#just my jumbled thoughts no disk horse pwease
biomic · 3 years
actually that’s part of why i loved the competition arc in zero-one and the show in general bc it put so much focus on these smaller stories. everything about kamen rider nowadays feels like it has to be big and epic and it just gets kind of exhausting when we can’t go five episodes without a brand new upgrade to shill. and obviously all of that is still in zero-one but the show did a good job at keeping itself centered on the humagears and their connections to humanity
like there’s so many minor humagears that i still remember clearly bc i was so endeared to them and their stories. the sushi chef, the voice actress, the florist, smile the realtor, it felt like we were getting back to that early phase 2 structure where we could actually like, take a breather and have a brief but emotional detour from all the other stuff going on. it’s important to show kamen riders actively helping people rather than just blowing up monsters bc otherwise why should i care that they’re fighting. every rider’s fighting to save the world, but to see them fight for real people and their dreams makes the themes of kamen rider hit home so much harder
obviously on a macro scale the whole “robots are people too” message got a bit muddled and zero-one could’ve gone a lot farther with it, but i really appreciated how they handled their episodic narrative. zero-one’s world feels full and vibrant, and i loved that about it
“the job competition arc slowed things down” good!! fuck modern rider pacing i would like to watch a story about a robot firefighter proving himself to his human captain instead!!!!
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