#anti karamel fandom
mrowmrowmrow9 · 1 year
been watching some supergirl reaction videos on YouTube lately and it’s pretty hilarious watching the sc fan/Mon-El hating reactors call him shit like mayo boy or white bread etc with a straight face
like…do they just magically go color blind when Lena and Kara come on or…?
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@karamel fandom
Some of you have been attacking Jesse for being the male lead in s4 only because your fave is gone. That's disgusting. No one should ever hate on an actor for his role and then saying don't post pics with you in we don't want you on the show when it's only them hating on him.
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macman521 · 6 years
You know what? Mon El is still a jerk:
I can’t believe with all the”character development”, Mon El Is still an jerk. Seriously he’s been married for imra for 7 YEARS and he still has feelings for Kara. Now Imra is forced to become his rebound girl? Unacceptable. Imra deserves so much better than that. Oh, and screw all Karamel fans for thinking this ok or for justifying this. Sorry but y’all suck.
EDIT: Ok, turns out I was wrong about the marriage lasting for 7 years. Mon El was in the future for 7 years but it was never confirmed to actually be 7 years. However, my other points still stand.
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Of course the Supercorp Shippers would get blamed for shit they didnt do. So again, Some Kermlins and WestAllen/Iris Stans are accusing supercorp shippers of being racist because supposedly Supercorp shippers are saying they were boycotting black lightning (Which By the way, No supercorp shipper even said) because BL is forcing the Legends to take up Supergirls night? That is just hilarious and makes Zero Sense. Why would the Supercorp fandom, the people who are happy about the Nine Week hiatus, Say they would Boycott BL because of it?
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If you couldnt tell, these are karamel shippers here, not supercorp. These are Karamel shippers who are showing a big distaste for BL because of the hiatus.
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These are supercorp shippers who are excited about the hiatus and Supercorp shippers who are excited for BL. So why are people trying to accuse them of not wanting to watch BL because of the hiatus? Why are people bullying the fandom off of rumors? If your going to accuse a whole fandom for something like this than you should bring some actual proof and facts before doing so other wise its going to make you look like a dick who is just trying to start shit. I could easily get more screenshots of the Supercorp fandom saying they were excited for black lightning and how they were excited for the hiatus but I legit threw this together in 10 minutes and these were the only screen shots I had.
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angelfireeast · 7 years
The Supergirl fandom is calling for a boycott Black Lightning
The Supergirl fandom is calling for a boycott Black Lightning under the false presence of the show not having enough girl power or gay representation.
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The show with black lesbian superhero and Asian lesbian superhero love interest is lacking in gay representation? Really? REALLY?!
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Two of few DC comics woc LGTB characters on the same tv show, one in leading role and the other as a love interest isn’t enough gay representation? Please tell me where is else on tv I can find woc in an interracial LGTB relationship to give me gay woc representation that doesn’t involve white people?? Name FIVE shows on that are air right now in US. Name Ten and I’ll shut up.
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A show with two black female superheroes sisters, Thunder & Lighting isn't enough girl power? Superhero Grace Choi doesn’t bring enough girl power? You know the meta-human superhero team member of the Outsiders who also happens to be decent of Bana Amazonians which is why Wonder Woman calls Grace her cousin. btw, Grace was on WW’s all-girl superhero team. I mean that's not even touching all the other badass female characters on the show all of whom are women of color. 
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Supergirl fandom has only ever cared about one thing and one thing only WHITE characters and ships. The only representation they give a damn about is white lesbians leading a ship or the other side of fandom white woman and white fuckboy. The Supergirl fandom is so transplant and it doesn’t matter what ship Karamel or Supercorp or Anti-Guardiancorp it’s all same shit. I’m so done with bratty, selfish, toxic fandom who thinks they can say and do anything and go ‘I’m not racist because X and this issue is more important then that so it’s okay if I’m racists.’ I’m so sick and tired of Supergirl fandom and how the longer the show goes on the worse they get. 
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shikaramelssay · 7 years
It’s a cult. here’s why
- new followers are indoctrinated on what to read, what not to read, who to follow and who to block.
- requires commitment and loyalty to all members, expressions of independent though (ie criticism) or support for any other side of the fandom will get you shunned.
- engage in historical revisionism and use of propaganda, which confuses people new to the fandom or who aren’t aware of what’s true and what is manipulated (eg photo manips cutting out previous partners, using old interviews but framing them as though they are about the current partner, insisting that previous evidence of happiness was contrived or for show, but recent evidence of happiness is real and improved)
- isolationist tendencies, ie once you are in you block all others.
- requires great time commitment and devotion to the cause (campaigns, polls, votes, down votes, cleansing the tags) at the expense of regular life activities
- reality blurs with fiction
- “endgame” is some weird doomsday prophecy that only they believe in. This part worries me for what will happen when it is not.
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“If THIS is what the showrunners and writers had in store for us Karamel fans,Mon El shouldn't have returned to begin with.It's so insulting to even sit through this type of mess. “
“The less i say about Saturn Girl,the better.IF she doesn't die soon violently in some manner or leaves Earth-38,i'm rioting. Thumbs down.I cannot believe the writers went the predictable wife route.Seriously?!? Whatever happened to Mon El's never ending love for Kara? “
 “ONLY way i accept his behavior is if he is being mind controlled or emotionally blackmailed by Saturn Girl,his so called wife.If not,they can go screw themselves.”  
“I have no doubt in my mind that Saturn Girl is evil AF.That's not even a question in my mind.I know how this show works.Which is what makes this situation even worse.Either Mon El is deliberately hurting Kara to actually protect her from that Bi!ch or he doesn't have any control over what he is saying or doing to anyone to begin with. “
Mess. Just a freaking mess. This is an actual comment from  Kar*mel shipper after watching. I wouldn’t be shocked if others felt the same.
I said it a long time ago, but here’s the proof of them automatically hating on Saturn Girl because she’s with Mon-Ew.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
Kat Graham, Candice Patton, Mehcad Brooks, and Azie Tesfai all deserve so much better.
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I’d pretty much given up on TVD by this point but I saw some screen shots on twitter a few weeks back that said circa 2016 Delena stans leaked Kat’s phone number, which is just awful. But I vividly remember reading the youtube comments (clearly I’m a masochist) in high school and seeing Bonnie get called a judgemental bitch for so much as breathing wrong at the Salvatore brothers. Never-mind that they frequently brought death and danger into her life.
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And the cherry on top of this sundae of fandom racism. The actors who are literally just doing a job have to see the things you demons tweet at them. And it seems like they don’t get much support from the network. 
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Again, they all deserve so much better. 
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i’m still pissed at half of karamel twitter for that dumb “#hetersexualpride” bullshit they pulled during pride month when it was supposed to be panromantic pride day so this fandom is on thin fucking ice
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emxjpeg · 3 years
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(On procreate)
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theodoredimas · 3 years
It would be sweet sweet justice to see those psycho antis have a breakdown if karamel is truly endgame. And I’m specifically talking about the ones who sent death threats, body shamed, bullied, etc. It’s what y’all deserve.
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I don't get the "red and blue is Kara and Lena" trope. Red and blue have been Supergirl and Valor colors since the comics... if anything, red and blue is Karamel, not Supercorp.
I guess, because they wore red and blue in some scenes it means they are endgame or something
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But it's against this
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What basically means, Kara wears a lot of red and blue clothes.
Also, sorry not sorry, but all they have are parallels while we have sex, kisses, i love yous, cuddling, supporting, cooking for each other and other stuff that says a couple is a COUPLE.
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sarah-cam · 4 years
superc*nts: MeLiSsA aNd KaTiE wErE dOnE sOoOo DiRtYyYyYy
melissa, after your crazy asses literally bullied her husband and friend off the show/social media:
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I’m going to feel bad for Amy Jackson in the upcoming Supergirl season
She was cast as Saturn Girl. Saturn Girl is a hero from the comics and co-founder of legion.
Why will I feel bad for her?
Well, saturn girl is rumored to be dating/married to Mon-El. There are people from the Karamel fandom already trying to make her out as a villain. She hasn’t appeared yet, but that damn fandom is trying to erase her status as hero. Why? All because she’s in the way of their precious ship. 
One person even said that Mon-el is only with her because she took his memories of Kara away. WTF? I don’t like him, but the man is allowed to move one. Especially if it’s been like 10 years from wherever he ended in the finale. 
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