#just rings the same as yes sell us a scammy plot of land before you deep dive into the life of an influencer who started out as a literal
alongtidesoflight · 2 years
i think the funniest thing about this established titles scam is that literally none of all these youtubers shilling the company to their userbase saw any kinda issue with people "buying" and "owning" a plot of land to begin with as if parts of scotland could just be handed out to people who have never and will never set a foot in the country like a pack of skittles during recess
like. what was the thought process here. it's especially nerve-grating to watch "investigative" channels vomiting up half-hearted apologies now that the cat's outta the bag. what, you can do enough research to make up a two hour character assassination piece on a person but you can't type established titles into google and take a look at the first couple of results that warn about it being a scam? and don't get me wrong, those results were there way before they got "exposed". where are your investigative skills now. have they ever been there to begin with or are you just perez hilton'ing it and leaning into gossip and rumors that sound spicy.
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