#just realized i forgot their name tattoos oml
risetherivermoon · 1 month
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been doodling out some oak twins art for my own fic abt them becuz ive been really obsessed with it!! (aka the lark releases willy au lol)
so heres me sketching out their designs and playing w/ watercolors by drawing lark (specifically in chapter 4)
--- fic link below cut
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kkaebsongtypo · 7 years
Coffee and a Muffin // Mark Lee
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(A/N: Wauww,,,, I want to be active and stuff so I'm back with a Mark soulmate scenario! I am also working on a Haechan Soulmate REQUEST. That one should be up maybe this weekend??? I'm hoping T.T Anyways, I'm going to work on these a/n things because, clearly, I'm not very good at them aha. That's all, enjoy some fluffy Mark time ;33)
pairing: mark x reader
genre: floooooffff
warnings/notes: possible language???
word count: 4388
(Side Note: Coffee and a muffin is kind of a lowkey theme but it's not extravagant. again, I didn't proof read, i may or may not proof read later, but I'm in class right now so yeahh♥♥♥)
Theme/Summary thing:
ink au (like my renjun au, swing set :D)
mark lee is Mark Lee from NCT
you're an nctzen
if you didn't read Swing Set then I'll explain the tattoo thingy rn
if you read it then feel free to skip this :)
if one is drawing or writing on themselves, the other can feel the pen/marker/etc. as it’s writing
same goes for tattoos ;333
random tattoo needle pains haha
pen drawings fade/wash off
if you didn't physically get the tattoo yourself, it fades to a very, very faint tattoo, almost to the point where it's barely noticable
cute little back story
as younger children, you two didn't really write on yourselves like ever
so you never new about any of that soulmate writing stuff
until you were like 10 and Mark was 11
you drew this little heart on your wrist at school
so Mark felt like a pen was drawing his skin
so he looked down to where he felt the sensation and he was like
so when he got home he was like
hey mom
why is there a heart on my arm???
I didn't draw this
and his mom is like
that's your soulmate sweetie
they draw on themselves and it shows up on you too
and little Mark is all like
so his mom tells him that if he draws on himself it will show up on his soulmate
so he's like
can I write to them?????
so he starts writing to you
but that only lasts around 2 years because he moved to korea and became a trainee at sm
so he couldn't write on himself/to you anymore
so he just kind of completely cut contact
and his scedual got so busy that he just couldn't contact you ever
you moved to korea with your family and now you're 16
and you have a job at this small cafe
and it's summer so you voluntarily take the night shifts
did i mention that you fucking love nct
you actually recently got your first tattoo
which was that cool nct u logo
you do sometimes wonder about Mark
you, also being completely oblivious that tattoos show up on your soulmate too
speaking of Mark
(the day you got the tattoo)
Mark was practicing with the boys for their up coming comeback
and all of a sudden,,,,, he feels this pain in his left shoulder
(if you don’t know what getting a tattoo feels like: it feels like the tip of a sharp knife slightly cutting into your skin,,,,,,it’s not that bad,,,,)
(that's somewhat accurate,,,,,, I can't really explain it,,, I mean I have a tattoo so,,,, it's more accurate than not T.T)
so he walks up to the mirror and pulls the collar of his shirt down and sees the nct u logo being drawn onto his skin
and he's like
'what the hell is she drawing with??? a knife????
so he google whether or not a tattoo your soulmate gets will show up on the other
oh snap,,, they do
wow what a surprise
so he's like
'hm so she's a fan'
he is actually looking forward to meet you because he know you like their music
so you must like him
so a week later
you're working your usual night shift at the cafe
not many people come around at night
the ones that do are usually just in a hurry for work or they're on a trip and need to get going
so you're just wiping down the counter
and then the door opens
and in walks Mark with sunglasses, a mask and his hood up
(A/N: rewriting this makes me realize how shadey that would actually be oml lol)
it was around 1:30 am when practice finished so he decided to go to a nearby cafe and get some coffee and maybe a muffin
so he walks up to the counter and you greet him and ask what he would like
so he orders a coffe and the looks over at the small glass case of baked goods
he hums in contemplation before asking you which muffin you'd recomend
you've never been asked that before so you were slightly unprepared but soon spoke
'well, I guess it really just depends on what mood you're in. I like the blueberry more in the mornings, like for breakfast, but i prefer the chocolate chip for late nights. I made a small batch them fresh about 10 minuets ago, they're prreettttyyy amazing,,,, or that might just be me being over confident in my baking skills.'
smiling up at him as he pulled his mask down and chuckled
he returned your smile and finished his order
'well then, I think I'll have one of those amazing, fresh chocolate chip muffins you made.'
so as he was getting the money out of his wallet,,,, you pulled your hair into a low ponytail
he glanced at you as he handed you the cash
and that was when he saw the nct u logo tattooed on your left shoulder
right where his showed up a week prior
he watched as you turned around to get one of the fresh muffins from the cooling rack and place it on a small white plate
he started speaking when you placed it infront of him
'i like your tattoo'
you looked down at your shoulder to peek at it as you started to make his drink
you laugh lightly because you lowkey forgot it was there and reply with
'oh, thank you,,,,,,,'
you trail off, implying you want his name
and he's like
'you can call me Min'
and so you're like
'thank you, Min'
and so he continues running convorsation as he takes a seat at the little bar area infront of you
'so I'm assuming that you're a fan of nct u'
you nod
'yeah, well, I'm a fan of nct as a whole group'
'so is nct u your favourite unit?'
you shake your head as you finishs his drink, placing it infront of him as you spoke
'no, like I said, I love nct as a whole group. But if I had to pick a specific unit, it would definetly be dream.'
he nods and quietly thanks you for the coffee
after wiping down the counter once more, you pull a stool out from under the counter and sit in front of him as he starts up conversation again
'so, who's your bias in nct?'
(oh shit time to spill the tea)
you think for a moment before saying
'Well I love all of the members so kind of just have one from each unit,,,,'
'alright, so then lets's start with u, and then 127, and then dream.'
you giggle and start
'okay well in u,,,, it's probaby~~~'
'hmm, probably Ten,,,, or Jaehyun,,,,'
so Mark is like lowkey disapointed
but nods anyways as you continue to 127
you smile and sigh before mummbling a quiet um
'in 127, Taeyong,,,,,'
you started with confidence and then you're like
',,,or Winwin.
finally you reach dream
and Mark is ike more than hopeful
third time's a charm right?
'in dream, 100% Renjun.'
'but like,,, Jeno.
'ah yeah, 100% Renjun.'
and now Mark is like hella disapointed and lowkey confused because he wasn't mentioned at all
he's in all three unites so he's like
I should've been mentioned at least once,, right- I'm cool ri-
his thoughts are interupted by you saying more
'Renjun is probably my bias in nct as a whole group now that I think about it,,,,,'
'but then Mark like ruins everything,,,'
'ultimate bias wrecker'
you giggled at the last part
and now he's just beaming so he starts talking again
'so, do you like any other groups?'
and y'all continue conversing about music and other interests
Mark decides to keep his identity from you
he's having a good time just talking to you like Mark and not Mark Lee from nct
and since you two are soulmates, he wants you to know him as himself and not mr. long ass ride
and he wants to know you as you and not a fan of nct
(not that the sunglasses can hide that adorable smile of his)
after a while of talking, you decide to make yourself a drink as well
so he's just observing you as you make your drink
you sit down again and get back into convorsation
you two don't even realize the time until Mark gets a text from Taeyong saying that he should come back to the dorms
because it's 3 am and they have paractice again tomorrow
so he says he has to go
but before leaving he asks if you're working again tomorrow
and you just tell him that you have the night shift for the rest of the summer
he nods and gets up to leave
but as he goes to open the door
he turns around and pushes the door open with his back
and he's like
'you're really pretty by the way'
with that beautiful smile
you blush and let out a soft 'thanks'
the next day
he comes back
this routine continues for about a week and a half
and he's falling for you fast
y'all are soulmates after all
so about a week and a half later
he came in at the usual time and you're like
'hey Min, you want the usual?'
and he nods
putting the cash on the counter as you grabbed his muffin
once you both have your drinks
you sit in front of him like usual
and he starts to speak
'hey so,,,, i have something to tell you'
so you nod and he takes off his sunglasses and hood and is all like
'heyy,, I'm Mark,,, from nct'
and you just smile and say
'hey so,,,, I have something to tell you too'
and he's just hella confused like
?????? I'm Mark????? From Nct????? One of your favourite kpop groups?????? Your ultimate bias wrecker??????
but he just nods slowly
and you're like
'i kind of figured that out when you started talking to me that first night haha'
and he's like
'????? you didn't even say anything though????'
and so you smile and explain your reasoning
'well i just thought that if you wanted me to know you were Mark, you wouldn't have come in here with sunglasses, a mask, and your hood up'
and he's just shook™
he's now just looking at you with so much adoration beacuse of your respectful act
he has fallen so hard for you at this point
so he looks down at the sleeves of his hoodie
and then he looks back up at you and asks for a pen
you hand him one despite your confusion
so he rolls up his sleeve and starts writing
all of a sudden you feel that old writing sensation on your arm and you look down to see something being writen onto your skin
when he puts the pen down you look up at him
he smiles and nods towards your arm which now reads
hey, we're soulmates
and you look at his arm too
which read the same little message
so you look up at him and you're just like
'how did you know that????'
and he whispers a quick 'oh' of realization
and takes off his hoodie
he pulls the collar of his shirt down
revealing the nct u logo on his left shoulder
right where you got your tattoo 2 weeks ago
he just smiles and is like
'I saw it that first night I came in,,,, but I didn't want to scare you by walking in and then immidiately going 'oh hey i know we just met buT WE"RE SOULMATES' y'know..'
and you just like smile and walk out from behind the counter to where he's sitting
once you reach him,,, he turns to face you
and you wrap our arms around his neck for a hug
he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him
between his knees so you could stand in his embrace comfortably
after a few seconds,,,, Mark pulls back to look at you
keeping his hands on your waist,,, and you keeping your hands on his shoulders to look back at him
you two smile at each other
and Mark begins to speak
'I really do like you y/n'
to which you reply with a giggle and
'I really like you too, Mark'
he smiles and leans his forehead on yours
he glances down at your lips for a quick second
he looks back up into your eyes and whispers nervously
'can I kiss you?'
to which you blush and nod with a smile
so he leans in and gently presses his lips against yours in a sweet, innocent kiss
one of his hands moves up to cup your cheek as you both pull away
smiling and resting your foreheads together again
he strokes your cheek with his thumb and you giggle
you peer over to the clock and see that it's almost 5 am
you pull away from Mark and walk back behind the counter and start wiping it down
you glance up to see Mark observing you with an adorable smile
you laugh quietly and speak up
'my shift ends when my coworker gets here if you wanted to do anything'
he looks up at your face and asks
'hm okay, what did you have in mind?'
you shrug and look back down at the counter as you dry it
'maybe we could go on a real date'
he giggle
'a real date, at 5 am'
you laugh as you took off your black apron
'a real date. At 5 am.'
ahhh oml my heart
honestly i love Mark with all of my heart
mr. long ass ride is also yaballa bahiya boy
and i love both sides
i'm working on a haechan request but i might post jeno as a filler
look forward to it
be there or be square
~ Jae☾
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