#just realised that Mel just played the role of a Cult Leader's Wife ha ha that was unintentional I swear
shikaramelssay · 7 years
It’s a cult. here’s why
- new followers are indoctrinated on what to read, what not to read, who to follow and who to block.
- requires commitment and loyalty to all members, expressions of independent though (ie criticism) or support for any other side of the fandom will get you shunned.
- engage in historical revisionism and use of propaganda, which confuses people new to the fandom or who aren’t aware of what’s true and what is manipulated (eg photo manips cutting out previous partners, using old interviews but framing them as though they are about the current partner, insisting that previous evidence of happiness was contrived or for show, but recent evidence of happiness is real and improved)
- isolationist tendencies, ie once you are in you block all others.
- requires great time commitment and devotion to the cause (campaigns, polls, votes, down votes, cleansing the tags) at the expense of regular life activities
- reality blurs with fiction
- “endgame” is some weird doomsday prophecy that only they believe in. This part worries me for what will happen when it is not.
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