loud  tone of voice.  “Hey! Watch where the fuck youre going asshat! You want to fucking die  !? I'll fucking kill ya!”  She was probably serious too. Grabbing her goggles in her hands and cr  ushing them as it turned into her weapon. Pointing it at the other, ki  nd of. Everything was always blurry to goggles so she was more pointin  g it at Pointe number 2.  “I'll fucking blow you the fuck up!”
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens pursed his lips at the stranger, obviously very uncomfortable   that a stranger talked to him. He became very defensive recently but  he nodded slowly. It made sense that they wanted to lay low. He still  muttered,  "Yeah, but it'll be like look for a needle in a haystack."  He shrugged, usually, things worked out and he was just here for the r  ide. At the same time, he didn't want to admit the aspect they're look  ing for a dead girl was disturbing. Gulping, he just hoped that she wa  s still moving. Knittens flinched at the sight of the stranger coming  from behind but immediately relaxed. The suit the person was wearing v  aguely reminded him of his mother, in fact, he started feeling nostalg  ia from seeing Spur. It was barely similar, most likely the colors but   it made him realize how long it had been since the last time he's eve  n spoken to his mom. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he shuffled fo  rward, keeping his head down. He didn't feel like talking anymore.  Headphones sighs as he tied his long hair into a messy bun just to exp  erience some sort of cooling. It was like adding 5 pounds of hair on h  is head but it was worth it for the tiny breeze on the back of his nec  k. Of course, it looked like he had a white fluffy creature on the top   of his head and his head was being tilted back because of it. But wor  ht it.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Glad to hear that" Father Crucifix said with a smile on his face."Int  eresting fact to know, Buddy" Raincoat said with a giggle as she looks   at him with a smile. "This is my first time slaying Zombies!" She sai  d as she was excited to headshot some Zombies. "It looks like you got  some good gear for the Mission" Raincoat said as she pokes at his new  armor he had on.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar was on the ground watching the two forms fly around on  the air. He was currently under his umbrella applying globs of sunbloc  k to his skin to keep it nice and safe. He was not fucking with the su  n.     Another rather tall individual walked close by, she knew no one   so this would be fun. Dzilla tied up her long hair in a bun and she l  ooked around, wow, only one person as tall as her. Well close enough.  She walked over to Loincloth and she picked him up,"Hello."
BRIT:  "I'm glad we're ready, then." Strappon said, looking around at the Ang  els once again before nodding succinctly. "We can move on, then. Now t  hat this... Nice, mysterious man has incapacitated our barrier."  "I appreciate it." Cowlneck said, flashing a smirk at Dermal. He whipp  ed his head around to glare at Sukajan, "Rude. You don't like my hair?   You make me bald, I tear what's left of your skin off."  Blazer approached the group, sipping a latte. How did they get in? Who   fuckin knows.  "Oh, hey. It's the stud." They said, pointing toward Spurs. "Let's get   moving."
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe T posed right into the ground. She soon got back on her feet an  d glared back at Goggles who seemed to want to throw the fuck down. Sh  e unsheathed Starfury and pointed the massive sword at Goggles, before   looking back over at Jong who seemed concerned at the whole thing. "L  isten here Captain cum waffle, you're lucky wheelchair kid is here or  else your ass would have been on fire by now. I have better shit to do   than to fight with shitty wanna be shounen protagonist." Pointe put t  he sword back in its holding unit, and walked over to Jong, ignoring G  oggles. "Okay wheelchair kid. I'm guessing you wanted me to help you w  ith this? If something happens to me i just want you to know that my s  isters ___WILL___ fuck you up."  Jong simply nodded at the whole encounter and started to wheel himself   along with the crowd.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Goggles was not about this life, not at all. Stomping her foot she yel  led.  “Cum...CUM WAFFle? YOU WANNA GO YOU FUCKING PIG SLUT?”  She shot a round off from her grenade launcher into the distance, a la  rge explosion going off as usual. “I'll end your fucking life! And you  r sisters you hear me!?”  She stomped around some more before Collier flew over and put a hand o  n Goggles  shoulders, smiling at Pointe. “My appologies. My friend is  not the type to take well to insults. He guided her away to calm down  before flying back over. “Would you like to become a prostitite?” He w  as getting straight to the point wasn't he.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe was clearly not pleased at this whole thing " I WASN'T TALKING  TO YOU YOU SNOT NOSED COCK GOBLIN" Pointe turned back to Collier and s  miled, "Sorry mister, a self respecting young woman such as myself wou  ld never become a prostitute while it's illegal. If there were unions  for this and I was of age then maybe, but its a career choice I would  have to talk over with someone. Thank you for your offer."  Jong shook his head. This was dumb.
DJ:  "Right! Let us go then. FOR GOD AND GLORY!" Helmet cried out as he ran   headlong into certain death, as per usual.  "Not really new. I stopped wearing this armor centuires ago when I beg  an learning mag-WOAH, WHAT THE HELL?!" Loincloth exclaimed as he was l  ifted up into the air and just stared at Dzilla. Not only was this wom  an taller than him, she could also lift him up effortlessly. To say he   was surprised would be an understatement. "Uhhhhh....Hi there."
OWLIE:  "Let's move then," Monocle said, looking around the the place as he wa  lked, he approached in Boxer and gave him a gentle punch on the should  er. "Heya Box," He said, his voice dipping in a bit of excitement.  Polo walked near Raincoat and Loincloth and flashed them both with a g  rin. "Hi, Raincoat, hi, Loincloth," Polo said, then stared up at Dzill  a with awe, "Ooh, hey there, tall and pretty stranger~"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You have very unique spirit, Helmet" Father Crucifix said as he pats  on the back with a smile on his face. Raincoat looked at new angel tha  t appeared before her and Loincloth. "Hello there new person" Raincoat   said as she waved to Dzilla. Then she saw Polo coming, man looks like   a big welcoming party was coming along. "Hey Polo!" She said as she w  aved to him with a smile on her face.  As Boxer was seating alone he felt a little punch on his shoulder and  he turn around to see Mono. "Hey Mono" Boxer said as he gave him a gen  tle hug which was strange. Boxer usually excited and full of energy bu  t he looks like he is all tried out. This was strange.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar binked before leaning down,"Darling why does it smell l  ike dead people here?" He licked his little lovers cheek.    Dzilla ch  uckled and put him down,"My apologies, it has just been a while since  I have seen someone my size." She hears Polo and her cheeks redden. Sh  e turns to him,"H-hello there." She almost shrunk at the attention, sh  e waved to Boxer.
KRO:  Spur held up a hand, about to address Strappon that he didn't need the   praise until he heard Blazer's voice.  No, let's not get distracted by their beauty, there's a little girl to   find. That was more important at the moment.  Spur walked past Leon who was running after him.  "Uh, sir! Hold on-"  Leon stopped in his tracts as Spur turned around. There was something  menacing about it.  "It's fine, I know my way around. Could say I worked here for a while.   I believe these Zombies can be repented through holy weapons, so thos  e with firearms better shoot them before they get close. It's imperati  ve that they /do not/ get close to you."  Hots quirked a brow as he listened in on Spur. This guy must have work  ed for Lethocs before it was shut down if he knew this much, but it co  uld be the spy as well. Who knows. He can't exactly prosecute right no  w, not with who they have to rescue.  Sukajan fitted a helmet as Cowlneck spoke, looking directly at the man  .  "Sure, you can do that if you don't mind punching in the helmet's glas  s."
OWLIE:  Monocle was surprised at the gentle hug, strange, but he shrugged it o  ff. Meanwhile Polo was bouncing about, smiling at Dzilla, "You're soo  tall," He said, "You should've seen my boyfriend, he's so-" He stopped   himself before he can say short with Monocle within earshot. He reall  y don't want Mono ignoring him. Again.
DJ:  "R-Right." Loincloth said, still taking in how tall (and strong) this  woman was before turning his attention to Raincoat. "Can you please ge  t off my back now?"
SOPHIE:  After receiving a text from her sister about some rather creepy people  , Pumps had sprung into action, hopping on her bicycle and PUMPIN THOS  E THIGHS AMIRITE. Not really up to date on current events she just wen  t to the address Pointe had texted her on her phone. Upon ariving she  brought her bike to a screeching hault and took off her helmet.  "WHICH ONE OF YOU'S CREEPIN ON MY BABY SISTER" she shouted, seemingly  towards no one. Guess they left. She got up and sighed, placing the he  lmet on her sister's head. "Use this for protection-" she mumbled, fol  ding her arms. "Anyways, the heck's going on here sis? Sorry I was a b  it late. _I can't believe you swore._ "
BRIT:  Blazer watched Hot Spur closely, their lips sort of pouted. Something  about him was so familiar... But they had to concentrate on getting ev  eryone motivated.  "Alright, folks. Nice to meet you, glad you could come, let's get movi  ng, already." They said, waving everyone down, "Hot Stuff is going to  guide us in, let's not disappoint."  Duster was still practically up Hot Pants' ass. He starting moving for  ward with the group, basically dragging Hot Pants with him.  "I guess we have more to lose sticking around here with Jacket out in  the open." Cowlneck commented almost apathetically.  "Don't worry, I got a disguise!" Jacket said, putting a paper bag over   his head.  Cowlneck stared at him for a good solid minute before moving on.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "So, how are you doing?" Boxer ask Monocle as he looked at him with a  tried smile. "I'm doing great, starting to run for my hobby and stuff"   He said as he looked at the ground as he yawned a bit. he looked like   he was going to sleep anytime soon though he did notice Vampire Colla  r wave to him and he wave back. Raincoat looked at Loincloth with her  puppy dog eyes. "But i like back, it gives me the advantage to shot th  ings. The High Ground is the best ground" Raincoat said with her puppy   dog eyes and puppy dog giggle as she looks at Loincloth.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong blushed a little at his boyfriend licking his cheek, but he was u  sed to it. He chuckled a little, before pulling the other one onto his   lap for a kiss. “Something about zombies babe.” Jong was so happy to  have his boyfriend there. But also a little concerned because the boy  wanted to do a protecc. “We should be really careful here, okay? I don  ’t want you to get hurt by zombies. I also don’t wanna get hurt by Zom  bies. Lets both not get hurt by zombies.”  Pointe practically jumped out of her skin when she heard her sister’s  voice. She loved her dearly but god was she good at catching her off g  uard. “something about Zombies. I really have no idea what’s up.” I ki  nda got dragged out here by a wheelchair kid who seems to be making ou  t with his vampire boyfriend?” Pointe locked arms with her sister. She   was glad to not be there alone.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla giggles and she covers her mouth. "I have been made aware my de  ar." She turns to Mono and she looks back at Polo,"Awww..you're both r  ather small." Vampire wiggled and whispered,"That guy saw my junk when   he broke in and it scares me." He squeaked and chilled in his lap,"I  promise I'll keep you safe. You're not being a meal on wheels today. M  aybe when we go home though.." He kissed him happily.
SOPHIE:  Pumps loves her sister dearly, but she can't seem to fathom the inform  ation her sister had just given her. "Oh, so you're telling me a cripp  led individual _kidnapped_ you and now there's _zombies_ "  She looked around and tapped her foot for a moment, pulling out some k  neepads and shoulderpads from her backpack, shoving them towards Point  e.  "Put this on for protection, if the zombies get you at least you'll ha  ve your shins and wenis..es.." Why was her sense of humor so morbid?
OWLIE:  Monocle smiled warmly at Boxer, "I'm mostly doing okay, that guy's shi  t of a brother just ruined my garden." He pointed at Polo and sighed,  remembering when he and Henley argued about Polo and things quickly tu  rned physical. Polo shrugged and smiled, grinning at Dzilla's statemen  t "Yeah, pretty much, I'm still taller than him though,"
DJ:  Loincloth quickly shut his eyes as he had grown wise to Raincoat's pup  py eyes. "If you want a vantage point, climb up a building or somethin  g. I need my back to be unburdened of any unnecessary weight if we end   up fighting a horde of those zombies." He said as he picked up Rainco  at and placed her down beside him.  "OI!" Flat Cap yelled out as he ran towards the group, "Oh shite...oh  fuck...sorry i'm late. I was smoking a blunt and....then i remember we   were....heading to....the harbor...and shite...." What he wouldn't gi  ve to have a car or even a bike.
KRO:  Archer cupped his ears when Pumps began shouting, holding a finger in  fron of his lips and shushing her.  "We probably shouldn't make too much noise if we're in a zombie infest  ed zone. Now come on before you all fall behind."  He gestured for them to follow, then summoned his bow, drawing the str  ing which summoned arrows.  "Luckily for everybody, I'm an amazing shot, so we should be safe."  His tone was so matter-of-fact. In before he ends up cowering consider  ing he can't fly.  Hots tried to dig his heels into the ground to get Duster to stop but  instead he just ran a distance and tried to keep it that way. Leon saw   how much they were both straying and grabbed on to Hots' arm.  "Hey, I don't know what's going on, but seperating is probably not bes  t right now. I heard the zombies do weird things to you just getting c  lose to them..."  "Yeah, I know what they do. We worked for the same organization, you k  now," Hots said, retreiving his arm back from Leon. What, did this guy   think he was a damsel?  "If you don't mind me asking, what /do/ they do?" Sukajan asked Leon.  Leon turned around to answer before he was caught off by an odd noise  and Hots yelling.  Two zombies had appeared out of nowhere, circling the human who was co  vering his eyes or acting as if there was too much light in them. Inst  inctively, Spur drew his rifle, shooting the heads off both zombies, a  llowing Hots to have his vision back.  "They blind you," Spur said, "We don't know why, but being in close pr  oximity to them blinds you with light."  "And I still fell for it like a damn fOOL!" Hots yelled. He was visibl  y upset.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I'm sorry to hear that Mono, i could come over and help you out fixin  g your Garden" Boxer said very calmly as he looked at Mono with still  a tried smile. He was so tried but he need to stay up for this Mission  , he wasn't going to miss this one.  "Alright Loin, i'll take you advice sense your 900 years old" Raincoat   said as he gentle punches his side because he couldn't reach his shou  lder. Though it hit a little because of the armor. "Ouch! My Hand!" Sh  e said as she waved her hand to let pain go away. "Man, that's some to  ugh Armor, Loin" Raincoat said as she puts hand behind her head with a   calm look.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe sighed in disappointment but complied. She knew better than to  argue with her sister on safety precautions, even /if/ she was gonna e  nd up with burnt plastic. In that moment she noticed a stanger walking   over to them and essentially shooshing them for safety. "Well, I gues  s thats what we're doing here. You can blame the wheelchair boy whoms'  d've kidnapped me."  Jong waved at Flat Cap. Despite the coke in the sugar bowl debacle he  was glad he was at least taking the drugs out of the abbey. "hey dude  maybe be a little more careful with the shouting. You wouldn't wanna g  et any attention drawn to yourself."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla smiled and nodded,"I will give you the credit where it is due.  What are your names?" She smells the weed. "Why..the.."   Vampire Coll  ar's practically visibly boiled. He kept close to Jong and he started  hissing. He was like a cat, not having any of it.
SOPHIE:  Pumps blinked and took the cue to lower her voice, nodding along. I me  an, nobody said there'd be medusa-zombies lurking about. "Man if only  Papa Pantaloni was here he'd have himself a field day if you know what   I mean" She said, nudging her sister.  With that said, Pumps had no idea what she meant.  She fished around in her bag and pulled out an entire wooden chair, pl  acing it down on the ground, before picking up her bicycle, folding it   up and shoving it in her bag as if it were paper. Gosh, you'd think h  er bag belonged to Hermione Granger with how much stuff she could fit  in it and utterly defy the laws of physics.  She sat down in the chair and pulled out one of her daggers, spinning  it around on her finger. "Say, how'd that date go with  you and that b  oy.. uhh.. PBJ?"  _She meant PTJ but the point was made._
BRIT:  Duster held his hand out helplessly to stop Hot Pants but he was too l  ate. What a dumbass. Why was he trying to kill this kid, he was easily   going to get himself murdered. He sighed. He wanted to kill him to pu  t him out of his misery. But not now.  Soon.  But not now.  "Oh, hey Jong!" Jacket chirped, taking his bag off his head, "Ready fo  r some cool shenanigans? I haven't seen people much since I was at tha  t mulitary base. Mom took my phone away."  He looked at the newer people crowded around the wheelchair with awe.  "Hey, we should head in before the feds find me!" He said, thumbing to  ward the crowd that had headed toward the... Zombies.  "What a dumb fuck." Cowlneck said, crossing his arms as he watched Hot   Pants get blinded.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones spotted Knittens moping and sighs, not in his house. Walkin  g over, the beanpole slides right in and with his caterpillar eyes bro  ws, wiggles them as he cheerfully sings,  "If you're gonna be sad then use that sadness productively."  Headphones that's not how you cheer anyone up.  Knittens sighs as the old family friend slid next to himas he retorts,  "Like how mint cruncher?"  The angel spun around the kid as he hums,  "You could use it for exercise, or cry naturally as an actor, weaponiz  e it somehow. I don't know but don't just sit down and elt your own em  otions beat you up."  Knittens glared at him as he drawls out,  "thaaaaaaaaaaanks."
DJ:  "Yea, that's why i wear it." Loincloth said then turned to Dzilla to a  nswer her question, "I'm Loincloth. Now let's get going and find Pleat  s, or what's left of her." He then proceeded to go and begin searching   for the possibly-dead Ophir.  Flat simply nodded in acknowledgement to Jong's statement. He was too  busy catching his breath after that long run to the harbor.
SOPHIE:  PTJ was rather bored this fine evening and found himself on a scooter  riding around town when he noticed a bunch of people crowded around in   one area. He looked to see if he could find any familiar faces among  the crowd and instead of seeing, you know, his brother for example, hi  s eyes landed upon the girl who used to sit next to him in history cla  ss. He walked on over to the two sisters and smiled, waving ever so sl  ightly.  "H-Hey-what's goin' on guys?" He asked.  Pumps couldn't help but smile and side eye her sister. Ohohoho. A boy.   _A boyfriend? Maybe? Yes? Who knew. But as an older sister it was her   job-no, her DUTY, to be a shit head._
BRIT:  Strappon shuddered at what Loincloth has said. 'What's left of her?' H  e began moving forward quicker.  "I'd rather find her before she meets a terrible end. She's not that w  eak." He said. He seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat, "At le  ast, that's what I assume."  Blazer quirked a brow at Strappon's addressing of Pleated Skirt. Did h  e... Nah, they must be hearing things.  "Hey, quick dragging your asses!" Blazer called to the further people,   "We're in a zombie town. You get bit, you get hit! That means you, to  o, PTJ!"  As they moved forward, they began encountering more of the shambling,  light-bearing beings in their wake. It was best to proceed with cautio  n from that point on. In the distance, there was a body of water that  was pitch-black at a glance.
OWLIE:  "I'm Polo Buttondown," Polo said, aswering Dzilla then pointed to Mono  cle, who was talking to Boxer, "That guy's name is Monocle, he's my wo  nderful and moody boyfriend," then he walked next to Loincloth, "Be po  sitive Loincloth, we'll find her, safe and sound,"  Monocle twisted his clutching around his finger as he began to search  around the zombie infested town. He slipped his namesake off and summo  ned Eyesore.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong smiled at Jacket, it had been a while since he had seen him. “Hey  ! This time around I /am/ ready.” Jong laughed a little, he was glad t  o see him. “I think it’d be a great idea to start going inside.” Jong  started to wheel himself alongside Jacket.  Pointe looked over at PTJ who had just gotten there. “Hey! What are yo  u doing here?” Pointe smiled, she was clearly excited to have him ther  e, so much so that she didn’t really notice her sister side eyeing her  . Pointe unsheathed Starfury and held it almost resting on her shoulde  r with one hand, which was impressive as the sword was almost 6’ tall.   C’mon! let’s not split up. She grabbed PTJ by the hand and started to   walk more into the town, she didn’t really know what the hell she was   doing but she was excited to have a friend there. “Sis hurry up! Don’  t fall behind!”
OWLIE:  *clutch ring
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Sorry to say this, Father. But Loincloth got a point" Raincoat said a  s he looked at Strappon with a chill look. "These are Zombies and well   Zombies are Zombies, it's all about survival" She pointed out as she  looked at him. "He not trying to be negative or anything, he just poin  ting out something" Raincoat said as she was beside him. Meanwhile Box  er was just setting by himself in daze as everything around felt like  silent. He was all alone as he wasn't paying any attention.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  A small bean bikes all the way there. Panting he hops off his bike and   he runs over to Knittens. Mary Janes gives him a little hug,"Made it.  ."               Dzilla raises a brow at the small child. She was gett  ing a small feeling in her gut but she shook her head. It was nothing.   She turns to Loin, Mono and Polo "It is nice to meet you all, my name   is Dzilla." She waves and walks close to the little group. Vampire Co  llar chilled on Jong's lap and hugged him close, kissing the top of hi  s head. He waves to Jacket.
KRO:  Hots huffed, stuffing  his face into Duster's chest to muffle his scre  aming before realizing they're both sweaty messes. With disgust writte  n all over his face, Hots seperates from Duster, wiping his face clean  .  "Anyway, from what I remember reading, these zombies have supernatural   agility, so they can sneak up on you without you knowing until it's t  oo late. You'd only know they're close until you're blinded," Hots sai  d.  Sukajan heard PTJ's name being mentioned and he scanned the area for v  isual of the child. His neck snapped and quickly grabbed both of PTJ's   hands, his helmet retreating to show his face. He was ready to voice  his concerns but noticed he was next to an equally young girl. He arch  ed his brows in confusion. Now he wasn't sure if he should call the ki  d out to make him go back home or not.  "Uuuh.. Just. Stay close... I guess," he said, keeping pace with every  one else.  Spur kept an eye out for any potential zombies. It was quieter than us  ual and that put them on edge. Usually, you'd see multitudes of them w  alking the street. Were they smart and planned an ambush? No, that cou  ldn't be it. Their attention was caught by a distant body of water. Th  ey tapped Strappon's shoulder, pointing to it.  "If you don't mind, could we make a little detour to the water? I've h  eard rumors that Demons have been interested in the water here for som  e reason and I think it would benefit us to know why. I know the girl  is of high priority, but we could take out two birds with one stone."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chokes out in shock as he felt something wrap around him and  he was so ready to punch whatever it was. But before he could, he noti  ced it was Mary Janes. Refraining he sighed,  "Jesus mary you scared the shit out of me."  Cursing without thinking, he covered his mouth, ears turning red. He w  as embarrassed about his loss of composure as well as saying a swear.  He was never supposed to do that without getting his mouth cleaned wit  h soap.  Headphones just lost his mind. It was the mixture of horror and hilari  ty of the surreal situation. He wheezed hard, being brought to his kne  es as he tried to breathe or choke out any words but he was speechless  . He hasn't heard Knittens cursed once, it was like hearing hello kitt  y say "Fuck".
SOPHIE:  PTJ blew a raspberry towards blazer and mumbled _'at least I have good   taste in emo music'_ he ranted before being tugged along by Pointe. "  H-Hey hold up I don't got my baseba-"  Pump's exhaled, standing up and packing her chair back into her bag an  d holding PTJ's baseball bat out to him. "You left it at our shop"  PTJ just stared in confusion, trying to triangulate just how in gods n  ame a 4 foot baseball bat came out of a 2 and a half foot tall backpac  k. He took his bat and stared confused at pumps before turning back fo  rward and walking alongside Pointe. _He squeezed Pointe's hand ever so   gently as they drudged forward into the unknown, god knows this was "  slightly" worrisome.  _"First I find out mom fucks ghosts then zombies, what's next"_ he exh  aled to himself.  CREEPING OVER HIS SHOULDER, PUMPS WHISPERED _"What's wrong with fuckin  ' ghosts?"_ and PTJ silently screamed, his voice failed him. He turned   his head to look to Pumps, wide eyed. _"Nothing"_ he whispered, squee  zing Pointe's hand a BIT TIGHER.  Pumps patted him on the head and laughed "I'm just pulling your leg. C  ome on, don't be so stressed out!" She laughed, ruffling his hair.  Just as she was patting his head, Sukajan had appeared, grabbing PTJ's   hands.  "Uh-- yeah-" He mumbled, looking up at Sukajan.  _"I'm sorry if I shoulda stayed home-"_ he mumbled, dragging his baseb  all bat aside himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary let's go and his cheeks go red. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to." He h  olds his teddy close and its eyes kinda just stare into Knittens' soul  s. Creepy. Mary saw Headphones fall out and he covered his face. Two s  econds in and he was already a mess. Yup. Knittens was totally Aggrett  suko.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer somehow gravitated to the exact spot where headphones is becaus  e he's a needy gay bitch. He takes off his sunglasses to reveal his re  gular glasses, and takes a sip of a Starbucks green tea frapp. He snak  es his arm around his man's waist, pulling him close. "Hi there love,  I missed you. And was bored. What are we doing?"  Jong just kept wheeling along the town, he summoned his weapon, which  he Totally Has Always Had Its Totally Always Been A Cool Lazer Harpoon   Gun For Sure, and he held it with one hand. before fluttering his win  gs and getting up, basically hovering along because His Legs Aint Work  . "babe can you take care of the chair for me?"  Pointe just kinda went along with everything, and made sure to squeeze   PTJ's hand back in a reassuring way. This whole thing was definitely  creepy, and there was definitely something...wrong... with the atmosph  ere. but she needed to be brave.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones grabbed Summer's hair, pulling him close, his frantic eyes  searching for god as he wheezed,  "He said shit, holy shit he said shit."  He clamored for Summer for both emotional and physical support as he s  tared into the sky. He was ready to be raptured God.  Knittens stared back at Mary's teddy and honestly? He was kinda ready  to fight it. Throw down with a stuffed toy because no one gives him a  dirty look. He's already ashamed of himself he doesn't need soemthing  telling him mentally that he should be ashamed. He coughs, trying to c  hange the subject,  "W-What's up, why're you here?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar nods and he wheels it. "I mean, you can sit in it and I   can push you. I promise its fine." He messed with his namesake a litt  le bit. Poor beans. Mothers Love blinks at Knittens and continues to j  udge without a conscious. Its eye lights look up at Mary. "N-nothing m  uch i..I I'm wanted to face a fear..therapy isn't really helping so..c  losest thing right? ...how about you?" He rubbed the back of his neck  a little.
SOPHIE:  PTJ, who had been engaged in a very in depth twitter conversation in t  he past minute or so, looked over to Pumps with wide eyes. Pumps just  laughed nervously, pulling out her daggers just in case anything came  up out of nowhere. Why they gotta kink shame her like this.
DJ:  Helmet began searching high and low for Pleats all by his lonesome lik  e the foolhardy man that he was, his head popping out of barrels, wind  ows, the sides of buildings, and even under the docks.  "I'm just being realistic here. The odds of a human surviving alone in   a zombie-infested harbor without any weapons that can harm them, i wo  uld assume, is unlikely." Loincloth as he walked beside Polo.  After he regain his breath, Flat Cap went to catch with the others the  n overheard Spurs. Curious, he walked up to them. "So what, ya want on  e of us to swim down there and a peek?"
BRIT:  "If the water looks suspicious, it makes sense to examine it. Maybe we   could figure out what's causing these zombies to exist." Strappon rep  lied to Spurs, examining the area quietly, "We'll have to rush past th  em..."  Jacket gave Jong an energetic thumbs-up. He was happy they were all to  gether! It was just a matter of keeping out of sight of the zombies.  Of course, Jacket was not the master of stealth with his red-ass jacke  t, as he explored the area around Jong's wheelchair, almost like an or  bit, one of them began speeding toward him.  "OH FUCK. SORRY, I'LL LEAD IT AWAY!" He called to Jong as he immediate  ly began running the opposite direction. He zoomed past Strappon, Blaz  er, Spurs, and just about everyone else that had been observing quietl  y. Straight toward the water.  "I wouldn't suggest swimming." Strappon added, as Jacket went speeding   past them. He seemed to collect a zombie conga line.  There was their distraction.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla kept hearing the word. "What is a..som..zombie.?" She looked ar  ound and summoned her War Bringers. The two large axes chilled in her  hands as she looked about. She'd keep an eye on Mary as well.
OWLIE:  "Lovely," Monocle muttered to himself, frowning after hearing Loinclot  h say those words, He narrowed his eyes at Jacket. Polo turned to look   at Dzilla, "They're this undead thingies that can turn you into one o  f them if they bit ya," He tried to explain, "At least, that's what I  think they do,"
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer gently kissed Headphone's forehead while quietly chuckling. "I  can see why that would be really funny" Summer held on to headphones.  the man is clearly in love. Its kinda cute.  Jong looked over at vamp and smiled. "I can be a little more useful li  ke this." Jong keeps fluttering his little humming bird like wings and   hovering along. Jong just looked at Jacket who zoomed away wide eyed.   "Rest in peace Jacket, will be missed." Jong hovered just a little cl  oser to his boyfriend for safety.  Pointe sighed. She didnt condone the ghost fuckin.
EMI:  "...What an idiot..." Dermal commented, slightly irritated.  Out of the sky, like a lightning bolt from Heaven, came a bright blue  boomerang, landing like a dead weight just a hair away from Jacket, bu  t missing the first Zombie in the line. Right behind it landed the rav  en-haired Trenchcoat, probably only visible (practically glowing) by h  is pastey complexion.  "HEY JACKASS, where the FUCK are you going?!" He shouted. "It's about  time I found you!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix was beside Brother Strappon though keeping his guard i  n case any Zombies came at them. Raincoat was beside looking Loincloth   because he was her best big buddy and he was cool. Though Boxer on th  e other hand he was way behind the group like all the way in back. He  was just so tried and so sleepy. 'I'm so tried...my must keep going.."   Boxer said as he slowly walks behind the group.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens gasped as he pointed at Mary Jane's teddy bear,  "DUDE IT BLINKED??"  Sighing as he heard why Mary Janes was here, he patted on his back sup  portively but kept a really good eye on that teddy bear as he comforte  d,  "Hey listen, if it gets really bad, then we should leave as soon as we   can alright?"  Headphones kept wheezing, why did his boyfriend forsake him. Why could  n't he understand the level of shattering this was for him. Feigning b  etrayal, he slwoly leaned over to Summer's drink and took a sip as he  whines,  "Why don't you undesrtand me?"  He was just being a shit for the sake of being a shit as he almost tri  ed climbing his boyfriend. This man is 5'10", he shouldn't being climb  ing anyone.
KRO:  Sukajan sighed, "I would have preferred you stayed home. Ghosts are on  e thing, but zombies?"  He cut himself off before he could finish his thought.  "Just make sure to stay with them, me, or your brother. He's...somewhe  re."  "Swim?" Hots said, looking quizzically at Flat Cap.  "Swimming in that is the last thing you want to do. Shit's infected. L  ast time something organic fell in there, it melted-"  Hots stared at Jacket, Spurs bumping into him. Leon screamed, hiding b  ehind Strappon.  "My time to shine!" Archer called out but his thunder was stolen immed  iately as Spurs dispatched the line of zombies. Good to know they were  n't actually that bright.  "The water is contaminated with something, anything living dies within   seconds of contact. Who knows what it'll do to Immortals so I just do  n't recommend taking a dip unless you have a death wish," Spurs replie  d to Flat Cap.  "Besides," he continued, "Like I said, Demons have taken an interest i  n that body of water. It'd be nice to know why..."  Archer huffed, lowering his bow, "Show off."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar raises a finger as if to ask about Jacket but slowly pu  ts it down as he sees the nyooming conga line. He takes out his byoogo  ng and he just hugs his bean close. "Sure you don't want to go on my b  ack?" Dzilla just casually stabs one to see what the fuck it is. She b  acks away slowly before clicking the equivalent of fuck. Jeezums.    M  ary Janes looked at his bear and it looked away just in time. "Nahhhh.  " Mary Janes let out a squeak at the back pat and he shivered a little  . Oh boy. "G-got it..thank you..w..wait you'd go with me..?"
BRIT:  In awe, Jacket stared at Trenchcoat for a moment before shaking his he  ad, pulling himself off the ground and dusting himself off. The zombie  s piled up behind Duel Belter.  "Where the fuck were you when I was being chased by the feds!?" Jacket   yelled at Trench, "That woulda come super in handy!"  Strappon came out of his hiding spot, brushing sand off his pants.  "Well, we're free to examine the water for now." He pointed out, "The  Angels can take care of the zombies, I feel the need to see what this  is before continuing on, myself."  Duster peered over at Leon after he slammed into his boyfriend and all   but yanked him away from the other man.
SOPHIE:  PTJ was anxious, he looked around frantically, whispering "Poncho's he  re?" He blinked-before realizing, no, his _biological_ brother. Right.   With all that was going on and his stress at an all time high he made   a very, very poor choice and called out rather loudly for his brother  .  "HEY HOTS- WHERE YA AT-" He hollered, before attracting the attention  of some zomb zombs. Oh good fucking god. He quickly let go of Pointe's   hand and waved his arms, almost following jacket's poor example. "HEY   LOOK AT ME NOT THEM-" attracting the attention of countless zombies,  now chasing after him. He ran up next to Jacket.  "H-hey dude w-what's up?" he cried. God, this poor dumb kid.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe looked visibly shook. What the hell just happened. She started  running after him, holding her sword with both hands and taking swings   at some of the Zombies. Thank fuck shes a mercer. "pLEASE STOP SHOUTI  - /oh fuck mE/ " Pointe stood in place swinging her sword and avoiding   zombies as best as she could "fUCK"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong softly shook his head "I'm okay for now." He then noiced the girl   he had brought here shouting. "Rest in peace glasses girl. Will be mi  ssed."  Summer picked up headphones and carried him around bridal style, letti  ng him have the rest of the drink.
DJ:  "Well, how the fuck we supposed to what's down there if we can't swim  the shite?" Flat Cap asked crossing his arms.  Helmet meanwhile was going full whack-a-hole with some zombies that ke  pt popping out of holes in the dock.  Loincloth was just casual searching for the girl, picking off any zomb  ies that weren't attracted by Jacket's ruckus.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat was helping Loincloth search for the Girl, so was Father Cruc  ifix. "Guys...Wait up..." Boxer tried to call out but he was tried out  .
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar watches them get chased,"Should I jump in to help or do   you think they got it?" He raises a perfectly shaped brow. Yeah he to  ok pride in them. Dzilla was casually inspecting the zombies, slicing  many like deli meat. "So that is what they are..they're very smelly.."
OWLIE:  Polo slipped his namesake, morphing it into his weapon as he stabbed a   zombie through the gut. He turned his head and saw Monocle having way   too much fun attacking the zombies, he sliced a zombie's head clean t  hen chopped off another zombie's legs. He noticed Polo staring and fla  shed him a wide grin before hacking the zombies in his wake.  "God, I love him," Polo muttered, then snapped out of his thoughts, tu  rning to Dzilla, chuckling, "I know, right?"
SOPHIE:  "PoINTE DON'T FOLLOW-" He turned to see her getting her own crowd of z  ombies chasing after her. In an attempt to be valiant, he hit one comi  ng up behind Pointe with his baseball bat, right upside the head. When   he got the attention of the zombie he realized he done goofed. He did  n't have a mercer weapon on him and he had no magic to use.  That was when said zombie went rag-dolling into the air and Pumps spru  ng into action, leaping over to her sister and her friend. One could s  ay Pumps was one with the wind, in that she practiced wind-based magic  .  She held out one of her twin daggers to PTJ and whispered. _"It's shor  t range but effective, be careful for fucks sake you guys."_ she said,   knocking back a small crowd of the zombies chasing after the two of t  hem with wind and repenting those close enough to her.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla places a severed head on a fence post, angling it much like an  artist with a painting. "There we are.. They're smelly but fun to shre  ad. They remind me of the queen's men" she smiled nostalgically.
EMI:  "How about not getting myself into LEGAL TROUBLE." Trenchcoat hissed,  turning Dual Belter back into his coat and pulling it on roughly. He a  ctually took a good look around them.  "Looks like you found some friends, though." He said, as a group of zo  mbies approached around them. "You really attract trouble, you moron."
BRIT:  Suddenly there was chaos around him, and Jacket was very confused. He  turned to PTJ with a shitton of question marks forming above his head.  "Bro, are you good?" He asked, "You gonna be aight?"  He looked back at Trenchcoat and laughed. So damn innocent. Or was he?  "Well, we can kick these guys' asses! Just, uh, don't get close I gues  s! Let's wreck 'em!"  Cowlneck was having a grand old time tossing things at these zombies c  onsidering he couldn't use his damn //magic// like he wanted to. He wa  s pissed, but it was effective.  "Just do you damn business with the water so we can get the fuck out o  f this monster nest!" He yelled at them.  Blazer held their hands up defensively, but followed Spurs away from C  owlneck.  "Once we figure what this is, we might find it easier to get past thes  e shitbag, ya feel?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix starts to slash at Zombies while Raincoat was putting  Holy Bullets into their head. "Headshot, Headshot, Headshot" She repea  ted as she gets a Headshot on the Zombies from left to right. "Loin, d  id you see those Headshots. I'm the best Sniper in all of Heaven" Rain  coat said with a smile as she keeps shooting Zombies in the head. Mean  while Boxer was punching some Zombies though he was wildly punching th  em he was in his defense stance as just punch them as they came toward  s. "Guys...Help..." Boxer tried to call out as he keeps punching the Z  ombies trying to back them off.
SOPHIE:  PTJ hesitated, going through Pumps bag and finding some duct tape in i  t, securing the dagger onto the end of his baseball bat as Pumps kept  the zombies at bay with her magic.  The blinding feeling they kept experiencing was enough to make PTJ wan  na be sick. He handed his stupid elongated dagger to Pumps. She took n  ote of what he was doing and slid off her back pack for him, handing h  im her other dagger as well.  "Kiddo, pull out my lance" She responded, playing a game of fencing wi  th these ghosts.  As PTJ questioned his sanity and shuffled around this girls bag, he di  d indeed find a lance, pulling it out, he took the spare dagger and ta  ped it onto the end of the long pole.  "Yea bro I'm gucci!" He hollered back at jacket, jousting zombies left   and right.
KRO:  Leon practically yelled out his little lungs as Duster yanked him away  , thinking he was a zombie. He sighed in relief as he saw that it was  simply an Angel but the more oppressive, lingering aura still bothered   him.  "Phew! You gave me a good scare there, buddy."  Hot Pants hand to pry Duster's hands off Leon, looking at his boyfrien  d like he was going to chastise the man. Before he could, though, he h  eard PTJ's voice calling out. Both his and Sukajan's heads turned to t  he child now being chased around by zombies.  Sukajan was about to jump into action to off a few, but was quickly re  strained by Hots.  "Before you lunge in, I'll cover you with my gun. You're gonna be blin  ded trying to slice and dice them."  Nodding, Sukajan went in and sliced a few in his wake as Hots dispatch  ed the rest.  "Hopefully," Spur said as he approached the water. Archer peeked over  the dock himself, shooting zombies coming out of pipes as they slowly  climbed out.  "Interesting," he murmmured, "Malice? I thought this was only a Europe  an thing."  "Apparently not," Spur responded, "That must mean a Hell's Gate is ope  ned somewhere nearby, though."
SOPHIE:  This was it. Her moment to shine. She missed the trip to Europe and sh  e wasn't about to miss this. Sure she was missing her shift at her cou  sins bar but Zombies? Who could pass up Zombies. Scrunchy steadied her   aim, closing one eye and letting her slingshot fire right through a z  ombie that was giving Boxer some trouble. She sniped through a few oth  ers and sauntered in as if nothing had happened. Here she was, 2 years   late with starbucks.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong sighed a little "Babe, I dont think itd be very helpful. Im prett  y sure only immortal weapons work on them." Jong peered through the sc  ope and started picking off zombies one by one from a safe distance. h  e protecc.  Pointe kept swinging Starfury around with deadly pressition. She was o  n fire. Literally. as her hands were starting to engulf her sword in f  lames. She was clearly having some sort of emotion on this or else tha  t wouldn't be happening. But now there were extra dead charred zombies  . She was panting and mildly sweaty now. Her glasses had fogged over a   little.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Thank you!" Boxer called out to the person who saved him as he keep p  unching the Zombies that were still coming at him. He was getting so t  ried, why was he tried he had energy why wasn't he using it!? Boxer th  ought in his mind as he keep punching the Zombies not holding back.
DJ:  Loincloth clearly forgot about the whole 'zombie will blind you' thing   and ended up getting blinded by one of the zombies. Thankfully, Rainc  oat sniped the zombie that blinded him and rubbed his eyes before givi  ng her a thumbs up. Girl wasn't a bad shot. He then noticed more zombi  es coming at him. Knowing fighting close range wasn't the smartest ide  a, he grabbed a nearby barrel and tossed it at them Donkey Kong style.  Helmet, whether he remembered what he was supposed to be doing or was  just done playing whack-a-mole, went to searching for the girl. This t  ime in one of the warehouses. "Pleats Ophir? Are thou hidden amongest  these boxes?!"  "Malice? Fuck's that and what does it have to do with a Hell's Gate?"  Flat Cap asked, seeing as how his previous question was utterly ignore  d.
SOPHIE:  As they fought back to back, PTJ, Pumps and Pointe, they had to fight  through the blindness just to stay in one piece. And that's when it ha  ppened. PTJ turned his head over to try and check on his friend, Point  e, and that's when he felt his lips touch hers for a brief moment. In  that moment, everything stopped, including his heart.  Like actually he might need CPR.  But not really. He stood there in shock, Pumps had just caught a glimp  se of what had happened but chose not to say anything, instead she kep  t the closer zombies at bay with her wind to allow these two to.. _hav  e a moment_ if you will.  Scrunchy gave a small salute and shot at various zombies in the area,  until one seemed to come up out of nowhere to rush her. In the heat of   the moment she slammed her frappe into the zombies face, confusing it  , then shooting it with her slingshot. That was close.  But she did however mourn the loss of her double choco chip frappe. It   was a sad day indeed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I got you back buddy" Raincoat said as she was shouting at the Zombie  s that were coming at Loincloth. She then spotted explosive barrels an  d she got a smart idea. "Loincloth! I think those Barrels need a bit o  f fire Power!" She shouted as she points to the explosive barrels. "Yo  u Throw and I will shot!" Raincoat said as she keeps shooting at Zombi  es waiting for Loincloth to throw the Barrels. Meanwhile Father Crucif  ix was holding off the Zombies that were coming after Strappon these Z  ombies lay a hand on his Templar Brother in arms.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe froze for a moment. She didn't realize what has happening until   it finally hit her. She felt her sword start to drop out of her hands   but for a moment that didnt matter. She kinda just forgot her surroun  dings and let it happen. Her heart felt as if it were that of a hummin  g bird, and she closed her eyes. Her feet were visibly starting to cat  ch on fire too.
OWLIE:  Monocle flew upwards and gathered water particles in the air, once he'  s gathered enough water he willed it to freeze into a pointed icicle.  with a jab, the icicle launched and impaled three zombies at once. Mea  nwhile, Polo fell back to avoid getting blinded.
BRIT:  Duster was filled with enough rage that he was about ready to toss Leo  n into the abyss behind them. But he stopped himself.  "Heyyy, Scrunch-a-much! What's cookin'?!" Jacket called over to Scrunc  hy, waving at her. A zombie had begun to approach him, but he flung hi  s namesake off and threw Dual Pride at it, catching it as it miraculou  sly came back. "Oi, Trench. We gotta get outta here."  "I'd love to know what this has to do with Hell's Gate, also." Strappo  n said, referencing Flat Cap as Spurs explained some of the are to the  m, far from the chaos within the hoard of zombies, "Is this another Eu  ropean problem cropping up here? Last time we dealt with that, everyon  e got their arses handed to them."
SOPHIE:  Pumps sighed, blasting Pointe's feet with a strong enough wind to put  the fire out before it even spread. PTJ still couldn't quite take in w  hat had just happened, his face was red as all hell. As he looked towa  rds Pointe, he noticed a zombie coming up behind her, and he embraced  her, taking her sword from her hands and rotating them around so he wa  s now on the side Pointe was once on. He turned out towards the zombie   and sliced it in two with Pointe's sword, before returning to his emb  race with the girl. His hand wrapped around her back ever so gently, h  e held the sword out to the side for her to take back.  _"S-Sorry about that"_ he whispered, laughing softly.  Pumps couldn't help but be a bit awe'd but in the meantime she was fli  nging back ghosts so that these two could carry on you know. AS IF THE  Y WEREN'T SURROUNDED BY MONSTERS ABOUT READY TO TRY AND EAT THEM. ITS  NOT LIKE THIS WAS A DIRE SITUATION. NOOOO.  Scrunchy waved back at Jacket, holding up her empty Starbucks cup and  frowning. She knew better than to go yelling at least.
EMI:  Trenchcoat rubbed his eyes as he kept kicking the shit out of the thin  gs. He couldn't fucking see, so his legs were just flailing with surpr  ising accuracy and force.  "WHAT? I can't see you!"  In the meantime, on the other side of a warehouse, a small group of de  mons approached the viscus water. Mankini held a napkin over his nose.  "Ugh, I dread this task..." He groaned. "Let's try to make it quick th  is time..."  He shot a warning look at HP. "So hurry UP."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar pouts,"But mine are all blessed. Though I will listen t  o you." He kissed his baby's cheek. He was glad the other could protec  c. Twas hawt. The giant woman was currently at the end of a conga line   of zombies. Dzilla was chasing them with her axes taking them down on  e by one. If they could scream they would. Mary James was spilling wat  er on the ground in a circle around himself. He lets his teddy poke it   and it paralazes the zombies by giving them spasms. He sneaks out fro  m their legs to join his brother of sorts, Jong. "Hi mister Vampire hi   mister Jong." He chirped. The boy tried.
DJ:  Loincloth looked over at the explosive barrels and nodded to Raincoat  then grabbed one of the barrels and threw it at a group of zombies.  Unforunately for Helmet, his shout caused quite a few zombies to come  crawling out of the woodwork in the warehouse and began surround him.  Even Helmet knew that was probably not a good idea, but it mattered no  t. With the zeal of 100 crusaders, he began swinging his stick around  like an absolute madman, bonking and thwacking any zombie dumb enough  to get close to this idiot, which in this case was all of them. "I SHA  LL SMACKTH ALL OF THY BOOTIES WITH UTMOST ZEAL AND HOLY FURY!" Good go  ing Helmet, now even more zombies are coming into the warehouse.
KRO:  "No, it's not like that," Spurs said, "Malice in Europe's been around  since a historic event. It resulted from a gate being left open. Accor  ding to sources, there's a small Hell's Gate here in this town."
  They shook their head slightly, "If this was link to European affairs  , this town would of been wiped off the map a long time ago."
  Hots tapped his chin in suspicion as he rejoined the small group Spur   was in. This guy knew too much but it would compromise their search o  f the girl if he called out Spur to be the spy that took down Lethocs.
  Archer rested a hand on his hip as he looked back at the water.   "Thankfully that isn't the case..."
  "Don't rush the boy," Swing Coat said, coming up behind both Hairpin  and Mankini, "Keep complaining and I'm not afraid to report back to Sh  roud that you /tripped/ into the water."
  Hairpin simply glanced at the two as he lowered a tube to collect a w  ater sample, "It /would/ be a shame if we suddenly lost one of our bes  t ghost technicians."
  Swing Coat smiled as Hairpin played along.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe was clearly blushing the whole situation. It was her first kiss   after all. She didn't really expect it to have been like that, but sh  e wasn't complaining either. She was a bit surprised at the hug but th  en quickly realized what was happening. When PTJ handed her sword back   to her, she put her arm around him and spun around, almost as if they   were dancing, to get a zombie that was coming up behind him.She smile  d at him and focused "We're still surrounded by zombies, so we can tal  k about this later." She giggled a little, and in an act of bravery, k  issed his cheek before turning to face the other direction. "you got m  y back, right?"  Jong leaned over and kissed vamp on the cheek. "They also seem to make   people blind if they get too close to them. Better safe than sorry..  Oh hey Mary."
OWLIE:  "Nicely done," Monocle commented as he landed next to Polo and Dzilla,   He sent a sphere of water to push back some of the zombies, Polo grin  ned as he sliced one zombie in half, then leaped back and threw the ne  arest thing he could find- a rock the size of a baseball. It lodged in  to a zombie's face before crumpling and falling down.
BRIT:  "Trench, you have a //fucking boomerang!//" Jacket said to Trench as h  e threw his weapon once again, "Can't you swing that shit around? It's   long!"  Blazer had been watching Spurs with unwavering interest and they walke  d closer to him as he explained further what he had meant. They got aw  fully close.  "Oh, you're studly, have a nice voice, //and// you're smart. You got q  uite a package there, papi."  Strappon looked up from his contemplation at Spurs, then tilted slight  ly to one side to try to see behind him. He squinted.  "Are those... Demons?" He asked, pointing behind Spurs.  "Looks like them." Cowlneck said, fixing his hair in a compact he had  on his person. He snapped it shut, "They're taking what seems to be wa  ter samples."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Loincloth thrown the explosive barrels, Raincoat took the shoot, ai  med, and fired at the barrel causing a great explosion! "Hell Yes!" Ra  incoat said as she smiles and keeps shooting at the explosive barrels  that Loincloth thrown. Soon the Zombies were cleared on Loincloths and   Raincoat side. "Loin! We should go help the others out with their Zom  bie problem!" Raincoat called out to him.  Meanwhile Father Crucifix got done with his Zombies probably. "Hell Ga  te!?" Father Crucifix said as he was shocked to hear that. "How do we  close or is there one?" He ask as he looked at Brother Strappon wantin  g a answer to this. If there was a Hell Gate then they would be Demons   nearby.  Boxer keeps fighting the Horde that he was having trouble with though  he could hold them off anymore, so he ran away. He separated himself f  rom the group who knows where he was going but he was tried out from a  ll of those punches. "Need to rest..." Boxer said as he keeps breathin  g heavily as he runs from the Horde that was going after him.
EMI:  Trenchcoat stumbled backward just in time for Jacket's weapon to miss  him. He turned to behind him, which was actually really not where Jack  et was.  "IT'S HEAVY! DO you not SEE these terrible vegetables attached to my s  houlders!? As far as I'm concerned, I HAVE no weapon! You... You CLOD!  !" He shouted right into a confused zombie's face. The zombie, though  it had no visible face, ran away crying.  Mankini squinted at the human disdainfully, but held his nose and turn  ed his heel back to watch HP, holding up a clipboard.  "Keep up that attitude, Glasses McBookworm, and I'm sure the Absolute  wouldn't mind us coming back with YOU as the sample. Precious resource  , after all." He tried to figure out how to hold a pen and his handker  chief at the same time.
DJ:  Loincloth nodded to Raincoat and went off to clear off more zombies. I  f he had his magic, this shit would be a lot easier.  Flat Cap looked over at the demons as well. "Samples?" He then looked  down back at the water. "Wait....Puttin' all what Spurs said together  with this Malice shite that i can only assume is what's infectin' the  water, wouldn't it be logical to assume that the Hell Gate's....in the   water?"
SOPHIE:  PTJ nodded, turning to face outwards as well. He kicked the lance up a  nd into his hand and shyly smirked. _"I got your back."_  Of course, this was his first kiss too. Needless to say he was sorta f  labbergasted about it taking place in the middle of a fight for their  lives but I mean. Maybe next time it'll be under better conditions. As   they fought side by side, PTJ could feel his kokoro go doki doki.  "S-So like. Maybe after we get out of this-Wanna go to the movies?"  graceful as ever you funky little gladion expy.  Scrunchy meanwhile was off in wonderland, gracefully walking among the   zombies as if she were one, but maintaining a decent radius.  She walked on over next to Strappon and placed an arm around his shoul  der and leaned into the conversation.  _"Hey. The heck's happening."_ She whispered, squinting and looking at   everyone with confusion.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary gives Jong a hug and he smiles. "You're doing awesome by the way!  " He pewpewed.  Vampire Collar smiles a little bit at the kiss and he  ruffles Mary Janes' fluff. "Ahh I see I see. Hmm. Maybe if I just clos  e my eyes? Bad idea but an idea no less." Dzilla held her axes near he  r and she smirked,"And the same to you both."  The giant was flattered  . Dzilla raised her brow at the demon thing they were fine right?
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe's face was red at this point, and her sword was just completely   engulfed in flames. "I-I'd like that." She was feeling herself get a  little tired, but she had to have PTJ's back. So she kept at it, she e  ven threw off her blazer.  Jong smiled at Mary. "I think its best if we hang back, unless you're  cool with being bait. Which would require you attracting a bunch of th  e zombies to you so i can pick them off. You can get ones that get too   close, but try keeping a safe distance, okay?" Jong was concerned and   really didnt want this to backfire.
KRO:  Spur shook their head again, "No, it's not in the water. Malice is an  energy that can corrupt its surroundings. Just that it coagulates when   it comes in contact with the water," they explained.
  "You'll know where the gate is, that's where most of the zombies are.  "
  if it
SOPHIE:  Pumps looked back at the two lovebirds and doubletook.  _"Hey, guys if you needa take a bit, I can handle this-"_  She said, and in that moment she found herself caught off guard by a z  ombie. She grabbed it by the wrists, ignoring the blinding light in he  r eyes, she yelled through the pain __"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO ME  YOU LIL SHIT? ILL HAVE YOU KNOW I GRADUATED TOP OF MY CLASS"__ she bel  ted, kicking them back, regaining her vision and ripping her dagger of  f the baseball bat and throwing it right at the zombie. __"IN THE NAVY   SEALS"__ she panted, exhaling and looking around. Fucking hell she ha  d to be dramatic. That's what she got for taking theater.  She exhaled. "Backpack, second pocket from the left, near the top, my  wallet, I have a few 20's in there, go see jurrassic world or some shi  t, I don't know" she continued.  PTJ just stared in awe but shook his head. "We're not leaving you!"  Pumps sighed. Kids these days.
KRO:  Spur shook their head again, "No, I can tell you for certain it's not  in the water. Malice is simply an energy that radiates from gates, jus  t that when it comes into contact with water that it coagulates," they   explained.  "You'll know where an open gate is. It's always covered in ghosts or w  hatever it ends up corrupting."  They stiffened as Blazer came closer. If it was possible to see their  face, it would be beet red about now.  "Uh, well... You're quite beautiful as well..!"  They didn't exactly know how to respond but Hots rolled his eyes at th  e fact that there were people flirting in a zombie infested town of al  l places.  Spur's head snapped behind them as soon as Strappon pointed out Demons  . Holy shit, those were Demons.  Hairpin stared back at Mankini with an offended expression. As he brou  ght the tube back, it looked like he was almost going to dump all of t  he water on the man but decided against it.  "You throw me in the water and my father, who's an Absolute, mind you,   will personally see to your punishment."  "Boys, boys," Swing Coat said, "Please no fighting or else I'll throw  you /both/ in."
BRIT:  "Oh, hey! That's pretty great, Trench! Use your pent-up emotions to sc  are them away!" Jacket cheered him on from behind him.  "Why don't we ask them, then?" Cowlneck sneered, "Instead of making as  sumptions."  "We're looking for a missing girl, she happens to be in the viscinity,   or so it's said. As far as we're concerned, these demons are up to no   good." Strappon explained to Scrunchy.  His gaze was locked on Swing Coat with absolute intensity, and without   another word he stormed forward toward the demons.  "Hey! Demons!" Strappon called at them. He was aware Swing Coat was th  ere, but he wasn't about to refer to her as a human.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Jane's gulps, last time he was chased by zombies, they happened t  o be his parents. "U-uh sure!" The bean hated to disappoint. He takes  out his phone and he runs around playing the gummy bears song. "IM A T  ASTY TEEN PLEASE COME HERE AND NIBBLE. HAVE I MENTIONED I'M GAY?" Smh.   Vampire shakes his head, "Same honestly."
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy wrinkled her nose and looked at the rest of the gang. "A miss  ing girl?" She blinked, looking around as Strap stormed off. _"I hate  coming in late to parties.."_ she sighed, subtly contemplating if this   was just some kinda cover up. I mean. Demons were there. The whole Le  thocs thing and now this. It didn't bode well with her.
OWLIE:  Monocle snapped his head at the Strappon's direction. Demons? Well fuc  k. He turned his attention back to the zombies, releasing three more i  cy spikes their way. Polo picked up a crate and lobbed it towards an i  ncoming group of zombies.  "What the hell are you doing, kid?" Polo called out as he saw Mary Jan  es ran around, playing a song on his phone, and zombies at his heels.  Either the kid was stupid or brave. maybe both.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong facepalmed "I didnt mean you-fUCK!" Jong didn't have time to dwel  l on this, he refused let someone get hurt. "Babe, watch my back." and   with that, he flew up a little higher and started sniping zombies tha  t got too close to Mary.  Pointe shook her head "Yeet. We're not leaving you." And she went back   to kicking zombie ass.
DJ:  "Really? Huh." Damn, Flat Cap thought he was really on to something bu  t whatever. The more ya know.  Loincloth continued throwing barrels at zombies. Fuck all these barrel  s.  Helmet meanwhile was spinning around with his dic--I MEAN, stick out,  whacking half a dozen zombies at a time. "TASTE ME, THOTS!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I knew it and she here..." Father Crucifix said as he glared at Swing   Coat remembering what she did to those innocent people. The Demons he  re just made him angry. "What are you doing here, Witch!" He shouted a  t Swing Coat wanting to know what was her business for being here.  Meanwhile Raincoat was helping Loincloth clean some Zombies, they make   a great team. Loincloth's Strength and Her sharp eyes. She smiles as  she keeps shooting at Zombies from left to right at the head.  Boxer didn't know where he was, he had just realizes that he separated   him from the group. Damn it...
KRO:  Swing Coat shot Strappon a glare, not even letting Hairpin speak when  he opened his mouth.  "What are /you/ doing here. This area's restricted. Nobody aside autho  rized personnel's allowed inside unless..."  It was then that she saw Leon coming up behind Strappon. She gritted h  er teeth as she lunged toward the man, grabbing him by the collar and  suspending him in the air.  "Unless /someone/ snuck you in."  Leon was picked up so fast that he couldn't even scream, just kinda st  are at Swing Coat in pure terror. Seeing the poor man in distress, Hot  s ran up to Swing Coat, pulling on her namesake.  "Ay auntie. Cut the kid slack, I asked him to get us all inside to loo  k for my niece, okay? Not like you're making an effort to look for her  ."  Swing Coat stared at Hot Pants before releasing Leon, letting him fall   flat on his ass.  "Fine. I'll let you all go on that account. I am a busy woman after al  l."  "What's she doing here? She's one of our research partners," Hairpin r  esponded to Crucifix, "And what it is, well that's classified informat  ion."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "This is because the Hell Gate isn't, well we will close that Gate up  before it causes anymore chaos, Demon" Father Crucifix said as he glar  ed at Hairpin.
KRO:  /LAST TIME ON DCM:/  Soon after the fall of Lethocs, a missing person report was broadcaste  d regarding a young Ophir girl. Strappon saw this as an opportunity to   repair the reputation of his Angels and jumped into action. At least,   that's the reason he was trying to convince himself with.  Despite his efforts to gain entry into a zombie infested town, it was  Hot Pants who gained the Angels entry thanks to his quick smooth talki  ng of a certain security guard. On their look for the young Ophir, the  y encountered a new breed of zombie, one that blinded their prey based   on proximity. Keeping that threat in mind, they go deeper into the ha  rbor until their attention is caught by the neighboring body of water.   Inspecting it, they come to find that Demons (plus Swing Coat) was th  ere as well. Seeing as they have nothing to lose, Strappon directly co  nfronts Demons.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier had zoned out, he had decided that things got boring really fa  st and kept questioning why he even followed angels anywhere. But with   time he decided to join back with the rest of everybody, flying back  in and running a hand through his hair as the wind caught it as always  .Landing next to the group of angels he spoke gently.  “What I miss? Can somebody fill me in?” He stretched his arm as he spo  ke, unsure if fighting was happening or what.  Along with him slithered Cloak, chewing at his nails and looking aroun  d frantically. He had gotten lost and just finally made his way back t  o everybody. He wasn't having a panic attack anymore so… that was nice  .  Taking a deep breath he looked around for something to do.
DJ:  Flat Cap transformed his namesake to New High as Strappon went to conf  ront the demons and Miss Zombie Hands, knowing that things could get a   bit intense.  Loincloth continued throwing barrels at zombies. It was starting to be   pretty fun until a zombie some-fucking-how dodged a barrel and it hit   Collier instead.  Whether they were scared of the guy or just didn't want to get bonked  in the head again, the massive group of zombies once surrounding Helme  t left the warehouse in droves. "That is right, you breathless bonesac  ks! Flee before the holy fury of Helmet and his sword, LINCINIUS!" He  exclaimed with righteous.....righteousness.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket arrived late to the situation. He took too long getting  ready and ended up missing the convoy. Which meant that he had to walk   the whole damn way there. And walking that far in dress shoes was wor  se than walking on hot coals. He could already feel the blisters formi  ng on his heels and his feet were really starting to hurt.  “This…. sucks….” he said between breaths.  This was the hardest he’d physically worked in his entire life. But fi  nally, after an eternity he made it to where the rest of the angels ha  d converged. He stumbled over to the group and face planted onto the g  round.  “Never…. again!” he yelled as his face was still in the dirt.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat was shooting the Barrels that Loincloth thrown causing a lot  of explosion that would clear out a lot of Zombies. "Keep going, Loin!  " Raincoat said as she keeps shooting at the barrels along with shooti  ng some Zombies head. As she slowly was feeling lazy but having fun an  d being more active.  Boxer was lose, he didn't know where he was...
BRIT:  "Too busy to go find your daughter?" Strappon snapped at Swing Coat, t  rying to keep his composure, "Funny, you didn't seem too busy the last   time she went missing. You were fairly quick to try and find her, pre  ss coverage and everything."  Cowlneck scoffed at Father Crucifix and flipped his hair.  "You want to close it so bad, take a fucking swim." He said, jerking h  is thumb toward the dark water, "I bet you'd melt if you walked close  to the water. His holiness isn't strong enough, methinks."  As Collier likely hit the floor, a weapon that seemed completely unfit   to be tossed like a boomerang whooshed past his head.  "Watch out, we're in the middle of a zombie infestation!" Jacket yelle  d to him, "You almost got yote by that zombie!"  He looked around and sighed. There were so many, and people like Boxer   were walking around as if they were in a crowd at a con.
OSCARK9:  Seeing one of the zombies burnt from afar for any eyes to see, Gloves  use his __Fire Orb__ magic to burn them and Sapphire was with him with   her Glaive out. They where warn from hearing Hot Spur advice that if  one of the zombies get too close to them, they'll go blind. For safe s  tance and far away from the zombies as possible, Gloves use his __Pyro  mancy Magic__ to burn them.  "Stay close, Sapphire." Gloves said as he lunch another __Fire Orb__ a  t it.  "Okay!" Sapphire said as she squeeze her Glaive.  She can't believe that she's fighting actual zombies. Sure, she saw zo  mbies that's in halloween costume, but not like this. They hope that t  hey can find the Ophir girl A.S.A.P! Otherwise, they'll be goners with   the dead.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Oof, Collier just got hit in the head with a barrel… the zombies were  a thing too. Holding his head he squinted at Loincloth… what a brute o  f a man is all he could think. Fixing his glasses he rested his elbow  on his arm and scoffed at him. “Watch where you’re throwing things you   mongrel…”  He was clearly mad but apparently not mad enough to not do a seductive   pose, considering that was all he did in his spare time.  Slipping his hands into his pockets Collier was not in the mood to fig  ht a zombie and get his nails dirty. So he just dodged and weaved arou  nd them as he waited for his answers as to what was meant to be done h  ere.  And than another weapon went by his head, and he looked at whoever thr  ew that, sighing and crossing his arms.  “You think i'm going to waste my time killing these disgusting creatur  es… and risk my beautiful nails? No thanks.” He wasn't about that life   at all.  Cloak in the meantime had stabbed a zombie and was now on top of it, h  olding it down, looking in it's mouth… licking it… just doing gerneal  unsanitary things that Cloak does. Smiling he looked up around at his  surroundings, speaking ot himself.  “Ah this is so wonderfully disgusting… they are so… occultic… I mean i  t's not often you get to sSEE a zombie”  He quivered, his eyes shaking as he looked down at the creature. “I'll   half to take this one home with me!” He smiled nodding. “Is that what   you want? It is isnt it?” He was domesticating it.
EMI:  When Crucifix mentioned a "Hell Gate", Mankini's head snapped in his d  irection.  "Wait... A Hell's Gate? Here? " Mankini flipped through his clipboard  and looked over his notes. "Oh, that would make sense. What useful inf  ormation... Definitely a possibility. We would have never known."  Trenchcoat literally stopped Jacket by gently placing his hand on his  sternum. He looked at him, deadass.  "Did you just... say 'Yote?' You fucking??? TrOGLODITE???"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Do you got a better idea Angel?" Father Crucifix ask as he looked at  Cowlneck with a glare. "This is a Hell Gate! You think it is nothing b  ut it is something to us Humans!" He said as he was getting angry thou  gh slowly calms down. "It's important we close it or more people will  turn into the Undead" Father Crucifix said calmly as he looked back at   the Demons.
SAIYAN:  “It’s fucking yeeted” Tuxedo Jacket said as his face was still in the  ground.  He slowly pushed himself off of the ground and on to his knees. He loo  ked down at his clothes and saw that his clothes were all dirty.  "Guess that’s what I get for trying to look nice and being late” he sa  id with a sigh as he stood back up.  He took the time to brush off as much of the dirt as he could off his  nice clothes and tried as much as he could to get the rest of the dirt   off of his face and hair. All of that work, down the drain.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was filing his nails as he summoned his wings and flew into th  e air, essentially standing in mid air. “Honestly why do we care exact  ly if people turn to zombie freaks? Just let em suffer no big deal… le  ss gum on my shoe.”  He clearly stepped in some gum recently.  Holding his hand infront of his face he sort of just.. .sat down in mi  d air, above the fight and watched everybody below do the hard work. H  e was about ready to swoop in and claim some kills if not for the fact   that he figured he would get messy. So he didint. He had no real reas  on to fight so he simply watched, and if people got overwhelmed by the   creatures he laughed at them and clapped, cheering on the zombies.  Cloak was now blind and laying down on top of a zombie super confused…   somebody please help him.
KRO:  Swing Coat furrowed her brow in annoyance to Strappon's response. Her  hands lunged for him, ready to wrangle his neck but restrained herself  . Instead she caressed the man's cheeks, forcing a smile.  "Looks like you haven't lost your wit since we last met, /little man/.  "  Her attention turned to the Demons behind her who seemed interested in   the mention of a Hell's gate. Hairpin ran up to Mankini, leaving the  tube unattended, to take the clipboard and rummage through the documen  ts.  "That explains why the water's so fucking rank..." Hairpin muttered.  Within seconds, both Demons surrounded Father Crucifix showing keen in  terest in what the human had to say.  "Tell us," Hairpin began, "Since you know of this gate, care to tell u  s where it is?"  "NO, HE'S FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK NOW," Hots called out, dragging Crucifix  away from the two Demons. He gave Crucifix a glare.  "Keep your mouth shut next time."
OSCARK9:  Seeing zombies getting dissipate one after another by Gloves __Fire Or  bs__, Gloves and Sapphire saw more zombies coming out of their hiding.   While seeing more and more of them, Sapphire saw Cloak laying down an  d was about to be bitten by the zombies. Risking it, Sapphire summon h  er wings and flew over to him and jab her Glaive into the zombies' bra  in.  Sapphire look down at Cloak and help him up. "Are you okay?" She ask.  Gloves did turn around for a brief second to see that she help one of  it comrades. Smiling, he face back at the zombies and keep using its _  _Fire Orbs__.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix tries to say something but keeps his mouth shut and li  stens to Hot just giving him a nod like "I will keep my mouth shut" wi  thout speaking at all. He just stand beside Hot Pants as he stays quie  t.
DJ:  "Man, for a former templar, he sure likes to flap them gums." Flat Cap   commented then turned back to the demons, "So now, now that ya bastar  ds know what's here, are ye gonna leave now and let us find the girl o  r we are gonna have with you and those nasty lookin' hands of yer's?"  "Sorry about that!" Loincloth said as Collier went up in the air then  noticed he was out of barrels. Damn. Maybe there was something else ar  ound here he could throw at the zombies.  With the zombies gone, Helmet began searching for Pleats once more in  the warehouse. "MADAM  PLEATS, ARE THOU HERE?! IF SO, PLEASE CLAP!"
BRIT:  Strappon stood completely still, his expression unwavering as Swing Co  at caressed his face. His eyes were locked on her with the same intens  ity as before.  "Why are you collecting this gunk? What are you using it for?" He aske  d pointedly.  "Can someone please get the weird guy off the zombie? He's gonna get z  ombified, holy shit." Jacket grumbled before turning to Tuxedo Jacket  and Trenchcoat, "Hey! I don't fucking care what the past tense of YEET   is, just do shit other than correct me!"  He was pouting, he wanted to get shit done, and there were demons over   there arguing with their leader. The fuck was even going on???  He turned back to Collier with the same pout on his face.  "Uh, we're supposed to be protecting humans. That's /kinda/ our job, b  roski." He called over to him.  Cowlneck's face turned to a grimace as Crucifix had spoken.  "Augh. They didn't know? This is Northern standard, the pools of malic  e. Hell gates are generally the cause of these."
Somewhere in the distance by where Helmet was calling, there was a clap or two in response.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo was taken a back a bit by Jacket’s sudden mood shift. He really   hadn’t been around Jacket all that much, but from what he usually dis  played, he thought he was always happy and stupid.  “Jesus what’s gotten into you man?” he said before looking out at the  group of zombies.  “But fine, have it your way” he said getting into his fighting stance.  He walked all this way here and he sure as hell didn’t want it all to  be for nothing. Especially now that his clothes had gotten dirty!
EMI:  Mankini's face dropped from his toothy grin to a bored, unamused look.
 "Oh. Of course. We'll... 'Interview' the holy man later on then." He c  licked his pen closed, turning back around to their other research, an  noyed. He noticed the abandoned vial and his eye twitched. He pushed H  P toward it aggressively.  "Don't forget that, it's important."  Trenchcoat scoffed at Tuxedo Jacket. "Looks like you're in great shape  , buddy."
KRO:  "What we're doing here is none of your business. It's.../classified/ i  nformation anyways," Swing Coat said.  She gestured to the group, as if shooing them away.  "Now leave us. We're not doing anything that will compromise your miss  ion. Just make sure she doesn't miss dinner."  Hairpin nearly hissed as Mankini pushed him, grabbing the vial and han  ding it, uncleaned mind you, to him.  "You heard the lady," Leon said, "If we stay around here, it'll attrac  t zombies but that'll be the least of our worries with /them/ around."
 Hots nodded, tugging at Duster to get  his attention, "Babe stop clipp  ing inside of me, we gotta move out."  Archer had left the group as soon as he was made aware of Demons. As h  e wandered, he found Helmet when he was asking for a sign of the girl  and getting a response back. Tapping his chin, he approached Helmet.  "The clap is certainly hopeful, but be vigilant in case it's a zombie  being a smartass," he said.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo turned his head to Trenchcoat and relaxed into a normal standin  g position.  “Yeah, I know, and it totally made me late to get a ride. I had to wal  k over her, so yeah not worth at all. Next time I’m bringing a change  of clothes” he said to him.  He really regretted not doing that. Maybe he would even dress casually  …no that wouldn’t work at all.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Loin!" Raincoat shouted to get his attention and she points to some r  uin cars. "Those look like something to throw" She said as she goes ba  ck to shooting at Zombies in the head with a smile on her face.
JAY:  Biretta grunted as his vision slowly regained focus. He was rudely awo  ken by the yelling of one of his compatriots, and given that the voice   sounded like it was screaming through a tin can, Biretta guessed it h  ad to have been Helment, the rather loud fellow he saw around the abbe  y a few times.  Biretta sat up, forgetting when exactly he snuck away from the group t  o take a nap in an open crate in a warehouse, but it must've been hour  s ago. It was also quickly apparent that he had no idea what Helmet wa  s yelling about. "Y-Yes, I am here! I am awake!"
BRIT:  "I dunno man, I'm just having a hard time, I guess." Jacket sighed, "I  'm really fucking hungry."  There was a bit of a whine in that. What a baby.  Strappon made a motion to stop Swing Coat from leaving, but stopped hi  mself and groaned under his breath. He turned to the group that pooled   behind him.  "Let them leave. We'll get our answers again at some point, let's just   find Miss Pleats." He said, giving a definitive nod.  "You seem awfully concerned for this girl." Cowlneck said, looking in  a compact seemingly more concerned about his greying hair than the los  t child, "Almost as if you have a personal motive."  Strappon scoffed and walked past him, almost bumping him as he walked  by.  "Where did Blazer go?" He asked suddenly, "And the masked man, Spurs?"  Duster shrugged as he stepped a little away from Hot Pants. He took a  peer around only to notice Blazer and Spurs walking out of one of the  buildings... Together.  "Oh, Strap." Blazer said, fixing their hair and clothes a bit, "We did  n't find anything over there. Must have had fun talking to those demon  s. Anyway, let's head over that way, I heard clapping."  They pointed in the direction of where Helmet had disappeared to.
DJ:  "Uhhh....that might be a bit too big to throw around in a habor." Loin  cloth said noticed a chain anchor attach to one of the boats. That'll  work. He grabbed the anchor and pulled until thw whole chain was rippe  d out of the boat and began swinging it at zombies. Thanks to the chai  n, he wouldn't have to get too close them as he swung.  Holy shit, someone actually clapped. To Helmet, that was no suprise, b  ut God's Will that there would be claps. He heard Archer's voice and t  urned to face him. "Fear not, odd-looking birdman! For I am always vig  ilaint!" With that, he then ran off with the speed of ham. After runni  ng some distance through the warehouse, he stopped and called out once   more. "Madam Pleats, I require more claps to determine thou location!  " There was a brief moment of silence before heard Biretta and saw him   in one of the open crates. The guy looked a bit....demony to him and  he had his 'sword' ready to bonk him in the head. "Who are thou? Speak   quickly before I smite you!"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Jacket hovered down and looked at Jacket dead in the eye, his glasses  reflecting the sun at the other. “Listen here, you don't tell me what  my job is! My job is managing my business! I do help humans! I help so  me relieve stress, and I help others get off the streets, it's a win w  in.” He than  rips his collar off and summons his weapons, two brass k  nuckles with knifes coming off of them. “I aint gonna play nicie with  every human though, why should I!” He smiled and than punched one of t  he zombies approaching in the face, before shaking his hand in disgust  . “But fine… i'll kill a few disgusting heaps of flesh if it _amuses y  ou_”  Cracking his neck he turned to some of the zombies and licked his lips  . “Shame I don't have any rope.”  Cloak was now vomiting bubbles onto the zombie… hes fine.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier hovered down and look at Jacket..*
JAY:  Biretta found himself still half-asleep and couldn't process exactly w  hat Helmet was saying. Instead replying with a bit of a drone to start  . Helmet's demand to speak quickly was quickly overwhelming the older  man.  "Uuh... I'm the, uh, the new one. Er..." Closing his eyes in frustrati  on before he snapped his fingers a few times. "B... Biretta! You're- *  Yaaawn* You're Helmet, right?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "GO LOIN!" Raincoat said as she jumps around and cheers but then reali  zes what she was doing and blushes. As Zombies started to surround but   as she saw, Raincoat jumped in the air and pose with a smile on her f  ace as she sends down a storm of bullets. When she jumps back down she   blows the barrel that had smoke coming out of it. Raincoat was a Dead  ly Shot.  Father Crucifix ran to go find Helmet and Boxer still lose...
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo rolled his eyes a bit at Jacket but he took pity on the guy a l  ittle bit. Something suddenly came over him and he felt something that   he had never felt in his entire life. Was this…compassion? It felt re  ally weird to him. He sighed.  “How about after this I’ll buy you something to eat…or whatever” he sa  id to Jacket.  He wasn’t gay or anything, he was just trying to be nice or whatever.
BRIT:  Jacket made a face at Collier's immediate reaction.  "Bro, what the actual fuck." He said, "Buddy, pal, amigo. You wanna go   back to Heaven, right? It's literally way better than Earth. Sure, th  ere's a few rules, but it's just trying to keep us being nice people."
 He didn't know why he had to lecture another Angel, he wasn't even sur  e if he was going to listen to him. He was wanted for manslaughter, fo  r God's sake. He shook the sour look off his face and beamed at Tuxedo   Jacket.  "Aw man, that would be radical!" He piped up, "You're the fucking bomb  . I wish my boyfriend would do that."  He turned to see the rest of the group's leaving the viscinity and til  ted his head.  "Uh, hey guys. The group's headed off without us. We're here to find a   girl, not to fight the neverending wave of zombies." He called to his   companions in the area, pointing toward the rest of them.
KRO:  Sukajan squinted at Blazer as they walked back towards the group, grow  ing suspect of the pair as Spur walked out just a bit behind Blazer cl  utching his chest. Sukajan rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly.  "Right, let's go before we're surrounded."  The group caught up with Archer once Demons left the vacinity, seeing  how Helmet sped off into the distance, where he filled in everybody as   to what happened.  "Apparently mister knight heard a clap in response. I'm thinking it's  just a zombie trying to lure him in, so I wouldn't take the clap as an   method of finding the girl," he said.  Hots thought for a moment, his first initial thought being that zombie  s weren't that smart, but then again... He did see one running off cry  ing after someone else called it a clod.  Spur tried to keep Crucifix from running off but gave up. If the man w  as on a suicide mission, that's his prerogative. The girl was more imp  ortant.  "Anyway... There should be a safe zone somewhere around here. It's pro  bably where the girl's holed up."  Leon piped up, his eyes full of enthusiasm because he knew where that  was! He can be helpful too!  "Right! That's in the middle of the town but. While it's a safe /zone/  , it is surrounded by the obvious danger. Kind of like that."  Archer turned around to where Leon pointed at and blinked.  "Fog walls, huh? So those are here too?"
OSCARK9:  Sapphire take two steps back a was a little disgust of the vomit that  Cloak did at the zombie, but at least he's not bitten. Looking where C  loak stance, few more zombies are coming their way. "We should get out   of this area and return to our group." She said to Cloak.  Turning to Gloves, "Gloves!" She shouted. "We're moving back to our gr  oup! It's not safe here!"  Meanwhile, Gloves continues to burn the undead with __FIRE!__ While he   was doing that, he heard Sapphire voice. Probably not the best move t  o shout, but what choice to they have to make. "Okay!" He shouted back  . Now Gloves, Sapphire, and Cloak are moving back as fast as possible  while Gloves use __Flamethrower__ to make a path for all of them.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier squinted at Jacket. And unsummoned his weapons his hands now g  ross and dirty. Walking up to the other he just kinda… wipes his hands   on the others namesake and smiles. “Earth is plenty fine for me, I ha  ve no desire to go back to heaven… Ive been fallen for 120 years you t  hink I'm gonna change that now?” He scoffs and turns around. “Lead the   way, I don't know where i'm going.”  Cloak was now… very angry… who would kill such a wonderful creature. H  e stood up and looked at Saphire, and than back down at the Zombie.  “LOOK What you DID!” He coughed and choked as he spoke. “Why WOULd you   KILL IT!?”  He was scratching at his neck and pulling at his hair, his eyes wide a  nd bloodshot. “I Was perfectly fine where I Was! I was making real pro  gress! I could have had it tamed in another hour!! You imbecile!”  He held his stomach before puking again and spitting to the side. “Why   does nobody understand my work!” He started talking to himself mumbli  ng as he walked away with the rest of the group.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo looked at Jacket inquisitively.  “Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend? Who is he?” He asked him.  He felt like it was probably common knowledge but since he was around  Jacket much but still he was trying to make conversation and he was in   fact a bit curious about it too. His train of thought was broken by S  pur suggesting that the group begin to move towards the safe area wher  e the girl was.  “I guess that’s our queue to start moving then, huh?” he said to Jacke  t.
OWLIE:  "No offense, I don't think you could. I would've bitten your ass and t  urn you into a zombie," Monocle said bluntly as he walked over to Cloa  k, then decapitated a few more zombies on his path, Polo happily trail  ing behind him as they regrouped with the others.
DJ:  Flat Cap had a bad feeling about the leaving the demons to do whatever   the fuck they were doing, especially now that they know there's a Hel  l Gate around here, but Pleats had to come first. He then saw Polo and   ran to him. "Eeeeey, Polo. My main minty man, how ya doin'?"  Loincloth turned to Jacket and nodded after he had whacked another zom  bie in the water then went to regroup with the others.  The new one. New to what? The Abbey or prehaps.....HELL'S FORCES?! Jus  t be safe, Helmet gripped his sword tightly and swung at Biretta's hea  d. "YES I AM!"
OSCARK9:  Sapphire turn his head at Cloak and was a little angry at him. She was   about tell him about the zombie bitten, but surprisingly, Monocle was   their at the right place at the right time.  "I agree with Monocle." Sapphire said to Cloak. "It's our job to prote  ct you people and we'll be damn if one of those zombies bitten you."  Turning to Monocle with a slight smile, "Also! Hey, Monocle!" She said  , happily.
BRIT:  Jacket wiped the whatever off his jacket, giving Collier another kind  of pout before flagging everyone down to follow him.  "Hey, guys, we're headed this way!" He called to the rest of them. "Le  t's head to a full regroup!"  Jacket lead those who would follow him to the rest of the group, mostl  y hoping people would follow him on their own volition. He didn't real  ly want to have to collect stragglers, because this place was pretty d  angerous- he was worried there would be people already taken by the un  dead.  They found everyone where they had all been standing and staring at...   A fog wall?  "What the fresh hell is that thing?" He asked as he walked up beside S  trappon, hands stuffed into his pockets.  "A safe zone, seemingly." Strappon answered simply, "I certainly hope  miss Pleats is here."
OWLIE:  "Eyyy, Flat Cap," Polo grinned as Flat Cap approached him. "Doing grea  t, I've been taking out Monocle more often cause his pissed that Sneak  ers' is hanging out with that kid."  "I don't like that kid, he's a smartass," Monocle said, rolling his ey  es, then turned to Sapphire's direction and gave her a little wave, "H  ello Sapphire,"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak looked at Monocle and squints. “Don't doubt me… i'll feed you to   a ghost.” he said, his tongue slithering. “I know what i'm doing..” H  olding his hands together he reached into his cloak and pulled out his   spear, as it unfolded into a towering weapon. “Even creatures like th  is are tameable… you just have to know how.” He than heard the somethi  ng or other about them protecting them and Cloak got even more upset.  “Protect… me? I am Cloak! Harbinger of Darkness, and professional occu  ltic researcher! I do not need protection from you from these… petty c  reatures of darkness!”  He than walked over to a zombie and… shoved his hand int it's mouth, l  eft it there for a bout a second while pushing on it's neck with his o  ther hand and shoving it to the ground, and than tearing out it's tong  ue. “They will not bite if you do not let it… imbecile.”  After that he followed the rest of the group to the fog wall. And…. tr  ied to just walk in. “A wall of fog is nothing.”  Collier followed as well, swooping down while on the phone and checkin  g his watch, talking to himself.  “What do you mean theirs a fire?... Well put the god damn thing out??   Okay well thats just idotic… listen it's my day off… deal with it ple  ase.” He hung up the phone.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait for me!" Raincoat said as she runs to Loincloth following where  he was going. She was carrying her rifle though as she runs she shoots   at some Zombies for fun. "I LOVE BEING A ZOMBIE HUNTER!" She cheered  as she follows Loincloth with a smile on her face.  "Sir Helmet!" Father Crucifix called out as he keeps running with the  group to find Helmet. He just hopes that Demons don't get there first.  Boxer is still lose very lose...
JAY:  SMAAAASH!!  Before Biretta even had the chance to answer, he was slumped over, sec  urely unconcious in the crate he had been sleeping in all this time. H  is last vision being of Helmet's namesake and the echoing shout coming   from it, screaming "YES I AM!"
EMI:  Trenchcoat squinted at Jacket before following him.  Arriving at the fog wall, he stood next to the group.  "So... we just gonna stare at it?"  He watched at his brunette partner walked up next to some of the zombi  es, and he stared into the void with them. You almost couldn't tell th  e difference between Jacket and the zombies. Same face, devoid of inte  lligence and thought. He couldn't even try to mask his tired and irrit  ated expression.
OSCARK9:  Listening to Strappons' voice, they follow him and all of the Angels a  nd Heavenbents. Gather in one spot, Gloves and Sapphire stare at a fog   wall and was curious like the rest of the group
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak walks into the fog wall and... hits it... and falls onto his ass  .
SAIYAN:  "This is like some hunger games level shit right here. It's like there  's a force field here or something" Tuxedo Jacket said out loud.  He was trying to figure out a way to get past it. He put his hand to h  is chin and tried to analyze the fog wall. There had to be something t  hey were missing.  "There's gotta be some sort of trick to it" he said continuing to thin  k.
BRIT:  "H-huh?? Well, it's just a fog wall, right? Why can't we walk in? Do w  e have to destroy the enemies in the area?" Jacket asked as he backed  away from it and shrugged, "That's how it works in games."  Duster blinked and crossed his arms, staring at it at a safe distance  from the zombies.  "It is a bit out-of-the ordinary, even for a place like this. If it's  'safe,' then how would one get in or out?"  "Ah, a mystery." Cowlneck commented with a snort, "Have we /tried/ wal  king through it?"  Strappon watched as Cloak ran straight into the wall.  "Now we did." He answered simply, obtaining a grimace from Cowlneck.  "Try hittin that shit." Blazer answered, pulling their namesake off an  d swinging straight for it. The sword went straight through the fog as   if nothing was there. They furrowed their brow. "The actual fuck?"
DJ:  Flat Cap chuckled. "Well, can't say that isn't a normal thing for a pa  rent to do when their kid finds that potential special someone."  "Eh, they're good practice. Only wish these ones didn't blind people.  Just be careful and don't get cocky." Loincloth said as he watched Rai  ncoat shoot at the zombie before he caught up with the others and saw  Blazer hitting the fog wall. "Having trouble here?"  Biretta was knocked out, but he did not poof or bleed foul demon blood   when struck with his holy weapon, so in Helmet's mind, he passed the  test. He noticed Father Crucfix and waved to him. "Greetings, Brother  Crucfix! Have thou come to aid me in the search for Madam Pleats?"
KRO:  The fog wall made ripples as Blazer swung their sword through it, tiny   whispers coming from it. Suddenly, it began to bubble before arms wen  t in and grabbed Loincloth, dragging the large Angel in and onto the o  therside. He was fine aside from the pontential heart attack he may ge  t from the sudden dragging.  "You literally have to tell the wall you're walking through, you dunce  s..." Archer scoffed as he reached out to the wall and gaining entry a  s well. The small hands from before guiding Archer inside.  "Guess we better teach these Westeners a few things if European anomol  ies are popping up," he said as he was going through the fog.  Leon sniffed a little as he saw the two that had already crossed over,   hesitantly reaching out before being dragged through Spur and Sukajan   followed as well.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Oh Helmet...That's not a Demon that's a Angel" Father Crucifix said a  s he goes over to Biretta and help him up. "Brother Helmet, next time  wait for me or Brother Strappon before you attack" He said as he looke  d at then looked back at Biretta. "You Okay?" Father Crucifix ask the  angel as he looked at him.  "Don't worry i won't get cocky!" Raincoat said as she keeps shooting a  t the Zombies getting lots and lots of headshots.
OWLIE:  "S-special someone?" Monocle squawked, he looked at Flat Cap with disb  elief, "He's only 13!"  Polo laughed, earning him a glare from Monocle. They saw the others ge  t the to other side of the fog wall and decided to follow.
BRIT:  "Well, yeah. We can't fuckin pass through but our weapons can. It's a  hot load, lemme tell you." Blazer scoffed, tapping their shoulder with   their sword with a scrunched-up grimace-pout. They were done with thi  s mission already, even if they got fuckin laid. They wanted to find t  he poor chick already. She must be terrified.  Then Loincloth was literally sucked in and they dropped their sword.  "And then there's /this/ asshole!" They yelled, gesturing at the wall.   "Alright, fuck this. Let's go, open fuckin sesame."  They walked toward the fog wall and let the void take them.  Jacket blinked as he watched other people walking into the wall and ga  sped.  "That's absolutely fucking rightchous!" He yelled, "I'm comin in!"  He ran towards it, bumped right into the wall, then was dragged in by  the misty hands.  "It would be lovely if Norther Angels would share this lore with us /b  efore/ they treat us like we're idiots for not knowing." Strappon sigh  ed, turning to look at the rest of the group, "Let's head in and hope  we can find Miss Pleats."  "Lead the way." Cowlneck said simply.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak and Collier both walk through the wall via being pulled in.  Cloak thinks this way is cooler.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire eyes widen to see that Loincloth has been taken in   by bunch of arms and drag him to the other side.  "HOLY SHIT!" They shout, simultaneously.  As they saw others going into the fog, so did they.
SAIYAN:  TJ just looked in awe at what Archer had just done. It was almost as i  f the barrier wasn’t there for him. It just seemed really stupid!  “So, wait! You literally must tell a wall that you’re going in and it  will let you? Why is that a thing?” he said slightly angry and annoyed  .  Of all things that would work, it would be that. Deciding not to quest  ion it anymore, he walked up to the wall.  “I’m coming in!” he said before effortlessly walking through the other   side.
EMI:  Trenchcoat walked up to the wall and bumped into it. He kept walking i  nto it, feet moving but not going anywhere. Eventually, he was noclipp  ed past it.  Dermal, who was indeed with the group, pet Veil's head.  "You can stay here and look out."  She attempted to argue, but he placed a finger over her lips and hushe  d. His eyes gazed at the body of water in the distance again before he   turned around and walked casually towards the wall.  He bumped into it. He blinked and attempted to enter again. No budge.  The seraph, irritated, tried once again, pushing much harder.  No go. In fact, he felt like it pushed him back.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat jumps into Fog. "CANON BALL!" Raincoat shouted as she went in  to the Fog with excitement.
KRO:  Considering it was a safe zone, what lied beyond the fog wall was a le  ss dank, yet ruined town. Leon walked ahead of everybody else, scannin  g the area.  "Now if I was a young, rich girl...where would I be..."  "That's one way to put it," Hots commented. Yeah he totally also walke  d into the wall like everyone else did and wasn't skimmed over.  Archer looked back at Strappon, almost offended.  "Well, /now/ you all know. It's how we keep some ghosts locked up back   in Europe, after all."  "You can sass each other as  much as you want, but keep your voices do  wn," Spur said, pointing at the distance, "Just because it's a safe zo  ne, it doesn't mean there aren't other things inside the walls."
DJ:  "Oh shi-" Was all Loincloth could say before he got sucked into the wa  ll. When he got out the otherside, he fell on his chest and got back u  p on his feet. "Damn, fog wall. I didn't even tell it I was going thro  ugh. Guess it just wanted be funny." He mumbled to himself.  "13 is when hormornes start kickin' in and the kid's body begins to wa  nna date and fuck. Don't be suprised when they start holdin' hands and   wantin' alone time together." Flat Cap said before turning to the wal  l. "Open them legs, ya foggy beauty!" With that, he proceeded through  the wall.  "He's an Angel?" Helmet asked, both suprised and confused, "But those  eyes looked so....unnatural."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can't explain it but it's for accessory or something like that, Bro  ther" Father Crucifix said as he looked at the Angel then looked at hi  m. "Where are the others?" He asked as he looked around for Brother St  rappon.
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at the environment, seeing a few of the zombies   here and there. He crossed his arms at the chill in the air- it was m  uch cloder in here than it was outside. The air was at least a little  more on the dry side.  "Miss Pleats is a curious girl." He said in reply to Leon, "I mean, sh  e's an Ophir. She can't be stupid."  Cowlneck squinted at the Templar.  "You keep talking like you know her." He said suspiciously, but seemed   to be distracted by someone's lack of presence, "Where did Dermal go.  ..?"  "Didn't you hear him? Shut the fuck up, guys!" Blazer hissed, "We've s  till got undead dickwads wandering."  It was a harsh librarian shush that followed afterward.  "Where do we go... Now?" Jacket asked as he watched Trenchcoat get pus  hed in by the seemingly sentient fog.
KRO:  Going off from Cowlneck's initially train of thought, Leon also looked   suspiciously at the Templar.  "Yeah, you have such familiarty when it comes to her..."  "Whatever that entails, we'll have to leave it for another time," Suka  jan said, "But tell us, where do you think she'd hide when confronted  with a zombie infestation?"
EMI:  Now pissed, Dermal backed up and ran for the fog wall with a vicious m  ight. The wall opened up and he came barreling through the group of An  gels. The momentum had him tripping, until his foot caught something s  ticking out of the ground a little distance away from the other Angels   and he landed flat on his chin, sliding a bit.  The seraph simply groaned and glared back at the wall.  "Stupid... Cloud of... Garbage..."
DJ:  "A locked room, maybe?" Loincloth suggested as he observed the area.  Helmet looked around and the fog wall. "Prehaps through that fog." He  said then approached the wall and walked straight through it. When he  reached the other side, he looked around the area for a brief moment.  "Please clap!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands twice, obviously not k  nowing he had to keep his voice down. Not that he really would've.
BRIT:  "It's a personal matter." Strappon answered their prying shortly, turn  ing to see Dermal slide into view. He had been about to answer, but wa  tched as a latch had switched and a door opened on the ground out of n  owhere.  "Oh, Dermal. Thanks for sliding in." Jacket called over to the Seraph.  "That's... Dumbly convenient." Cowlneck pointed out, flipping his hair   in annoyance.  In response to Helmet's clapping, there was a clap coming from the und  erground way that had opened. Strappon ran straight for the entrance.  "She must be in here!" He called over to everyone, "She's smart enough   to know these dumb undead don't clap."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait up Brother Helmet..." Father Crucifix sighs as he picks up Biret  ta in Bridal-Style mode and walks in the fog wall while doing a Clap.  "Now where is the others?" He ask himself as he looked around holding  Biretta in his arms.
BRIT:  "If you wanna be saved from zombies, clap your hands!" Jacket began si  nging, there was a clap in response from the tunnel below, "If you wan  na be saved from zombies clap your hands!"  There was another set of claps in reponse. Cowlneck snagged Jacket by  the shoulder with concern.  "Jacket no-"  "If you wanna be saved from zombies and you're scared they're gonna fi  nd you- If you wanna be saved from zombies, clap your hands--!"
JAY:  Slowly begins to stir from his extended nap, so gratefully granted to  him by the loud crusader of the abbey. Biretta's mind is quickly confu  sed by his dangling limbs, but he quickly realized he was floating thr  ough the air. Before he was fully aware of what was happening, he let  out a yelp and squirmed out Crucifix's arms.  Well, next thing he knew, his face kind of, sort of, clapped against t  he floor.  "Gggh..." he gurgled, holding his now-bruised head. "Fffuck!"
KRO:  Before Jacket could finish his little skit, there were two slow claps  coming behind the Heavenbents. It was a zombie that had been staring a  t the group for a while. Its hands were extended over it.  While the moment was comical, given the comment from the Templar, this   was a signal.  Zombies started to rise through debris and others were tearing through   the fog wall.  With this scene unfolding, Leon simply yelled "RUN!" and pushed those  surrounding the latch away as he went inside it first.
BRIT:  Jacket looked up and his grin disappeared into a face of sheer horror  as he realized just /what/ he had done.  "Bitches, RUN LIKE YOUR ASS ON FIRE." Blazer yelled, pushing other mem  bers of the group into the open tunnel as if they were herding sheep.  Strappon assisted in dragging other people down to get them away from  the encrouching zombies. He was literally shoving Loincloth and Archer  , as well as a slew of other Angels. Cowlneck simply side-stepped and  entered as his own pace.
KRO:  "Shit!" Hots spat, taking out his pulse rifle.  Spur took out his weapon as well and both began to shoot as the rest w  ere being herded in.  "We'll hold them off!" Spur said, popping the head off one that came i  n too close for comfort, "Just find the girl."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Are you okay?" Father Crucifix ask Biretta then seeing people run. He   grabbed Biretta and carrying him Bridal Style once again.  Raincoat run too
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire went into the fog and on the other side with th  e rest of the group, they saw that Loincloth was alright and no harm c  ome to him. Except some dirt that got to him, but alright. Relieve, th  ey scan the area of the ruin town and was little uncomfortable and it  made Sapphire spins shivers. Is it the fog or the environment? Maybe b  oth.  Listening to Strappon, both of them rush over and enter as well, findi  ng the Ophir with claps, and __MAN__ They have company behind their ba  cks.  "LIKE YOU HAVE TO TELL US TWICE!" Gloves yelled. Both of the Angels ar  e running like theirs no tomorrow and they're not turning back at all.
 "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Sapphire cures, repeatedly.
JAY:  Biretta found himself once again being unable to properly respond befo  re he's picked up and carried, Father Crucifix following along with th  e mass of other angels fleeing from the zombie menace that was closing   in on them.  Holding his namesake tight to his head, he looked up at the male carry  ing him about. "Wh... What is even happening!? Did the mission just go   horribly wrong or something?"
OWLIE:  "Well fuck," Monocle said, grabbing his boyfriend with his free hand w  hile he's running as fast as his legs could. "We're going to die," He  took his phone and dialed Cardigan's number.  "Hey Cardigan, if I died, tell Sneakers I love him and tell him to sto  p hanging out with that kid." He dropped the line before Cardigan coul  d even respond. and stuffed the phone back into his pocket and dragged   Polo along the other angels.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak was not going to run, why would he when he was so fond of these  occultic creatures. Smiling he whipped out his sythe and swung it arro  und.  "Why run? Ill die happily in their arms!"  He was absoloutly insane it seemed. He took a deep breath and laughed  a little, coughing up ink as he did, he clearly enjoyed this.  Collier on the other hand was less willing to stay and he... simply sh  ot up into the air with his wings and waved at the others. "You all ca  n enjoy dying but I have people that need me so... I aint about that l  ife."  Hes going to stay in the air for now.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Nope! Mission is still going but we are running from a Zombie horde!"   Father Crucifix quickly said as he old guy he was strong and fast. "D  on't worry, i got you" He said as he keeps running with Biretta in his   arms.  Raincoat keeps running while shooting Zombies in the Head.
EMI:  Trenchcoat shrieked like a 5-year-old and ran. He ran fast and far int  o the tunnel, not even considering stopping.  Dermal lifted his torso off the ground and rubbed his chin, looking ag  itatedly back at the- well, it was the group of Angels. Now it was zom  bies, and they were disgustingly close to him. He stood his ass up and   dusted himself off as a few of them were shot by his comrad's bullets  , seemingly more concerned about the staining on his outfit.
DJ:  “HOOOOly shite!” Flat Cap yelled before he made a break for the latch.   These were risks and odds even he wasn’t willing to take.  Loincloth meanwhile, was a tad bit surprised when Strappon was able to   muster the strength to push not only him, but other angels as well in  to the underground way.  “I shall aid thee in the defense!” Helmet said as he slid in front of  Spurs and Hots and began whacking at zombies. Brave or foolish? You de  cide, folks.
KRO:  As Hots kept a steady pace of downing zombies, he saw Cloak not even b  udging.  "FUCK'S SAKE," he growled in frustration as he grabbed Cloak by the co  llar and dragged the man down into the tunnel.  "You're on your own for now, guy!" He called to Spur as he shoved Cloa  k downstairs.  Seeing Hots exit stage left and Helmet coming in for the substitution,   it's probably best they just lock the door.  Still, he was surprised the guy wasn't being affected by the zombies'  ability.  He then looked up at Collier, "Are you gonna leave or what? The door n  eeds to be shut."
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak did not appreciate getting dragged, and he nearly dropped his sp  ear. As the other was pulling him along he grabbed his weapon with bot  h hands and began to swing it at Hots. "Let go of me mortal scum!" He  was clearly in his own world at this point.  However soon enough he was in the tunnel and... figured that it would  be a pain to go back up so he just sort of... followed along.  Collier looked down at the dirty earth below and winced. "I didint par  ticularly want to no."  He than looked at the hoard of zombies before sighing. "But its better   than that I suppose." And he flew in. He wasnt going to touch the gro  und though... hovering lightly above the ground.
BRIT:  Strappon turned to make sure the rest of the group was able to get the  mselves down into the tunnel. He watched as the rest of them piled in  and looked up at Spurs from below.  "Don't get yourself killed, chap!" He called up, "Take Helmet and get  yourself in here before they swarm!"  "Please get your ass down here, I need that in my life!" Blazer called   up like the desperate, dirty ho that they were.
EMI:  Leaping like a fucking majestic gazelle over some of the other Angels  and parkouring off of walls, Trenchcoat booked it as far in as possibl  e. Literally. He slammed right into a door at the end of the hall.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat and Father Crucifix holding Biretta keep running from the Hor  de of the Zombies.
KRO:  "Right!" Spur responded as he grabbed Helmet by the collar of his shir  t and pulled him down. He quickly grabbed the open latch and closed it   shut but not before wondering about another Angel who was just outsid  e. He shook his head, he couldn't think about them now. If they're dea  d, they're dead.  He locked the latch just in time as there was now countless hands tryi  ng to pry it open, but the door seemed sturdy enough... For now at lea  st.  "There..." he said, a bit winded, "We should move. Don't know how long   that'll keep them out."  Not wanting to waste any time, he took the lead or rather, he went up  to where Trenchcoat crashed.  "Oh good, you found us a door," he said as he began to open it.
BRIT:  There was a scream from the room behind the door at the end of the hal  lway. Then there was complete silence.  Strappon walked down the hall and checked on the present Angels to see   if they were already.  "Anyone hurt?" He asked, pulling his gloves on to ready his healing po  wers, "I know we're about to enter another area. We're not sure if the  re's even anything on the other side of the door, but if you're ailing   speak now or forever hold your peace."  Jacket poked his head out from the group to see Trenchcoat.  "Geez, like a sack a' bricks." He muttered.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier spoke up and titled his head, he never was fond of strappon bu  t now he was just annoyed. "This aint a fucking marriage pinky..." He  shoved his hands in his pockets and scoffed at the other, cearly unimp  ressed as usual. "Nobodies fuckin' hurt, except maybe that guys feelin  gs." He pointed at Cloak, who currently was on all fours vomiting on t  he ground.  "Aaah! I could have had so many zombie slaves! It would have been wond  erful! I could have become the occultic lord I always dreamt of being!  "  He puked some more and slammed his face into the ground a few times, c  learly upset.
JAY:  Once they were safe, Biretta once again let himself down from Father C  rucifix's arms, albeit a little more carefully this time. After dustin  g off his dark cloak, he nodded towards Crucifix, "Thank you, I apprec  iate the aid and the update.  Looking around, Biretta's stoic face scanned the crowd carefully. He w  as silent for a little while, before speaking.  "I'm not convinced that the situation here's under control."
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire breath heavily for running like crazy maniacs and  look at Strappon with exhausting eyes and sweating a little.  "I'm good...Stra...ppon." Gloves said in his tiring voice.  "Same...here." Sapphire said in her tiring voice.
DJ:  I'm fine." Flat Cap said, sitting against the wall, "Just a bit winded  ."  "You could've become zombie chow more than anything else, boy." Loincl  oth said, standing over the puking ink boy.  Helmet sat on his butt, wishing he could whack just one more foul zomb  ie.
OWLIE:  "Yeah... We're good," Polo said, panting and wiping the sweat off his  forehead as he gave Strappon a thumbs up. Monocle rested an arm agains  t Polo's shoulder, looking tired, but he managed to nod.
BRIT:  "Bro..." Jacket said in the most sincerely worried voice at Cloak, "Br  o, it's okay. You'll figure something out. Maybe we can find you some  nice little ghosts like that there Mr. Petter all those years ago?"  He gave Cloak a couple soft pats to the back. Gingerly.  "Unfortunately, I can't recover people's energy." Strappon said with a   sigh, "But we can sit here for a moment to catch our breath."
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak puked like a lot more when Jacket patted his back before looking   up at him with a horribly disgusting ink covered face... whell mostly   his lower jaw and lip.  "RealLLY?" He had tears in his eyes as he held the others cheeks with  sparkles in his eyes. "That... Sounds wonderful."
KRO:  The scream that was followed by silence actually happened to be Spur h  aving one entire crowbar denting his helmet. He didn't say anything, s  taying silent from the pure shock. He tried to get it off but it appea  red to be stuck...very stuck.  He was having difficulty trying to get it off and Archer took this opp  rotunity to show off his strength, but he too failed.  Sukajan snorted as he pushed Archer aside. He had cybernetic strength  on his side, how hard could this be? Extremely so, even he couldn't ge  t it off. Hots rallied the two and then the three of them tried to yan  k it off the helmet but their combined strength still wasn't enough.  "What the fUCK!?" Hots yelled. This was ridiculous.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You can say that..." Father Crucifix said as he looked at Biretta bre  athing heavily as he looked at the Angel. "My name is Father Crucifix  and the man that hit was Brother Helmet, I'm sorry that he did that to   you" He said as he calms down and dust himself off.  "Loincloth, you okay?" Raincoat ask as she goes over to him worried ab  out her big buddy. "Don't worry! I got a few headshots at the Horde!"  She said with a smile as she looked up at him.
BRIT:  Strappon looked up from his actions of healing, whipping his head to s  ee what the commotion was.  "Holy shit, Spurs." Blazer whispered. "You can take the fucking lumps.  "  Standing in the doorway, there was a girl who seemed to understand wha  t was finally going on around her.  "O-oh! I'm so terribly sorry!" The girl spouted, pattering over to sna  g the crowbar off Spurs' helmet with relative ease. "It's just that I'  ve been hiding out here for so long that I've grown a tad paranoid. I  had a fellow drop in here about an hour ago looking quite winded, but  that was the only sign of life I've seen now for days. And now...There  's... So many of you..."  She looked around at the motley crew of Angels around her.  "I'm... Um. I'm Pleated Skirt." She cleared her throat and curtsied.
JAY:  "I figured the one that attacked me was Helmet. He's loud enough to be   quite distinguishable." Biretta gave a slight chuckle, though he had  to rub his head under his namesake, where he had received the blow fro  m his compatriot.  After taking care of that, he extended his gloved hand to Crucifix's a  nd too caught up in his greeting to notice the entrance of the mission  's goal. "I am Biretta. Former Cardinal of Naples. It's good to meet y  ou."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was beside her and waves with a weak smile. "Hey Guys, look at w  ho i found..." Boxer said with a weak smile as he looks at everyone. W  hen Boxer go lose he found Pleated Skirt and Protected her until they  found his Angel friend, he also explain to her what is going as well.  "Well, She found me" He said with a smile as he scratched his head.  "He believes he is a Crusader" Father Crucifix whisper to Biretta as h  e didn't want Helmet to hear it. "Wait Cardinal? I know see it! It's H  onor to meet" He said with a smile as he shakes his hand.
DJ:  "I'm good." Loincloth responded to Raincoat then heard Hots yell and w  ent to investigate. Upon seeing Spurs, Hots, and Archer trying to pull   out the crowbar, his first thought was how stupid they look trying to   pull it out and decided to help out. "Move." He said, pushing Hots an  d Archer aside before grabbing the crowbar with his big, meaty hand an  d pulled hard.
KRO:  Hots eyes welled up with tears as he saw that Pleats was okay, going i  n for a hug.  Spur sighed, feeling the dent on his helmet. He wanted to see how bad  the damage was, but couldn't risk showing his identity. He already sho  wed one person too many today.  "You're telling me," he told Blazer.
BRIT:  At the mere mention of her name, Strappon shoved past Hot Pants and gr  abbed Pleats' shoulders, giving her a serious look over before hugging   her.  "Miss Pleats, I'm so glad you're alive. I was so worried about you!" H  e managed, his voice cracking slightly.  Pleats pat his back with a soft laugh.  "Oh, Father Strap, it's alright! I roughed it out very well, actually!   Perhaps I could have gone without needing to eat spiders and other su  ch pests, but I've done well for myself. Boxer did well to keep me in  high spirits!" She explained, breathing better whe Strappon let his ir  on grip loosen. "Oh, my. I've grown quite a bit since we last saw each   other in person. It seems we're the same... Height."  "Whoa, Strap found a lady friend." Jacket pointed out.  "He's gay, dummy." Blazer said, giving Jacket a small shove.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier looked at the newcomer and a devilish smile crept onto his fac  e. "Ah!" He hovered over to the other and smiled, extending his hand t  o the other. "A pleasure to meet your aquanitance madam, I do not know   much about you but I must say you are quite striking!" He smiled and  leaned backward in the air sort of as if he were lounging in a hammock  . "I would like to offer you the chance of a lifetime! The chance to w  ork at one of my fine establishments! Perhaps you have heard of them,  many of them go by the name "The Collar Club" here in Daten, Others go   by various other names, but that is the most common... there are a fe  w around."  Yes he was trying to recruit her into his buisness. Stop him please.  "However if you are comfortable living your boring life as is... That  is fine as well." At least he was nice about it.
JAY:  "To think, a mere 900 years or so ago and I'm sure Helmet and I would  have gotten along famously." Biretta smirked at the quip, but then smi  rked even wider at the recognition he got from Crucifix. "Of course, o  f course. I cannot thank you enough for your help today."  He turned his attention back to the revelation of Pleats, who he vague  ly remembered they were supposed to be looking for. Squinting, he smil  ed, as if confirming to himself that indeed, they had found her. "Ah,  good, guess that's been sorted out."
EMI:  Trenchcoat stood up wearily until he was shoved roughly by Strappon an  d any other Angel that entered the room. He stood back up and Collier  roughly aside.  "You're in the way, weirdo."  His eyes met the gorgeous wonder in front of him, and he felt his hear  t flutter and color flush to his visage.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Group Hug!" Boxer said as he hugs Pleats and Hots. "I did Father Stra  ppon, i even told her what's been happening too" He said as he looked  over at Strappon with a smile. "Fun thing, i was like her Guardian Ang  el" Boxer said calmly as he keep hugging the two then fall asleep on P  leats.  Raincoat smiled as she gives Loincloth a hug.
DJ:  "I hate to intrerupt this touching moment but" Loincloth began, tossin  g the crowbar aside before Raincoat came in for a hug, "Now that we've   found her, how are we going to get out of here? Our only exit's block  ed by all the zombies."  Flat Cap was smoking some weed.  Helmet watched the latch, listening the sound of zombies trying to pry   it open.
OWLIE:  "Yay! Mission accomplished" Polo said happily, clapping his arms like  a kid. Monocle nodded in agreement, "I would like to know that as well  ,"
KRO:  Hots felt offended that Strappon denied him getting hugs from Pleats b  ut he was ready to eviscerate Collier. But let's not do that in front  of the girl. Instead he tried to calm himself with breathing exercises   before just leaning on Pleats.  "Ya mum said she wanted you back before today's dinner, by the way-"  He wasn't expecting the hug from Boxer and he shoved the Angel away.  "Oi mate, we didn't ask."
OSCARK9:  As they regain some energy, they're breathing normally and wave at Ple  ated Skirt with their own right hands.  "Nice to meet you, Pleated Skirt." Gloves said with a smile. "I'm Glov  es Stone, Virtue of Diligence. This here is my good friend, Sapphire N  ecklace."  "Pleasure to meet you." Sapphire said, smiling also.  "We're so happy that you're okay, no harm come to you, and well done p  rotecting her and keeping her in high spirit, Boxer." Gloves smile at  them.  Sapphire listen to Loincloth and Monocle voices, "Same here,"
OSCARK9:  "How can we get out of here." Sapphire said to them.
OSCARK9:  *"How can we get out of here?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier looked at Trenchcoat and crossed his arms, still not wanting t  o touch the ground. "In the- says you! Im simply offering the lovley l  ady a buisness opportunity! She doenst have to take it!" Flapping his  wings once he pushed up his glasses and reached into his pocket pullin  g out his phone. He was gonna go make some phone calls and get updates   on that fire. Looks like he cant take a day off after all.  Cloak was sitting in a corner brooding
KRO:  "There's gotta be some other way out of here," Sukajan said in respons  e to Loincloth.  "Better yet. /Where/ are we?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer jolt up and as he heard that they were trapped. "I have a plan!"   Boxer said as he holds up a finger and grabs his phone from his Pocke  t. Boxer went into the Lab and grabbed a bunch of Speakers, as he look  ed at Strappon with a serious look. "When the Music starts you guys ru  n as fast as you can" He said as he starts to make Armor made out of S  peakers. He goes over to Pleats and hugs. "Thank you" Boxer said as he   goes one of the exit and plays...  Thriller by Michael Jackson  "I AM A HERO!" Boxer said as he runs down the hallways trying to get a  ll the Zombies to hear the Music as he used himself as bait to save ev  eryone.  Raincoat and Crucifix just facepalm as they watch him leave.
BRIT:  Pleats laughed at the welcoming party, everyone was so happy to see he  r.  "I'm quite flattered to hear all of you are so happy to find me!" She  said, starting to play with her hair a little. She perked up at the me  ntion of an exit, "Oh, there's plenty of ways out. That was one of sev  eral entrances. I just chose not to leave for a myriad of reasons."  She gave the group a sheepish smile.  "This place seemed safe... Why was that?" Strappon asked, "I would exp  ect this place to have been swarmed."  "Oh, this is an active laboratory." Pleats explained, "I can't quite e  xplain it myself, but if we go back into the lab I can show you all wh  y I've holed up in here."  She scuttered toward the labs again, Strappon in tow.  "Is he gonna explain why he's so chummy with her?" Cowlneck asked with   little interest.
KRO:  "A lab, huh?" Spur muttered to himself.  That was an interesting development, but it made sense as to why the o  utside was relatively safe compared to the rest of the town.  Poor Leon was just confused. Was any of this normal? Is this how Calif  ornia just is? Man, he needed a new job. Or maybe move back home where   the only thing he dealt with was Mothman back in good ol'West Virgini  a.  He followed closely behind Hots who was following both Pleats and Stra  ppon, pondering the same thing Cowlneck was asking. Guess he had a few   questions to ask his aunt later on.
EMI:  Trenchcoat simply followed the crowd. Well, more followed Pleats. He w  as absolutely twitter-patted. She was so sweet and cute and raw as fuc  k and he needed to protect her.
DJ:  Loincloth followed the crowd, wondering what could be in the lab that  was keeping the zombies away. Was it a repellent of some kind or somet  hing else?  Helmet and Flat Cap followed as well eventually, though Flat Cap was a   bit stoned.
BRIT:  Jacket followed after Trenchcoat with a curious expression, sighing an  d stepping on his coat so he couldn't walk any further.  "Hey, bub. I thought you were /my/ boyfriend?" He asked, "What's the d  ealio?"  In the labs, there were clear signs Pleats had been there a while. Mor  e interestingly, there were signs that everything had been used fairly   recently, albiet a few days ago at best. Pleats lead them further int  o the labs where she rummaged through her bags.  She pulled out a large, glowing white orb and held it in her hands, ho  lding it up for everyone to see.  "I found this here orb sitting in the middle of the labs. It seems it'  s what's been producing the mist, I think." She explained, "I haven't  looked much into it, really. I'm not that well-versed in the ethereal.  "
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Should i go get him?" Raincoat ask Father Crucifix as she looked at t  he Exit he went down.  "I got the boy" Father Crucifix said as he goes down the Hallway and d  rags Boxer back as he fell asleep halfway in the Hallway. Father Cruci  fix slapped him across the face and pointed to Pleat.  Boxer nodded and went to Pleat Side again as Father Crucifix told hims   silently, He also took off that stupid Armor he made and put his phon  e back in his pocket.
KRO:  Spur was close to removing his helmet in pure awe but stopped himself  before his hands touched the bottom of it. Right.  "They did say there was a treasure in this town keeping an area safe s  oon after it feel to the Malice. Maybe this is it?"  "Yeah, I've heard about this- You know too much for someone who's new  in town..." Hots said, squinting at the man.  "I have my sources," Spur responded.  "May I?" He asked Pleats, holding his hands out.
OWLIE:  Polo began looking around the labs in awe then looked at the glowing o  rb on Pleat's hands "Ooh, pretty," Polo's eyes lit up with interest as   he attempted to touch the orb. Monocle sighed and swatted his boyfrie  nd's arm, grabbing Polo's hand and holding it with his.
DJ:  Flat Cap was looking around the lab, observing the equipment and any w  ritten notes that he could see as he smoked his joint.  Helmet was staring at the orb. It looked pretty and he wanted it.  Loincloth was just watching this shit from the sidelines.
BRIT:  Pleats saw everyone trying to touch the orb and giggled.  "I suppose it is rather mesmerizing." She said, handing it off to Spur  s, "It doesn't seem to be toxic to humans, but I wonder if it has anyt  hing to do with the strange zombie-like creatures."  "It would be a fair explanation." Cowlneck offered, peering at his ref  lection in one of the monitors, "Not sure how, but considering it's no  t human tech..."  "Oh, how wonderful. Something that's foreign to the Northern Sect." St  rappon answered sarcastically.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You know you didn't need to slap him..." Raincoat said as she looked  at Father Crucifix.  "It was a wake up slap, back in my Templar Day if we didn't wake up we   got slap" Father Crucifix said as he looked at Raincoat.  "You and that Old Day stuff, you know the past is the past" Raincoat s  aid as she goes over to Loincloth to help him out.
EMI:  Trenchcoat's coat tails tugged and he blinked. He looked back at Jacke  t.  "So what, I can't look?!" He snapped. He stopped and blinked again. Th  e gears were turning.  "WAIT. WAIT WHAT. NO." He shrieked. He spun around to look at the pret  ty orb, trying to hide his blazing red face.
OWLIE:  Monocle strode over to Father Crucifix and Raincoat, his eyes narrowed   and a hand on his hip, "Yeah, I agree with miss Raincoat here, I don'  t think that's appropriate Father Crucifix, You don't need to slap him  ,"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Well..." Father Crucifix was about to say something then he realize h  is fault. "Your right, it's Boxer has been acting weird lately and i j  ust want to help him..." Father Crucifix said as he looked at Monocle  then at Boxer who was with Pleats.
OWLIE:  "Well, you're helping him plenty," Monocle said sarcastically, meanwhi  le Polo just kept staring at the the orb.
DJ:  "Okay, so maybe we assume this thing is some kind of zombie repellent.   So let's head to the nearest exit and test it. If it is a repellent,  great. If not, we'll just fight our way out and study this thing back  at the Abbey." Loincloth said, crossing his arms.
KRO:  As pretty as the orb was and everything else that was irrelevant to Le  on, he figured his task was done and he was ready to go home and sleep   for a week.  "Hate to break it to you all, but we gotta move before those zombies o  ut there break the other exit open. I don't really feel keen on testin  g out if this orb is a repellent. We've had too many close calls tonig  ht."  "Right, of course," Spur said, putting the orb under his arm.  "Miss Ophir, care to lead the way?" Spur asked, handing the orb back t  o Pleats.
BRIT:  "Unfortunately, Miss Pleats, we have to return you to your home." Stra  ppon explained, almost sorrowfully.  Pleated Skirt made a face, then sighed, nodding her head.  "You're right. It was foolish for me to run away again, but the things   mother says about Angels, and the way my family has treated you all..  . It's not fair! I wanted to help you." She said giving a slight stomp  . She wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye and put on a smile,   "Sadly, it reminds me of the first time we met... When you helped me  and kept me safe for a time."  "It's a fond memory." Strappon said, rubbing Pleats' shoulder. "And we  'll likely have many more. You're free to visit the Abbey any time you   please. Hopefully, your mother won't be able to stop you this time. B  ut you have to stop running away."  Pleats gave a tough nod, giving another sigh and looking around at eve  ryone and offering them a sweet smile.  "Let's all get out of here, then! I'll lead everyone to the way out, b  ut I hope we can plough through those horrible monsters." She said.  "Heck, yeah!" Jacket said, swinging his arm enthusiastically, "Many mo  re memories, right? And lots of busting heads!"  "Jacket, you're still a wanted man." Cowlneck reminded him, causing th  e boy to droop.  "Well, everyone. Let's head out of here." Strappon said, gesturing for   everyone to follow.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix nod as he follows Hot Pants.  Boxer stays beside Pleats to keep her safe and protected even though s  he healed him and keep him safe.  Raincoat reloads her Rifle ready to shoot some Zombies heads.
JAY:  Biretta remained relatively silent while observing the revealed labora  tory, though when the odd ball of light was brought out, he found hims  elf quite fixated on it through the entire conversation.  He snapped out of being lost in thought with the command to head out,  following his first order for the night and following along to leave t  his awful place.
DJ:  "Finally." Loincloth said, rolling his eyes as he followed Pleats.  Flat Cap finished his joint and tossed away the butt. "Right behind ye  , Strap." He said, readying his weapon ready.  Helmet followed the orb more than anyone else as he was still transfix  ed in it's beauty. One could see drool drip out of his namesake.
OWLIE:  Polo tore his gaze away from the orb. He held Monocle's hand as they q  uietly followed Pleats and Strappon, Polo looked at him and said, "Wan  na go get tea after this?"  Monocle blinked, and then he gave Polo a small smile smile. He's fucki  ng tired but he won't refuse tea, "Of course,"
OSCARK9:  With a nod, Gloves and Sapphire follow with the rest of the group and  __man__they're gonna fight more of the zombies outside.  Squeezing their namesakes tightly, they're ready to rumble again.
OSCARK9:  *__man__
And so, having found Pleated Skirt, the Angels and Heavenbents made thei r way out of the laboratory to find many of the zombies had just... disa ppeared. Dermal sat in a lawn chair as Veil served him iced tea. He lowered his s unglasses. "Oh, you made it out. Look at that." He said simply, getting up and stre tching. "Good, this place is awful. Let's get out of here." As the rest of the group fully emerged, Leon's phone rang and he answere d with a less than enthusiasic expression. "What? They're waking up? And... There's a sudden increase in activity? Huh. Okay. Alright." He said, hanging up. He turned to the group and dro pped his phone on the ground. "We're fucked. And I quit." Strappon sputtered for a second. "Y-You can't just /quit/ how the hell are we getting out of here??" He m anaged to yell. "It's your /job/!" "Not anymore." Leon laughed, turning and walking out, "This is how you l eave, Pinky." Bereft and beside himself with rage, Strappon pulled at his hair for a s econd before looking up to the sky for help. And help was recieved. Above them, a large white UFO lowered itself to a few feet above the cre w. A light shone down, and in it appeared Ovr'kot with a welcoming smile . "Greetings, Earthlings! We recieved a call that you may require some ass istence to come back home. Need a lift?" He asked, clasping his hands to gether. Leon looked upon the spaceman with awe. He tossed off his shirt and ran into the distance, sputtering something about forums. "Yes, thank you..." Strappon sighed, giving the Original a genuine, but tired, smile. "Though, I'm not sure how Dermal got my number. Oh, well." The Original laughed as they were all beamed up into the Angelic Spacecraft and carte d back to the Abbey.
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