#just please dont actually treat it as serious vore it's just a comedy 90s cartoon trope
Pizza Tower: The Series Episode Concept
Title: "The Root Of The Problem"
Season: 3
Summary: Noisette returns to the enchanted section of the forest to thank Clove for helping her earlier, but finds herself caught in one of the many curses that lay there. Will she be able to escape? The rest of the cast is having problems of their own due to an enraged Fake Peppino...
Notes: I wanted to continue the story of Noisette and Clove's building friendship (don't worry, it's nowhere NEAR as long, literally just one more episode after this one) before posting the Season Finale of Season 3 because I am just too excited to post it.
As Noisette enters the enchanted forest, she looks for the brightest lights. That's almost guaranteed to be where someone lives in this place. However, what she doesn't know is that she stepped in a trap. But it hasn't activated just yet...
As she makes her way further into the forest, she notices her legs getting heavier and heavier. Still determined, and believing she's just getting tired, she keeps going.
Eventually, as she arrives at a little area filled with books and a hammock, she finds that she can no longer move her legs. Right on cue, Clove arrives.
Clove harshly questions her coming back and tries to get her to leave, but once she tells him she can't and he takes a look at her legs (which now have roots growing out of them), he immediately changes his tone and tries to find the artifact needed to remove the curse that if left unchecked, will transform Noisette into a tree.
As he prepares the artifact to remove the curse, he expresses how he's baffled with how Noisette doesn't seem to be taking this seriously, instead just being her usual cheerful self. Her response:
Noisette: I'm not worried about that! Because you're here to help me!
Clove is speechless and simply frees her from the curse. To his surprise, she starts hugging him and thanking him. When he tells her to back off, she obliges, apologizing for being too forward "for a new friend".
As Noisette leaves, Clove hangs on to the words "new friend" before going to sleep in his hammock.
Over to the B-Plot.
During a picnic with the cast, Fake Peppino cheerfully watches some butterflies fluttering about without a care in the world. Then The Noise ruins it by crushing the butterflies into a pulp.
Fake Peppino gets pissed off and unleashes his enraged state. Starting off, he devours The Noise, then he starts mindlessly attacking the others.
Once The Noise manages to explain what's happened (which is a lot harder to do in this situation), Peppino decides to try to calm Fake down.
After a lot of failed attempts, he eventually does so by showing him another set of butterflies, which brings him back to his peaceful mood.
Noisette then enters the scene, seeing Peppino next to Fake Peppino, everyone else injured on the ground, and no Noise in sight.
When she asks where The Noise is, he lets her know in advance that it might be a while before he comes back home. Humorously, Noisette just accepts it like this is a normal thing.
Peppino asks Noisette how she stays so cheerful, to which she just giggles and the episode ends.
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